Saturday, August 31, 2024

Weekly Episodes: August 26-30, 2024

 August 26, 2024

Days of our Lives 8-26-24 (26th August 2024) 8-26-2024 DOOL 26 August 2024 - video Dailymotion

General Hospital 8-26-24 - video Dailymotion

The Young and the Restless 8-26-24 (Y&R 26th August 2024) 8-26-2024 - video Dailymotion

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-26-24 (26th August 2024) 8-26-2024 - video Dailymotion

August 27, 2024

Days of our Lives 8-27-24 (27th August 2024) 8-27-2024 DOOL 27 August 2024 - video Dailymotion

General Hospital 8-27-24 - video Dailymotion

The Young and the Restless 8-27-24 (Y&R 27th August 2024) 8-27-2024 - video Dailymotion

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-27-24 (27th August 2024) 8-27-2024 - video Dailymotion

August 28, 2024

Days of our Lives 8-28-24 (28th August 2024) 8-28-2024 DOOL 28 August 2024 - video Dailymotion

General Hospital 8-28-24 - video Dailymotion

The Young and the Restless 8-28-24 (Y&R 28th August 2024) 8-28-2024 - video Dailymotion

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-28-24 (28th August 2024) 8-28-2024 - video Dailymotion

August 29, 2024

Days of our Lives 8-29-24 (29th August 2024) 8-29-2024 DOOL 29 August 2024 - video Dailymotion

General Hospital 8-29-24 - video Dailymotion

The Young and the Restless 8-29-24 (Y&R 29th August 2024) 8-29-2024 - video Dailymotion

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-29-24 (29th August 2024) 8-29-2024 - video Dailymotion

August 30, 2024

Days of our Lives 8-30-24 (30th August 2024) 8-30-2024 DOOL 30 August 2024 - video Dailymotion

Weekly Cliffhanger

Thoughts on Gabi and EJ's revenge sex? Melinda deduces Connie as Li's killer, and Brady turns himself in as the driver who ran over Sarah.

Were you surprised when Sonny shot Cates? Laura and Kevin search for Lucky as a comatose Lulu's health deteriorates.

The fallout from Adam and Chelsea cheating on Sally and Billy and the car accident involving Faith and Lucy as Sharon gets deja vu from the car accident that killed Cassie.

And will Finn rescue Steffy in time and Luna's confession that she killed Tom Stark and Hollis?

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Weekly Recaps & Spoilers: August 26-30. 2024


Days of Our Lives-Peacock


Connie drugs Melinda, Gabi tells Stefan it’s over, and Jennifer recoils upon seeing Abigail. It’s a huge moment for Jennifer — and Jack is by her side — as she prepares to reunite with her daughter. Meanwhile, Abigail continues to struggle with the truth (or what we’ve been told is the truth!) regarding her identity. Are the walls closing in on Connie? It seems possible as she’s confronted by Melinda. Which tells us that Melinda might be in big trouble soon, especially when Connie goes into panic mode? Gabi is ready to rip Ava and Stefan up one side and down the other!

Ahead of her Salem homecoming, Alison Sweeney reveals her all-time favorite storyline — plus the answers to other burning questions surrounding the Salem soap, Hallmark, and more.

Leo and Stephanie accept jobs with Body and Soul, while Chanel and Alex could be next to join the soap. Are Johnny and Chanel on the same page where their future plans are concerned? Find out as they sit down to discuss exactly that! Meanwhile, he joins Abe in searching for a star-crossed couple! The honeymoon is over for Alex and Theresa. Well, actually, it never got started. But today, Justin presents his son with papers that will annul the union entirely. It’s as if Hattie and Leo are speaking two different languages as they continue to misunderstand one another.

Brady discovers chipped paint on his car that later disappears, Jada finds evidence, and Sarah gets discouraging news. Despite her not-so-great situation, Sarah tries to put on a happy face for her husband and mother. Meanwhile, Brady — still unable to remember exactly what went down — fears he might have done something very, very bad! And the truth could come out sooner rather than later as Jada closes in on a suspect! Are Chanel and Alex going to be the latest folks to join the cast of Body and Soul? They will if Johnny and Abe have their way…

EJ tells Abigail things Chad would rather he didn’t, and Connie holds a still-alive Melinda captive. Chad’s living in the midst of an emotional storm. Will opening up to Julie help him sort through his conflicting feelings? EJ introduces — or should we say re-introduces — himself to Abigail. Might he manage to jog her memory? Stefan hopes that he can talk Gabi down from her anger. Good luck with that! Melinda may want to keep both eyes open now that she’s definitely on Connie’s radar!

Sophia is ready to make her move… and she’s gonna make it on Tate! Brady and Fiona find themselves with good reason to commiserate. Xander wants answers about Sarah’s case, and he’s demanding Jada provide them! Chad is thrilled when Abigail recalls something from the past. But is it an actual memory, or is there more going on than he suspects?

Next Week

Gabi is looking for revenge, and it seems she may have found the perfect partner. Meanwhile, Connie continues issuing warnings, Fiona is heard saying the quiet part out loud, and the town’s young lovers — that’d be Holly and Tate — realize their actions have consequences!

Monday, August 26:

Sure, there’s a DNA test and all, but Kristen has a few suspicions where Abigail is concerned. Will Chad buy into her theory?

Brady avoids telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth when questioned by Jada.

Just how honest should Tate be when Holly asks him about Sophia’s recent advances?

Fiona takes it upon herself to comfort Xander as he worries about Sarah.

Tuesday, August 27:

Tate opens up to his dad, but will he reveal everything about his recent activities? Speaking of Brady, are Marlena and John right to be worried about the guy?

Xander makes it clear to Jada that he wants answers. And when does he want them? Now!

Having watched his sister’s antics over the years, EJ knows her pretty well… which is how he comes to realize that she’s definitely keeping a secret! Is he about to uncover the truth?

Can Days come back from the crucial blunder they made with Fiona?

Wednesday, August 28:

How will Sarah react to the ideas Xander presents her with?

It’s a huge moment as Brady goes to Jada and makes a confession. At the same time, Justin happens to overhear Fiona in what we’re willing to be a very incriminating moment!

Holly and Tate realize exactly what they set in motion and the consequences thereof.

Thursday, August 29:

Ava has it out with Kristen.

Connie might just be playing a dangerous game when she decides to toy with Melinda.

Clearly feeling a bit of uncertainty where Abigail’s return is concerned, Chad decides to keep their son, Thomas, in the dark… at least for now.

Proving that Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, Gabi sets out to take everything from Stefan.

Friday, August 30:

Watch out, Stefan, because when Gabi approaches EJ with a tempting offer, something tells us this ain’t gonna prove beneficial to you!

It looks as if Ava is quickly moving up Connie’s you-know-what list, with the psycho warning that she’d be well advised to stop talking about her! Meanwhile, Melinda finally wakes up to the truth about Connie!

It’ll be an emotional moment when Jada shows up on Stephanie’s doorstep with something rather unusual relating to Everett!

