Sunday, November 29, 2020

Days of Our Lives Recaps: Thankfulness And Forgiveness


The Days of Our Lives recap for November 23-27, 2020, features Jan getting the wedding of Belle’s dreams, John lashing out in anger, Thanksgiving delights, and more.

Days of Our Lives Recap Highlights

Jan’s (Heather Lindell) appearance at Belle (Martha Madison) and Shawn’s (Brandon Beemer) wedding, in the bridal gown and donning the veil, raised quite a few questions. Namely, where was the actual bride, and how was she doing?

In hopes of ascertaining some answers, Shawn agreed to plow ahead with the ceremony while Brady (Eric Martsolf) went in search of his little sister.

John Went Ballistic

When he failed in his endeavor, and a peeved Jan insisted that she had killed Belle prior to her arrival, John (Drake Hogestyn) went ballistic and tried some throttle some sense into the madwoman. And what did he get for his trouble? A pair of handcuffs and a charge of attempted murder!

Luckily, Belle was alive and well…not so lucky for Philip (Jay Kenneth Johnson), she had been spirited from her hotel room and into his bed. Shawn was sure that his love rival and Jan had worked together, but Belle vouched for her ex…which didn’t sit too well with Detective Brady. Still, he was just happy to have his future bride back safe and sound.

DAYS Musings

Anybody else a tad disappointed that the actual consumption of Thanksgiving meals was cut from the show? And are you especially disappointed that we weren’t even privy to the goings-on at Nicole’s (Arianne Zucker) abode? Her, Kate (Lauren Koslow), Lucas (Bryan Dattilo), and Philip in one room, playing nice…yes, please!

Gabi (Camila Banus) and Rafe (Galen Gering) are back in town but boy have things changed. Hope (Kristian Alfonso) has left, Ciara (Victoria Konefal) is presumed dead, and Jake (Brandon Barash) has moved on with Kate. Who’s gonna be the most pissed? We’re betting on Hurricane Gabi.

Rafe: ” Well, once I got everyone secured at a safe house down in Mexico, I went after the men who were threatening us…and, uh, well, the ones that are left are locked behind bars for a very long time.” Hmmm…did anyone get the distinct impression that Rafe went and killed a whole lot of bad guys?

Julie: “I understand that Lani came to you and begged you to fire Melinda Trask…If you had just done as your daughter asked, none of this would’ve happened. Am I right, or am I right?” Julie (Susan Seaforth Hayes) is undoubtedly right. But was she right to bring this fact to Abe’s (James Reynolds) attention? And do YOU believe that Abe should have honored Lani’s (Sal Stowers) wishes and fired Melinda?

Jennifer: “Julie..would you tolerate Doug lying to you for any reason?” Let’s be honest, Doug has told some whoppers. Like the lie of omission concerning his marriage to Kim, the Polynesian princess. Heck, their whole relationship is predicated on the fact that he was hired to seduce the very married Julie away from her husband at the behest of Susan Martin (Denise Alexander).

Marlena: “Jan, do you…” Jan: “Actually, the name’s Janet. Jan’s a nickname.” Did anybody out there remember that little nugget of info? Speaking of little-remembered facts, can anyone recall the term that Doug Williams (Bill Hayes) spent as Mayor of Salem as mentioned by Julie?

So Abigail (Marci Miller) is once again absolved of her sins, huh? Boy, wouldn’t it be nice to be her? She’s never been held responsible for any action that she has ever committed in her entire life.

Her attempts to break up not only Carrie (Christie Clarke) and Austin’s (marriage but Sami (Alison Sweeney) and EJ’s as well? Chalk it up to the folly of youth. Andre’s (Thaao Penghlis) murder and Gabi’s imprisonment for the crime? Blame it on Abby’s alternate personality. Ditto Gabi’s near-fatal beating and her resulting inability to have children.

Wouldn’t we all like to be so lucky as to live the life of Abby Deveraux?

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