Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Fast Break: Did Billy Rush His Recovery on The Young and the Restless?

On The Young and the Restless, does it feel like Billy’s goodbyes before he went to rehab took up more time than he actually spent in there?
A week? For realz? Billy (Jason Thompson) kicked a gambling addiction that’s been haunting him for a decade, which broke up multiple relationships, and which just recently returned with a vengeance in a week?
He must have stayed at the Gamblers Anonymous Miracle Max!
Did this all seem a little too fast to you? Almost 9,000 fans took longer to think about it and come up with an answer!

Did Billy even go to rehab, 85% of you wonder? Maybe, after calling Summer (Hunter King) for a booty-call AKA revenge sex, Billy just left Genoa City for… Las Vegas? Atlantic City? Monaco?
The guy’s still an Abbott. Even if somebody would have noticed the Jabot jet missing, he still has enough credit cards to fund a private vacation pretty much anywhere – for a week.
And if he did go to rehab, how much soul-searching could he have done? Seven days is barely enough time to unpack, meet your roommate, and find out where the bathroom is.
When did he get around to baring his soul and figuring out what drove his destructive behavior? And come up with new strategies to help make better choices. That’s what the Abbotts were paying for! (And you know his family is footing the bill!)
Been There, Done That
Like Mark Twain, who said that quitting smoking wasn’t difficult, he’s done it dozens of times, 14% of the audience believes Billy doesn’t need to spend much time at rehab, he’s done it so often, he knows the drill by now.
They told him he was a bad boy, Billy promised to change, they believed him and, sent him on his way. Just like home.

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