Sunday, October 13, 2024

Weekly Recaps & Spoilers: October 14-18, 2024

 Days of Our Lives – Peacock


Abigail tells Chad she wants them to go to Paris, and Gabi and Stefan agree to divorce. They say loose lips sink ships, and Leo could be about to prove that when he says exactly the wrong thing in front of several people. When “Abigail” suggests to Chad that they should go on a trip, is it because the travel bug has bitten… or that she wants to get out of Salem for other reasons. EJ hopes that what he does next will help to save his job. Stefan and Gabi have a conversation which could determine the future of their marriage!

Johnny thinks he’s walking in on Alex and Chanel having sex, and Hattie vows payback! Alex seductively lies on top of Stephanie under a sheet on a hospital exam table. They're both shirtless. Hattie isn’t pleased with Leo’s latest stunt and makes her feelings very, very clear. Despite Bonnie’s best efforts, Abe and Kate refuse to give in. How does Johnny really feel about his wife working with Alex? Meanwhile, Alex is definitely not thinking about Chanel — we hope! — when things get steamy with Stephanie!

Eric learns Fiona left with Brady the night of the accident, just as Xander convinces Sarah to recant her statement. Having heard Kristen’s proposal out, Xander discusses it with Sarah. This time, Fiona’s really, absolutely, definitely going to tell Brady the truth about what went down the night of Sarah’s accident. Maybe. At long last, Eric confronts Melinda about everything baby-switch related. How supportive will EJ be when he and Stefan discuss the end of the latter’s marriage? (We’re going to go with “not very!”)

Eric asks Sarah if she’s covering for Fiona, and “Abigail” asks Chad if they should get married. “Abigail” puts on a show, and it’s all for an audience of one: Chad! Given how horrified Mark is by Clyde’s latest order, will he go through with it. Eric becomes the latest person to approach Fiona with questions about the night of the accident. Sarah wants to take back something she said, but EJ insists she can’t do so… which could be bad news for Brady! Two of our favorite Salem ladies, Maggie and Julie, find time to catch up with one another.

Sarah remembers that Fiona was driving the car that hit her, and Chad agrees to marry “Abigail.” Holly is obviously not terribly thrilled with her mom, but Maggie has a few words of advice for the young woman. It looks as if Chad might be walking directly into the trap when “Abigail” suggests they should get married! Xander and Kristen each know how to toy with others. But who’ll come out on top when he tries tricking her? Eric and Sarah have an important conversation about Brady and Fiona. Will they manage to piece together the facts?

Next Week

Things are set to explode! “Abigail” and Chad’s wedding day finally arrives, with a special guest helping them tie the knot. But things quickly go downhill for the couple! Meanwhile, Xander learns the truth, Sophia gets a boost in her quest to land Tate, and Chanel’s marriage could take a major hit!

Monday, October 14:

After having heard things she definitely wasn’t supposed to, Holly has some questions for “Abigail.” Meanwhile, Steve is determined to prove that the woman claiming to be his niece is a big ol’ fraud. But will the plan he sets in motion be successful?

Xander gives Maggie an update on the quest to cure Sarah. But even as Sarah is regaining her memory, Fiona makes a move that could change everything…

Eric and Brady think that by putting their heads together, they might just be able to uncover the truth.

Tuesday, October 15:

Xander’s mama might want to seek shelter, because he’s ready to call her out over what happened to Sarah! Given how angry Xander’s been of late, how bad will things go for Fiona?

They’ve been through some rough patches over the years, but Brady knows he has Eric to thank for saving his bacon this time around!

Has Body and Soul destroyed Johnny and Chanel’s marriage? It sure might seem that way after today’s confrontation.

Alex and Stephanie are determined to protect the sanctity of their friendship. (At least until he takes off his shirt again, then all bets might be off!)

Wednesday, October 16:

Chanel wants to know why her husband’s in such a mood.

Despite their plan to put friendship first, Stephanie and Alex come to the conclusion that they’ve made a colossal mistake.

“Abigail” is feeling guiltier than ever where Chad is concerned. Of course, given that they are about to become man and wife, she’s going to need to get over that whole “conscience” thing pretty darn quick!

