Sunday, July 30, 2023

Soap Hub's Critic's Review of the Soaps: July 24-28, 2023

General Hospital News

The Young & the Restless News

The Bold & the Beautiful News

Days of Our Lives News

Soap Hub's Performers of the Week for July 24-28, 2023

Soap Episodes: July 28, 2023

 General Hospital 7-28-23 - video Dailymotion

The Bold and the Beautiful 7-28-23 (28th July 2023) 7-28-2023 - video Dailymotion

Days of our Lives clip 7-28-23 pt 1 - video Dailymotion

Days of our Lives 7-28-23 clip pt 2 - video Dailymotion

Days of our Lives 7-28-23 Clip pt 3 - video Dailymotion

Days of our Lives 7-28-23 clip pt 4 - video Dailymotion

Days of our Lives 7-28-23 clip pt 5 - video Dailymotion

Days of our Lives 7-28-23 Clip pt 6 - video Dailymotion

Friday, July 28, 2023

Weekly Spoilers: July 31-August 4, 2023


The Young & the Restless

Everything, it would seem, changes in her never-ending vendetta against Diane, Ashley moves on to Plan B (or at least Plan A 2.0). Both Adam and Phyllis try on a new accessory. (But will either of them look right in a halo?) Sharon discovers that there’s a “chance” she has romantic competition. And Jack and Diane fear that there’s a worm crawling around inside the apple of their eye.

Week of July 31:

Monday, July 31:

Phyllis works to rebuild her image. Step No. 1: Stop entering restaurants like a bull in a china shop.

Mariah ponders an important decision with an assist from Tessa. Is the new mom ready for a major change?

Something tells us Adam won’t be particularly thrilled when big brother Nick decides to put him on notice!

Tuesday, August 1:

It’s a match made in hell: When Adam makes a deal with Phyllis, it can only mean bad news for somebody. But will it be them… or someone else?

Mom must be trying to draw her daughter into her plot to drive Diane bonkers, ’cause what other reason would Abby refuse to help Ashley?

Lily pulls out all the stops to impress Daniel. Although, from what we’ve been seeing, she wows him just fine simply by being her sparkling self.

Wednesday, August 2:

Maybe they’ve gotten a gander at the incriminating photos, which would explain by Jack and Diane finds themselves worrying about Kyle!.

Sharon had a guy all to herself for all of six seconds, and then what? She interrupts a moment between Summer and Chance.

Thursday, August 5:

Knowing that every decision made in Genoa City comes with consequences, Sally struggles with her feelings.

Phyllis makes a promise to Christine. Cue Christine laughing her head off in three, two… A promise from Phyllis means about as much as a contract signed in pencil. 

Nikki proves she’s not playing games when she decides to call Nate’s bluff!

Friday, August 4:

When Ashley reveals a new game plan, we have a feeling it won’t be “Leave Diane the hell alone and live my own life.”

Adam agrees to play nice. Mm-hmm. But agreeing to play nice and actually doing so are two very different things.

Daniel, continuing to cement his status as the sanest character in Genoa City, stands his ground with Phyllis.

The Bold & the Beautiful

It’s life or death after that fateful day at the beach becomes one that no one will ever forget — even if they’d like to — Sheila gives Deacon reason to worry. And yes, a reason besides the fact that there aren’t prison bars between her and the world. Plus, Steffy and Finn’s relationship gets heated (and not in a fun way), Wyatt gets to be all like, “Wait, what?” and someone whose loyalty we thought could pass any test starts to look a little iffy.

Week of July 31:

Monday, July 31:

Finn makes a shocking confession.

Tuesday, August 1:

Steffy issues Finn a stern warning.

Wyatt questions Steffy’s reaction.

Wednesday, August 2:

Deacon’s concerned about Sheila’s view of what her future could hold.

Steffy’s worst fear becomes reality.

Thursday, August 3:

Finn’s actions lead to a devastating result.

Liam refuses to back down.

Friday, August 4:

Li’s unwavering loyalty is in jeopardy.

Sheila reflects on how her past led to her present.

General Hospital

Over the next two weeks, relationships will be tested, suspicions will be raised and a few General Hospital characters may even find themselves on the receiving end of a surprise. Trina has a serious talk with Dex (while Joss takes Spencer to task), Finn and Elizabeth might just decide where they stand, and the last person you might expect winds up trying to play peacemaker!

