Saturday, August 26, 2023

Weekly Spoilers: August 28-September 1, 2023


The Young and the Restless

All hell breaks loose as Nick and Sharon put their heads together and she makes a choice she may ultimately regret, Adam is set on the warpath anew. Plus, he’s got Sally laying down ground rules on one side and Billy gloating on the other. All in all, not a great week for the black sheep of the Newman family. Who else is headed for a headache?

Week of August 28:

Monday, August 28:

Victor must be up to something especially sneaky since he’s playing his cards so close to the vest.

Bringing a little TNT to SNA, Nick and Sharon consider going rogue.

Sally sets boundaries with Adam. Cue Adam testing those boundaries in three, two…

Tuesday, August 29:

Living up to his reputation as an agent of chaos, Tucker causes tension between Jack and Billy. (“Hey, remember that time you were both with Phyllis? Y’all totally over that or what?”)

Mariah and Tessa receive news about Aria. Will the baby be able hear her mom’s sing her lullabies?

When Ashley sees a new side to Diane, will it open her eyes to the fact that she’s not perfect, but she’s not a monster, either?

Wednesday, August 30:

As Victor loses his patience with the Newman siblings yet again, he’s gotta be thinking, “Why? Why did I so badly want heirs?”

With the workplace becoming a minefield, Sharon makes a tough decision. The question is, is it the right one?

Seemingly unaware that anytime someone loses an executive job in Genoa City, they just get a new one, Nate fights for his place at Newman.

Thursday, August 31:

What happens at SNA must leave Adam MAD, because he ends up preparing for revenge.

Perhaps the above spoiler is tied to the game-changing decision that Victor makes at Newman Enterprises. And by “perhaps,” we mean “surely.”

Friday, September 1:

Nikki may have a knack for picking the right person for the right job. How can we tell? She gives Audra a risky assignment.

Stop us if you’ve heard this one before, but… Jack and Ashley call a truce . . . again?

Adam’s bad mood is sure to get worse when Billy pushes his buttons.

The Bold and the Beautiful

From the looks of things, the show is pivoting away from the love pentagon that has dominated the screen recently to return its focus to Sheila, Sheila, Sheila. As son Finn works overtime to mend his marriage to Steffy, the madwoman of the hour is dealt a terrible shock when she and loverboy Deacon receive unexpected visitors. From there, Deacon drops a truth bomb on his demented sweetheart even as Liam, who at this point has more opinions than he does socks, weighs in the situation.

Week of August 28:

Monday, August 28:

Eric confides in R.J. and then requests a considerable favor.

Thomas makes an unexpected move.

Tuesday, August 29:

Eric asks a reluctant R.J. to keep a secret.

Sheila and Deacon panic when Ridge and Carter pay a surprise visit.

Hope becomes conflicted by Thomas’ revelation.

Wednesday, August 30:

Steffy and Finn’s love shines through as they struggle to heal their fractured relationship.

Thursday, August 31:

Deacon insists that Sheila hear a difficult truth.

Finn angrily confronts Liam making a bold accusation.

Friday, September 1:

Steffy makes a decision.

Liam forewarns Ridge that no one is safe as long as Sheila is free.

General Hospital

For a small town, there’s an awful lot happening. Chase has a proposition, but Brook Lynn remains on the fence. Meanwhile, Alexis is called upon by several relatives, and Nina finally gets to do something she’s been dying to for ages!

Week of August 28:

Monday, August 28:

Elizabeth and Finn can only grow closer when she’s the one he turns to for comfort.

Will Stella be able to talk some sense into Curtis? (Nobody else has so good luck!)

Kristina turns to her mom… but is it for personal advice or something of a more legal nature?

Carly does her best to pressure Diane. (Maybe offering her a new pair of Cartullo pumps will help?)

Lucy’s been more patient than we’d ever have imagined, but now, she’s ready for Martin to cough up some answers… or else!

Tuesday, August 29:

Erica Kane’s favorite husband, Jackson, makes another trip from Pine Valley to Port Charles. Might he give Tad… er, sorry, might he give Martin a little competition for Lucy’s hand?

Cyrus does what Cyrus is going to do. In other words, he tries getting Drew to reveal things he’s not inclined to spill.

The walls just might be closing in on Gladys!