Thursday, October 17:

JJ comes back to town to serve as the officiant for the wedding of “Abigail” and Chad. Good luck with that, dude!

When Fiona and Brady sit down for a long-overdue conversation, you can bet we’ll be a fly on the wall listening in! Meanwhile, with Brady’s fate hanging in the balance, Sarah and Xander hope EJ will do the right thing!

When Tate needs assistance, Sophia is there to provide it.

Friday, October 18:

The wedding is over, but it sounds as if the real fun will be had at “Abigail” and Chad’s reception, because things definitely will not be going as planned. (Could this have something to do with the fact that JJ and Holly put their heads together to compare notes regarding the bride?)

Sophia gets a little bit of advice from legendary troublemaker Ava, but is that the person she should be getting encouragement from? Meanwhile, Aaron gives Tate his blessing, such as it is, to date Sophia!

General Hospital


Lucky has an emotional reunion with Aiden and learns he’s not a viable donor for Lulu, and Lucas runs into Wiley, Michael, and Willow. Lucas may have a new face, but he’s got the same family ties as he visits Bobbie’s grave today. When Holly crosses paths with Brennan, will it be for the first time… or might they share a past connection? Robert’s a man of his word, so when he makes a promise, take it seriously. Something has Lois shaken, which Chase and Brook Lynn find themselves dealing with an unexpected shock.

Lucky lashes out after learning he can’t save Lulu, and Anna confronts Jason to talk about their kiss. It feels like old times when Robert and Holly reconnect. Might fans of the couple finally get the reunion they’ve long awaited? Sam pays a visit to Alexis. Elizabeth can’t help but fear that Lucky might be in trouble. Might Lucky not be able to save Lulu? Or does this have to do with Holly and Sidwell’s diamonds? Anna issues a few words of warning to Brennan. Mac’s got an opinion, and he’s not afraid to share it! But what are his two cents really worth?

Lucky’s prayers are answered when Laura comes home, and Jason comes up with a plan when Sonny worries about Kristina and Alexis. Now, it’s time for Jason and Anna to discuss it! Watch for flying sparks when Carly takes another meeting with Brennan. Sonny catches Kristina up.

Sonny plans to turn himself in to save Alexis, and Anna and Chase receive the supposed gun Alexis disposed of that could exonerate her. As Lucky and Laura reunite, hear what his portrayer, Jonathan Jackson, has to say about his TV-mom. Is Dante foolish to hold out hope? Sonny’s ready to make his move, which means giving marching orders to Diane. Meanwhile, Michael does what he can to run interference, and Jason finds himself feeling incredibly reluctant.

Brad discovers Portia altered Heather’s labs, and Dante prepares to warn his dad not to confess. Sonny makes a decision which could change everything. Might he finally be turning himself in for Jagger’s murder? Meanwhile, Martin and Alexis plan their next move; Anna hopes to get a few answers from Carly. How will Cody react to what Brad confides in him? Ava has a run-in with someone she’d just as soon have avoided.

Next Week

Sasha is about to get the kind of news that hits a person like a freight train, while Holly winds up with some explaining to do. Meanwhile, Molly and Kristina wind up clashing yet again, while Tracy and Laura find time to reminisce.

Monday, October 14:

Will she stay (in prison) or will she go? Alexis will find out what the fates have in store for her today! Plus, will Dante sacrifice his integrity to save Sonny from prison?

When someone needs to talk, Dex is there to listen. (Will it be Molly, given how much time those two have been spending together of late?)

Elizabeth is glad to have Terry on hand when she needs someone to talk to. About Lucky, of course!

Curtis is about to get a major surprise, courtesy of Ric Lansing.

Brad’s never been one to stand back while others take the lead, but he makes a helluva bold move today!

Tuesday, October 15:

How will Drew feel about the offer Ned’s about to make him? And how will Michael be tempted play into things?

Tracy obviously loves Brook Lynn, but the older woman never let a little thing like affection get in the way of business. Is that what has the women at loggerheads?

Sam receives the kind of news that could change lives.

The new guy in town Isaih is ready to jump into action!

Wednesday, October 16:

Brennan manages to catch Anna off guard. How? With an ambush!

