Saturday, April 6, 2024

Weekly Recaps & Spoilers: April 8-12, 2024


The Young & the Restless


 Victoria and Adam find common ground, Ashley’s rejected by Tucker, and Jordan watches Claire. Forget Waldo. The person everyone’s searching for these days is Jordan. When Victor manages to get a clue as to where she’s hiding out, will the madwoman finally be caught…again? Ashley is about to have the kind of awakening that will definitely prove a shock to her system. Perhaps the most contentious duo in the Newman family — Adam and Victoria — may wind up at loggerheads again when he challenges her anew. Diane knows that Kyle’s not been thrilled with the way things played out in the executive offices. Will her conversation with Jack about her future at Jabot lead to yet another change?

Get ready to rumble! A new twist for Ashley is set to cause complete chaos!

Mariah and Tessa share good news, Phyllis reacts to Lily firing Daniel, and Victoria and Cole walk down memory lane. Hey, Daniel, you screwed things up big time when you cheated on Lily — at least that’s how we see it! So we’re not at all surprised that you and Heather are struggling to figure out your new normal. Claire will learn a bit more about the life she missed out on when Victoria and Cole share more about their history. Is the past about to repeat itself? It sounds like that might be the case when Phyllis shares what we’re told is a “surprising” encounter with Billy.

Michelle Stafford comes to the end of an era: “It was lovely… ”

If one were about to make a confession, the typically non-judgmental Traci would probably be the person you’d want hearing it. Listen in as Ashley opens up to her sister! Tucker and Audra have a complex relationship, to say the least, but he’s about to prove himself to her in a big way. Nikki finds out that she has a secret admirer. Here’s hoping it’s not one of the stalker varieties!

Oh snap! Jordan jams up [Spoiler] with her latest anti-Newman maneuver!

Nikki takes a drink, Lily and Devon disagree, and Audra turns down Tucker. Turns out Billy doesn’t even have to be in the room in order to cause trouble. How else to explain Lily and Devon butting heads over what the future will hold for Jill’s son at Chancellor-Winters? Oh dear. Nikki’s about to give into temptation. Find out why Jordan’s to blame… again. Audra knows better than to take Tucker’s words or actions at face value, which is why she winds up questioning his motives.

When Calls the Heart double-dip: Premiere weekend tees up a second helping of Hallmark's fave Erin Krakow!

Adam and Chelsea return home devastated, and Nick and Lily reconnect. Nikki suspects Jordan has an accomplice — and she may not be wrong.  Lily and Nick find themselves reconnecting! Billy’s been there to help Chelsea deal with Connor, so hopefully she can trust the latest promise he’s about to make. Adam appears to be in need of a little guidance. Fortunately, Sally’s there to point him in the right direction!

Restless Rant! Previewing Jordan’s last stand — Plus, Ashley’s alters out of control, Audra’s shocking move, the trouble with Lily’s payback, and more!

Next Week

Daniel asks the unthinkable of Lily, Victor sets the stage to lower the boom on Jordan once and for all, and Ashley fights tooth and nail to regain her sanity. Will a 911 call to a Genoa City MVP finally tip the scales in Ashley’s favor?

Restless Rant! Nikki & Victor’s anniversary nightmare — Plus, the scenes that left us shouting at our TVs!

Monday, April 8:

Victor’s order from the Acme Company must have finally come in: He sets a new trap for Jordan, who so far as proven to be more elusive to him than the Road Runner ever was to Wile E. Coyote!

Since Victoria’s house went the ashes to ashes, dust to dust route, perhaps the big move that she and Claire make today will be into a new abode. The Newman heiress is, after all, rich enough to buy a whole city!

Little by little, everyone notices that something isn’t quite right and, in fact, is very wrong with Ashley. Now it’s Audra who will get a glimpse of a new side of her rival.

Tracey E. Bregman hails a real life saver, which leads her co-star Eric Braeden to say, “Take me to her.”

Tuesday, April 9:

Nikki should know better than to go back on her word, especially to her husband. Nevertheless, she breaks a promise to Victor.

We can only hope that Lily’s response is “When pigs fly!” when two-timing ex-boyfriend Daniel asks for a second chance.

Ah, nothing brings a quarreling family together like a crisis, eh? Ashley’s plight unites her nearest and dearest in a desperate bid to help her.

Wednesday, April 10:

Being the gambler that he is, Tucker will probably take it in stride when he travels outside of his comfort zone.

Ashley engages in a power struggle that sounds an awful lot like a fight for her life. Will she vanish utterly in the shadow of her alters?

“Teriah” may be in for a bit of unexpected turbulence, thanks to [Spoiler].

Thursday, April 11:

When Jack places a distress call to Sharon, we have a hunch that it won’t be because he needs Crimson Lights to cater a last-minute breakfast meeting at Jabot. Will Genoa City’s resident barista/business exec/therapist be able to diagnose Ashley?

