Sunday, August 4, 2024

Weekly Recaps & Spoilers: August 5-9, 2024


The Young & the Restless


Billy and Sally compare notes. C’mon, guys, how hard can it be to figure out that Chelsea and Adam slept together? They have the kind of poker faces that suggest that they shouldn’t even play Go Fish! Sharon and Daniel receive a painful reminder of their past — and perhaps of the future that Cassie didn’t live to see. As their relationships teeter ever closer to disaster, Adam and Chelsea receive promising news. At least things seem to be looking up for poor Connor.

Adam and Chelsea work on their cover stories. Audra may be walking around like she’s the queen of Genoa City lately, but Diane is quick to put her son’s co-CEO in check. Kyle’s mom isn’t the only one who’s had it with this Glissade business, either! Jack loses patience with Kyle. Frankly, we’re shocked that at this point Jack had any patience left to lose!

Sharon’s situation grows graver, and Victor puts his plan to take over Chancellor in motion. When Victor puts his mind to something, there’s no stopping him. Brace yourselves for a bumpy ride as he sets his plan in motion to acquire Chancellor. Sharon makes a confession to Nick. Will it be a first step on her path back to wellness… or just another one in the wrong direction? Devon tests Lily’s loyalty. Maybe y’all should just stick to harmless topics like how cute Dom is and what color scheme would be the prettiest for his and Abby’s wedding.

Sharon hallucinates [Spoiler] in her living room, and Lily makes a stunning confession to Devon. Raise your hand if you’re surprised to hear that Billy crosses the line with Lily. No one? Us, either. She knew what she was getting into when she jumped ship to work with her ex. Perhaps a trick he learned from dad Neil or future father-in-law Victor? Devon plays his cards close to the vest. When Chance helps Summer with an important decision, we can only hope that he will convince her to turn the volume down on her vitriol toward Kyle. (Maybe next Chance can do the same with Kyle toward Summer?)

As Victor and Nikki conspire against Billy Boy, we wonder what Katherine would really think about them plotting to take her company away from her dear friend John’s son. Her day-to-day spinning ever more out of control, Sharon has a rude awakening. Find out which Young & Restless baddie is set to return.

Spoilers inside! Linden Ashby teases Cameron’s impact on Sharon… and the duration of his stay in Genoa City!

Next Week

Sharon is caught between a rock (Phyllis) and a hard place (Cameron), Jack tries to mend fences (but not between himself and Kyle), Victor throws his weight around for the sake of someone he loves (hey, Summer!), and Lily begins to wonder whether the plan that she made ought to be rethought.

Young & Restless drops a heart-sized hint about a reuniting supercouple and tees up two epic (and well-deserved!) take-downs.

Monday, August 5:

Taking a break from being horrified by what a brat his and Diane’s’ son has become; Jack carves out some time to romance his beautiful missus.

What parent can’t relate? Daniel and Heather worry about their daughter Lucy — with good reason.

This isn’t gonna win her any popularity contests: Phyllis loses what little patience she ever had with Sharon.

Tuesday, August 6:

The game is afoot. Now it’s time for Victor and Nikki to settle unfinished business with Lily and Nate.

Sharon’s nightmare continues as Cameron keeps right on haunting her. How many times does she have to kill the guy?

When Sally remembers a painful moment from her past, all we can think is… which one? There have been a whole bunch of unfortunate incidents.

Wednesday, August 7:

A chasm may have opened up between himself and his son, yet Jack nevertheless tries to make peace and repair the rift… between Kyle and Summer.

When Sally needs comfort, Adam is there for her.

Better late than never, Lily second-guesses her alliance with Billy. Maybe she’s come to realize that not even she can do enough damage control to keep him from sinking Abbott-Chancellor.

Thursday, August 8:

Wow, that must have been a long flight from Baltimore. Only now are Chelsea and Adam bringing Connor home.

Claire causes problems for Kyle and Summer. Could Mary Poppins’ conniving side be emerging once again?

When Billy switches gears with Lily, we can only assume that he’s decided to focus more on work than on logos and swag.

Friday, August 9:

It pays to have grandpas in high places. Victor pulls some strings to help out Summer. Is Kyle about to lose custody of his own son?

First Sharon, now Diane. Phyllis is having a banner week as she goes from getting testy with one rival to pushing another’s buttons.

