Saturday, December 12, 2020

Should I Stayla? Will Steve and Kayla Survive as a Couple on Days of our Lives?


On Days of our Lives, Steve and Kayla have managed to survive his past secrets, her bending of the law, his repeated loss of eyeballs, him being turned into Stefano, and, oh, yeah, death.

Days of our Lives Polling

But will their conflict over Tripp (Lucas Adams) – did he or did he not rape Allie (Lindsay Arnold)? – be the thing that breaks our Stayla up for good? What almost 2,000 fans had to say about the possibility:

Together Forever

Steve (Stephen Nichols) and Kayla (Mary Beth Evans) are Salem’s One True Pairing, a majority 62% of you insist. This is just a blip on their radar. Eventually, the full truth will come out, and either Steve will admit that he was wrong to back his son, or Kayla will admit that she was wrong not to believe.

They are mature adults. They can talk through difficult issues. Ava (Tamara Braun), on the other hand, is not something that can be talked through.

Back and Forth

Steve and Kayla will break up, 35% of the audience is sad to admit. But you’re also pretty sure that they’ll eventually get back together again. That’s how this pair operates. Whether the obstacle is Justin (Wally Kurth), Ava, or, you know, death(!), this is a pair who always finds their way back to each other. As long as you know there’ll be a happy ending, you’re willing to buckle in for the bumpy ride.

End of the Road For Kayla and Steve

A last-place 3% are the only ones who believe Steve and Kayla will never get past this. It’s one thing to fight over old loves, or a brainwashing, and illegal bionic eye implantation or, you know, death. It’s quite another to fight over a child. No one can be rational when their baby’s future is on the line. And no one can forget who wasn’t on their side.

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