Week of July 31:

Monday, July 31:

Might that Shiv Cyrus slipped Drew a few weeks ago come into play when a fight breaks out at Pentonville?

Kristina has vowed to do more looking before she leaps, so she wisely opts to seek advice from someone. Meanwhile, Molly — who is continuing to struggle with big decisions — turns to her mom Alexis.

Sonny has been carefully observing things of late, and he’s ready to formulate a theory.

When Tracy accepts an invitation, dare we hope it might be from Gregory… and that she’ll be at least a little less mean to him than usual?

Tuesday, August 1:

When Dante makes his case, will it prove strong enough?

The fates once again push longtime enemies Carly and Ava into one another’s lives. When Carly has questions, will Ava answer them truthfully?

After weeks of discussion, it looks as if Molly and TJ are ready to make a huge decision that could impact several lives. Meanwhile, someone offers Kristina the reassurance she so desperately needs.

Alexis has a word of warning for Gregory. (We’re willing to lay odds that it’s about Tracy!)

Wednesday, August 2:

Will Valentin agree to do what Laura’s urging?

Martin tends to be a very sharp cookie, but he’s definitely caught off guard today!

Does the fact that Tracy is paying a visit to Deception have anything to do with Maxie trying to do some serious damage control?

They say the children are the future, so let’s see how Leo does when he tries to play peacemaker!

Thursday, August 3:

Spencer and Dex have not been the best buddies. But Joss and Trina couldn’t be closer. So we’re very interested to hear what Trina will have to say when she sits down for a chat with Dex!

Meanwhile, Josslyn decides she needs to take Spencer to task!

Kristina manages to be at the exact wrong place at the exact wrong time.

Suspicious eyes are usually aimed at Cody’s way, so will anyone listen when he’s the one to voice the suspicions?

Eddie Maine — aka Ned’s rocking alter ego — is very surprised by what he finds out!

The day nears when General Hospital will have to say goodbye to Bobbie…..

Friday, August 4:

Laura has good reason to worry… but can her fretting result in positive actions?

They’ve talked about their feelings for weeks, but it’s finally time for Elizabeth and Finn to sit down and admit where their hearts and heads are really at!

Hide the knives, ’cause Nina is going to swing by and visit Willow. Will Michael regret having allowed Willow to invite her mom into her protective “bubble”?

Anna may not yet have all the answers, but she’s ready to share what she knows!

Days of Our Lives on Peacock

Secrets come out, familiar faces return and at least one romance seems to be in big trouble. Sarah gets an offer even as her mom gets a shock, things get rocky where Kristen and Brady’s custody battle is concerned, and trouble could be brewing at Bayview!

Week of July 31:

Monday, July 31:

Wedding bells are ringing… and they’re going to be particularly loud, given that two brides are about to walk down the aisle!

Kristen gets the kind of invitation that she can’t really refuse because it involves appearing in court!

In perhaps the least surprising move ever, Sloan finds a way to mess with Nicole and EJ’s test results. Meanwhile, Eric is going around telling everyone how excited he is to be having a baby with the vixen!

Tuesday, August 1:

Brady and Kristen go before the judge… and things definitely are not going to turn out the way anyone expected!

Chanel tells Abe he’s sure to remember everything soon… although she might just be making promises that the universe can’t deliver!

Two super-couples are reunited.

Wednesday, August 2:

Wendy urged her brother to get over his lingering feelings for (and obsession with) Gabi. But she’s not particularly thrilled that he seems to be spending an awful lot of time with Melinda!

Sloan is pretty good at keeping secrets… and yet she decides to tell someone the truth about Nicole’s pregnancy!

Tensions boil over between Chanel and Talia.

Wendy makes it clear she is not exactly thrilled with the woman to whom her brother is pitching woo!

Even being in familiar surroundings doesn’t seem to help jog Abe’s memory.

Thursday, August 3:

Eric has a proposal for Sloan… but it’s not exactly the kinda thing that’s going to knock a girl’s socks off!

Harris runs into a very familiar face in Bayview.

Chad takes EJ into his confidence, while Alex fills Stephanie in on the details of his date.

Friday, August 4:

It’s a big day for Nicole and the news. She not only receives some that are rather shocking but also gets the chance to share some! Meanwhile, Melinda corners Sloan to say she knows exactly what she’s been hiding!

How will Xander react to the very big favor Maggie asks of him?

When Tripp wakes up, he’s going to be very surprised by what — or who — he finds in his bed!

