Saturday, March 5, 2022

Weekly Soap Spoilers: March 7-11, 2022


The Young and the Restless

As Phyllis does her damnedest to help Jack make peace with the opportunities that he squandered with Keemo, Lily pushes her sibling to take a monumental leap of faith while Billy leans on one of his. Meanwhile, Victor takes decisive action against Ashland, Nikki redirects poor, clueless Victoria, and Chelsea verges ever closer to “the other woman” territory. When will Sharon figure out that her latest husband has a new admirer?

Opinion:Victor has the fight of his life on his hands as Ashland refuses to go quietly — plus, Jack shocker ahead and Lily’s big idea leaves fans fuming!

Friday, March 4:

In today’s recap, Sharon stops Nick from going off on Ashland— and Jack and Phyllis make a startling discovery in L.A.

Red to the rescue! In a move that’s kind of her specialty, Phyllis give Jack some tough love. Will it be enough to snap him out of the spiral he’s undoubtedly found himself in?

When Sharon gives Nick a warning, it’s almost certainly going to involve the slippery slope that is getting in too deep with his family’s troubles. After all, isn’t it always?

The game continues as Victor plots his next move, and we have to wonder if he’s finally met an opponent in Ashland Locke that he can’t outmaneuver. Silly us, of course he hasn’t.

Season premiere this Sunday! When Calls The Heart sneak peek: Lucas and Nathan once again compete for Elizabeth’s attention: “Alright, let’s get this over with.”

Week of March 7:

Monday, March 7:

Push comes to shove — we hope not literally! — as Ashland calls Victor’s bluff. Since we’ve never seen an ultimatum the Mustache would shy away from, we expect this to lead to a dramatic outcome.

Working through the pain, Jack shares his regrets with Phyllis. We can’t help but think that these two kids will be holding hands when this emotional roller coaster the Abbott heir is on finally comes to an end.

Uh-oh. Confirming her worst fears about her husband going back to work for Victor, Lauren finds herself in the position of having to worry about Michael’s safety.

Michelle Stafford drops a real-life cliffhanger on fans: “They’re all over.”

Tuesday, March 8:

This is shaping up to be a battle for the ages as Victor retaliates against Ashland. We have to wonder, once the despicable cancer lie is exposed to one and all, will Locke become a target for murder? And which of our suspects will be the perpetrator?

It’s possible the good doctor will end up regretting his recent career change — not to mention his friendship with Ashland Locke — when Nate finds himself facing an ethical dilemma.

When Sharon sees a new side to Noah, will it be even darker than the one he’s been showing since being dumped by that girl in London, or will it be a livelier and more carefree son with a new lease on life? We have to hope it’s the latter — and, thankfully, have reason to think that it will be.

Wednesday, March 9:

Proving herself to be the friend that he believed her to be, Phyllis helps Jack find closure. But is it really closure… or just a precursor to the shocker that Peter Bergman told was coming down the pike.

When Traci comes to Billy’s rescue, we can’t help but wonder, as a writer, if she’ll help him get through a struggle with “podcast-block.” Is that a thing?

As Devon and Lily struggle with an important decision, it can only be whether or not to merge their respective companies. Will the sibs be able to work things out, or will they find themselves even further apart on the matter?

Thursday, March 10:

Victor keeps Lauren in the dark. Eek. This fiery redhead can be very formidable when irritated, so the Mustache might want to at least consider coming up with some answers about her husband Michael, who he sent off to do his bidding in Peru.

Hmm, we have to wonder if Lauren turns to her brother-in-law, the renowned hacker, for help as this teaser reads, “Kevin understands the assignment.” Will the erstwhile chipmunk bandit be able to root out Michael’s whereabouts?

Jeez, Victoria’s really been out of the loop recently, most notably where her husband’s concerned. But she may finally see the light when Nikki points her daughter in the right direction.

Friday, March 11:

Aw, it sounds like our Jack will be struggling emotionally as he’s haunted by his past. Will he be able to put the specter of his deceased son and their difficult relationship behind him?

When Amanda shares her concerns with Devon, will the besotted billionaire listen to her advice? Or will his gut be speaking more loudly?

Oooh, this sounds fun! Chelsea plays with fire… which can only mean that she flirts with the very-married man of her recent dreams — Rey Rosales! Can’t wait for Sharon to get an inkling of what’s going on right under her nose!

Season premiere this Sunday! When Calls The Heart sneak peek: Lucas and Nathan once again compete for Elizabeth’s attention: “Alright, let’s get this over with.”

Feast your eyes on the 2022 collection of Young & Restless cast portraits in our newly updated photo gallery.