The Bold & the Beautiful


RJ’s reveal sends Katie into a panic, Luna kicks Katie out, and Brooke’s photoshoot ends with a warning. Katie pushes the limits in pursuit of the truth about Poppy. Sheesh. Bill’s ex is having a bigger reaction to this relationship than she even did to his faux-mance with Sheila! Brooke presses Hope to stop her infatuation with Finn. Perhaps we’re getting one step closer to the revelation of what’s really going on with Hope. It’s been a long time since Zende got a win. Finally, he is celebrated for his success with the Brooke’s Bedroom line.

Poppy tells Bill Tom may have been Luna’s dad, Katie grills Li, and Steffy loses her passport. Bill learns a secret that Poppy’s been keeping. Note that the spoiler says a secret, not a secret. She is keeping quite a lot under her hat, after all.

Poppy and Bill’s lovemaking is interrupted by an intruder, Li sets Katie straight, and Ridge and Brooke leave without Steffy. Hilarity ensues between Steffy and Captain Deuce Stevens when she holds up the flight to Monte Carlo because she cannot find her passport.

Hope challenges Steffy, and Will’s return gets off to a rocky start. Go get ’er, kid! Luna lashes out at Katie for the accusations she’s making against Poppy. This may be correct, but all Katie really has to go on is… jealousy. Eh, it was fun while it lasted. Steffy quickly shuts down Hope’s giddiness over her misfortune. Father and son have a less-than-happy reunion when Will Spencer returns to Los Angeles unannounced.

Coming up: Luna’s discovery makes [Spoiler] look guilty as sin!

Luna accuses Poppy of killing Tom, Finn referees, and Will surprises Katie. A stiff breeze is headed toward Poppy’s house of cards when Luna makes a shocking discovery in Mom’s apartment. Finn finds himself in an awkward situation with Hope and Steffy. Somewhere, Liam is like, “Get used to it, bro.” Ridge and Brooke share in the glow of their undying love and the beautiful sites of Monte Carlo. Check out preview photos from the remote.

Next Week

Brooke and Ridge take Monte Carlo by storm… but the relaunch of Brooke’s Bedroom hits a major snag. (What, did the sheets wrinkle? Were they not using BeLieF?!?) Back in Los Angeles, big questions linger as an unlikely trio puts their heads together in hopes of solving a mystery, and Katie gets her mitts on what just may turn out to be the missing piece of the puzzle.

Monday, August 5:

Brooke and Ridge make a big splash in Monte Carlo, digitally launching the new Brooke’s Bedroom line to a throng of press and fans. Check out photos from their overseas adventure here.

Tuesday, August 6:

Rather than make a cup of tea or do some work, Steffy and Hope spiral, arguing while waiting for news of the new line’s success.

Brooke and Ridge’s love is palpable as they hold center stage at a press conference. Somehow we doubt even a single reporter will politely suggest that they “Get a room, you two!”

Panic sets in when the website for the Brooke’s Bedroom line crashes. That should be an easy fix, though, right? Switch it off, switch it back on? That’s what IT always tells us to do.

Wednesday, August 7:

Sounds like it’s gonna be as hot a day as the one in which Brooke came up with the formula for BeLieF: She and Ridge share a loving moment as they revel in the success of what they created.

Hope fantasizes about Finn as he demonstrates to Steffy that nothing and no one is stronger than their love for each other.

Thursday, August 8:

Luna’s new life is as close to perfect as it is close to coming undone. Overwhelmed by her feelings, she unburdens her fears to R.J.

While asking difficult questions, Nancy Drew Katie stumbles upon an extraordinary answer.

Friday, August 9:

What a think tank! A murderess (Sheila), an ex-con (Deacon) and a jealous ex (Katie) ponder the overdose deaths of Tom and Hollis.

Katie finally finds what she’s been looking for. But it could leave her in grave danger.

General Hospital


Carly prepares for her arraignment, Cates provokes Sonny into attacking him, and Anna’s taken off for Washington D.C. Dante hopes against hope that he can talk some sense into his dad, but is Sonny even in a place where he’s able to listen? Carly gets the kind of offer that might not come around again. Could it be a way to keep Carly from going to prison? Jason was on his way out of town when Joss stopped him to reveal her mom had been arrested. Now, he’s heading instead to the Port Charles Police Department. Is he going to ride to her rescue yet again? As TJ finds himself flummoxed, Alexis has a consultation with Kristina about an extremely important subject.