Brick and Sonny try working together toward a common goal.

Tracy has a bee in her bonnet, and she’s about to create a stir!

Wednesday, August 30:

Lucy probably thought she was prepared for anything, and yet she’ll be totally blindsided by what goes down today.

Dante decides it’s time for him to see what’s really going on with Sasha. But will he be granted access? And does the show that Cody puts on figure into Dante’s plan?

Selina is a smart lady, but someone gets the upper hand on her.

What will Nina do with the rather shocking information she comes into possession of?

Thursday, August 31:

They say curiosity killed the cat… but what will it to do Diane when hers is piqued, given that she’s much more a cougar?

Brook Lynn puts someone on blast.

Chase puts forth a proposition.

Spencer takes Alexis into his confidence.

Usually able to manipulate things to her favor, Ava is beyond frustrated.

Friday, September 1:

Olivia’s tried to be as accepting as possible of “Eddie,” but that doesn’t mean she won’t try and jog his memory!

Having spent time in a courtroom, Chase knows a thing or two about how to make a strong argument, which is what he’ll do today. Brook Lynn, however, is still having doubts.

Josslyn opens up to her mom about recent events.

Nina finally gets to spend a little time with her beloved grandson, Wiley.

Days of Our Lives on Peacock

As we get closer to the funeral for Victor, a new mystery begins to unfold on Days of Our Lives. Soon, everyone has questions regarding a mystery man, including John and Marlena, who work together to try and piece together the clues. Gabi and Stefan, too, find themselves doing some sleuthing, while Dimitri stands to lose everything unless he goes along with a desperate plan!

Week of August 28:

Monday, August 28:

Forget coffee. Chloe kicks off her Monday with a real shocker when she sees Philip, alive and well! (Although really, should this be a surprise given that practically everyone she knows has resurrected at some point?)

Things don’t look great for Sarah, who is rushed to the hospital.

Everyone in town knows Shawn needs help, and they are lining up to tell him as much. Yet he refuses to actually get said help.

Kate can’t help fearing that Rex is heading in the direction of Heartbreak Hotel.

Tuesday, August 29:

If Chloe thought it was shocking to learn that Philip is alive, imagine how Brady will feel! After all, he was accused of murdering the guy.

If you’ve ever wondered where rock bottom is located, keep an eye on Shawn… ’cause that’s what he’s about to hit!

Rafe and Jada are surprised by Paulina’s news. Meanwhile, Steve offers his pal Abe a bit of advice where his wife is concerned.

Wednesday, August 30:

Back in town to deal with the aftermath of Victor’s tragic passing, the last thing Sonny probably needs is a run-in with Leo. But that’s exactly what he’s going to get.

With issues arising regarding the validity of his marriage, Dimitri has to think — or should we say scheme? — on his feet!

Guilt is a powerful emotion, and it’s rocking Alex to the core in the wake of the death of his “Uncle Vic.”

Gabi and Stefan put on their investigative caps and try to dig up some answers.

Thursday, August 31:

Gabi and Stefan decide that they’re the only ones who can dig up the truth. But might putting their noses where it doesn’t belong lead to big trouble?

Leo has a plan that he thinks can solve all of his lover’s problems, but Dimitri is — perhaps wisely — skeptical.

Belle tries convincing Brady that he shouldn’t press charges.

Xander is in for a pretty big shock regarding Philip.

Friday, September 1:

Rafe makes an important decision. And although it’s about his professional life, it will likely impact his personal life, too!

Special guest Dick Van Dyke appears. Yes, that Dick Van Dyke!

Week of September 4:

Monday, September 4:

Who is the mystery man all of Salem is talking about? That’s exactly what Marlena hopes John and Steve will be able to help her figure out!

Tuesday, September 5:

Sloan may have pulled some dirty tricks in the past, but her conscience is very much bothering her right now… to the point that she seriously considers coming clean!

Wednesday, September 6:

Harris tries to help Ava but, as sometimes happens (especially in Salem), things don’t go at all as he planned. In fact, they both wind up in a pretty bad situation as a result!

Thursday, September 7:

As the town gathers to mourn Victor, Maggie thinks that Sarah should do the right thing and tell Xander the truth about the baby.

Friday, September 8:

John manages to uncover something downright shocking about the mystery man! But will it help to reveal his true identity?

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