Yes, some of your favorite characters have committed deeds so dirty, they and their shows kinda sorta wish you’d just forget they ever happened. We can’t, though, which is why we’ve put together the whole below photo album that shines a spotlight on the evil acts they really want us to erase from our memories.


The Bold and the Beautiful

Deacon runs to the rescue, Sheila — unsurprisingly — just can’t help herself from sharing her triumph over Brooke with someone, and Grace causes chaos as she interferes in Paris’ love life. Will the truth come out about her extracurricular activities with Carter? Read on to find out what will go down and to discover which couple will share a heart-wrenching moment!

Friday, March 4:

In today’s recap, Sheila gives Thomas a strong warning after he realizes she was behind Brooke falling off the wagon and Bill makes his opinion known regarding Brooke and Ridge!

What did we tell Sheila about loose lips sinking ships? It was that loose lips do sink ships, dang it! Yet during her intense squabble with Thomas, the blabbermouth accidentally slips up. Could this be the first step toward her diabolical plot blowing up in her face?

Nobody needs to ask Dollar Bill for his two cents. He’s perfectly happy to voice his opinion about Ridge and Brooke to Wyatt and Liam. Why do we suspect he won’t be too torn up about the dressmaker’s wife swap?

Week of March 7:

Monday, March 7:

Hmm. If Ridge and Thomas share a warm father/son moment today — and they do — it probably doesn’t involve Junior disclosing the gaffe that Sheila made during their fight. Chances are, he’s content just knowing that his longtime detractor is out of Daddy’s life… at least for now.

When Deacon provides comfort to an anguished Brooke, will it come in the form of a shoulder to cry on… or a pair of lips to kiss? That’s always a risk when these two get together — and hey, she’s got nothing left to lose, eh, Ridge?

Tuesday, March 8:

When Zende puts Paris on the spot in front of Carter, things get awkward with a capital A. How will the Forrester foundation’s wonder girl handle the designer’s pointed questions knowing that she just made love to the company COO all over his loft?!?

Stunned by Sheila’s implication, Thomas demands the whole truth. Will the devious darling cop to pushing Brooke off the wagon and indirectly causing her liplock with Deacon… or will she try to talk her way out of the hole she’s managed to dig herself into?

Wednesday, March 9:

Grace meddles in Paris’ love life by encouraging Zende to act quickly. Um, do we really think that’s going to help his cause? At this point, the Buckingham babe seems to have set her sights firmly on ab-fab Carter.

Well, it sounds like Sheila is reveling in that hole she dug herself into as she takes great delight in revealing her dastardly deed against Brooke to Thomas. It’s bound to be a lightbulb moment for Thomas, who may shatter his mother’s newly rekindled dreams of love with his father by feeling compelled to expose Sheila’s handiwork.

Thursday, March 10:

Well, good luck with this now that she’s had a taste of all his considerable man charms! When Carter attempts to convince Paris that she belongs with Zende, will his efforts be futile? We’re gonna go with “yes.”

Brooke makes a shocking decision about the fate of her marriage to Ridge. Funny, how this will come about right after she receives support from none other than her former bad-boy lover, Deacon. Things that make you go, “Hmm… ” Or not, if you remember her history of bouncing between beaus like she was in a pinball machine.

Friday, March 11:

Well, it’s pretty clear what Brooke’s stunning declaration must have been, as she and Ridge and share a heart-wrenching moment. Taylor, it sounds like he’s all yours!

Oh, this will be fun! Grace flips out when she finds Paris at Carter’s loft. We’re not sure why she’s treating her grown daughter like a teenager, or trying to force her into what amounts to an arranged marriage with Zende, but we’re here for the chaos that’s bound to ensue.

Bold & Beautiful just dropped a whole bunch of new cast portraits, which we’ve added to our ultra-classy “Fade to Gray” collection of photos. Feast your eyes on the fresh images here.

Yes, some of your favorite characters have committed deeds so dirty, they and their shows kinda sorta wish you’d just forget they ever happened. We can’t, though, which is why we’ve put together the whole below photo album that shines a spotlight on the evil acts they really want us to erase from our memories.


General Hospital

Elizabeth has to sit the boys down for an important conversation, someone prepares to leave Port Charles, and Kevin is fretting about Ryan, which should probably have all of us at least a little bit concerned!

Week of February 28:

Monday, February 28:

In today’s recap, Liz finds one of Franco’s portraits at home, Sonny and Carly sign divorce papers, and Finn pushes Chase toward Brook Lynn.

This Is Us endgame?!? Kevin and Sophie may end up together as the series wraps as *this* star teases, “I know certain things.”

Who is about to pay Liz an unexpected visit… and might it shed light on recent unexplained events?