Speaking of the patient, Ashley faces a new difficulty: a new environment. When was the last time this poor woman had a nice day? And how far can she be pushed before she snaps irreparably?

Friday, April 12:

Family and friends gather to celebrate a special milestone for Victor and Nikki.

The Bold & the Beautiful


Finn and Steffy have been through so much in recent weeks. Unfortunately, things are going to go from bad to worse as they deal with both Thomas’ departure and Sheila’s death. Trust us when we say Finn won’t win any points with his wife by suggesting that she’s been using Thomas and Hope’s breakup to stoke the embers of the long-burning feud between the Logans and the Forresters. The end of Hope and Liam’s marriage was pretty brutal, so it’s understandable that his seemingly genuine concern comes as a surprise to his ex. Things are about to get even more awkward for Zende and Luna when they find themselves in a situation they couldn’t have predicted.

Steffy wants an answer from Finn, and Deacon’s plans stir the pot. As far as Steffy’s concerned, the less said about Sheila — now or ever  the better. So she’s not going to react particularly well to the news that Deacon is planning a memorial service for his late employee/lover! Upon hearing what Deacon has planned, the Logan sisters rally to try and convince him that involving Hope or Finn in the memorial service would be a really, really bad idea. Liam and Hope continue to put the wounds of the past aside as they bond over their precious daughter, Beth.

Deacon and Finn say goodbye to Sheila, and Liam tells Steffy her husband betrayed her. Despite pleas from several corners, Deacon moves forward with the memorial service. As he delivers a passionate eulogy, Finn and Hope wind up being in attendance! Look out! Payback is ahead for Steffy — and Hope’s channeling classic Brooke!

Deacon and Fin speak at Sheila’s memorial, and Lauren Fenmore and Eric recall the horror Sheila brought into their lives. Steffy and Liam find themselves with yet another thing in common: Neither is thrilled that Finn and Hope decided to attend Sheila’s memorial! Meanwhile, Finn — who has long struggled where his feelings about Sheila are concerned — gives his mom (sorry, his “birth mother”) an impassioned sendoff. While catching up with a visiting Lauren Fenmore, Eric finds himself remembering the time he spent with Sheila. (Here’s hoping if he even tries to put a positive spin on things, Lauren slaps him, Cher style, and shouts, “Snap out of it!”)

Deacon’s world is rocked at the crematorium, Lauren commiserates with Steffy, and Finn gives Hope life advice. Break out the bubbly and raise a glass along with Eric and Lauren as they celebrate Sheila being dead and buried. Steffy might want to skip this episode, given that her husband and Hope are going to find themselves bonding over their shared connection. Deacon’s not entirely ready to say farewell yet, so he accompanies Sheila’s body to the crematorium. And look who he encounters there!

Next Week

Have you heard the one about the nine-toed corpse that had 10 toes, not nine? Well, Finn is about to! After Deacon recovers from the shock he got at the crematorium, he goes straight to Sheila’s son to suggest that maybe she is still alive and well. In other developments, Steffy is in for a shock, and Zende continues to mistake a special-mints-fueled tryst that never should have happened for the potential start of an amazing relationship. (Do you wanna tell him, or must we?)

Monday, April 8:

Deacon has a complete meltdown at the crematorium over Sheila.

Finn and Hope comfort one another over their recent losses.

Deputy Director Baker gives Steffy something for which to be grateful.

Tuesday, April 9:

Steffy queries Finn about Sheila’s memorial.

Luna gets anxious when Hope announces her line’s new design partners.

Deacon drops an implausible theory on Finn.

Wednesday, April 10:

A disbelieving Finn questions Deacon’s sanity.

Thursday, April 11:

Luna is determined to confess to RJ about her night with Zende.

A tormented Deacon gives Ridge an earful about Sheila.

Friday, April 12:

Ridge gives Deacon a big reality check.

Finn throws Steffy a curveball.

Zende confides in Carter about his feelings for Luna.

General Hospital


Anna lashes out at Sonny, Jake rejects his father, and Diane tells Alexis what she’s learned about her disbarment. We’re not saying Liason fans should get excited or anything, but Jason is going to pay Elizabeth and Jake a visit so… yeah, do what you will! Now that Dante is finally awake, he can tell the truth about what happened the night of his shooting. Anna makes it clear to Sonny that a line has been drawn in the sand. Diane is ready to help Alexis in any way she can. Oh, mama… it looks as if Natalia is ready to take control of things where daughter Blaze is concerned! Now that we know Valentin has a plan for Sonny, is Ava working with him?