Week of August 7:

Monday, August 7:

Well, it looks as if the cat is out of the bag. Which cat? The one which Bonnie’s been trying to keep under wraps. Because today, Maggie finds out what Sarah’s been hiding!

Tuesday, August 8:

The good news: Shawn is finally returning to work. The bad news: He’s still feeling incredibly guilty. How will his emotional upheaval impact his ability to function on the job?

Wednesday, August 9:

It’s a General Hospital reunion of sorts when Harris and Ava — played by that other soap’s alums Steve Burton (ex-Jason) and Tamara Braun (ex-Carly) — find themselves bonding at Bayview.

Thursday, August 10:

Trouble could be brewing for Alex when Stephanie convinces Yuri that he should return to Salem.

Friday, August 11:

Stephanie and Chad — who haven’t exactly had an easy go of it — are about to hit yet another bump in the road. What’s she calling him out over this time?

Rex has a proposition for Sarah. Of course, what we can’t help wondering is whether it’s less a “proposition” and more a “proposal”!

Soap Episodes: July 27, 2023

 General Hospital 7-27-23 - video Dailymotion

Days of our Lives 7-27-23 (27th July 2023) 7-27-2023 DOOL 27 July 2023 - video Dailymotion

The Young and the Restless 7-27-23 (Y&R 27th July 2023) 7-27-2023 - video Dailymotion

The Bold and the Beautiful 7-27-23 (27th July 2023) 7-27-2023 - video Dailymotion

Saturday, July 22, 2023

Soap Episodes: July 21, 2023

 Days of our Lives 7-21-23 (21st July 2023) 7-21-2023 DOOL 21 July 2023 - video Dailymotion

General Hospital 7-21-23 - video Dailymotion

The Young and the Restless 7-21-23 (Y&R 21st July 2023) 7-21-2023 - video Dailymotion

The Bold and the Beautiful 7-21-23 (21st July 2023) 7-21-2023 - video Dailymotion

Weekly Spoilers: July 24-28, 2023


The Young & the Restless

Reunited, and it feels so… oh. Oh, dear. That’s not good at all. Jack comes face to face with his “late” ex, Phyllis, and suffices it to say, it isn’t all bear hugs and “How’ve ya beens?” In other developments, Billy tackles a new role, Victor plays offense, and Diane scores a goal. (Thus concludes this demonstration of our complete and total knowledge of sports terminology.)

Week of July 24:

Monday, July 24:

Apparently never having heard that he should be careful what he wishes for, Jack encourages Diane to play dirty. Maybe she takes his suggestion, too, because the next thing we know…

Phyllis hits a roadblock where her freedom is concerned. Who knew it was going to be so tricky to fake your own death, frame your arch-nemesis, change your mind, come back from the dead, and hope that everybody would be like, “Cool, cool”?

That sound you hear in the distance? It’s wedding bells, and they’re chiming for Ashley and Tucker. (Wonder if we’ll be able to hear Diane’s screams over their chiming?)

Tuesday, July 25:

Chance, as pretty much all of Genoa City should be on any given day, is suspicious of Adam. Could the detective be seeing clues that Sharon’s ex still has feelings for her?

Jack encounters someone from his past. And if we were the betting sort, which we are, we’d wager that that redhead’s name rhymes with Mel Tillis.

Sally has a long history of receiving offers from powerful people, and that continues when Victor presents her with a new opportunity.

Wednesday, July 26:

They’ve come a long way since their broken engagement of decades ago. Now, Jill seeks counsel from Victor.

Billy and Victoria haven’t been together for years. But he still has a keen interest in his ex’s life. So how will he handle it when he shares a difference of opinion with her new boyfriend, Nate?

Our new favorite vixen Audra works to impress Nick. Which shouldn’t be hard, right? He was willing to give Sally a chance to prove herself.

Thursday, July 27:

Our bet paid off: Phyllis reunites with Jack. Time for her to set in motion her plan to get back in his good graces.

Another day, another job change? Billy takes on a new role. His resumé must be so long by now that it comes in volumes.

We’re sure that the reason Summer decides to warn Kyle about Audra has nothing to do with jealousy or the blonde’s desire to reunite with her husband… right?

Friday, July 28:

One day, Victor is wondering why his family can’t get along. Next, he is teaching Adam a painful lesson. Um, Vic, mayhaps the two things are related?

