Sunday, January 27, 2019

Chemistry Test: Does ‘Stabi’ Have It On Days of Our Lives?

There’s no question that Stefan and Gabi hate each other on Days Of Our Lives.
He blames her for doctoring the paternity test that showed Stefan (Tyler Christopher), not Chad (Billy Flynn), was Charlotte’s father, prompting Stefan to get attached to the baby, then get his heart broken.
Gabi (Camila Banus) blames Stefan for enabling Abigail’s (Kate Mansi) split personality and leading to Gabby’s testimony at Andre’s murder trial.
This lead to Gabi being sent to prison and away from Arianna, where Gabi was attacked and injured to the point where she can’t have more children.
Now, Gabi is furious that Stefan won’t give Gabi Chic back to its creator, like Chad was willing to do. So, Gabi and Stefan are yelling and sniping at each other. Yup, they definitely hate each other, no question about that.
But do you also see some chemistry amongst the hate? Over 8,000 looked closer.
Chem Test
Oh, yes, 54% of you rub your hands together with glee. You can see where this is going. The opposite of love isn’t hate, it’s indifference. And Gabi and Stefan are most definitely not indifferent to each other.
There is so much passion in their yelling, it’s got to turn passionate sooner or later. And, not only that, Gabi hooking up with Stefan would drive Abby and Chad nuts. Both Gabi and Stefan would love that.
Chemistry Fail
We see nothing, 46% of the audience objects. Why is it soaps are so convinced that hate must always turn to love? Why can’t someone be angry and stay angry? Why can’t all that passion be turned towards making the other person suffer?
Gabi would never be so stupid as to fall for Stefan, and vice-versa. Plus, if they hooked up, any chance – no matter how tiny – they each still have of reuniting with Chad and Abigial, respectively, would go up in a puff of smoke.
Days of our Lives (DOOL) airs weekdays on NBC. Check your local listings for airtimes.

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