TJ’s about to get an update from Shawn. (And based on what Sean Blakemore just confirmed, we’re pretty sure Shawn’s about to say, “I’m outta here!”)

Alexis has come to trust her new pal Harmony, but Diane definitely doesn’t feel the same way.

Things will be a bit awkward when Drew and Nina cross paths.

In a series of enviably joyful photos, Laura Wright and Wes Ramsey hint at just how much fun they “squeezed into three days” away.

Alum Tamara Braun shares a what the what?!? photo that’s improvisation at its best? Worst?

Tuesday, March 1:

In today’s recap, Finn offers to move in with a freaked-out Liz, Willow denies Nina’s request to see Wiley, and Drew makes Marshall an offer but it comes with a background check.

Curtis receives advice from Stella, but will he take it?

Olivia thinks Sam and Carly need a day away from all the drama!

What does Nina say that pushes all of Willow’s buttons?

Michael and Chase have a talk that leads to a moment of forgiveness.

Another strange incident occurs, and this one is going to really rock poor Elizabeth!

Cameron Mathison opens up about the rare disease that shaped his childhood.

Dimples for days: Maurice Benard’s missus  makes over the birthday boy’s Instagram to share a “few fun photos to show people what I fell for in the early days.”

Wednesday, March 2:

In today’s recap, Betsy’s ready to tell Liz the truth, Jordan interrupts a moment between Curtis and Jordan, and Marshall confides in Curtis about his past arrest.

Will his be Grey’s Anatomy’s next character to exit on the heels of the departure we never saw coming?!?

Can Dante and Sam figure out what’s going on with Elizabeth? And does Jake have answers to a few burning questions?

Marshall tells Curtis, in effect, “You ain’t slick.” Meanwhile, Portia admits that she’s glad to have Drew back in town.

Mac thinks he’s ready to go back to work… but the women in his life make it clear they’re not about to let that happen just yet.

Missing General Hospital very much,” James Patrick Stuart reveals when he’ll return as Valentin.

Thursday, March 3:

In today’s recap, Cameron reminds Stella about the envelope she needed to mail before her stroke, and Elizabeth determines Betsy can’t be her stalker.

Who’s behind the mysterious call Anna receives?

Curtis and Portia are caught off guard.

Elizabeth and Finn receive an unexpected visitor who might be able to shed light on recent events.

Like many viewers, Austin finds himself wondering what’s going to happen next!

While waiting on two customers at Kelly’s, Cameron finds himself taking the opportunity to apologize.

When Calls The Heart sneak peek: Lucas and Nathan once again compete for Elizabeth’s attention: “Alright, let’s get this over with.”

Kimberly McCullough (ex-Robin) salutes the greatest actor she’s ever worked with.

Friday, March 4:

In today’s recap, Esme uploads Joss and Cam’s sex video for everyone to see, Sasha wants to get married immediately, and Courtney is remembered.

Many residents find themselves marking a somber occasion.

When Brando and Sasha wake up together, could this be a sign that they have finally gotten their relationship back on track?

Anna warns Drew that there’s a dangerous situation brewing!

Things are definitely awkward when Cameron and Joss cross paths with Trina.

Laura’s been warning everyone who’ll listen — including Nikolas’ wife — about Victor. So she’s definitely going to be suspicious when she spots her nemesis and Ava together!

Alum Michelle Stafford (ex-Nina) drops a real-life cliffhanger on fans: “They’re all over.”

Week of March 7:

GH Soapbox: Fans are divided over Liz’s haunting storyline, not wanting another DID plot that’s been done to death on soaps.

Monday, March 7:

Trina won’t be able to unsee what she sees, while Cameron and Joss won’t be able to escape the spotlight… no matter how badly they’d like to! (Something tells us Esme’s experiment in filmmaking is about to come to light… )

Sometimes, a person has to make tough decisions… which is what Liz finds herself having to do today!

Their divorce is moving full-steam ahead, but that’s not going to stop Sonny from trying to reconnect with his wife. (And maybe he’ll have some luck, given that portrayer Maurice Benard recently gave fans of the couple reason to hope it might not really be over!)

Curtis and Portia are looking for a place they can begin their joint lives, which means Lucy is on hand to help… for a price, of course!

How will Brando react to Sasha’s surprise?

Axed and answered: The ABC soap pulls back the curtain as a few lading ladies “bury the hatchet.”

Tuesday, March 8:

When Cameron and Joss look for culprits, they’re pretty sure they know in whose direction they should turn their suspicions!

They’ve tried before, but might this be the time Spencer and Nikolas actually succeed in repairing their fractured relationship?

This can’t be good: Kevin is rattled by what’s going on with his serial-killer brother, Ryan.

Britt has a family reunion… and it’s actually a pleasant experience for once!