General Hospital


Even after everything she’s lived through, what happens today will prove that Laura is still capable of being shocked! Dante gets news that’s downright alarming. It looks like that whole Jason/Anna alliance is definitely dead in the water as he calls her out. Is John pushing all of Sonny’s buttons on purpose? And will he get the reaction for which he’s hoping? Alexis proves she’s able to leap problems large or small in a single bound when she springs into action.

As General Hospital sets in motion a major change for Heather, Robin Mattson shares a welcome update.

Laura learns Lulu’s liver is failing and she may die. When Sonny makes a vow to Kristina, will it prove to be one he can actually keep? Kevin and Laura prove they’re a true power couple when they put their heads together to come up with a strategy. Looks like John is about to lose his cool… or at least what little chill he had to begin with! Dante is glad Sam’s by his side when he needs someone to talk to. The complicated relationship between Nina and Ava may be a bit less so after they sit down for an honest conversation.

Those who watched yesterday saw that Brad was back and Parry Shen teases what’s ahead for his character.

TJ and Molly name their baby, and Ava lies to the PCPD as directed by Cates. When Trina issues a challenge, will it be one to which Ava can successfully rise? Alexis is going to try to keep the peace… to which we can only say, “Good luck with that, lady!” Molly is about to make a stunning discovery. Sonny has a theory he wants to bounce off someone. Who better than Jason? Anna proves she’s not to be taken lightly when she issues someone a stern warning.

More: Is this why Molly’s dad Ric Lansing returns?

Molly accuses Kristina of killing her baby! When Molly is in need of some propping up, who turns up in her corner? Sonny and Ava have been at one another’s throats for ages now. But will the offer he extends help heal the wounds between them? Things have been rocky between Josslyn and Trina of late, but they will do what BFFs do and try to work things out. Kristina manages to take things not just up to the edge, but right over it. Maxie has a few questions that Natalia might not be in the mood to answer.

You won’t want to miss this… Ryan Carnes is back on screen — and today’s the day!

Lucky is being held hostage, and Kristina and Molly’s argument turns ugly! Laura and Elizabeth find themselves on the same page. Lois isn’t someone who is easily rattled, so what manages to shake her up today? Molly voices her determination. Dante takes Chase into his confidence. Does this conversation have something to do with what catches Sam completely off guard? As Molly’s dad — and Alexis’ ex and Sonny’s half-brother — settles back into Port Charles.

Casting news! Look who’s coming to Port Charles with Lucky.

Next Week

Carly applies a bit of pressure to Sonny, while Kristina finds herself being devastated all over again. Meanwhile, things are about to get twisted for Ava, who ends the week feeling downright terrified!

Monday, August 26:

Tracy is not the kind of woman who is easily rattled, yet something manages to do exactly that.

Does the new mission Laura’s about to embark on have something to do with Lucky?

It feels like old times as Anna turns to Robert for a helping hand.

There’s no love lost between Brennan and Jason, but Sonny’s BFF is at least willing to hear the other man out.

Brook Lynn and Chase sit down to have an emotional discussion.

Adorable! Maurice Benard delivers a powerful reminder that time is flying.

Tuesday, August 27:

Elizabeth and Carly are bowled over.

Laura has to deliver a little bit of bad news.

When Molly needs someone to confide in, she turns to Dex. Should Josslyn and TJ be worried?

As recently-returned Ric continues catching up with people from his past, he carves out time to pay a visit to Alexis.

Pity the person who winds up on the wrong end of a tongue-lashing from Tracy!

Wednesday, August 28:

Laura has to make a big decision, but is it of a personal nature or relating to her role as mayor of Port Charles?

Anna hopes that by laying out her case she can get Brennan to see things her way.

Sonny’s suspicions are confirmed.

Kristina reaches out to Jason.

Ava can’t help but be alarmed by what’s going down. Was Sonny right that Cates plans to kill her?

Thursday, August 29:

The last thing Kristina needs is more bad news, and yet that’s exactly what’s headed her way. How much more can she handle?

Someone is about to get an offer from Sonny. But will they find that it’s one they can’t refuse?

When Drew picks up the phone, he might be shocked by the person on the other end!

A boy’s best friend is his mama, which is why Dante finds it so easy to open up where Olivia is concerned.

Portia and Curtis have an important conversation.

Friday, August 30:

When Carly applies pressure, will Sonny find himself acquiescing to his favorite ex?

John has no idea what he’s in for when Alexis comes at him with all she’s got.

Anna manages to make a pretty good darn case. So much so that she may have persuaded someone to see things from her point of view!

Is Michael right to worry about his wife?

What in the world does it take to frighten a woman like Ava? We’re about to find out!

The Bold & the Beautiful


Finn tells Steffy that Hope kissed him, Brooke finds out from Hope, and Bill reacts to Luna’s kiss. Think you were shocked when Luna planted a kiss on the man who, five minutes earlier, she’d thought to be her dad? Imagine how Bill feels! Now that everything’s been thrown into question, did Luna target Zende?! There were two shocking kisses, thanks to Hope pulling Finn into a corner during the party at Eric’s house. What happens next could destroy several lives! Li admitted that she doesn’t think her sister is guilty of murder. But will Poppy’s pleas pierce Li’s heart or fall on deaf ears? Taylor’s back in town… but what’s brought her back this time? Will she once again throw her hat into the ring where Ridge is concerned, or might the world-renowned shrink have not only a whole new look but a new attitude to go with it?

Steffy blames Finn for Hope’s kiss, Taylor questions Ridge and Brooke warns Hope she’s spiraling out of control. Taylor swings by to catch up with her favorite ex-husband, Ridge… and while there, she’ll let him know her thoughts on his reunion with Brooke! Finn insisted that he absolutely, positively had to tell Steffy the truth about the kiss Hope planted on him. Will he regret it upon seeing his wife’s reaction?

Steffy confronts Hope, Taylor overhears a shocking reveal, and Brooke goes ballistic on Hope! Can Steffy and Finn’s marriage survive this latest challenge? After making a difficult decision, Steffy decides she needs to confront this particular problem head-on. Watch out, Hope, ’cause here comes Steffy, and she has a major bone to pick with you! Suddenly, we’re looking at Luna in a whole new light and asking questions we’d never even considered. Could she be the person who killed Tom and Hollis?

Taylor lashes out at Hope and Brooke, and Steffy sees Luna kissing Bill! Well, Taylor’s been back on the canvas for approximately 12 seconds, which means the legendary feud between the two sides of Ridge’s family is overdue for a battle. And that’s exactly what will ensue when Taylor hears that Hope kissed Finn. Worse, she hears it from Brooke! And guess who’ll be caught in the middle? As usual, it’ll be Ridge. Wonder which side he’ll come down on?

Egad! Steffy’s headed for *big* trouble!

Steffy’s confrontation with Luna takes a sinister turn, and Bill lobs an accusation at Li. Katie’s gonna be climbing on her high horse upon finding out that she was right about Poppy all along… at least in some regards! As if Steffy hasn’t already had a rough week, she’s about to see something she can’t unsee… no matter how hard she tries!