It looks like Diane’s dreams are finally coming true… which either means she and Jack are tying the knot, or she’s found a way to rid herself of Phyllis entirely!

Billy will find himself caught between two factions as his loyalty is tested!

Make way for the new power player in town — and brace yourselves for not one but two cataclysmic explosions.

The Bold & the Beautiful

Although life is a beach . . . that’s… um… not necessarily a good thing. As you’ll read below, what should be an idyllic day doesn’t go as planned— and not because of a poorly constructed sand castle, either. Elsewhere, the events which unfolded at Sheila’s trial have shocking ramifications, and several folks appear to be keeping secrets from their loved ones!

Week of July 24:

Monday, July 24:

Chaos ensues in the aftermath of Sheila’s hearing.

Tuesday, July 25:

Ridge learns of a shocking development.

Wyatt encourages Liam to avoid jumping to conclusions.

Wednesday, July 26:

Liam takes matters into his own hands.

Deacon has a secret reunion with someone from his past.

Thursday, July 27:

Steffy struggle with Finn’s secret.

Ridge vows to protect his children.

Friday, July 28:

Steffy and Finn’s day at the beach takes an unexpected turn.

Liam puts everything on the line.

General Hospital

If you’re here, you clearly want to know who’ll be doing what to whom over the next two weeks. The hunt for Nikolas continues, which might be why Ava is so darned nervous. Meanwhile, Finn and Elizabeth decide to give that whole dating thing another shot. And we’ll have to see if Joss actually winds up following the advice Trina serves up!

Week of July 24:

Monday, July 24:

Is someone in Port Charles about to meet their maker? It certainly sounds that way, given that Dex makes a rather grisly discovery!

Nina’s been hoping to get closer with daughter Willow for ages, so what is it that finally helps her to score some points with Wiley’s mom?

Drew made it pretty clear when he arrived at Pentonville that he wanted nothing to do with creepy Cyrus. But sometimes, people don’t listen, which might well be why Scout’s dad finds himself having to confront the supposedly-reformed baddie.

Who is butting heads when Sonny arrives to interrupt the argument?

How will Josslyn react to the pretty big news mom Carly has to share?

Tuesday, July 25:

Ava is ready to lay her cards on the table. Or at least some of them…

Did Elizabeth and Finn end their relationship before giving it a real chance? We may find out as they decide to give dating another try.

Off yesterday’s discovery, Sonny has a few words of advice for Dex.

Brook Lynn issues a dare. (Wonder if “truth” is the other option?)

Portia’s bedside manner is put to the test as she tries offering some comfort.

Wednesday, July 26:

Two heads may prove better than one when Sam and Dante work together on a case.

Portia is definitely caught off guard.

In case there was any doubt whatsoever, Michael and Willow makes it clear to one another how they truly feel.

Dex catches Josslyn up.

Ava may have a tough time explaining her way out of this one!

Thursday, July 27:

When someone needs a bit of advice, Finn is there to offer it up.

Maxie weighs her options where a potential move is concerned.

Portia and Elizabeth have been getting closer in recent weeks. So when Portia needs someone to confide in, it’s not surprising that the hospital’s head of nursing is there!

Ruh-roh. Sounds like somebody is about to get some bad news. Worse, it will be delivered by Gladys!

When Nina crosses paths with Carly, will they manage to be civil or entertain us with one of their usual catfights?

Friday, July 28:

The search for Nikolas kicks into high gear as Laura and Valentin follow the clues. Is that why Ava finds herself worrying? After all, Nik coming home might not be such a great thing for her!

You can bet that Kristina and Molly will have an awful lot to talk about when they sit down for a chat.

Trina offers Joss the best advice a gal pal possibly can.

Michael and Carly carve out time for some mother/son bonding.

Who is Martin Grey’s mysterious third wife?

Days of Our Lives on Peacock

The Salem police department will have its hands full as one of its own goes missing. Elsewhere, things explode between Kristen and Brady, Nicole finds out something unexpected about Eric’s girlfriend, and Whitley goes right around the bend!

Week of July 24:

Monday, July 24:

Whitley never really had the best grasp on reality, but she’s about to go completely over the edge!

Even as Marlena is being told that Abe is alive, things are looking bad for Lani… whose seemingly lifeless body is found by Rafe and Jada!

Chad’s glad to have Theo around when he needs someone to confide in. About what? Well, at the same time, Alex is hanging out with Stephanie, so you do the math!

