Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Days of our Lives Dilemma: Things That Make No Sense In Allie’s Rape Story


On Days of our Lives, Allie broke down and told Nicole that her baby was conceived after a night when she’d been heavily drinking, took a strange guy home from a club, and then he took advantage of her inebriated state.

Is There More To This Days of our Lives Story?

When Allie attempted to assume some of the responsibility for the incident by admitting that she’d gotten into the habit of getting blackout drunk night after night, Nicole quickly shushed her. Girls can’t be expected to make decisions for themselves.

When Allie admitted that she was so wasted that she could barely remember what exactly happened, Nicole kept asking her questions until Allie conveniently remembered that she’d said no and her attacker went on anyway.

Nicole (Arianne Zucker) then promptly called Lani (Sal Stowers) and encouraged Allie (Lindsay Arnold) to press charges against Tripp (Lucas Adams), the guy who she went home with from the club. Now Tripp is being questioned and Justin (Wally Kurth) is telling Steve (Stephen Nichols) it doesn’t look good.

You know what doesn’t look good? The DAYS writers, who think there’s a case – or a story – here. Let us explain why:

A Galaxy Far, Far Away

Allie’s attack happened in London. Not just another city, but another country. Lani and the Salem PD had no jurisdiction there. End of story.

Time Bandits

Allie’s attack happened over a year ago. Unless she saved a dress, Monica Lewinsky-style, there is no physical evidence. End of story.

Paternity Puzzle For Tripp and Allie

Allie claims Henry was conceived as a result of Tripp raping her. Shouldn’t they run a paternity test first before the case goes any further? Wouldn’t that be at least some kind of physical evidence?

Witness For the Prosecution

Allie admits she was so drunk she only remembered what happened after Nicole wouldn’t stop asking her leading questions. Courts don’t even accept recovered memories from allegedly trained psychologists. Do you think they’re going to accept Nicole’s cross-examination?

The only way this story can end is either by taking Tripp permanently out of the equation as a romantic leading man (which would be a shame, as he’s only related to half the cast, not all of the cast like some other characters in his age range), or reinforce that women can’t be trusted when it comes to rape accusations.

Which is what many call a lose-lose. So why go there in the first place? (Especially since it’s kind of obvious that Charlie, the New Kiriakis Intern, will end up being the real guilty party.)

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