Next Week

Steffy is in the direst of straits as she works feverishly to find a way out of a terrifying predicament, Finn moves heaven and earth in hopes of tracking down his MIA missus. At the same time, Poppy is dealt yet another blow, and Tom and Hollis’ killer has something that they want to get off their chest.

Monday, August 26:

Bill tries to make sense of the chaos around him.

Steffy awakens to realize her life is in danger.

Tuesday, August 27:

Cornered, a killer makes a chilling revelation.

Wednesday, August 28:

Frantic and worried, Finn turns to Li for advice.

Desperate and trapped, Steffy makes a play to free herself.

Thursday, August 28:

Bill visits Poppy in jail and drops the bomb that he’s not Luna’s father.

Deputy Detective Baker gets an unexpected offer of evidence.

Friday, August 30:

Starved and weak, Steffy begs for Finn to find her.

Finn gets a clue when he visits the Spencer Estate.

The Young & the Restless


Sally and Billy confront their partners, Michael gives Victor information, and Audra breaks the rules. What do you get the man who has everything? Damaging information about an adversary, that’s what. And as coincidence would have it, that’s exactly what Victor, receives today. For Pete’s sake. By now, they’ve had time to cover their tracks with whole cities. Yet “Chadam” is still trying to keep the wool pulled over Billy and Sally’s eyes. Summer is just an ultimatum machine these days. Next in line to get one from Kyle’s ex: Audra. Yeah, that’ll go well.

Hold on tight! Michelle Stafford sets off on a ride of her life.

Billy makes a shocking decision after a screaming match, Nikki’s aghast at Victor’s plan, and Kyle confirms Summer’s suspicions. The smile on Victor’s face now as he backs Billy Boy into a corner. The question is, will the younger man find a way out of that corner? Start your stopwatches now to see how long it lasts when Kyle and Audra call a truce. Lily is in good hands when she is offered words of wisdom by Nikki. Ain’t much about which she can’t say, “Been there, done that.”

Billy fires Lily, Diane, and Jack plot to undermine Victor and Kyle asks Claire to dinner. Although Jack plots to destroy Victor’s alliance with Kyle, we’d kinda prefer the Abbott patriarch let his ungrateful son find out the hard way what The Mustache is really like. Perhaps in thanks for the advice she received, Lily returns the favor and gives Nikki some insider info.

Chelsea reveals her betrayal, Jack gleans info from Adam, and Kyle leaves Diane in tears. Better late than never, Diane tries to repair her relationship with Kyle. And it must be possible, right, considering that he forgave her for playing dead all those years. Sally pushes Adam to come clean. And if he’s smart, he will. All this lying about his one-nighter with Chelsea is only making things worse for him! When Billy makes a tough decision, will he manage to put someone else and their wants ahead of his own? #doubtful

His life in pictures: Celebrate the third birthday of Melissa Claire Egan’s son with photos from “picking sides” to a big brother moment.

Cameron riles Sharon, Chelsea confesses to Billy, and Adam lies to Sally’s face. Chelsea makes a shocking confession. What makes it shocking, we’re not sure. Billy is already pretty darned certain that she cheated on him. While Chelsea is spilling the beans, Adam stands his ground… even as it is crumbling beneath his feet. Sharon’s unhappy haunting continues as Cameron plays (mind) games with his longtime victim.

Young & Restless heartbreak! Sally and Adam’s fate is revealed as the cheating scandal blows sky-high!

Next Week

Victor plays Kyle like the proverbial fiddle, Adam is finally forced to tell Sally the truth, Nikki schools Lily, and Cameron points Sharon in an altogether wrong direction.

New Restless Rant! Grab your tissues for a devastating repeat of history with Lucy and Faith and shattered hearts all over Genoa City!

Monday, August 26:

Jack offers Kyle an olive branch. But will the entitled brat be smart enough to accept it?

Nick gives Phyllis unsolicited advice… which we imagine she will start ignoring in three, two… Oops. We overestimated the time it would take. She’s already ignoring it, isn’t she?

When Daniel receives disturbing news, it can only be about daughter Lucy. What will it take for him and Heather to get through to the teen?

Tuesday, August 27:

Lucy’s actions may hit a little too close to home for Sharon and Nick, who experience déjà vu.

It isn’t just time for Adam to come clean with Sally, its past time as she demands the truth from her boyfriend.

Traci opens up to Alan… and potentially opens herself up to a world of hurt. Here’s why we’re so worried.

Wednesday, August 28:

Jack and Diane worry about Victor’s influence over Kyle — with good reason. Victor is a cunning spider convincing gullible fly Kyle to step into his web.

[Bleep] happens. If we were Chelsea, what would be the argument to use as she seeks forgiveness from Billy. Is he still seeing too much red to glimpse a way forward for the two of them?

At long last, Adam is forced to fess up to Sally.

Thursday, August 29:

Never one to let an opportunity pass him by, Victor uses Jack and Kyle’s rift to his advantage.

A virtual bad-idea factory, Cameron encourages Sharon to visit her dark side. How can he be making more trouble dead than he even did alive?!?

Cue the flashbacks! Nikki gives Lily a history lesson.

Friday, August 30:

Exes or no, Nick has managed to remain close to Phyllis. So although Sharon might not love the idea of him telling her former rival her business, that’s exactly what he does.

At their wit’s end, Daniel and Heather give Lucy some tough love.

Get that popcorn popping! In a showdown that’s been a long time coming, Claire confronts Summer.


Soap Episodes: August 19-23, 2024

 August 19, 2024

Days of our Lives 8-19-24 (19th August 2024) 8-19-2024 DOOL 19 August 2024 - video Dailymotion

General Hospital 8-19-24 - video Dailymotion

The Young and the Restless 8-19-24 (Y&R 19th August 2024) 8-19-2024 - video Dailymotion

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-19-24 (19th August 2024) 8-19-2024 - video Dailymotion

August 20, 2024

Days of our Lives 8-20-24 (20th August 2024) 8-20-2024 DOOL 20 August 2024 - video Dailymotion

August 21, 2024

August 22, 2024

August 23, 2024

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Weekly Recaps & Spoilers: August 19-23, 2023

Days of Our Lives-Peacock 


Bonnie nails her audition, Leo bonds with Marlena Hattie, and Gabi seethes with rage. After weeks of feeling guilty about sleeping together while Gabi was behind bars, Ava and Stefan decide it’s time to forgive themselves. Kate turns to Roman to vent about everything and anything related to Body and Soul. Bonnie winds up sharing a bond with Johnny.bIn a town where everyone has a doppelganger, you’d think people would make sure they’re conversing with whom they think they’re talking to. Yet there goes Leo, chatting up Hattie while thinking she’s actually everyone’s favorite shrink, Marlena!