Tuesday, July 25:

Belle is about to take on an impossible task: Convincing Kristen to take back the statement she made which incriminates another. Meanwhile, Brady confesses to Eric that, yeah, he kinda sorta did threaten Kristen, and sure, there may have been a gun involved…

Li shares with someone what went down between himself and Melinda, who at the same time is growing closer to Sloan.

EJ and Nicole decide to visit a doctor who specializes in babies and difficult pregnancies.

Wednesday, July 26:

Even as Sloan fears that the secret she’s been keeping will come to light, EJ and Nicole find out that Eric’s girlfriend is pregnant with his baby!

Chad plans a nice night with Stephanie, only to have it interrupted. (We’re pretty sure we can guess by whom!)

Despite feeling guilty as sin about his own involvement with Dimitri, Leo tries to be there for gal pal Gwen.

Thursday, July 27:

Dimitri and Leo have been trying to keep Gwen in the dark about their trysts, but it looks as if everything could soon come to light when the clueless Brit finds her best friend and her husband-to-be together!

Abe finally comes to… even as Lani is forced to say farewell, and Marlena pays Whitley a visit.

Friday, July 28:

At long last, it’s time for Stefan and Gabi to finally re-tie the knot!

Discretion is clearly not Dimitri’s thing, as he winds up exchanging sexy texts with Leo… and they’re seen by Gwen! (Here’s hoping Leo was smart enough to put the dude in his phone as “BV” for “bootylicious Voldemort!”)

Rafe and Jada have already gotten in trouble for their relationship, so how much worse can it get when he declares they should go public?

Nicole finds out that her test results are in… but what will they reveal?

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Weekly Soap Spoilers: July 17-21, 2023


The Young & the Restless

Somewhere in Genoa City, your favorites are sharpening their knives, because they’ll be taking a stab at sticking it to their nemeses. Not only does Christine target Phyllis, but Summer puts Audra on blast. On top of all that, things heat up between a twosome whose pairing we’ve been looking forward to for ages.

Week of July 17:

Restless Rant! How Sharon gets her groove back, Victor’s power move, Phyllis vs. Christine, and much more!

Monday, July 17:

Another day, another bombshell! Victor delivers shocking news to the Newmans.

As Audra’s stock continues to rise, Tucker gives her unsolicited advice. But, given the hot mess that he’s made of his life (over and over again!), should she really listen?

Sparks fly between Sharon and Chance. Could this be the moment that those sparks actually start a fire burning between them?

Tuesday, July 18:

Pass the popcorn, ’cause this oughta be good! Fueled by years of outrage over Phyllis getting away with (attempted) murder, Christine targets her long-time tormentor. Will the justice that she serves taste like just desserts?

Regrets, he’s had a few, and Daniel will be reflecting on a bunch of them as he goes on a guilt trip.

Why do we have a feeling that Kyle isn’t going to be the least bit bothered when he is busted by Summer?

Wednesday, July 19:

Victor protects his legacy. Which, let’s be real, comes as naturally to him as breathing.

When Phyllis strikes a deal, will it give her a new lease on life following her “death” and resurrection?

Are pigs flying? Is hell freezing over? Must be, because Nick comes to an agreement with Adam.

Thursday, July 20:

What are brothers for? Billy covers for Jack.

Will they just play “Padam Padam” on a loop in hopes that Diane isn’t a Kylie Minogue fan? TBD. Nevertheless, Ashley and Tucker plot their next step.

It’s gonna seem like old times when Christine spars with Phyllis. And without Danny around to referee? Heaven help ’em!

Friday, July 21:

Is he looking for a headache? That’s sure to be what he gets when Victor challenges Nick and Adam.

What’s one more? After all that she’s overcome, Chelsea takes on a new challenge.

Catfight alert! Summer confronts Audra. But is Kyle’s wife fighting a battle she’s already lost?

The Bold & the Beautiful

Did we miss a road sign? ’Cause it sure looks like we’re reaching a sharp turn, and we never saw it coming! Finn plays offense, Liam gets real, and Sheila’s trial ends in a way that no one expected. Does that mean that she’ll soon be knocking boots with Deacon once again and stalking son Finn and his son, Hayes? Or will common sense prevail and keep the maniac who shot half the characters that have ever been on the show behind bars?

Week of July 17:

Monday, July 17:

Wyatt received shocking news.

