Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Are Days of our Lives’ Sarah and Xander Meant To Be?


Sarah and Xander have already been to hell and back on Days of our Lives. That’s what happens when you first deliver a woman’s baby – then switch her dead one for another woman’s living child, let her raise the little girl for over a year, then have the truth come out.

Days of our Lives Polling

No one expected Sarah (Linsey Godfrey) to ever forgive Xander (Paul Telfer). But she did. Hot sex scenes followed. Then more fighting, this time over how far Xander was willing to go to knock Philip (Jay Kenneth Johnson) out of the co-CEO chair at Titan.

But considering how many things they disagree about, are Sarah and Xander really built to last? What over 2,000 viewers told us:

Nothing To It

It was close but, in the end, 52% of you eeked out a victor for “nope, not gonna happen.” They’re just too different. Sarah is an upstanding doctor who, sure, is a hot mess. But not of the criminal variety. And Xander is hot in another way, as in smoldering and sexy. But also a criminal.

He does bad things. Sarah finds out. He defends himself, makes puppy dog eyes, reminds us that his mommy was a drunk who didn’t love him, and Sarah forgives. He promises to straighten up and fly right. He doesn’t. It’s not going to work long term.

Forever and Ever

A slightly smaller 48% of the audience disagrees. The fact that they’ve been through so much and managed to come out the other side proves that this is a pair that is meant to be. They’ve already been through the worst, with losing Baby Mickey. Philip is nothing compared to that. Xander will win or lose this battle, but it won’t matter in the end. He’ll win Sarah’s heart, now and forever. Nothing else matters. Not to them. Not to us

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