Sunday, February 21, 2021

Days of Our Lives: Soap Hub Critic’s Week In Review


Everybody’s got an opinion…especially where their favorite daytime drama is concerned – and Soap Hub is no different. For five days we sat and watched the good, the bad, and everything in between, and now we offer you a handy review, and a cheeky critique, of the Days of Our Lives week that was.

Days of Our Lives: A Critic’s Week In Review

Truth be told, the Ciara/Ben storyline was getting a little tiresome. Everyone in the real world knew from the beginning that Ciara (Victoria Konefal) had survived her supposed death and the whole heroine held hostage in a cell story is old pat.

But boy oh boy did DAYS deliver with that shocking and bloody assassination of jailer Rhodes! That was a twist NO ONE saw coming, and adding the deliciously twisted Evan/Christian Maddox (Brock Kelly) into the mix was a stroke of genius. Now that the game – and its cast of platers – has been entirely rebooted, the stakes have been raised to the nth degree. Audiences, fasten your seatbelts. This is going to be one heck of a ride!

Further DAYS Musings

* Did Gwen’s (Emily O’Brien) graveside apology and mini-breakdown, which was nothing more than a calculated attempt to elicit sympathy for a legacy character-murdering villainess, actually do the trick? How about her tense face-off with Charlie (Mike Manning), which included her flat-out accusing him of being a rapist?

* We get that Susan (Stacy Haiduk) is creepy and kooky. And all together off her freakin’ rocker. But how in the world, given what she’s already experienced in the past, can she seriously expect Kristen (Stacy Haiduk) to keep up her end of the bargain when it comes to their little jailhouse switcheroo? This is the same woman who tried to imprison her in a secret room alongside her beloved Dr. Marlena Evans (Deidre Hall) AND ship her off to a foreign land where she’d be initiated into a sultan’s harem.

* Okay, call us suckers for romance, but we’ll stand by the claim that there was nothing cuter this week than Sarah (Linsey Godfrey) and Xander’s (Paul Telfer) double proposal. Their fun and playful relationship has been a boon for this soap, so here’s hoping the two can maintain these same attributes when faced with the inevitable onslaught on detractors, and interferers. Lord knows couples can’t stay happy for very long.

* Perhaps Xander and Sarah’s next adventure could tie into DAYS’ upcoming “Who Shot Charlie?” mystery? Their adorable bungling of the “Who’s Philip’s Accomplice?” caper was must-see-TV, and TV, in general, is in desperate need of a crime-solving couple in the vein of Nick and Nora Charles and Jennifer and Jonathan Hart.

* Double points to Gabi (Camila Banus) for rightfully pointing out Abigail’s (Marci Miller) serious lack of apology skills. One would think that she’d be pretty good at busting out the, “I’m sorrys,” considering all the seriously pissed off wives she’s had to apologize to.

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