Tuesday, July 18:

Liam refuses to take responsibility.

Finn issues a warning.

Wednesday, July 19:

Hope’s accountability comes with conditions.

A long-term relationship comes to a sudden end.

Thursday, July 20:

Finn is surprised by his feelings regarding Sheila.

Liam admits the truth.

Wyatt and Hope must dive into their past to confront the present.

Friday, July 21:

Liam hatches a plan.

Sheila’s trial comes to a shocking end.

General Hospital

The aftermath of the shooting at the Metro Court pool is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to what you’ll see unfold, including Sam being put in a potentially awkward spot, Gladys wondering if the walls are closing in on her, Dex getting a brand new assignment and Ava doing being put in the rather unusual position of providing comfort and assurances to someone else!

Week of July 17:

Monday, July 17:

Ava’s about to spill the beans. But when she confesses, will it be to one of her past sins… or something entirely new? Meanwhile, Austin plays messenger.

Leo is acting out again. Might someone unexpected help reign in his behavior?

When you want someone to turn on the charm, Lucy’s your gal… and that’s exactly what she’s about to do!

Chase is finally able to locate Ned.

Tuesday, July 18:

Brook Lynn finds that she’s able to breathe a little easier.

Gregory — apparently unfamiliar with how Tracy reacts in such situations — decides to surprise Ned’s mom. Bad move, dude. Bad move!

Alexis does her best to run interference.

Sam decides the best thing she can do is lay her cards on the table.

Mac is there to lend a helping hand when it’s needed… assuming the person to whom he extends it accepts his effort!

Wednesday, July 19:

Sasha’s running as fast as she can in an effort to do damage control.

As Portia puts Spencer in the hot seat with a few questions, Taggert swings by to see how Trina’s doing.

Kristina has a lot of complicated feelings to work through, while Molly takes Sam into her confidence. Will the Davis siblings find a way to wind up on the same page?

Thursday, July 20:

As a delicate matter continues to unfold, Sam takes on the role of mediator.

Austin is feeling a bit cockier than he probably should.

Does Gladys have good reason to be downright alarmed?

A friend in need is a friend indeed… so here’s hoping Maxie’s attempt to defend one of hers will go well!

Esme starts looking for answers… but she may not want to find them!

Friday, July 21:

Will Joss be more comfortable with Dex’s new assignment… assuming he shares the details with her? (Could that be the shocking news she receives today, or might it be entirely unrelated!)

Drew’s hackles are raised as he becomes increasingly suspicious.

What has Nina rushed to the hospital this time?

Ava assures Austin that everything is under control. But is it really?

Days of Our Lives on Peacock

The Salem police department will have its hands full as one of their own goes missing. Elsewhere, things explode between Kristen and Brady, Nicole finds out something unexpected about Eric’s girlfriend, and Whitley goes right around the bend!

Week of July 17:

Monday, July 17:

Brady is being pushed past the breaking point by Kristen and the issues surrounding custody of their daughter. But something tells us ripping up the custody agreement won’t make things better…

As the search for Rachel continues, Belle and Jada find themselves growing closer. Meanwhile, Lani, too, seems to be missing, which causes both Rafe and Paulina to grow concerned.

What will Steve and John discover when they break into Jerry’s apartment?

Tuesday, July 18:

Belle will find herself in a difficult situation when Kristen pays her a visit to say that Brady threatened her. Things aren’t going much better for Brady, who winds up being questioned by Jada.

Li is definitely surprised when the last person he expected shows up on his doorstep — Gabi!

Coming face to face with Gwen, Leo is practically overwhelmed with guilt. But does that mean he’ll tell her the truth about his relationship with Dimitri?

Wednesday, July 19:

Because Justin and Bonnie simply can’t stop talking about Sarah’s pregnancy, it looks as if the secret just might come to light when Maggie walks in on their latest chat.

Gabi is sure to be as shocked as we are to hear that Stefan has reached a truce with EJ. Is it the real deal, or yet another game?

Thursday, July 20:

As Tripp does something which catches Wendy off guard, Johnny is across town catching Rafe up on things… like the fact that he’s been dumped!

Melinda and Li figure out that they share several things in common… which leaves us thinking a potentially dangerous new scheme team could soon be formed!

Eric and Sloan take a pretty major step… but is it one they’re both ready for?

Friday, July 21:

As Rafe and Jada work harder than ever in their attempt to find a still-missing Lani, Kayla finds out something about Whitley that blows her away!