Elizabeth and Portia can’t quite figure something out.

Is Jordan finally going to get a little romance? Looks possible when she agrees to have dinner with Isaih.

Sasha goes to Michael with a special request.

What has Tracy taking Cody to task?

Thursday, October 17:

Anybody who knows Ric won’t be surprised to hear that he’s ready to play dirty.

Can Holly talk her way out of trouble?

Sasha is not prepared for what she’s about to be told.

Dante and Sam breathe a sigh of relief. But is this the calm before the storm?

Tracy offers to be there for Cody.

Friday, October 18:

Wonder how Mac will feel if he finds out that Felicia is whispering encouraging words into Holly’s ear?

Will the name “Luke” will definitely come up when Laura and Tracy take a walk down Memory Lane.

Molly and Kristina butt heads yet again.

Elizabeth gives Lucky the latest update.

The Bold & the Beautiful


Carter kisses Hope, and Liam learns Will is working at Forrester. Will wrangles Liam to be his wingman with awkward results. As their “Down with office romances!” mantra goes up in smoke, Carter and Hope surrender to their passion and share a sizzling hot kiss. Will urges Liam to get back with Hope, and Steffy and Finn reminisce. Will, aka the show’s new voice of reason, convinces Liam to see a different perspective about Hope …

Ridge struggles to keep Taylor’s secret, Liam surprises Hope, and Brooke and Eric catch up. Liam and Hope reflect on their relationship with Beth as their strong point. Kids, you’ve been down this road before and know what waits at the end of it.  Ridge has a hard time keeping Taylor’s secret from Steffy. With good reason. Wasn’t it enough that Taylor “died” twice already?

Liam asks Hope for another chance, and Carter gets an eyeful. Having nothing else in the whole world to discuss, Taylor and Ridge have a heart-to-heart about sharing her diagnosis. Time to pull off that Band-Aid. Or was it a tourniquet Taylor was wearing after her blood draw? Liam makes a surprising offer to Hope.  Carter keeps his burgeoning relationship with Hope from Ridge and Brooke even though they’d probably be thrilled to learn that she’s stealing kisses from someone who is not her stepsister’s husband.

Brooke gets an eyeful of Ridge and Taylor, and Carter and Hope kiss again. With undeniable chemistry, Carter and Hope fall into a sexy kiss.  Somewhere, Brooke’s head is surely exploding as Ridge presents Taylor with a soothing and mindful way to heal.

Next Week

Taylor can no longer keep her secret… and Brooke can no longer hold back from lashing out at her longtime rival! But is she jumping to the wrong conclusion? Meanwhile, Carter puts it all on the line for Hope, which just might raise suspicions about his feelings for the beauty!

Monday, October 14:

Carter bravely mediates an escalating argument between Hope and Steffy.

Brooke gets the wrong impression as she spies Ridge and Taylor physically connect. Can’t blame Brooke, either, especially if you recall how hard her nemesis fought to reclaim the dressmaker the last time around.

Tuesday, October 15:

Brooke confronts Taylor, accusing her of going after Ridge.

Rather than wait until she collapses in front of her daughter or something, Taylor finally shares the truth about her health with Steffy.

Wednesday, October 16:

Though Liam creates a moving video tribute of Hope’s personal and professional accomplishments, is it too little, too late, buddy? He oughta just cool his jets and wait to reheat the old flame that’s headed back to L.A.

Thursday, October 17:

Proving that it pays to have friends (who are hot for you) in high places, Carter makes his pitch for the flailing Hope For the Future Line — and Hope — to the company.

Will delivers news that he knows may upset his father, Bill. Is it just about his new job … or is Katie actually going on a date?

Friday, October 18:

Never having been one to hold back, Carter gets into his feelings as he and Hope share a romantic evening. Will she be moved, both by his defense of her and his declaration?

Flashback: Ridge almost marries Young & Restless‘ Ashley Abbott?  Sheila hooked up with Ridge’s bio dad Massimo Marone? Nick Marone kisses Pam Douglas?