After drinking with Brady, Fiona hits Sarah while driving, and the mystery woman’s DNA test results are in! Having at long last exchanged vows, Sarah and Xander are ready to enjoy their honeymoon. (Good luck with that!) Fiona and Brady are two people with an awful lot of demons… at least a few of which they’re about to give in to! Fully aware that time may not be on their side, Tate and Holly vow to enjoy every moment they can share! Is the mystery lady really Abigail? Chad may find out as he does what he can to trigger the woman’s memories!

The DNA test results confirm the mystery woman is Abigail, and Xander rushes Sarah to the hospital as Fiona flees from the scene of her crime. While we’re not sure anyone should ever rely on DNA tests on this particular soap, it looks as if we’ll finally know for “certain” whether the woman Chad and Jack tracked down is Abigail! Still unaware he’s been chatting up Hattie, Leo wonders if perhaps Marlena has developed a split personality! Yesterday, they were reveling in their love… so why does Xander suddenly have to go searching for Sarah?

Fiona stresses as Xander vows to avenge Sarah, who can’t feel her legs. Plus, Rachel inadvertently tips Kristen off about Brady. Brady tries piecing together what he and Fiona did the night before, but that may be more difficult than it sounds… especially since she’s doing everything she can to cover her tracks! As the mayor of Salem, Paulina goes to Jada for an update on a new investigation. Marlena receives an early morning visit from one of her favorite people — Rachel — as well as one of her least favorite, Kristen.

Gabi calls out Ava and Stefan, Abigail appears to have an agenda, and Melinda fires Connie. How will Stefan react when Chad sits him down to straighten him out? Jennifer wants answers, so she heads to Salem to get them! Gabi makes it clear she’s not going to sit around and let Kristen run roughshod over her. Connie is many things, including flat-out cray cray. But what Ava finds out from Melinda is that Connie is also a big ol’ fraud!

Next Week

It’s beginning to look as if Connie’s ramping up to strike again. Meanwhile, questions about Sarah’s accident leave Xander searching for answers, two more locals get sucked into the Body and Soul nonsense, and Abigail’s memories might just be returning!

Monday, August 19:

It’s a huge moment for Jennifer — and Jack is by her side — as she prepares to reunite with her daughter. Meanwhile, Abigail continues to struggle with the truth (or what we’ve been told is the truth!) regarding her identity.

Are the walls closing in on Connie? It seems possible as she’s confronted by Melinda. Which tells us that Melinda might be in big trouble soon, especially when Connie goes into panic mode?

Gabi is ready to rip Ava and Stefan up one side and down the other!

Tuesday, August 20:

Are Johnny and Chanel on the same page where their future plans are concerned? Find out as they sit down to discuss exactly that! Meanwhile, he joins Abe in searching for a star-crossed couple!

The honeymoon is over for Alex and Theresa. Well, actually, it never got started. But today, Justin presents his son with papers that will annul the union entirely.

It’s as if Hattie and Leo are speaking two different languages as they continue to misunderstand one another.

Wednesday, August 21:

Despite her not-so-great situation, Sarah tries to put on a happy face for her husband and mother. Meanwhile, Brady — still unable to remember exactly what went down — fears he might have done something very bad! And the truth could come out sooner rather than later as Jada closes in on a suspect!

Are Chanel and Alex going to be the latest folks to join the cast of Body and Soul? They will if Johnny and Abe have their way…

Thursday, August 22:

Chad’s living amid an emotional storm. Will opening up to Julie help him sort through his conflicting feelings?

EJ introduces — or should we say re-introduces — himself to Abigail. Might he manage to jog her memory?

Stefan hopes that he can talk Gabi down from her anger. Good luck with that!

Melinda may want to keep both eyes open now that she’s definitely on Connie’s radar!

Friday, August 23:

Sophia is ready to make her move… and she’s gonna make it on Tate!

Brady and Fiona find themselves with good reason to commiserate.

Xander wants answers about Sarah’s case, and he’s demanding Jada provide them!

Chad is thrilled when Abigail recalls something from the past. But is it an actual memory, or is there more going on than he suspects?

General Hospital


Jack Brennan relocates to Port Charles, Blaze is offered an amazing career opportunity, and Nina sets a seductive scene for Drew. Everything could change for Kristina and Blaze when the singer receives an offer that proves mighty tempting. How much is Willow going to risk by making a huge decision? Maxie’s about to come into some more info when Nina opts to confide in her. Carly is in for one heck of a surprise! When Anna makes a realization, will it have something to do with Valentin?

Blaze leaves Port Charles to go on tour, and Cates sets her a trap for Sonny. Ah, you want proof that things are getting back to normal for Sonny? He is once again taking Jason into his confidence. Kristina makes a decision that will likely surprise some. Battle lines are once again drawn between the women in Sonny’s life when Ava receives a warning from Carly. Tracy decides it’s time that Violet has a little bit of a history lesson. John’s got another plan. Wonder if this one will prove more successful than his last?

Sonny invests in Deception, and James runs away. Michael’s words have an impact on Sasha. Yesterday, Tracy was offering Violet a history lesson. What will she be teaching Cody today? Gio provides an ear when Josslyn finds herself needing someone to talk to. Lean in close and listen in as Willow makes a confession. Being a godfather and all, we have to assume the offer Sonny makes today is one of the “you can’t refuse” variety.

Cody comes to James’ rescue, and Tracy is outnumbered by Deception. Does Maxie have good reason to be concerned? Someone is about to be surprised when they receive a rather unexpected invitation from Michael! It’s Cody to the rescue! Or at least Cody to the attempted rescue! Felicia and Mac are usually on the same page, but today she’s telling him what she thinks he needs to hear! Jason catches Sonny up on the latest.

Proving himself to be like a dog with a bone, Jason goes digging and finds exactly what he’s looking for! Who’s on the other end of the rather upsetting call Laura is about to receive? Someone is going to get a pair of matching bracelets courtesy of John, who makes a rather stunning arrest. As if they haven’t been through enough in recent weeks, Molly and TJ find themselves having to make a downright heartbreaking decision. Meanwhile, Sonny goes to Kristina and makes her a promise. But is it one he’ll be able to keep?

Next Week

Shocks galore are delivered to various characters, while Maxie finds herself in the position of posing some difficult questions. Meanwhile, Kristina and Molly both make their intentions known, and Sam is knocked for a loop!

Monday, August 19:

Even after everything she’s lived through, what happens today will prove that Laura is still capable of being shocked!

Dante gets news that’s downright alarming.

It looks like that whole Jason/Anna alliance is definitely dead in the water as he calls her out.

Is John pushing all of Sonny’s buttons on purpose? And will he get the reaction for which he’s hoping?

Alexis proves she’s able to leap problems large or small in a single bound when she springs into action.

Tuesday. August 20:

When Sonny makes a vow to Kristina, will it prove to be one he can keep?

Kevin and Laura prove they’re a true power couple when they put their heads together to come up with a strategy.

Looks like John is about to lose his cool… or at least what little chill he had to begin with!

Dante is glad Sam’s by his side when he needs someone to talk to.

The complicated relationship between Nina and Ava may be a bit less so after they sit down for an honest conversation.

