Sunday, November 29, 2020

Days of our Lives’ Brady Was Being Grossly Insensitive


We understand that Brady currently has a lot on his mind on Days of our Lives, what with Kristen going to jail, suddenly becomes a single parent, and keeping Eli’s secret for minutes before spilling all to Lani.

Days of our Lives — Being Brady

But does any of that excuse how tone-deaf Brady (Eric Martsolf) was in his recent conversation with Sarah (Linsey Godfrey)?

Man Pain

According to Brady, Sarah just could not imagine how heartbroken little Rachel was over losing her mommy to an unreasonable jail sentence when Kristen’s only crime was stabbing an old man in the chest! The tot was crying her little eyes out every night. Where to begin, Brady, oh, where to begin?

Second Time Around

Did Brady pause, even for a micro-second, to consider the effect his words might have on the woman who raised Rachel as her own for over a year, who gave her up to Brady and Kristen (Stacy Haiduk), who probably cried her own eyes out night after night, not only over Sarah’s loss but imagining how lost and scared “Mickey” might be feeling?

Brady’s words could mean one of two things: He really didn’t care about how upset Rachel may have been upon first being ripped away from everyone and everything she’d ever known and loved. As far as Brady was concerned, his daughter had no life before she was back in his and Kristen’s arms.

Or he was really, deliberately, and cruelly reminding Sarah that Rachel was Kristen’s daughter, and Sarah better not be getting any ideas. When Kristen was running around Salem, asking arch-enemies like Marlena (Deidre Hall) to be there for Rachel while Kristen was in the big house, did she and Brady ever consider asking the same of Sarah, a woman that Rachel – no matter how much her parents would like to ignore it – likely still loves and misses?

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