Friday, July 7, 2023

Weekly Spoilers: July 10-14, (DOOLPeacock: July 10-14/17-21), 2023


The Young & the Restless

Good news for Christine can only mean bad news for Phyllis. Plus, Sharon turns to an ex-husband who is neither Adam nor Nick, Sally reevaluates an old flame, and Tucker scores some Intel that he may be able to use to his advantage.

Week of July 10:

Monday, July 10:

Even though Michael should know that if he has a secret rendezvous, it will only be temporarily secret, he goes ahead and does it, anyway!

Perhaps to show his appreciation for Lily not having gone off the rails like his mother and sister, Daniel gives her an unexpected gift.

Tucker stumbles onto a secret… which, in his hands, qualifies as ammunition.

Tuesday, July 11:

As she sets about taking control of Kirsten Inc., Sharon seeks counsel from Victor. Hopefully, she’s smart enough to butter him up with a muffin and a latte first.

Phyllis puts Summer in a tough position. Hey, at this point, what’s one more?

Hide the glassware! ’Cause if Jack is summoning the Abbotts to a family meeting, something besides shade is bound to be thrown.

Wednesday, July 12:

Preparing to start a new chapter, Devon and Abby make what should be the only kind of move that a power couple could: a power move.

We knew it wasn’t really — and maybe never could be — over between these two. Sally examines her feelings for Adam.

As if they weren’t all biggies for her lately, Chelsea makes an important decision.

Thursday, July 13:

Hope Nikki’s been watching her police procedurals, because she’s gonna need all her interrogating skills when she puts Jack on the hot seat.

After Mariah receives a surprising offer from Kyle, she has a lot to think about. Will the new mom jump ship at Jabot?

Ashley might as well be telling a dog to stay out of the kibble when she sets boundaries with Tucker.

Friday, July 14:

Even when he’s down, he’s never out. As Tucker gains leverage, things may be looking up for Devon’s dad.

This can only be bad news for Phyllis: Christine celebrates a win. Is the erstwhile Cricket finally about to make her nemesis pay for her misdeeds?

Perhaps sensing that the walls are closing in around her, Phyllis makes a dangerous deal. Although wouldn’t almost any deal be relatively safe after she made the mistake of making one with Jeremy Stark?

The Bold & the Beautiful

Nope, that’s not an earthquake hitting Los Angeles. That’s actually just a show-shaking twist that will have far-reaching ramifications for Hope and Liam, Brooke and Ridge, and… well, pretty much everybody on the CBS sudser. Plus, watch out, because a certain nine-toed terror is back!

Week of July 10:

Monday, July 10:

Wyatt attempts to be Liam’s voice of reason.

Sheila is surprised by a visitor.

Hope makes a major move.

Tuesday, July 11:

Hope explores her feelings for Thomas.

Deacon and Sheila take a walk down Memory Lane.

Wednesday, July 12:

The fate of a damaged relationship is left in one person’s hands.

Hope experiences an awakening.

Thursday, July 13:

Brooke discovers the unthinkable.

Ridge has a new inspiration.

Friday, July 14:

History repeats itself.

General Hospital

Port Charles can be a dangerous place, and that definitely proves true. Shots are fired, an arrest is made and at least one life is on the line. Meanwhile, Cody tries a new tactic, Felicia and Lucy take on a new challenge, and it’s beginning to look as if Finn and Elizabeth might be ready to give their romance another shot!

Week of July 10:

Monday, July 10:

Danger’s in the air, and so are bullets when shots ring out at the Metro Court! But who’s shooting… and who is being targeted?

Dex is on the receiving end of some bad news. Could this be related to whatever it is that Josslyn sees and reacts negatively to?

There’s a potentially intriguing offer on the table for Molly to consider. Meanwhile, mom Alexis is — as usual — advising that someone proceed with caution, no matter what they decide.

Tuesday, July 11:

In the aftermath of what went down at the Metro Court, someone winds up fighting for their life. But is it a battle they can’t win?

Nina is absolutely horrified by what’s gone down and her own involvement in it.

When Marshall needs to talk, Stella is the person he chooses to confide in.

Finn and Elizabeth have been spending quite a bit of time together, leaving us to wonder whether they’re considering giving a romance another try. Perhaps the long talk they have today will help clear the air… for us and them!