The Young & the Restless


Sharon plants evidence and Audra urges Sally to fight back. W what constitutes “a bold move” after Sharon nearly poisoned Daniel and killed Heather. But a bold move is nonetheless what the unstable heroine is about to make. Claire confronts Kyle about his past with Audra. While she’s at it, she might want to confront him about his past with Lola, Tara and who knows how many other women. Ya, boy got around! Daniel breaks bad news to Lucy — and if it’s the news we’re all expecting, it doesn’t get much worse than that.

Daniel gets more terrible news, and Victor witnesses Jack and Diane’s public argument. With Victor not having any hobbies whatsoever, the tycoon entertains himself by making mischief for the Abbotts. Perhaps sensing that Daniel has a suspect in mind, Chance issues a warning to Heather’s grieving partner. Ah, just like in the olden days, Nick finds himself caught between Sharon and Phyllis.

Sharon receives an unwelcome visitor, and Mariah and Tessa field a crisis! Sharon receives mixed signals from Nick. But are that mixed signals from the real Nick or the Nick that’s only in her head? Cole questions Victoria about their future. Question No. 1: “Say, do ya think we have one?” Chance got out of the exec game just in time: because he’s the right man for the right job when an investigation is launched into Heather’s death.

Jack threatens to have Kyle arrested, and Sharon lies to Chance. Victor comes to Abby’s rescue… but in what way? And why? Has Aunt Jordan finally decided that Abby is worth targeting, too? She is a businesswoman, hear her roar! Nikki gets the upper hand in a negotiation. Well, whad’ya knows? First on Chance’s list of people with whom to discuss Heather’s untimely demise is… his ex-girlfriend, Sharon.

Jack tells Claire about Victor, Lily confronts Nikki and Victor, and Chance infuriates Daniel. Not sure why a smart cookie like Lily didn’t. Predictably, Victor changes the rules with her. Jack fills in Claire about Kyle’s past. Nate returns home with surprising news.  Kyle thinks he’s won the war, but was it just a battle.

Next Week

It’s not looking good for Daniel when Chance uncovers shocking evidence. Also down on his luck is Billy, who receives an ultimatum from Jill at the same time that Victor is recruiting a new ally against him!

Restless Rant! Young & Restless fans want [Spoiler] smacked! Find out which characters are on the viewers’ last nerve. Plus, Victor’s plans for “Dabby’s” wedding were revealed.

Monday, October 14:

Unfamiliar with the concept of counting to 10 and taking a deep breath before acting, Victor retaliates against Jack and Diane.

Perhaps moving one step closer to the pairing that we’ve been predicting since Chelsea and Adam slept together, Billy and Sally make a pact.

Audra fights day in, and day out. To get ahead. To stay ahead. To protect herself. But today, she lets her guard down with Nate.

Young & Restless baddie James Hyde rides again… but shh! It’s a “secret.”

Tuesday, October 15:

Sharon sends Nick mixed signals. Which is pretty understandable. At the moment, Heather’s killer scarcely knows which end is up!

Katie, bar the door, ’cause no one will be safe when Phyllis takes control.

Is Mommie Dearest having second or even third thoughts about having given Sonny Boy so much power? Seems likely since Jill gives Billy an ultimatum.

Wednesday, October 16:

Rather than encourage the black sheep of the Newman family to walk the straight and narrow, Victor recruits Adam in his revenge plot against Billy.

Chance finds shocking evidence — and we have a hunch that it won’t implicate Heather’s real killer.

If the enemy of his enemy is his friend, it makes sense that Jack conspires with Audra.

Thursday, October 17:

Kyle is already in so far over his head, he can’t see daylight. Guess he figures in for a penny, in for a pound, though, because he makes yet another dangerous deal with Victor.

Daniel finds himself in a compromising position. We can only hope that he doesn’t also find himself in a prison cell.

Is the honeymoon coming to an end as tension builds between Jack and Diane, something’s gotta give.

Friday, October 18:

The Young and the Restless celebrates the 30th anniversary of Michelle Stafford’s debut as Phyllis Summers with a special episode.

Flashback: Young & Restless‘ Ashley Abbott almost married Ridge Forrester from Bold & Beautiful? Nikki hooked up with her future son-in-law? Victoria got engaged to Neil Winters?


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