Jason is working for Cates to protect Carly, Curtis is able to walk, and Drew and Nina have an intense interaction. Drew wants to see exactly how Nina’s doing in her new position. Jagger — sorry, John — wants to take Pikeman down, and he thinks his latest plan will prove successful. What will Anna do with the information Jason provides her? Carly has something to get off her chest, and so does Michael. Will they be confessing to one another or other people? Anna has approached Dex about joining the local police force. But there are still hurdles to be jumped, including an interview!

General Hospital has cast a few recurring roles, which will bring two new characters into Carly and Nina’s orbits.

Gregory is stern with Finn, Sasha, and Cody grow closer, and Maxie tells Nina to let Sonny go. As Dante continues down the road to recovery, he’s asked a pretty big favor by Chase and Brook Lynn. Finn’s continuing to worry about dad Gregory’s downward spiral, which prompts him to share his feelings with Elizabeth. Sasha and Cody have danced around one another long enough. Today, they’re finally going to admit they have feelings for one another! How will Kristina react to the news Blaze shares with her? Tracy and Stella sort of reached an understanding the last time they saw one another. How will it go when they cross paths again?

Her life in pictures: Celebrate the third birthday of Josh Swickard’s daughter with photos of precious moments and a daddy/daughter date.

Portia vow to fight Kevin and Laura should they try and overturn Heather’s conviction, Tracy makes some changes in her life, and Sasha is full of surprises. Will Tracy listen to the words of advice she’s offered by Terry? As Curtis proves himself to be a rock for Trina, Joss finds herself getting a big shock. Kevin is right there by Laura’s side when she goes to check up on Heather. Is the longtime loon really making a return to even semi-normalcy? Sounds like Cody might be in for a treat as Sasha proves she’s got mad skills in the kitchen!

Drew has no patience where John is concerned, and that’s about to become very clear. Brook Lynn has grandma Lila’s dress, but all is not right with her wedding wear. So it’s Lois to the rescue! Kristina’s dad and Blaze’s mom are about to get to know each other even better. (Wonder just how well?). Unaware of just how close to home the truth would hit, Anna goes to Brennan with questions about Pikeman. With everything going on in their lives, Sam can’t help but be concerned about Danny.

As Brooklyn Rae Silzer celebrates a momentous “last,” the time is perfect to bring Emma back to Port Charles to stay.

Cameron Mathison addresses how his new show ‘affects’ whether or not Drew is staying in Port Charles.

Next Week

Tensions explode between Drew and Nina, Ava’s behavior captures someone’s attention, and Anna turns to exactly the wrong person for help. Plus, what is it that Jason has for Carly?

Monday, April 8:

The soap will not be seen today, due to ABC News extended coverage of the eclipse.

Tuesday, April 9:

Things are about to get heated between Drew and Nina. And while we mean they’re going to fight, could something more be happening beneath the surface, given the notoriously thin line between love and hate?

When John winds up in trouble, someone unlikely may come to his rescue!

The animosity that Sonny feels toward Jason grows even stronger. Can they ever find their way back to being best buds?

What’s next for Willow? That will become a major topic of discussion between the beauty and her hubby.

What is it about Ava’s behavior that has Kristina eyeing her suspiciously?

Wednesday, April 10:

Sonny and Jason’s latest meeting is the kind at which people say “the tension was so thick, you could cut it with a knife.” Here’s hoping nobody brought a knife!

Drew and Nina find themselves unexpectedly on the same page.

Carly sees John in a different light.

There’s another reason for Curtis to celebrate as he manages to cross another marker.

Oh, Ava… what are you up to? And what are you trying to find as you poke around Sonny’s house?

Thursday, April 11:

Irony alert: When Anna needs a bit of help, she turns to ex-lover Valentin. Too bad she doesn’t know what he’s really been up to of late!

After Anna’s inquisition of Jack Brennan, we’re wondering if Valentin is the head of Pikeman now, or someone else.

Will Alexis be able to join Diane’s law practice? We’ll have a better idea once the former attorney gets word about her appeal.

Curtis and Drew just may be going into business together!

As their wedding day gets closer, Chase presents his bride-to-be with a surprise.

Nina definitely gets her wires crossed when she comes to completely the wrong conclusion.

Friday, April 12:

Jason has something that he very much wants to give to Carly. (Get your minds out of the gutter, people!)

Perhaps when things go south on Home & Heart yet again, Lucy and the Deception gang will realize that’s simply not a great forum for their presentations!

Brook Lynn will get to see the softer side of her grandmother when Tracy takes her aside for a heart-to-heart.

Fans of Sasha and Cody, rejoice! Why? Because she’s realizing just how much she enjoys spending time with him in the stables… and we’re pretty sure it’s not because she likes cleaning up after horses!

Gregory is there to offer Alexis the encouragement she needs.

