Saturday, December 12, 2020

Soap Hub Performer Of The Week For Days of our Lives: Lindsay Arnold


As the daughter of Sami Brady and Lucas Horton on Days of our Lives, Allie has a lot of impulsiveness running through her gene pool. This week, that was kicked up a notch, as she learned from her father a bit more about what makes her mother tick — and realized that being her mother’s daughter may actually be instructive. By doing so, Lindsay Arnold grabbed that baton and ran with it.

Lindsay Arnold — Performer of the Week

Arnold has had a sweet naivete about her since coming to Salem but viewers quickly learned all was not as it seemed — Allie had actually experienced the trauma of being raped and was left pregnant. This week, she learned that is something she has in common with her mother, Sami (Alison Sweeney), as Lucas (Bryan Dattilo) revealed that piece of his ex’s past.

Lindsay Arnold was thrown in the deep end, having to absorb this foundation-shattering piece of information about the woman she’s had trouble dealing with most of her life. With just her reaction to the news, we could see Allie reevaluating everything she ever knew about Sami, with a better understanding of who her mother has turned out to be being the result.

Unfortunately, Lucas also revealed what Sami did about it — namely her grabbing a gun and doing her part to make sure her rapist would never be able to commit that act again. So what did Allie do? She grabbed Grandma Kate’s (Lauren Koslow) gun — way to go, keeping that gun safe from the grandkids, Kate — and went to take on the man she’s accused of the same crime — Tripp (Lucas Adams).

This wasn’t a scared Allie — she was filled with the confidence of being the badass her mother was in confronting her attacker. Tripp was rightly worried that he wouldn’t be able to talk her down from her new mission — to make him pay like her mother’s attacker had paid. Lucky for him, his dead mother decided to return to the land of the living in that very moment.

Despite the failure of her mission, Arnold has proven Allie is a success otherwise — she’s not going to be anyone’s victim again. And like her mother, she has proven she won’t let a little thing like the law stop her from doing what she thinks is right. This is just the beginning — and we can’t wait to see what the actress has up her sleeve next.

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