What’s Victor up to? That’s what everyone wants to know, including Laura, who tries digging up a few answers.

Wednesday, March 9:

While we’re happy to drink with just about anyone, we’re not sure how we feel about the idea of joining Victor in toasting to the rise of the Cassadine clan. (Then again, it seems likely he’ll have the good booze on hand… )

In what we’re sure is completely unrelated news, Ava and Nikolas can’t help but wonder if perhaps they’re being used.

Brando and Sasha lose their way.

Dante and Sam realize that despite their best efforts, it’s a case of too little, too late.

What’s got Gladys all worked up?

Thursday, March 10:

When Brando and Sasha are forced to improvise, will they manage to pull it off?

What is it that Michael and Willow are celebrating?

Now that the secrets and lies are out of the way, Maxie and Austin can get closer… or at least they’d be able to if it weren’t for a most untimely interruption!

Robert and Anna find time to reconnect while waiting for others to join them.

What news does Nina have to share with Sonny… and how will it impact his odds of reuniting with Carly?

Friday, March 11:

If there’s one person Joss knows she can turn to when she needs comforting, it’s her mom. But will Carly be able to make her daughter feel better under these circumstances?

Brook Lynn can’t help but react to what she sees.

Elizabeth sits Cam and Jake down to have an important chat with them.

Ava and Nikolas are in the middle of making plans when who should come a-callin’ but Esme. (Anybody else suspect they won’t be particularly thrilled by the interruption?)

Finn fills Chase in on what’s been happening.

Sonny currently has his hands full with Carly and their pending divorce and you never know what the mobster will do next. Take a look at our photo gallery of other Port Charles mobsters from over the years then get all the latest General Hospital exits and returns in one place!

As we marvel at the opportunity General Hospital missed with Peter’s death, we also revisit daytime’s worst-ever exits — yes, now with his included!


Days of Our Lives

A major bombshell is dropped, criminals conspire against EJ and suspicions are shared — plus, there’s a big face off and two Salemites try to make one man see the light!

Week of March 7:

Monday, March 7:

The DiMera shareholder meeting might be all about business, but something tells us Gabi is going to take great pleasure in dropping a bombshell on those gathered!

The walls are closing in on Gwen, and her best bet is to convince Ava not to reveal the details about Abigail’s kidnapping. Wait, Gwen’s fate is in Ava’s hands? Yeah, good luck with that one, girl!

Johnny tries to take on the devil. (Anybody else suddenly hearing “The Devil Went Down to Georgia?” Will Johnny walk away with a guitar made of gold?)

Xander is finally reunited with Sarah… but things won’t be as simple as the long-separated lovebirds simply running into one another’s arms.

Tuesday, March 8:

Sounds like EJ could be facing some serious problems behind bars. Why? Because Orpheus and Clyde are putting their heads together in order to conspire against him!

Ben and Ciara think that Johnny might be the latest person to have provided the devil with a place to live. When they share their suspicions with Susan, will she co-sign their theory? Meanwhile, Jake is going to be blown away when he finally sees Johnny’s true colors!

Will the news Belle brings EJ regarding his case be good or bad?

Wednesday, March 9:

Jake might understand recent events a bit better once Ben and Ciara tell him that they suspect Johnny might be possessed. Meanwhile, when Susan tries to suss out the truth, JoDevil manages to throw her off the scent.

Belle tries getting to the bottom of why Chad turned on EJ in the courtroom.

Chanel is there when Allie needs someone to offer her comfort. But will the young women be tempted to take things further?

Thursday, March 10:

Someone get the popcorn, because this promises to be good: Nancy is about to go toe-to-toe with Craig’s boy toy, Leo. Something tells us the conniving schemer may have met his match in Nancy, whom longtime viewers will recall knows a thing or two about how to make a rival pay!

How will John react upon hearing about Chloe and Brady’s plan to expose Leo?

One of our favorite grandmother/grandson pairs is reunited when Will comes home and swings by to see Marlena. Hubby Sonny, meanwhile, visits Justin to express his concerns about his dad’s marriage to Bonnie.

Friday, March 11:

Chloe and Brady join forces to try and pull a fast one on Leo. (Is it too much to hope that the exes might, in the process, rediscover their own feelings for one another?)

Meanwhile, Will and Sonny are doing their best to help Craig see the light. And if anyone knows just how much trouble Leo is, it’s them! And Bonnie steps up to help give Nancy a makeover!

Has TR really changed his wicked ways? We kinda doubt it, but Paulina and Eli are going to work together to figure out exactly that.

Salem is full of rich citizens and some are featured in our photo gallery of soaps’ richest families— plus, get all the latest Days of Our Lives exits and returns in one place!


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