Days of Our Lives-Peacock


Xander’s exercise regimen could set him free, and Paulina gets good news. Holly has been trying to tell the truth about her drug overdose for ages. When she at last stuns everyone with the details, will they finally not only listen but believe her? EJ is less than thrilled by how supportive Eric is when Nicole processes what she’s learned. Love ain’t easy, which is basically the gist when Theresa has a long conversation with Tate about the pitfalls of relationships. Did Abe’s angel-assisted love really cure Paulina? The couple will find out today if she’s cancer-free or not. Xander takes a closer look at the evidence that’s been compiled against him. Will he find something that helps clear his name?

A guilt-ridden Chad vows to make things right, and Everett’s hypnosis session rattles him. Break out the tissues, because Chad is going to pay a visit to the grave of his late, much-missed wife Abigail. What’s going on between Stephanie and Everett? We’ll all get an update along with Julie. Meanwhile, the troubled young man becomes the latest to undergo hypnosis with Marlena. The bakery is busier than ever, so Johnny offers to lend Chanel a helping hand. Ava and Harris must be really, really exhausted because they decide to spend the whole day in bed. Oh, wait a minute…

Jada learns she’s still married, and Xander presents his evidence to Rafe. Jade is more than a tad skeptical about what Everett supposedly learned during his hypnosis session. Will Stephanie feel the same way? Tripp realizes that Wendy isn’t necessarily over the trauma they recently underwent. It looks as if Ava and Harris finally arise from their bed if only to share a special, private date.

Holly throws Nicole’s past in her face, and Theresa moves back in with Alex. Nicole — who knows quite a lot about the topic — lectures Holly about the consequences of her actions. Meanwhile, Tate’s parents are happy to finally bring him back home. Paulina and Marlena discuss the recovering woman’s upcoming treatment. Kate vows that she will do what it takes to help Lucas go free.

Brady demands Tate stay away from Holly, and Everett refuses to sign divorce papers. Tate may be spending the morning with his dad, but the young man’s mind is totally on Holly. Determined to make sure Holly knows how serious the situation is, Nicole refuses to take it easy where the girl’s punishment is concerned. Although Eric’s words about forgiveness are meant for Stephanie, Sloan can’t help but take them to heart. In her heart, Jada is no longer married to Everett/Bobby. But can she convince Rafe that it’s also not true in any other sense of the word? Chad and Leo may want to yell “Stop the presses!” when Everett shows up at the Spectator with breaking news about Stefan!

Next Week

Kayla listens as Steven makes a confession, Clyde gives Ava a direct order, and Nicole faces off with Kristen — plus, Xander tells Chad he wants to find out who framed him.

Monday, April 8:

John has questions for Harris, specifically about the time he spent in Bayview.

How will Kayla react to the confession that Steve makes to his wife?

Brady and Alex may not be best buds, but they do have one thing in common which they definitely need to discuss: Theresa! Meanwhile, Konstantin wants to know what’s up with Alex and turns to Theresa for an update.

When Maggie and Julie have a conversation about Konstantin, might the redhead’s eyes be opened to some of his less-amazing qualities?

Tuesday, April 9:

Abe will be right by Paulina’s side as she undergoes her first radioactive iodine treatment.

It’s finally time for Johnny and Chanel to start their honeymoon, so they’ll head to the Horton cabin. (Here’s hoping things don’t take a bad turn, given how often terrible things have happened there!)

If Ava thought she was through with Clyde she should think again, because he’s got new orders for her regarding an item that’s been hidden at the Bistro.

Tripp and Wendy hit the park in order to get their heartrates up.

EJ has a pretty bad day, going from butting heads with Kristen to spatting with Holly.

Wednesday, April 10:

Eric wants to know exactly why Sloane hasn’t paid the past-due rent.

Xander’s out to discover who set him up. On the plus side, Sarah’s right there by his side.

When Everett turns to Marlena, will she be able to help him?

Does Stephanie still have feelings for Everett? If you’ve been wondering, we might get answers when Jada asks that very question!

Nicole makes it clear she’s not going to let Kristen trash-talk Holly.

Thursday, April 11:

Holly and Tate finally get a little bit of time together, and how do they spend it? By having a romantic picnic in the park!

Steve comes to Kayla in the hope she’ll accept his apologies.

How will Maggie react to Konstantin’s bad news?

Everett has no intention of signing the divorce papers and Stephanie, understandably, wants to know exactly why.

Ava turns to Harris for comfort as she continues to worry about Clyde’s influence over her life.

Friday, April 12:

Maggie, Maggie, Maggie. As Konstantin continues to charm Victor’s widow, we can’t help but want to pry open her eyes!

Xander hopes Chad will help him investigate exactly who is behind the frame job.

While in isolation, Paulina loses her patience with Abe. But surely he’ll understand, under the circumstances… right?

Who or what is about to interrupt Johnny and Chanel’s honeymoon?


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