Sunday, November 29, 2020

Kate the Great: What Man Deserves Her on Days of our Lives?


Kate certainly isn’t short of male companionship these Days of our Lives, is she? You go, Kate (Lauren Koslow)! An affair with Jack (Matthew Ashford) last year, now Jake (Brandon Barash)!

Days of our Lives Polling

But those were both meaningless hook-ups. Does Kate deserve a real relationship? And if so, who with? What almost 3,000 viewers told us they’d like to see:

Behind the Bar

We’re not sure if 83% of you really want to see another Kate and Roman (Josh Taylor) go around, or whether you’re just tired of seeing him behind the bar, pushing the soup. Either way, Roman was the bigger winner in the Kate sweepstakes. We just hope that getting together again won’t make either of them the biggest loser.

Boy Toy

Let’s see where this Jake thing leads, 10% of the audience is intrigued. We don’t know much about him, yet he’s an open book. We don’t have enough evidence to know whether he’d be great for Kate, or a terrible idea, but, if we’re anything like Kate, we are always ready to leap before we look.

All Rise for Abe

Mayor Abe (James Reynolds) got a puny 5% of the vote, although this is a pairing that fans have been mulling over ever since Kate got herself the job as his assistant. The fact is, Kate has proven herself an asset for Abe, over and over again. He likes her. He respects her. So why couldn’t he love her, as well? (Oh, let me count the ways, some of you are saying.)

Last Place

Finally, only 2% went with Jack. You’re either all big Jennifer (Cady McClain) fans, or you still can’t figure out how that hook-up happened in the first place. Those two are fine enough on their own, but you just don’t see the chemistry or even the empathy. It doesn’t make sense.

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