Monday, March 5, 2018

Wild Speculation! Where In the World Is Chelsea Lawson?

When Chelsea first left Genoa City rumors ran rampant through The Young and the Restless (YR) fandom. The question of where she was heading and what she would do when she got there left viewers scratching their heads.

Mommy Dearest
For the most part, everyone thought for sure Chelsea (Melissa Claire Egan) would run back to her momma’s house. Afterall, Anita (Catherine Bach) is not only one of the biggest scammers out there, but also she taught Chelsea everything she knows.

Obviously, Anita would take her daughter and grandson in and protect them until everything blows over. Anita pulled off much worse schemes back in her day and hiding a wanted felon fits right in.

Anita’s A No-Go
However, it seems Chelsea didn’t go near her mother at all. In fact, the only communication she’s had with her mom is mailing her a rather scandalous flash drive that Anita uses to blackmail Nick!

So, if Chelsea wasn’t driving to Anita’s house that night where was she going?
Back to Basics?
It’s no secret Jordan (Darnell Kirkwood) aided Chelsea on the sly. He used to be her partner in crime and had they picked up right where they left off. He even went so far as to take her car in order to throw Victor off her trail.

Jordan can use his connections to help Chelsea start a whole new life. It wasn’t that long ago when Adam was alive and she called Jordan for help to get new IDs for their escape.

Frenemies Unite?
Then there’s Kevin (Greg Rikaart). His recent homecoming came around too perfectly, and it seems rather obvious that he had a hand in setting up the scammer site. He’s just as afraid of Victor and knows exactly why Chelsea would want to get away from The Moustache.

But, there’s one little problem – running to Kevin also means running to Chloe. Even if Chelsea did get wind that Chloe (Elizabeth Hendrickson) still lives, would she want to see her again?

Love Wins?
This really only leaves only Adam himself! What better ending to Chelsea’s saga reuniting with the man she loved. Adam’s been off the grid since his death, but if he contacted his wife she’d go running!

Plus, what other reason would she have to take Christian if she was going anywhere else? Being tied down with one child is hard enough on the run and two is nearly impossible. She wouldn’t think of taking that risk unless it was to reunite a father with both his sons!

The Young and the Restless (YR) airs weekdays on CBS. Check your local listings for airtimes.

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