All charges are dropped against Carly, and Anna finds Brennan free and back at the WSB. It all comes down to this as Carly has her day in court. Can she disprove the charges leveled against her by Cates? Meanwhile, the long-building confrontation between Sonny and Cates boils over! Anna makes a shocking discovery. Nina and Willow grow even closer when the mom expresses how grateful she is to her daughter. Fresh off her conversation with Kristina, Alexis is there to counsel Molly. Are things about to get ugly between the siblings?

Cates and Ava plot against Sonny. And Anna believes Brennan saved Carly. In the least surprising twist ever, Sonny refuses to listen to reason. Having looked at things from all angles, Anna comes up with a new theory and shares it with Jason. Brace yourself, Ava, ’cause some not-so-great news is heading your way! Kristina and Molly try to hash things out. Will either walk away satisfied?

Kristina plummets from Ava’s suite and into the Metro Court pool below! As Alexis tries to deal with the difficult position she’s now in, Molly takes Sam into her confidence regarding the way things are playing out. Brook Lynn goes to Blaze with a new idea. Lock up your barware, because Sonny is about to go on a rampage! (And proving the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, Kristina, too, is on the warpath today!) Trina is about to get an eyeful!

He’s back in the studio! First look: Rick Hearst suits up to throw down as Ric Lansing.

Kristina requires an emergency C-section and Dante places Ava under arrest. Proving to be her mother’s daughter, Joss leaps into action! Someone’s going to wind up in silver bracelets as Dante makes an arrest. TJ gets news that will leave him shaken. Sonny’s downward spiral continues as he manages to alienate one of his closest friends. Which local family is about to be rocked by a devastating medical crisis?

Next Week

Anna makes an arrest, Ava has reason to worry, and Jason rushes to the hospital — plus, Sonny is left reeling!

Monday, August 5:

Being a detective and all, it’s not unusual for Dante to spin theories. But will his suspicion prove true?

After everything that went down in her suite last week, it’s not surprising that Ava will today find herself in the proverbial hot seat!

Molly isn’t about to bite her tongue where Sonny’s concerned.

Dex tries to offer Josslyn what comfort he can, while Natalia provides support to Blaze in her own time of trauma.

Tuesday, August 6:

Sonny gets an unexpected visitor when he needs them to be there the most.

Someone is about to be put under arrest by Anna!

As Kristina fights for her life following her fall from the Metro Court window, her loved ones gather to pray for a miracle. Will Kristina and her baby survive?

Jason reconnects with Carly.

What has Kevin and Laura ready to raise a toast in celebration?

Wednesday, August 7:

A girl’s best friend is her mother, or so they say, which is why Josslyn takes Carly into her confidence.

Things go from bad to worse for Ava. Meanwhile, there’s one big question on everyone’s lips: “Did Ava push Kristina, or did Sonny’s daughter fall out the window?”

Jason hopes to get to the hospital in time.

Trina makes it very clear with whom her loyalties lie!

Thursday, August 8:

Now here’s a conversation we definitely don’t want to miss: Trina is about to pay Heather a visit!

Scott finds himself being shot down by Alexis.

Will John pay attention to the warning issued by Anna?

Ava is not one to scare easily, and yet Jason manages to frighten her.

Felicia does what she can for someone in their time of need.

Friday, August 9:

Heather needs someone to confide in, and she chooses… Elizabeth?!?

Although they haven’t seen things eye to eye of late, Laura and Portia try and hash things out.

Michael needs a little help from Willow. (Seeing as she’s his loving and mostly devoted wife, that shouldn’t be an issue… right?)

Want to hear five words that make us nervous: Nina cooks up a plan.

Someone is about to make a request that will knock Sonny for one heck of a loop!

Days of Our Lives –Peacock


Eric and Nicole leave Salem, and Andrew might have a way to help Theresa. Having had her secrets exposed on her wedding day — ouch! — Theresa is still trying to figure out her next step. But the offer Andrew makes might help push her in one direction or another! Could Eric and Nicole finally be getting their happily ever after? Sounds that way, given that they each say farewell to their loved ones before skipping town. And honestly, maybe the only chance they have of being truly happy is to establish themselves somewhere far from the place in which their relationship was so often tested! Of course, with Nicole exiting, that leaves Holly and Tate trying to figure out exactly what that means for their young romance! Is a career change in the works for Marlena and Kayla? It could be, if they decide to take Abe up on his offer!

