Friday, July 28, 2023

Weekly Spoilers: July 31-August 4, 2023


The Young & the Restless

Everything, it would seem, changes in her never-ending vendetta against Diane, Ashley moves on to Plan B (or at least Plan A 2.0). Both Adam and Phyllis try on a new accessory. (But will either of them look right in a halo?) Sharon discovers that there’s a “chance” she has romantic competition. And Jack and Diane fear that there’s a worm crawling around inside the apple of their eye.

Week of July 31:

Monday, July 31:

Phyllis works to rebuild her image. Step No. 1: Stop entering restaurants like a bull in a china shop.

Mariah ponders an important decision with an assist from Tessa. Is the new mom ready for a major change?

Something tells us Adam won’t be particularly thrilled when big brother Nick decides to put him on notice!

Tuesday, August 1:

It’s a match made in hell: When Adam makes a deal with Phyllis, it can only mean bad news for somebody. But will it be them… or someone else?

Mom must be trying to draw her daughter into her plot to drive Diane bonkers, ’cause what other reason would Abby refuse to help Ashley?

Lily pulls out all the stops to impress Daniel. Although, from what we’ve been seeing, she wows him just fine simply by being her sparkling self.

Wednesday, August 2:

Maybe they’ve gotten a gander at the incriminating photos, which would explain by Jack and Diane finds themselves worrying about Kyle!.

Sharon had a guy all to herself for all of six seconds, and then what? She interrupts a moment between Summer and Chance.

Thursday, August 5:

Knowing that every decision made in Genoa City comes with consequences, Sally struggles with her feelings.

Phyllis makes a promise to Christine. Cue Christine laughing her head off in three, two… A promise from Phyllis means about as much as a contract signed in pencil. 

Nikki proves she’s not playing games when she decides to call Nate’s bluff!

Friday, August 4:

When Ashley reveals a new game plan, we have a feeling it won’t be “Leave Diane the hell alone and live my own life.”

Adam agrees to play nice. Mm-hmm. But agreeing to play nice and actually doing so are two very different things.

Daniel, continuing to cement his status as the sanest character in Genoa City, stands his ground with Phyllis.

The Bold & the Beautiful

It’s life or death after that fateful day at the beach becomes one that no one will ever forget — even if they’d like to — Sheila gives Deacon reason to worry. And yes, a reason besides the fact that there aren’t prison bars between her and the world. Plus, Steffy and Finn’s relationship gets heated (and not in a fun way), Wyatt gets to be all like, “Wait, what?” and someone whose loyalty we thought could pass any test starts to look a little iffy.

Week of July 31:

Monday, July 31:

Finn makes a shocking confession.

Tuesday, August 1:

Steffy issues Finn a stern warning.

Wyatt questions Steffy’s reaction.

Wednesday, August 2:

Deacon’s concerned about Sheila’s view of what her future could hold.

Steffy’s worst fear becomes reality.

Thursday, August 3:

Finn’s actions lead to a devastating result.

Liam refuses to back down.

Friday, August 4:

Li’s unwavering loyalty is in jeopardy.

Sheila reflects on how her past led to her present.

General Hospital

Over the next two weeks, relationships will be tested, suspicions will be raised and a few General Hospital characters may even find themselves on the receiving end of a surprise. Trina has a serious talk with Dex (while Joss takes Spencer to task), Finn and Elizabeth might just decide where they stand, and the last person you might expect winds up trying to play peacemaker!

Week of July 31:

Monday, July 31:

Might that Shiv Cyrus slipped Drew a few weeks ago come into play when a fight breaks out at Pentonville?

Kristina has vowed to do more looking before she leaps, so she wisely opts to seek advice from someone. Meanwhile, Molly — who is continuing to struggle with big decisions — turns to her mom Alexis.

Sonny has been carefully observing things of late, and he’s ready to formulate a theory.

When Tracy accepts an invitation, dare we hope it might be from Gregory… and that she’ll be at least a little less mean to him than usual?

Tuesday, August 1:

When Dante makes his case, will it prove strong enough?

The fates once again push longtime enemies Carly and Ava into one another’s lives. When Carly has questions, will Ava answer them truthfully?

After weeks of discussion, it looks as if Molly and TJ are ready to make a huge decision that could impact several lives. Meanwhile, someone offers Kristina the reassurance she so desperately needs.

Alexis has a word of warning for Gregory. (We’re willing to lay odds that it’s about Tracy!)

