Sunday, January 10, 2021

Soap Hub Performer Of The Week For Days of our Lives: Sal Stowers


It has been a long and winding road to parenthood, filled with tragedy and triumph, for Lani and Eli on Days of our Lives. They believed with the birth of Julia and Carver, it was nothing but blue skies ahead but Friday dealt this couple a horrible blow — their babies were kidnapped. Sal Stowers‘ devastation knocked us out so she has won Soap Hub’s Performer of the Week honors.

Sal Stowers — Performer of the Week

After finally choosing their children’s names, things were appearing hopeful for the married cops. Finally, the day had arrived to able to bring their new babies home. Eli (Lamon Archey) decided to have a little fun with his wife and pretended he forgot to install the car seats. Lani chastised him, not catching on to his joke, which surprised him.

Perhaps that’s because Lani was still on edge, having been through so much to get to this point. You can bet all that got them to this point was still on her mind, as Stowers was able to portray her character’s unsaid trepidation. After all, it wasn’t that long ago that they buried their first child, David. It also wasn’t that long ago that she thought she had lost Eli forever.

And it wasn’t that long ago that she thought she and Eli’s marriage might be over and she would be raising these twins on her own. But everything did come together and now life seemed almost too perfect. Eli wanted to take a moment to be alone with the love of his life before the next 18 years would be ruled by their kids. He may live to regret that decision.

He went to get the kids but returned to break it to Lani that they were missing. He had to remain strong for her, but Sal Stowers released a primal reaction upon hearing the unthinkable. Her desperation and despair were written all over her face as she collapsed. How could this happen? No, this couldn’t be happening — and we felt every inch of pain that Lani was experiencing.

We also can’t say enough about what an incredible partner Archey is here, knowing it’s Stower’s moment to run with and he was everything he needed to be, proving once again why fans root so hard for this couple as the actors are perfectly suited for each other.

We’re sure he’ll be next, as Eli springs into action as the story unfolds but for now, watching Stowers shine as Lani’s world crashed down around her was heartbreaking. We couldn’t look away — nor did we want to.

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