Joss is definitely feeling suspicious!

Wednesday, July 12:

It feels like old times when Lucy and Felicia embark on a caper!

How is it that Sasha manages to surprise Maxie?

People often come to Martin for advice, but given that he’s the one needing council, to whom does he turn?

Chase is positively gobsmacked.

It’s a battle of the wits when Cody decides he’s going to outsmart Selina! But who’ll wind up zooming who?

Thursday, July 13:

As a patient is wheeled into surgery, TJ is called in to lend a hand.

Chase not only has his badge back, but he’s about to make an arrest!

Alexis is pretty used to being concerned about her various offspring. This time around, it’s Kristina about whom she’s worrying.

Cody puts his cards on the table and makes an offer he hopes won’t be refused.

Friday, July 14:

Kristina is on the receiving end of a mighty cold shoulder.

Dante looks at all the pieces of a puzzle and begins cobbling together a theory.

Is time running out for Gladys, who has been trying hard to keep her secrets? That would explain why she’s so desperately trying to run interference!

What has Trina bubbling over with emotion?

Mac goes to Sam and makes an admission that’s likely to catch her off guard!

Days of Our Lives on Peacock

The more things change in Salem, the more they stay the same. For example, Abe is still missing… and yet, people are starting to get suspicious where Whitley is concerned. Meanwhile, Kristen hopes to make a major change where Rachel is concerned, several people look for new places to live, and Marlena hears a shocking request from one of her patients!

Week of July 10:

Monday, July 10:

Chloe and Xander are interrupted at what can only be described as the worst possible moment!

Brady gets shocking news about Rachel… she’s gone missing!

Alex is about to make a major move that probably makes sense, given how he and Maggie have butted heads recently: He’s exiting the Kiriakis mansion! Speaking of relocating, Chad and Stephanie find the place they want to call home.

Tuesday, July 11:

Things are about to go from bad to worse for Shawn when Melinda comes to the realization that he’s been drinking while on the job.

What answers might Marlena get when she puts Harris under hypnosis?

Wendy has an awful lot to say to her big brother about the way he handled the whole Gabi situation! (Something tells us she’s not going to be cool with the whole “hire someone to kill your rival” tactic!) Meanwhile, speaking of people who are ticked off, Stefan is downright furious with Gabi!

Wednesday, July 12:

Sorry, Wendy, but it looks like you can no longer have your cake and eat it, too. The time has finally come for you to decide whether you want to be with Johnny or Tripp!

Shawn continues to experience the great self-induced urge downward. How low will he sink?

Steve might want to install a revolving door as both Jada and Tripp pay him a visit.

Off their hypnosis session, Harris decides there’s only one way he can truly get the help he needs. But will Marlena agree to have him institutionalized?

Thursday, July 13:

Jerry knew that Whitney was willing to do a lot in order to keep Abe by her side, but even he’s shocked to discover that she’s drugged the supposedly-dead guy!

Paulina’s family is there during her time of need, even as John tells Steve that he’s had yet another nightmare about Abe. Will he listen to what his subconscious is clearly trying to tell him?

Kristen opens up to Lani… which could prove very problematic, given that Lani is such a good person!

Friday, July 14:

Kristen tells Marlena exactly what she wants from Brady. But is the shrink going to agree that the custody arrangement needs to be revised?

What will Abe see when he begins to hallucinate thanks to the drugs Whitley slipped him Meanwhile, Steve has a few questions for the nurse… including why, exactly, she left the hospital.

Lani wants to know what Jerry had to tell Theo.

Week of July 17:

Monday, July 17:

Brady is being pushed past the breaking point by Kristen and the issues surrounding custody of their daughter. But something tells us ripping up the custody agreement won’t make things better…

Tuesday, July 18:

Belle will find herself in a difficult situation when Kristen pays her a visit to say that Brady threatened her.

Wednesday, July 19:

Because Justin and Bonnie simply can’t stop talking about Sarah’s pregnancy, it looks as if the secret just might come to light when Maggie walks in on their latest chat.

Thursday, July 20:

As Tripp does something which catches Wendy off guard, Johnny is across town catching Rafe up on things… like the fact that he’s been dumped!

Friday, July 21:

As Rafe and Jada work harder than ever in their attempt to find a still-missing Lani, Kayla finds out something about Whitley that blows her away!

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