What will Kate find when she swings by to check on Paulina?

Steve and John are about to get a bit of news sure to knock their collective socks off!

Week of July 24:

Monday, July 24:

Whitley never really had the best grasp on reality, but she’s about to go completely over the edge!

Tuesday, July 25:

Belle is about to take on an impossible task: Convincing Kristen to take back the statement she made which incriminates another.

Wednesday, July 26:

Even as Sloan fears that the secret she’s been keeping will come to light, EJ and Nicole find out that Eric’s girlfriend is pregnant with his baby!

Thursday, July 27:

Dimitri and Leo have been trying to keep Gwen in the dark about their trysts, but it looks as if everything could soon come to light when the clueless Brit finds her best friend and her husband-to-be together!

Friday, July 28:

At long last, it’s time for Stefan and Gabi to finally re-tie the knot!


Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Soap Episodes: July 11, 2023

 Days of our Lives 7-11-23 (11th July 2023) 7-11-2023 DOOL 11 July 2023 - video Dailymotion

General Hospital 7-11-23 - video Dailymotion

The Young and the Restless 7-11-23 (Y&R 11th July 2023) 7-11-2023 - video Dailymotion

The Bold and the Beautiful 7-11-23 (11th July 2023) 7-11-2023 - video Dailymotion

Soap Episodes: July 10, 2023

 Days of our Lives 7-10-23 (10th July 2023) 7-10-2023 DOOL 10 July 2023 - video Dailymotion

General Hospital 7-10-23 (GH 10th July 2023) 7-10-2023 7.10.23 7.10.2023 - video Dailymotion

The Young and the Restless 7-10-23 (Y&R 10th July 2023) 7-10-2023 - video Dailymotion

The Bold and the Beautiful 7-10-23 (10th July 2023) 7-10-2023 - video Dailymotion

R.I.P. Andrea Evans AKA Tina Lord Roberts (One Life to Live)


Andrea Lynn Evans (June 18, 1957 – July 9, 2023) was an American actress and producer. She was most recognized for her portrayal of Tina Lord on the ABC soap opera One Life to Live, a role she played from 1978 to 1981 and from 1985 to 1990, returning in 2008 and 2011. Evans also appeared on The Young and the Restless soap operas as Patty Williams, The Bold and the Beautiful as Tawny Moore, and Passions as Rebecca Hotchkiss.


Evans was born in Aurora, Illinois, on June 18, 1957. As a child, Evans appeared in beauty pageants and later regional theater and commercials. She graduated early from high school and attended the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. While there, Evans was cast as an extra in the 1978 Brian De Palma film The Fury and the same year in the miniseries The Awakening Land. Casting director Mary Jo Slater soon got Evans the role of Tina Clayton on the ABC daytime soap opera One Life to Live, where she stayed until 1981. Evans then went on to portray Patty Williams, Paul Williams' little sister, and Jack Abbott's wife, on The Young and the Restless from 1983 to 1984.

Evans returned to One Life to Live in 1985, in a storyline credited with putting the series "back on course" and ultimately bringing Tina to her height of popularity. She was nominated for a Daytime Emmy Award in 1988 for Outstanding Ingenue for One Life to Live and has appeared on the cover of Soap Opera Digest five times every year from 1986 to 1990.

In January 1990, Evans abruptly quit One Life to Live and dropped out of public view for nearly a decade. Years later, she revealed that she had left to escape a persistent stalker who had gone as far as breaking into the ABC studios in New York City, intent on killing her. Co-star Fiona Hutchison tried to pry the stalker off of Evans along with ABC security. At the time, the stalker incident had been played down heavily in the press. On One Life to Live, the character of Tina moved away to California after her divorce from long-time love interest Cord Roberts. In a 2005 episode of the CBS News show 48 Hours, Evans discussed working with Rebecca Schaeffer, who played Annie Barnes on One Life to Live for six months in 1985, and how it was Schaeffer's murder by her own stalker in August 1989 that finally led Evans to leave One Life to Live in January 1990.

Evans made two feature films during the 1990s, performing a small part in A Low Down Dirty Shame in 1994 and a significant role in Ice Cream Man in 1995. In 1999, Evans returned to television, appearing as Amber Moore's "trashy" mother, Tawny, on The Bold and the Beautiful until 2000. That year she stepped into the role of Rebecca Hotchkiss Crane on the NBC soap opera Passions (replacing Maureen McCormick, whose ten-episode stint had ended), where she would stay until the series' final episode. Evans' longtime recurring status on Passions fueled rumors for years of her return to her One Life to Live role of Tina.

