Friday, April 7, 2023

Weekly Spoilers: April 10-14, 2023


The Young and the Restless

You’ve gotta give it to ol’ Smilin’ Jack: When he goes in, he goes all in. So he isn’t swayed in the slightest by new evidence that makes Diane look extra guilty. Meanwhile, the person who is extra guilty — the “late” Phyllis — is starting to wonder whether the theme song to her whole cockamamie scheme shouldn’t be “Oops… I Did It Again.”

Week of April 10:

Young & Restless rant: Phyllis’ plan will backfire big time! Plus, the return of Naughty Nate, the future of McCall Unlimited, Sharon and Chance, and more.

Monday, April 10:

Hmm. We’ve seen Daniel a lotta ways. In love. In trouble. Addicted to porn, even. But we’ve never seen him vindictive before. So what form will his plot to avenge mom Phyllis take?

Hope she saves the receipt, because when Ashley gives Jack a reality check, you can bet that he’s just gonna have one of the servants return it.

Is it the beginning of the end for “Skyle”? As Kyle struggles to connect with Summer, we may be seeing the first signs that Phyllis’ “death” might kill her daughter’s marriage?

Tuesday, April 11:

The corporate world should be shaking in its corner offices as Victor strategizes with Devon. When the old guard and the new guard team up, anything goes.

Michael just hasn’t been the same since his bestie started playing dead. But what comfort can Christine offer his wife when she commiserates with Lauren?

It’s a little late for this! Nevertheless, Phyllis second-guesses her alliance with Jeremy. If we were her, we’d press “play” on Phase 2 of her plan to start over, ’cause her next great love could be right around the corner.

Wednesday, April 12:

Danny keeps a secret from Daniel. Don’t tell us that after all these years, Daniel still doesn’t know that “Rock On” was a cover song!

We wouldn’t want to be in Diane’s shoes when Chance uncovers damaging evidence. We hope, for her sake, the police will check “Phyllis’” dental records and find out that she is no more dead than we are. They are gonna do that, right? ’Cause we’re pretty sure that teeth can’t be burned beyond recognition.

Phyllis stays one step ahead. But considering the mess she’s gotten herself into, we might recommend she try to keep two steps ahead. Maybe even three.

Thursday, April 13:

Would that we could reach through the TV and say, “Oh my God, girl, no.” But we can’t, so Lauren goes and head and teams up with Nikki against Diane. Hope y’all like egg ’cause you’re gonna have a lot of it on your faces when Phyllis “rises from the grave.”

Abby accepts Devon’s invitation. There’s no telling what the offer will involve considering she’s already agreed to move in with him.

Ah, we knew it was only a matter of time. Nate and Victoria give in to temptation. Let the countdown begin to Elena finding out and the fireworks going off!

Friday, April 14:

Despite the growing shadow of doubt that’s been cast on Diane, Jack vows to protect her at all costs. Ironic, isn’t it, that for once, she’s actually innocent!

So we don’t get to see Mariah and Tessa meet baby Aria? What’s up with that? Anyway, today the couple returns home from storyline Siberia.

Don’t mess with a Newman, especially one who’s a top-level exec and protective older brother! Nick gives Nate an ultimatum… that Victoria’s office crush is almost certain to ignore.



The Bold and the Beautiful

It’s decision time for Brooke, despite her vow to forsake former husband Ridge and double down on her best-friendship with Taylor, will the hopeless romantic find the strength to stick to her guns… even if it costs her her destiny? In other developments, Hope’s recent eyebrow-raising behavior coupled with Thomas’ proximity to the former object of his obsession causes both her mother and husband to worry. Finally, we wrap up the week with a major showdown.

Week of April 10:

Monday, April 10:

Hope worries that history might repeat itself.

Brooke is faced with a difficult decision.

Tuesday, April 11:

Taylor reacts to Brooke’s news about Ridge.

Thomas shares his latest design for Hope For the Future with the team.

Wednesday, April 12:

Taylor makes a heartfelt apology to Thomas.

Brooke questions Hope about her recent behavior.

Thursday, April 13:

Steffy disagrees with Liam’s concerns about Hope.

Hope and Thomas share a genuine and heartfelt moment.

Friday, April 14:

Brooke is flattered when she is asked on a date.

Liam confronts Thomas about Hope.



General Hospital

The Nurses Ball gets underway, as awkward encounters take place on the red carpet — plus, a special musical guest brings the house down, someone’s arrested, and Holly is reunited with an old friend.

Week of April 10:

Monday, April 10:

Someone is about to receive bad news, and it’s up to Carly and Drew to deliver it.

Is Portia right to be concerned?

Being a cop and all, it’s not unusual for Dante to be called to the scene of a crime. But given his connections to practically everyone in Port Charles, will this involve someone he knows?

How will Willow react to what Michael has to tell her?

Joss does her best to try and reassure someone. But will her words have the desired effect?

