Sunday, November 12, 2017

Starrleena's Weekly Soap Critiques - November 6-10, 2017

Weekly Critiques – November 6-10, 2017

The Young & the Restless
Abby’s big day turns into a nightmare as Victoria steals the spotlight and she learns the truth about Zack’s role in the dating app/sex trafficking scandal; Cane’s world is turned upside down as Juliet dies and their son is left motherless.

The Bold & the Beautiful
After the demise of the Spectra building at the hands of $Bill, Liam admits his indiscretion with Sally to Steffy, who feels hurt and betrayed; while Wyatt vows absolute loyalty to $Bill (one wonders if it’s because of his relationship with Katie and is afraid of $Bill finding out)?

General Hospital
The Two Jasons story continues as DNA tests confirm the same DNA in the two men who claim to be Jason Morgan, making them identical twins; Nelle makes a big mistake blackmailing Valentin and ends up showing Nina the photo of her husband and Cassandra kissing, who abruptly fires her.

Days of Our Lives
As the search for Will Horton heats up, a guilt-ridden Paul confesses to seeing Will in Memphis, prompting Sonny to seek Will out; Sami and Rafe learn Will isn’t in his grave and is excited to know Will’s alive; JJ, with Lani with him, seek out the perp attempting to break into a building and after giving the prep proper warning, winds up shooting the perp, only to discover it’s Theo!

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