Wednesday, August 21:

When Trina issues a challenge, will it be one to which Ava can successfully rise?

Alexis is going to try to keep the peace… to which we can only say, “Good luck with that, lady!”

Molly is about to make a stunning discovery. (Anybody else suspects she’s about to find out she’ll be a mom after all?)

More: Is this why Molly’s dad Ric Lansing returns?

Sonny has a theory he wants to bounce off someone. Who better than Jason?

Anna proves she’s not to be taken lightly when she issues someone a stern warning.

Thursday, August 22:

When Molly needs some propping up, who turns up in her corner?

Sonny and Ava have been at one another’s throats for ages now. But will the offer he extends help heal the wounds between them?

Things have been rocky between Josslyn and Trina of late, but they’re going to do what BFFs do and try to work things out.

Kristina manages to take things not just up to the edge, but right over it.

Maxie has a few questions that Natalia might not be in the mood to answer.

Friday, August 23:

Laura and Elizabeth find themselves on the same page.

We don’t think of Lois as someone who is easily rattled, so what manages to shake her up today?

Molly voices her determination.

Dante takes Chase into his confidence. Does this conversation have something to do with what catches Sam completely off guard?

The Young & the Restless


Summer and Kyle’s truce falls apart, Chelsea confronts Adam, and Victor puts a target on Billy. Victor tasks Adam with targeting Billy. Which ordinarily wouldn’t be a big deal? Who doesn’t love to stick it to smug Billy Boy? But considering the secret that Adam’s keeping… eesh. This is gonna be less fun for him than awkward. Summer might as well insist that the sun cease all relations with the sky when she demands that Kyle cut ties with Audra. Chelsea goes on a guilt trip. Or more like, she continues on the guilt trip she started the minute she cheated on her boyfriend with her ex.

Phyllis drops a warning on Lily, Jack takes issue with Billy’s plan, and Nikki makes Claire an offer. This is what happens when siblings aren’t taught to share: Jack takes issue with Billy using the family name. Next Jack will want Billy to reserve their private jet in advance! Phyllis gives Lily unsolicited advice. Because who wouldn’t heed words of wisdom from the mother of the ex who cheated on them and who not so long ago was nearly sent to prison after faking her own death to frame her nemesis? Brace yourselves for a shakeup when Nikki makes a shocking decision.

Claire makes an important decision, and Alan makes his intentions known where Traci is concerned. Victoria receives surprising news from Claire. The question is, will it be the good kind of surprising news… or the bad? Love takes flight! Traci arrives home with Alan. We give it 10 minutes before she’s like, “On second thought, let’s go back to Paris.” As if they ever really went away, Jack’s trust issues with Billy resurface. Oh, snap! Young & Restless’ [Spoiler] just crossed a dangerous line… and nobody is sounding an alarm!

Billy and Sally overhear a damning snippet of conversation, and Cameron pulls Sharon’s strings. Although Victor questions Nikki’s judgment, it doesn’t sound like her big decision results in one of his “my way or the highway” declarations. At least not yet. Adam and Chelsea share their concerns about Connor. Hopefully in a room without a bed in it! Sharon has really been put through the wringer lately, and she’s not out of the woods yet. In fact, today the beleaguered heroine is backed into a corner. Nooo! Heartbreak – or *much* worse – ahead for Traci. Is her romance just too good to be true?

Sally wants Adam to come clean, Phyllis confronts Victor, and Audra grows suspicious of Kyle. In what for him constitutes a team-building exercise, Victor challenges Kyle and Audra. “‘Work for The Mustache,’ they said. ‘It’ll be fun,’ they said.” Mm-hmm. The fit is about to hit the shan when at last Billy confronts Chelsea. On the plus side, maybe she can put an end to her guilt trip. At the same time, Adam keeps up appearances with Sally, which is bound to make the truth hurt even more when it eventually comes out.

Next Week

Adam doubles down, Chelsea fesses up, and Victor gets an enemy exactly where he wants him.

Monday, August 19:

What do you get the man who has everything? Damaging information about an adversary, that’s what. And as coincidence would have it, that’s exactly what Victor, receives today.

For Pete’s sake. By now, they’ve had time to cover their tracks with whole cities. Yet “Chadam” is still trying to keep the wool pulled over Billy and Sally’s eyes.

Summer is just an ultimatum machine these days. Next in line to get one from Kyle’s ex: Audra. Yeah, that’ll go well.

Tuesday, August 20:

We can see the smile on Victor’s face now as he backs Billy Boy into a corner. The question is, will the younger man find a way out of that corner?

Start your stopwatches now, and we’ll see how long it lasts when Kyle and Audra call a truce.

Lily is in good hands when she is offered words of wisdom by Nikki. Ain’t much about which she can’t say, “Been there, done that.”

Wednesday, August 21:

Although Jack plots to destroy Victor’s alliance with Kyle, we’d kinda prefer the Abbott patriarch let his ungrateful son find out the hard way what The Mustache is really like.

Perhaps in thanks for the advice she received, Lily returns the favor and gives Nikki some insider info.

Thursday, August 22:

Better late than never, Diane tries to repair her relationship with Kyle. And it must be possible, right, considering that he forgave her for playing dead all those years.

Sally pushes Adam to come clean. And if he’s smart, he will. All this lying about his one-nighter with Chelsea is only making things worse for him!

When Billy makes a tough decision, will he manage to put someone else and their wants ahead of his own? #doubtful

Friday, August 23:

Chelsea makes a shocking confession. What makes it shocking, we’re not sure. Billy is already pretty darned certain that she cheated on him.

While Chelsea is spilling the beans, Adam stands his ground… even as it is crumbling beneath his feet.

Sharon’s unhappy haunting continues as Cameron plays (mind) games with his longtime victim.

The Bold and the Beautiful


Bill reels as Poppy’s arrested, and Will shares doubts with Liam. Liam gives Will brotherly advice about Bill, Poppy, and Katie. We have some words of wisdom for Will, too: Stay out of it, kid. You can thank us later. Katie’s diligent detective work comes crashing down on Poppy. Mm-hmm, because even if Katie doesn’t want Bill herself (and hasn’t in years), she doesn’t want anybody else to have him, either.

Katie wants Bill to take another paternity test, and Brooke and Ridge cut a deal with Danny Romalotti! We’ve got one thing to say to Luna as she lashes out at Katie: Let. Her. Have. It. While on the Los Angeles stop of Danny’s world tour, Young & Restless‘ resident rocker and significant other Christine celebrate the success of Brooke’s Bedroom line at a party at the Forrester Mansion.

Hope kisses Finn, and Danny Romalotti performs his hit song Rock On! Proving that for her the bottom line means her stepmother’s failure at all costs, Steffy seethes over Brooke’s triumph. Party like it’s 1989 as Danny performs his hit cover of David Essex’s “Rock On.”

Hope asks Finn to keep a secret, Brooke and Steffy make amends, and Bill and Luna take a second paternity test! Careful, Finn. As he puts Hope on blast for her rash behavior, he might get all overheated, passions might flare, and… You see where we’re going with this, right? This’ll go over like a lead balloon. At Katie’s behest, Bill broaches the idea of a second paternity test to Luna.