When NBC canceled Passions, it was announced in July 2007 that she would stay with the series for its continued run on DirecTV. Passions finished taping in March 2008, though new episodes were broadcast on DirecTV through August 2008.

In the June 26, 2007 issue of Soap Opera Digest, Evans was asked what her favorite role was besides her current one on Passions; she answered, "That's an easy one ... Tina Lord Roberts on One Life to Live because in every actor's life, you hope for a role that becomes bigger than yourself and for me, Tina was that role." ABC announced in April 2008 that Evans would soon return as Tina; she reappeared onscreen on June 11, 2008. Executive Producer Frank Valentini noted, "Even though Andrea has not appeared on OLTL since 1990, she has remained among the most requested characters to return to the show ... I welcome her home to OLTL and to the role where she made an indelible mark on our audience." Evans' departure from the series was announced on November 5, 2008. Evans and ABC noted that the actress' return was always set to be short-term, as her "life, family and home" are in California while One Life to Live taped in New York City Valentini continued in a statement, "The character of Tina is a very important part of the OLTL canvas ... [If] there is an opportunity to have her — Tina and Andrea — return at a future date, the show would be happy to explore it." Evans' last appearance was on November 25, 2008.

On April 6, 2010, announced that Evans would be returning to The Young and the Restless, not as Patty Williams, but as Evans' The Bold and the Beautiful character Tawny. The one-episode stint aired on May 12, 2010. On November 8 of the same year, it was announced that Evans would be temporarily returning to The Bold and the Beautiful as Tawny. While still appearing in a recurring capacity on B&B, Evans reprised the role of Tina on OLTL on September 27, 2011, as the series was ending its run. In the story, her character Tina was reunited with her 1980s super-couple partner, Cord Roberts, played by John Loprieno. Her short-term run ended as Cord and Tina remarried on November 15, 2011.

In 2012, Evans had a supporting role in the Joey Lawrence film Hit List. In August 2013, Evans was cast as Vivian Price in the fourth season of the web series DeVanity, which was streamed in 2014. She was nominated for a 2015 Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Performer in a New Approaches Drama Series for her performance and won a 2015 Indie Series Award for Best Guest Actress in a Drama for the role.

Evans was the executive producer of the documentary Rocking the Couch, released in 2018. She portrayed the recurring role of Patty Walker on the web series The Bay from 2017 to 2020.

Personal life and death

Evans was briefly married to One Life to Live co-star Wayne Massey (who played Tina's love interest Johnny Drummond) in 1981. Evans married Los Angeles attorney Stephen Rodriguez on January 10, 1998; the couple adopted a daughter in 2004.

Evans died of breast cancer at her home in Pasadena, California, on July 9, 2023, at the age of 66.


1978       The Awakening Land      Fay Morrison Wheeler   Miniseries; Episode: "Part III: The Town"

1978–1981, 1985–1990, 2008, 2011            One Life to Live Tina Lord              July 1978–December 1981; February 1985–January 1990; June–November 2008; September–November 2011

In 1985, Evans also portrayed a younger version of her character's mother, Irene Manning, in flashbacks.

1982       CHiPs     Julie       Episode: "Meet the New Guy" (as Andrea Evans Massey)

1983–1984           The Young and the Restless        Patty Williams    July 1983–October 1984

1984       Arch of Triumph               Nurse Eugenie  TV movie

1985       Jenny's War        Receptionist       Miniseries

1985       Florence Nightingale      Mrs. Brent          TV movie

1990       Capital News      Andrea Schaffer               Episode: "Finished? Not Dunne"

1994       A Low Down Dirty Shame             Denise  Feature film

1995       Ice Cream Man Wanda  Feature film

1999–2000, 2010–2011   The Bold and the Beautiful          Tawny Moore    March 1999–June 2000; December 2010–June 2011

2000–2008           Passions               Rebecca Hotchkiss           September 2000–August 2008

2010       The Young and the Restless        Tawny Moore    May 12, 2010 (1 episode)

2012       Hit List   Diane Murphy   Feature film

2012       Imaginary Friend              Angela  TV movie

2014       DeVanity             Vivian Price         Web series

2017–2020           The Bay                Patty Walker      Web series