Tuesday, March 30, 2021

With Sarah Gone, A Look At What’s Next for Days of our Lives’ Xander


Getting dumped by your bride on your wedding day is enough to send the most well-adjusted groom into a tailspin. So what will it mean for the emotionally damaged Xander Kiriakis on Days of our Lives? Well, it might not be pretty, unless the show’s writers decide to toss viewers a curve and not go down the predictable route.

Days of our Lives – Back to the Gutter

What’s the predictable route? Sending Xander (Paul Telfer) back to the gutter. Reverting the character back to the cold cruel thug he was before he fell in love with Sarah (Linsey Godfrey) and developed a heart and a conscience.

Xander could, once again, be relegated to doing his uncle Victor’s (John Aniston) dirty work, no matter how harsh or ruthless. Without having Sarah to inspire him to do better and Maggie (Suzanne Rogers) around to hold him accountable, he could simply return to his old dastardly ways.

Onward and Upward

Xander fans, however, are hoping for a better fate. Considering how far Xander has come, and Telfer’s appeal as a leading man, the character is abundant with potential. Over the past two years, he’s gone from henchman to Titan executive.

And aside from his misguided role in the swapping of Sarah and Kristen’s (Stacy Haiduk) babies, which he only took part in because of his love for Sarah and Maggie, he’s actually transformed into a pretty decent guy. Perhaps he could throw himself into his work and somehow make peace with Philip (Jay Kenneth Johnson), as the pair team up to take Titan to new heights and finally overtake DiMera Enterprises.

Friends and Lovers

As for a new leading lady, it should take a while before Xander starts looking for anyone new. Moving on with another woman too quickly would be disrespectful to his true love story with Sarah. Xander needs time to grieve and heal after losing his soulmate.

In the interim, the soap might want to focus on his friendship with Jack (Matthew Ashford), who’s been missing Jennifer (Cady McClain) since she left Salem. The pair’s blossoming “bro” relationship has been fun to watch, and there’s a nice rapport between the two actors. Maybe Xander could help Jack on an undercover story at The Spectator.

If and when the time comes for Xander to move on romantically, there aren’t many options in Salem. Half the women in town loathe him and for good reason. He’d likely have to hook up with a newcomer to town or someone with a past as iniquitous as his.

Currently, that leaves one woman: Ava. The former mob princess would be an interesting match, not to mention a formidable one.

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