Uh-oh. Sounds like the fit is really gonna hit the shan. When Poppy is stunned by Li’s revelation, we take another big step toward this shocker coming to light. “It’s me, Steffy, your mother, Dr. Taylor Hayes.” At last, Ridge’s ex (now played by Rebecca Budig) keeps her promise to her daughter and returns to L.A.

Next Week

Simmering tensions freaking explode. Not only is Bill sent reeling by Luna’s smooch, but Steffy finds out about Hope and Finn’s illicit lip-lock, and Steffy’s mother Dr. Taylor Hayes (Mom) makes her presence felt in a big way. What’s more, by week’s end, somebody gets an eyeful of something they immediately regret seeing.

Monday, August 19:

Think you were shocked when Luna planted a kiss on the man who, five minutes earlier, she’d thought to be her dad? Imagine how Bill feels! Actually, you won’t have to imagine, because we’re about to find out!

Last week saw not one but two shocking kisses, thanks to Hope pulling Finn into a corner during the party at Eric’s house. What happens next could destroy several lives!

Li admitted that she doesn’t think her sister is guilty of murder. But will Poppy’s pleas pierce Li’s heart or fall on deaf ears?

Taylor’s back in town… but what’s brought her back this time? Will she once again throw her hat into the ring where Ridge is concerned, or might the world-renowned shrink have not only a whole new look but a new attitude to go with it?

Tuesday, August 20:

Taylor swings by to catch up with her favorite ex-husband, Ridge… and while there, she’ll let him know her thoughts on his reunion with Brooke!

Finn insisted that he absolutely, positively had to tell Steffy the truth about the kiss Hope planted on him. Will he regret it upon seeing his wife’s reaction?

Wednesday, August 21:

Can Steffy and Finn’s marriage survive this latest challenge? After making a difficult decision, Steffy decides she needs to confront this particular problem head-on. Watch out, Hope, ’cause here comes Steffy, and she has a major bone to pick with you!

Suddenly, we’re looking at Luna in a whole new light and asking ourselves questions we’d never even considered. For example, could she be the person who killed Tom and Hollis?

Thursday, August 22:

Well, Taylor’s been back on the canvas for approximately 12 seconds, which means the legendary feud between the two sides of Ridge’s family is overdue for a battle. And that’s exactly what will ensue when Taylor hears that Hope kissed Finn. Worse, she hears it from Brooke! And guess who’ll be caught in the middle? As usual, it’ll be Ridge. Wonder which side he’ll come down on?

Friday, August 23:

Katie’s gonna be climbing on her high horse upon finding out that she was right about Poppy all along… at least in some regards!

As if Steffy hasn’t already had a rough week, she’s about to see something she can’t unsee… no matter how hard she tries!





Saturday, August 17, 2024

Soap Episodes: August 12-16, 2024

 August 12, 2024

Days of our Lives 8-12-24 (12th August 2024) 8-12-2024 DOOL 12 August 2024 - video Dailymotion

General Hospital 8-12-24 - video Dailymotion

The Young and the Restless 8-12-24 (Y&R 12th August 2024) 8-12-2024 - video Dailymotion

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-12-24 (12th August 2024) 8-12-2024 - video Dailymotion

August 13, 2024

Days of our Lives 8-13-24 (13th August 2024) 8-13-2024 DOOL 13 August 2024 - video Dailymotion

General Hospital 8-13-24 - video Dailymotion

The Young and the Restless 8-13-24 (Y&R 13th August 2024) 8-13-2024 - video Dailymotion

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-13-24 (13th August 2024) 8-13-2024 - video Dailymotion

August 14, 2024

Days of our Lives 8-14-24 (14th August 2024) 8-14-2024 DOOL 14 August 2024 - video Dailymotion

General Hospital 8-14-24 - video Dailymotion

The Young and the Restless 8-14-24 (Y&R 14th August 2024) 8-14-2024 - video Dailymotion

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-14-24 (14th August 2024) 8-14-2024 - video Dailymotion

August 15, 2024

Days of our Lives 8-15-24 (15th August 2024) 8-15-2024 DOOL 15 August 2024 - video Dailymotion

General Hospital 8-15-24 - video Dailymotion

The Young and the Restless 8-15-24 (Y&R 15th August 2024) 8-15-2024 - video Dailymotion

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-15-24 (15th August 2024) 8-15-2024 - video Dailymotion

August 16, 2024

Days of our Lives 8-16-24 (16th August 2024) 8-16-2024 DOOL 16 August 2024 - video Dailymotion

General Hospital 8-16-24 - video Dailymotion

The Young and the Restless 8-16-24 (Y&R 16th August 2024) 8-16-2024 - video Dailymotion

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-16-24 (16th August 2024) 8-16-2024 - video Dailymotion

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Weekly Recaps & Spoilers: August 12-16, 2024


Days of Our Lives-Peacock


Jack and Chad rescue John, Brady and Fiona hit the sheets, and Xander considers claiming what’s his. At the Salem Inn, Brady and Fiona intensely lock eyes. He's fully dressed and she's in a robe. Is Marlena right to be concerned about John and his continued absence? Theresa managed to do quite a number on both Alex and Brady, who find themselves in the rather unlikely position of commiserating with one another. As Stephanie deals with her pain over Everett, Kayla is on hand to provide some much-needed support and comfort.

Alex consoles Stephanie, Gabi finds Stefan with Ava, and the imaginary Li is actually a cardboard cutout. Will things get too close for comfort when Alex and Stephanie discover that they will once again be neighbors? Paulina goes to Jada with questions regarding Rafe’s stabbing… and a potential suspect! Stefan is about to get an earful as Gabi decides to vent. Connie is obviously not familiar with the word “irony.” Why do we say that? Because she’s determined to avenge the death of Li… you know the guy she murdered!

Sarah and Xander get married, and Brady fills Fiona in on her son’s nefarious past. It’s pretty much impossible to keep a secret in Salem, but Brady and Fiona vow to give it a try. Good luck with that! Holly thinks it’ll be easy pulling one over on guardian Maggie, but she may have underestimated Victor’s widow! Leo is about to get an offer from Kate and Abe. (Anybody else wanna bet they’re going to suggest he become headwriter of Body & Soul?) Two women who know a thing or two about doubles cross paths when Bonnie reunites with Hattie.

Chad and Jack confront the mystery woman, Brady confronts Tate who says goodbye to Theresa, and John catches up with the family. Will Paul listen when he receives advice from Andrew? Tate’s been doing a pretty good job of laying low, but he’s about to get caught hanging in Salem… and by Brady, no less! Meanwhile, Holly hopes to convince Sophia that she should stop being such a pain in the…

Connie tells Gabi Stefan cheated on her, and Stephanie and Alex get out of their frustrations. Stefan is feeling pretty guilty about the secret he’s been keeping. But is telling Gabi the truth about Ava really the right move? Speaking of people who feel guilty, Jada opens up to Paulina about her own complicated feelings about Everett. What will Johnny and Chanel think after they have a downright awkward encounter with Connie? Are Stephanie and Alex about to give their relationship another try? That might be the result when she tries to help him move on from Theresa!