Bobby reveals the truth to Jada, and Abe hires Hattie and Johnny for Body and Soul. Jada is about to take on a new challenge after being appointed to a new role by Paulina. Soon after, she finds herself putting Bobby/Everett (or maybe both of them!) in the hot seat as she tries to get answers about Li Shin’s murder and the attack on Rafe. A familiar face is about to show up. And what brings them forward? An open casting call for Body & Soul is being held by Abe and Kate.

Jada and Stephanie find a drugged Bobby, Jack has news for Chad, and Leo calls Gwen It looks as if Crazy Connie is about to strike again. But against whom will she be lashing out this time… and how fatal will her attack be? Ava’s getting increasingly paranoid and Kristen, of all people, tries to calm her down. Leo has decided his best option is to phone a friend… It’s been a rough couple of months, but Stefan and Gabi decided they had something to celebrate.

Everett emerges before dying, and Jack and Chad discover the mystery woman’s location. It turns out; that Connie very much enjoys playing games. How else to explain her decision to toy with Ava? Speaking of Ava, Gabi has a few questions for Stefan about the time he spent with Harris’ ex. History could wind up repeating itself as Stephanie finds herself sharing a tender moment with the guy who broke her heart, Everett! The search for Abigail continues as Chad and Jack get at least a little bit closer to uncovering the truth…

Chad and Jack get a shock in Poplar Bluff, John’s missing, and Brady makes an escape. This could be the big moment we’ve all been waiting for as Chad and Jack make a shocking discovery. Abigail, is that you? Sarah thinks that Xander should find a way to reconcile with his mother. But that may not be as easy as it sounds… Having fallen off the wagon yet again, Brady tries to get himself together.

With John off atoning for his past sins and Eric skipping town with Nicole, Marlena will no doubt be glad to have Paul on hand to offer his support.

Next Week

Stefan considers coming clean, Connie continues to plot against those who wronged her late love, and it’s looking an awful lot like Alex is going to rebound back into the arms of a former love interest!

Monday, August 5:

Abigail, is that you? That’s what we’ll all be asking as Chad and Jack manage to rescue someone whom we’re told has a “familiar” face!

Is Marlena right to be concerned about John and his continued absence?

Theresa managed to do quite a number on both Alex and Brady, who find themselves in the rather unlikely position of commiserating with one another.

As Stephanie deals with her pain over Everett, Kayla is on hand to provide some much-needed support and comfort.

Tuesday, August 6:

Will things get too close for comfort when Alex and Stephanie discover that they will once again be neighbors?

Paulina goes to Jada with questions regarding Rafe’s stabbing… and a potential suspect!

Stefan is about to get an earful as Gabi decides to vent.

Connie is obviously not familiar with the word “irony.” Why do we say that? Because she’s determined to avenge the death of Li… you know the guy she murdered!

Wednesday, August 7:

It’s pretty much impossible to keep a secret in Salem, but Brady and Fiona vow to give it a try. Good luck with that!

The double wedding didn’t go quite as planned, but Xander and Sarah are finally going to tie the knot!

Holly thinks it’ll be easy pulling one over on guardian Maggie, but she may have underestimated Victor’s widow!

Leo is about to get an offer from Kate and Abe. (Anybody else wanna bet they’re going to suggest he become headwriter of Body & Soul?)

Two women who know a thing or two about doubles cross paths when Bonnie reunites with Hattie.

Thursday, August 8:

Will Paul listen when he receives advice from Andrew?

Tate’s been doing a pretty good job of lying low, but he’s about to get caught hanging in Salem… and by Brady, no less! Meanwhile, Holly hopes to convince Sophia that she should stop being such a pain in the…

Someone is listening in on Chad and Jack’s conversation… and that person is about to get caught in the act!

Friday, August 9:

Stefan is feeling pretty guilty about the secret he’s been keeping. But is telling Gabi the truth about Ava really the right move?

Speaking of people who feel guilty, Jada opens up to Paulina about her own complicated feelings about Everett.

What will Johnny and Chanel think after they have a downright awkward encounter with Connie?

Are Stephanie and Alex about to give their relationship another try? That might be the result when she tries to help him move on from Theresa!


 That's Y&R's Joshua Morrow's son, Crew Morrow, B&B's new Will Spencer!

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