Wednesday, August 2:

Will Valentin agree to do what Laura’s urging?

Martin tends to be a very sharp cookie, but he’s definitely caught off guard today!

Does the fact that Tracy is paying a visit to Deception have anything to do with Maxie trying to do some serious damage control?

They say the children are the future, so let’s see how Leo does when he tries to play peacemaker!

Thursday, August 3:

Spencer and Dex have not been the best buddies. But Joss and Trina couldn’t be closer. So we’re very interested to hear what Trina will have to say when she sits down for a chat with Dex!

Meanwhile, Josslyn decides she needs to take Spencer to task!

Kristina manages to be at the exact wrong place at the exact wrong time.

Suspicious eyes are usually aimed at Cody’s way, so will anyone listen when he’s the one to voice the suspicions?

Eddie Maine — aka Ned’s rocking alter ego — is very surprised by what he finds out!

The day nears when General Hospital will have to say goodbye to Bobbie…..

Friday, August 4:

Laura has good reason to worry… but can her fretting result in positive actions?

They’ve talked about their feelings for weeks, but it’s finally time for Elizabeth and Finn to sit down and admit where their hearts and heads are really at!

Hide the knives, ’cause Nina is going to swing by and visit Willow. Will Michael regret having allowed Willow to invite her mom into her protective “bubble”?

Anna may not yet have all the answers, but she’s ready to share what she knows!

Days of Our Lives on Peacock

Secrets come out, familiar faces return and at least one romance seems to be in big trouble. Sarah gets an offer even as her mom gets a shock, things get rocky where Kristen and Brady’s custody battle is concerned, and trouble could be brewing at Bayview!

Week of July 31:

Monday, July 31:

Wedding bells are ringing… and they’re going to be particularly loud, given that two brides are about to walk down the aisle!

Kristen gets the kind of invitation that she can’t really refuse because it involves appearing in court!

In perhaps the least surprising move ever, Sloan finds a way to mess with Nicole and EJ’s test results. Meanwhile, Eric is going around telling everyone how excited he is to be having a baby with the vixen!

Tuesday, August 1:

Brady and Kristen go before the judge… and things definitely are not going to turn out the way anyone expected!

Chanel tells Abe he’s sure to remember everything soon… although she might just be making promises that the universe can’t deliver!

Two super-couples are reunited.

Wednesday, August 2:

Wendy urged her brother to get over his lingering feelings for (and obsession with) Gabi. But she’s not particularly thrilled that he seems to be spending an awful lot of time with Melinda!

Sloan is pretty good at keeping secrets… and yet she decides to tell someone the truth about Nicole’s pregnancy!

Tensions boil over between Chanel and Talia.

Wendy makes it clear she is not exactly thrilled with the woman to whom her brother is pitching woo!

Even being in familiar surroundings doesn’t seem to help jog Abe’s memory.

Thursday, August 3:

Eric has a proposal for Sloan… but it’s not exactly the kinda thing that’s going to knock a girl’s socks off!

Harris runs into a very familiar face in Bayview.

Chad takes EJ into his confidence, while Alex fills Stephanie in on the details of his date.

Friday, August 4:

It’s a big day for Nicole and the news. She not only receives some that are rather shocking but also gets the chance to share some! Meanwhile, Melinda corners Sloan to say she knows exactly what she’s been hiding!

How will Xander react to the very big favor Maggie asks of him?

When Tripp wakes up, he’s going to be very surprised by what — or who — he finds in his bed!

Week of August 7:

Monday, August 7:

Well, it looks as if the cat is out of the bag. Which cat? The one which Bonnie’s been trying to keep under wraps. Because today, Maggie finds out what Sarah’s been hiding!

Tuesday, August 8:

The good news: Shawn is finally returning to work. The bad news: He’s still feeling incredibly guilty. How will his emotional upheaval impact his ability to function on the job?

Wednesday, August 9:

It’s a General Hospital reunion of sorts when Harris and Ava — played by that other soap’s alums Steve Burton (ex-Jason) and Tamara Braun (ex-Carly) — find themselves bonding at Bayview.

Thursday, August 10:

Trouble could be brewing for Alex when Stephanie convinces Yuri that he should return to Salem.

Friday, August 11:

Stephanie and Chad — who haven’t exactly had an easy go of it — are about to hit yet another bump in the road. What’s she calling him out over this time?

Rex has a proposition for Sarah. Of course, what we can’t help wondering is whether it’s less a “proposition” and more a “proposal”!

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