Next Week

Monday, August 12:

After weeks of feeling guilty about having slept together while Gabi was behind bars, Ava and Stefan decide it’s time to forgive themselves.

Perhaps having read our recent Soapbox column on the topic, Kate turns to Roman to vent about everything and anything related to Body & Soul.

Bonnie winds up sharing a bond with Johnny.

In a town where everyone has a doppelganger, you’d think people would make sure they’re conversing with whom they think they’re talking. Yet there goes Leo, chatting up Hattie while thinking she’s actually everyone’s favorite shrink, Marlena!

Tuesday, August 13:

Having at long last exchanged vows, Sarah and Xander are ready to enjoy their honeymoon. (Good luck with that!)

Fiona and Brady are two people with an awful lot of demons… at least a few of which they’re about to give in to!

Fully aware that time may not be on their side, Tate and Holly vow to enjoy every moment they can share!

Is the mystery lady really Abigail? Chad may find out as he does what he can to trigger the woman’s memories!

Wednesday, August 14:

While we’re not sure anyone should ever rely on DNA tests on this particular soap, it looks as if we’ll finally know for “certain” whether the woman Chad and Jack tracked down is Abigail!

Still unaware he’s been chatting up Hattie, Leo wonders if perhaps Marlena has developed a split personality!

Yesterday, they were reveling in their love… so why does Xander suddenly have to go searching for Sarah? Does it have anything to do with the crime scene from which Fiona and Brady are fleeing?

Thursday, August 15:

Brady tries piecing together what he and Fiona did the night before, but that may be more difficult than it sounds… especially since she’s doing everything she can to cover her tracks!

As the mayor of Salem, Paulina goes to Jade for an update on a new investigation.

Marlena receives an early morning visit from one of her favorite people — Rachel — as well as one of her least favorite, Kristen.

Friday, August 16:

How will Stefan react when Chad sits him down to straighten him out?

Jennifer wants answers, so she heads to Salem to get them!

Gabi makes it clear she’s not going to sit around and let Kristen run roughshod over her.

Connie is many things, including flat-out cray cray. But what Ava finds out from Melinda is that Connie is also a big ol’ fraud!

General Hospital


Kristina loses the baby and later codes herself. Sonny reflects on what he’s lost. Being a detective and all, it’s not unusual for Dante to spin theories. But will his suspicion prove true? After everything that went down in her suite last week, it’s not surprising that Ava will today find herself in the proverbial hot seat! Molly isn’t about to bite her tongue where Sonny’s concerned. Dex tries to offer Josslyn what comfort he can, while Natalia provides support to Blaze in her own time of trauma.

Sonny gets an unexpected visitor when he needs them to be there the most. A family reunion brings Violet’s parents together again. Someone is about to be put under arrest by Anna! As Kristina fights for her life following her fall from the Metro Court window, her loved ones gather to pray for a miracle. Will Kristina and her baby survive? Jason reconnects with Carly. What has Kevin and Laura ready to raise a toast in celebration?

Sonny learns his pills aren’t what they seem; Kevin’s news sends Ava into a panic, and TJ’s family rallies around him. A girl’s best friend is her mother, or so they say, which is why Josslyn takes Carly into her confidence. Things go from bad to worse for Ava. Meanwhile, there’s one big question on everyone’s lips: “Did Ava push Kristina, or did Sonny’s daughter fall out the window?” Jason hopes to get to the hospital in time. Trina makes it very clear with whom her loyalties lie!

We all knew he was coming back and now he’s finally arrived! Jonathan Jackson returns to General Hospital as Lucky Spencer.

Sonny believes Ava switched his meds and so does Carly, and Ava turns to John to help save her from Sonny’s wrath. Trina is about to pay Heather a visit! Scott finds himself being shot down by Alexis. Will John pay attention to the warning issued by Anna? Ava is not one to scare easily, and yet Jason manages to frighten her. Felicia does what she can for someone in their time of need.

Kristina wants Sonny to kill Ava, and Heather decides to take Scott up on his offer to fight for her freedom. Heather needs someone to confide in, and she chooses… Elizabeth?!? Although they haven’t seen things eye to eye of late, Laura and Portia try and hash things out. Michael needs a little help from Willow. (Seeing as she’s his loving and mostly devoted wife, that shouldn’t be an issue… right?) Nina cooks up a plan. Someone is about to make a request that will knock Sonny for one heck of a loop!

Next Week

Monday, August 12:

Everything could change for Kristina and Blaze when the singer receives an offer that proves mighty tempting.

How much is Willow going to risk by making a huge decision?

Maxie’s about to come into some more info when Nina opts to confide in her.

Carly is in for one heck of a surprise!

When Anna makes a realization, will it have something to do with Valentin?

Tuesday, August 13:

Ah, you want proof that things are getting back to normal for Sonny? He is once again taking Jason into his confidence.

Kristina makes a decision that will likely surprise some.

Battle lines are once again drawn between the women in Sonny’s life when Ava receives a warning from Carly.

Tracy decides it’s time that Violet has a little bit of a history lesson.

John’s got another plan. Wonder if this one will prove more successful than his last?

Wednesday, August 14:

Michael’s words have an impact on Sasha.

Yesterday, Tracy was offering Violet a history lesson. What will she be teaching Cody today?

Gio provides an ear when Josslyn finds herself needing someone to talk to.

Lean in close and listen in as Willow makes a confession.

Being a godfather and all, we have to assume the offer Sonny makes today is one of the “you can’t refuse” varieties.

Thursday, August 15:

Does Maxie have good reason to be concerned?

Someone is about to be surprised when they receive a rather unexpected invitation from Michael!

It’s Cody to the rescue! Or at least Cody to the attempted rescue!

Felicia and Mac are usually on the same page, but today she’s telling him what she thinks he needs to hear!

Jason catches Sonny up on the latest.

Friday, August 16:

Proving himself to be like a dog with a bone, Jason goes digging and finds exactly what he’s looking for!

Who’s on the other end of the rather upsetting call Laura is about to receive?

Someone is going to get a pair of matching bracelets courtesy of John, who makes a rather stunning arrest.

As if they haven’t been through enough in recent weeks, Molly and TJ find themselves having to make a downright heartbreaking decision. Meanwhile, Sonny goes to Kristina and makes her a promise. But is it one he’ll be able to keep?

The Young & the Restless


Phyllis snipes at Sharon, Lucy drinks, and Jack romances Diane. Taking a break from being horrified by what a brat his and Diane’s’ son has become; Jack carves out some time to romance his beautiful missus. What parent can’t relate? Daniel and Heather worry about their daughter Lucy — with good reason. This isn’t gonna win her any popularity contests: Phyllis loses what little patience she ever had with Sharon.