Mark your calendars, as Hallmark fan favorite Cindy Busby sets out on an important mission: “I can’t wait for you all to see this one.”

Tuesday April 11:

Here’s hoping the person to whom Nina has to break bad news is a believer in that whole “don’t shoot the messenger thing.”

Sounds like someone’s in need of a little legal help, because Diane is about to take on a new client.

Sonny is not the kind of guy to sit back and let things happen, as proved when today he makes a bold move.

Laura’s got her own ideas as to what’s really going on, and she’s ready to share her suspicions.

Will Trina’s determination pay off?

Victor abducts [spoiler] — and all of their “worst fears come rushing in,” especially when they learn they aren’t his only captive!

Wednesday, April 12:

Something is causing the usually calm, cool and collected Valentin to become frantic.

Dante comes to a somewhat grim conclusion.

If we’re being honest, Gladys has never really been the most discreet of people. So when she goes poking around in the hope of finding answers, will she be able to do so without arousing suspicion?

Two heads will no doubt prove better than one, especially given that said heads belong to Felicia and Laura.

Cody is pushed to the edge of desperation.

Thursday, April 13:

They’ve had to navigate some rough waters of late, but Curtis is there to provide Portia support when she needs it.

Willow makes an urgent request.

Could the fact that Michael is willing to hear Sonny out mean that things might finally thaw between them?

If you’ve been wanting a better understanding of Victor’s plan — and heaven knows we have — today’s a must-see episode. Why? Because he’s about to lay it out for someone.

Jordan wants one thing and one thing only: answers!

Friday, April 14:

Spencer is definitely a Cassadine… and anyone who has forgotten that fact will get a reminder when he issues the kind of threat that only his family can!

What’s got Sam wanting to connect with her mom?

Maxie is feeling the stress. And while that’s a normal situation for the anxiety-prone blonde, we’re still curious what’s different about today’s stress!

Brook Lynn is finally ready to make a major decision.

How will Gregory react when Finn puts his dad on the spot?



Days of Our Lives on Peacock

Look for things to get really interesting (not to mention complex) when someone decides to add a “special ingredient” to Chanel’s new biscuit recipe. As a result, several couples will find themselves facing a potential shakeup, including Eric and Nicole, who wind up in one another’s arms… and not just so that they can share a hug!

Week of April 10:

Monday, April 10:

The big reunions continue as Steve’s jaw hits the floor when he becomes the latest person to run into Bo. Elsewhere, Stephanie hopes that Marlena will be able to help track down her mom, Kayla.

Just as Tripp and Wendy were getting closer, an emergency forces him to cancel on her. But surely she’ll understand… right?

Things get a bit complicated for Hope and Harris when they encounter a problem at the Greek tavern.

Tuesday, April 11:

Brady, who’s always been the jealous type, has exactly the reaction you’d expect him to have upon finding Chloe and Xander together.

Someone pass the tissues! Why? Because Kayla and Steve are finally reunited with one another!

Remember how Stephanie dumped Alex because he prevented her from taking a call from her dying mom? Well, imagine his surprise when he finds out that Kayla is alive and well! Meanwhile, Stephanie is still hanging out with Chad. Today, they drop in on Maggie to ask a few questions about properties owned by Victor.

Wednesday, April 12:

Oh dear. The long-simmering tensions between Sloan and Chanel are about to boil over. How bad are things going to get? Well, let’s just say their latest encounter might best be classified as a “brawl.”

After circling one another for months, Rafe and Jada are finally ready to have an honest discussion about their feelings. Will they wind up on the same page?

Sloan keeps insisting she’s innocent, but Eric — what with having met her and all — isn’t so sure.

Gwen’s jealousy meter is about to zoom right off the charts. Why? Because she’s going to see Xander plant a kiss on Chloe!

Thursday, April 13:

Chanel’s rolling out a new line of biscuits. What she doesn’t realize is that someone has tampered with the recipe. As a result, expect some of Sweet Bits’ customers to begin acting in a most unusual manner!

Looks like the jig is up, or so EJ tells Stefan!

Revenge may be a dish best served cold, but Sloan’s obsession with it is causing Eric to see red. Today, they’ll have it out after he suggests that maybe, just maybe, it’s time for her to sing a chorus or two of “Let It Go.”

Wendy is in for a shock when she discovers Johnny smack-dab in the middle of a marriage proposal. What the heck is going on here?

Friday, April 14:

Stefan is finally on the verge of making love to Gabi. The only problem? The woman he’s on the verge of sleeping with isn’t actually Gabi! Instead, it looks as if he’s getting extremely close with… Melinda!

After what she just witnessed, it’s not particularly surprising that Wendy is ready to put Johnny and Chanel on blast!

Rafe becomes the latest person to have a bad reaction to Chanel’s tainted biscuits. Speaking of the altered treats, they result in Nicole and Eric turning up the heat! Will someone throw cold water on their passionate reunion before things go too far?


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