Sally turns to Billy during a painful time, Lily makes a shocking declaration, and Faith discovers Lucy’s drinking. The game is afoot. Now it’s time for Victor and Nikki to settle unfinished business with Lily and Nate. Sharon’s nightmare continues as Cameron keeps right on haunting her. How many times does she have to kill the guy?  When Sally remembers a painful moment from her past, all we can think is… which one? There have been a whole bunch of unfortunate incidents.

Sally hides her feelings from Adam, Summer and Kyle clash, and Billy hatches an idea. A chasm may have opened up between himself and his son, yet Jack nevertheless tries to make peace and repair the rift… between Kyle and Summer. When Sally needs comfort, Adam is there for her. Better late than never, Lily second-guesses her alliance with Billy. Maybe she’s come to realize that not even she can do enough damage control to keep him from sinking Abbott-Chancellor.

Adam’s confrontation with Billy backfires, and Summer and Kyle’s battle escalates. Wow, that must have been a long flight from Baltimore. Only now are Chelsea and Adam bringing Connor home. Claire causes problems for Kyle and Summer. Could Mary Poppins’ conniving side be emerging once again?

When Billy switches gears with Lily, we can only assume that he’s decided to focus more on work than on logos and swag.

Preview! [Spoiler] helps Summer in a custody battle… and he’s not the only one who gets involved!

Phyllis and Diane battle, Summer turns to Victor for help, and Abby and Devon set a date. It pays to have grandpas in high places. Victor pulls some strings to help out Summer. Is Kyle about to lose custody of his own son? First Sharon, now Diane. Phyllis is having a banner week as she goes from getting testy with one rival to pushing another’s buttons.

Next Week

Turning points become exclamation points: while Kyle is on the receiving end of an ultimatum that he can’t possibly accommodate; Billy has had it with the beating around the bush. He finally interrupts Chelsea’s guilt trip with what is sure to be an explosive confrontation. Elsewhere on the canvas, Nikki makes a move that leaves Victor asking, “Are you sure, my darling?” and Lily is offered advice by the last person she (or anyone!) should listen to.

Restless Rant! Young & Restless explodes as Jack eyeballs [Spoiler], Victor puts Adam in play, and Summer’s deal-breaker reignites a dangerous rivalry!

Monday, August 12:

Victor tasks Adam with targeting Billy. Which ordinarily wouldn’t be a big deal? Who doesn’t love to stick it to smug Billy Boy? But considering the secret that Adam’s keeping… eesh. This is gonna be less fun for him than awkward.

Summer might as well insist that the sun cease all relations with the sky when she demands that Kyle cut ties with Audra.

Chelsea goes on a guilt trip. Or more like, she continues on the guilt trip she started the minute she cheated on her boyfriend with her ex.

Tuesday, August 13:

This is what happens when siblings aren’t taught to share: Jack takes issue with Billy using the family name. Next Jack will want Billy to reserve their private jet in advance!

Phyllis gives Lily unsolicited advice. Because who wouldn’t heed words of wisdom from the mother of the ex who cheated on them and who not so long ago was nearly sent to prison after faking her own death to frame her nemesis?

Brace yourselves for a shakeup when Nikki makes a shocking decision.

Wednesday, August 14:

Victoria receives surprising news from Claire. The question is, will it be the good kind of surprising news… or the bad?

Love takes flight! Traci arrives home with Alan. We give it 10 minutes before she’s like, “On second thought, let’s go back to Paris.”

As if they ever really went away, Jack’s trust issues with Billy resurface.

Thursday, August 15:

Although Victor questions Nikki’s judgment, it doesn’t sound like her big decision results in one of his “my way or the highway” declarations. At least not yet.

Adam and Chelsea share their concerns about Connor. Hopefully in a room without a bed in it!

Sharon has really been put through the wringer lately, and she’s not out of the woods yet. In fact, today the beleaguered heroine is backed into a corner.

Friday, August 16:

In what for him constitutes a team-building exercise, Victor challenges Kyle and Audra. “‘Work for The Mustache,’ they said. ‘It’ll be fun,’ they said.” Mm-hmm.

The fit is about to hit the shan when at last Billy confronts Chelsea. On the plus side, maybe she can put an end to her guilt trip.

At the same time, Adam keeps up appearances with Sally, which is bound to make the truth hurt even more when it eventually comes out.

The Bold & the Beautiful


A mysterious woman watches Brooke and Ridge, Hope fantasizes about Finn and Poppy swears Luna to secrecy. Brooke and Ridge make a big splash in Monte Carlo, digitally launching the new Brooke’s Bedroom line to a throng of press and fans. Check out photos from their overseas adventure here.

Brooke breaks the Internet, and Taylor watches “Bridge” before calling Steffy. Rather than make a cup of tea or do some work, Steffy and Hope spiral, arguing while waiting for news of the new line’s success. Brooke and Ridge’s love is palpable as they hold center stage at a press conference. Somehow we doubt even a single reporter will politely suggest that they “Get a room, you two!” Panic sets in when the website for the Brooke’s Bedroom line crashes. That should be an easy fix, though, right? Switch it off, switch it back on? That’s what IT always tells us to do.

Brooke and Ridge fly home, and Hope thinks about taking Finn from Steffy as the couple celebrates their love. Sounds like it’s gonna be as hot a day as the one in which Brooke came up with the formula for BeLieF: She and Ridge share a loving moment as they revel in the success of what they created. Hope fantasizes about Finn as he demonstrates to Steffy that nothing and no one is stronger than their love for each other.

Luna spills the beans about the backpack, and RJ tells Katie. Luna’s new life is as close to perfect as it is close to coming undone. Overwhelmed by her feelings, she unburdens her fears to R.J. While asking difficult questions, Nancy Drew Katie stumbles upon an extraordinary answer.

Katie sounds the alarm about Poppy, and Sheila gets too spicy for Deacon’s taste. What a think tank! A murderess (Sheila), an ex-con (Deacon) and a jealous ex (Katie) ponder the overdose deaths of Tom and Hollis. Katie finally finds what she’s been looking for. But it could leave her in grave danger.

Next Week

Katie went so far as to accuse Poppy of murder — not to her face, though, to Bill’s! Luna’s mom is sure to have as big a reaction to her rival’s allegation as Quinn ever did when the Logan sisters ganged up on her. And just wait till Poppy sees that Katie has brought Deputy Chief Baker to Bill’s house with incriminating evidence!

But the big twist to come is the show’s crossover with The Young and the Restless. On a trip to Los Angeles, Christine and Danny mix business with pleasure. They celebrate the relaunch of the Brooke’s Bedroom line with the Forresters and Logans.

What’s more, Ridge has a proposition for the couple that might just make regular visits to the City of Angels a must. Danny manages to squeeze in a rendition of his chart-topper from the 1980s, his cover of David Essex’s “Rock On.”

Somewhere over the week, Hope is sure to have another of her racy flights of fancy starring Finn, too. And hopefully, Taylor (now Rebecca Budig) will make her way home so we can learn more about her agenda.