Saturday, January 30, 2021

Soap Spoilers: February 1-5/8-12, 2021


The Young and the Restless

Victoria deals with an ultimatum, Sally keeps something from Jack, Gloria seeks to re-establish herself among Genoa City’s movers and shakers, and Chelsea’s recovery takes a dramatic turn when she’s pushed to her limit.

Young & Restless spoilers for Friday, January 29:

Elena and Devon’s conversation takes a stunning turn, Billy and Victoria reflect, and Abby gets her answer.

One never knows who is going to show up unannounced at the door of the Abbott mansion! When Jack receives an unexpected guest, will it be someone from out of town… perhaps a former lover? Could Patty be on the loose again? Maybe he should really let the butler answer the bell this time, just in case.

Lily can’t erase Billy’s past with Victoria any more than he can erase his new girlfriend’s past with Cane. Still, she may have more reason to worry than he does, what with Victoria still being around — and especially when Victoria and Billy experience déjà vu.

Young & Restless spoilers week of February 1:

Young & Restless spoilers for Monday, February 1:

Victoria’s been enjoying a rare stretch free of interference from her father at Newman Enterprises. But that all comes to an end when Victor gives Victoria an ultimatum. Will he be pushing for Adam to rejoin the company now that they’re on better terms?

Nate and Devon have been keeping it all in the family when it comes to love interests lately, but it’s more likely they’ll be talking about Moses’ return to Genoa City when they meet to discuss family matters.

Considering Gloria tanked two of Lauren’s business deals the last time she tried to help her with Fenmore’s, it’s bound to be an uphill battle — and perhaps even an exercise in futility — when she approaches Lauren seeking a second chance.

Young & Restless spoilers for Tuesday, February 2:

Though Billy claims to be falling in love with Lily, he’s been spending an awful lot of time with his ex-wife Victoria and their kids lately. Which of the two women will he be trying to figure out when he receives mixed signals… and how will he react?

After finding herself in the uncomfortable and rather bizarre position of joining Chelsea’s recovery team following a request from Adam, Sharon lands in a situation where she is forced to take action.

More fed up with her family’s assumptions and interference by the day, Faith resists Nikki’s help when she once again tries to step in to give advice.

Young & Restless spoilers for Wednesday, February 3:

It’s become clear Victoria’s conflicted where her ex-husband is concerned now that he’s decided to move on in his life with another woman. But what conclusions will Victoria come to when she examines the ups and downs of her past with Billy (of which there have been many) in a bid to come to terms with her feelings?

Young & Restless spoilers for Thursday, February 4:

Though Elena professed to have feelings for Nate, she never got over Devon in the wake of their sudden split. Now, in light of recent events, when push comes to shove, Elena protects Devon.

Having someone you know carry a child for you is nothing if not a minefield of potential conflicts and complications, but Abby and Mariah are able to reach an understanding.

Lily’s one smart cookie, but even she needs advice sometimes. After bonding during their girls’ trip to New York, it’s Amanda that Lily ultimately trusts to point her in the right direction. Are we the only ones thinking Lily’s quandary will involve her issues with Victoria?

Tricia Cast returns as Nina.

Young & Restless spoilers for Friday, February 5:

Adam thought it would be motivating to put Sharon into Chelsea’s orbit, but will he discover he made a huge mistake when Chelsea reacts to being pushed too far?

While Jack’s proven to be a reliable shoulder for Sally to lean on since she came to Genoa City, when something comes up she feels she can’t trust him with, she elects to keep it a secret. But secrets always come to light, so will the decision not to be open with Jack come back to haunt her?

While Sally’s been gunning for Summer and her position at Jabot Collective, it might be Summer’s man who gets caught in the crossfire when Kyle’s past catches up with him.


The Bold and the Beautiful

The scene is set for an explosive confrontation when Hope lets Brooke know what happened between Liam and Steffy, and Zoe finds herself fighting to hang onto Carter and her dream life at Forrester Creations after her indiscretions are brought to light.

Bold & Beautiful spoilers for Friday, January 29:

Zoe flies into panic mode and Paris confronts Zende.

Expect all hell to break loose when Ridge catches Zende with Zoe and furiously demands answers on behalf of his friend, the kind and unsuspecting Carter. Something tells us, given Ridge’s own habit of two-timing, we’re going to be in for a remarkable display of hypocrisy.

For too long, Paris has let Zoe call the shots. Paris is no shrinking violet, after all. So finally, she turns the tables on her demanding sister when she decides that it’s high time to tell Carter the truth about the woman he hopes to make his missus.

Bold & Beautiful spoilers for week of February 1:

Bold & Beautiful spoilers for Monday, February 1:

After being busted by Ridge, Zoe flies into damage-control mode and informs Carter that she’s ready to set an immediate wedding date. But will she be able to get him to the altar before someone fills him in on what she’s been up to behind his back? And technically, often in front of his face.

Always her daughter’s staunchest supporter, and unflinchingly hypocritical, Brooke is absolutely furious when Hope finally breaks the news that her husband has strayed — again — and that her rival, Steffy, may now be pregnant with his child. Also again.

Bold & Beautiful spoilers for Tuesday, February 2:

Unwilling to see his good friend get taken for a ride, Ridge informs a shocked Carter of Zoe’s ultimate betrayal. Will he decide that he still loves her for better or, in this case, worse?

The moment of truth inches closer as Steffy and Finn take a paternity test. The dashing doctor will soon find out if he’s about to be a dad for the first time… or if he’s doomed to deal with Liam’s constant presence in their lives forevermore. Well, even more than he was already going to have to deal with it since Liam is Kelly’s father.

Bold & Beautiful spoilers for Wednesday, February 3:

Expect an epic confrontation when Brooke, furious about the hell Steffy has put Hope through, unleashes her wrath on Ridge’s daughter. Will she just stand there and take it… or will she remember that she’s named after Stephanie and hit back just as hard?

Seeing her chances of becoming the wife of Forrester Creations’ COO quickly going down the drain, Zoe makes a fervent attempt to salvage her relationship with Carter. Will she discover that she’s still doing too little and also, it’s way too late?

Bold & Beautiful spoilers for Thursday, February 4:

Zoe’s shady behavior has come back to bite her on the behind, but not surprisingly, she blames not herself but Paris. Watch for the two-timer to hurl accusations at her sister on the heels of her conversation with Carter.

Knowing that Ridge is about to get an earful from Brooke about her, Steffy realizes that the time has come to confess to her dad about her night with Liam and her pregnancy. Dare she hope that, given his own past of falling back into old habits with former loves, he’ll be understanding of her “Oops, I did it again” slip?

Bold & Beautiful spoilers for Friday, February 5:

No longer content to play the pushover to her overbearing sister, Paris gives as good as she gets when Zoe presents her with a document to sign. Something tells us that the dynamic between the siblings is about to change in a big — and permanent — way.

As drama swirls all around them, Ridge attentively listens when Finn reveals his intentions toward Steffy. How far will the protective dad go to ensure that the future the doc envisions becomes reality?

As we watch this Zoe storyline unfold, we keep asking the same question: Does the show want us to dislike her?


General Hospital

A disturbing article is published, two people don’t take someone’s bait, old friends have a meaningful conversation and more!

General Hospital spoilers week of January 25:

General Hospital spoilers for Monday, January 25:

Carly swaps out the necklace, Sonny takes off, and Jackie’s in high demand.

When it comes to dealing with how Valentin operates… well, let’s just say this ain’t Nina’s first time at the rodeo.

When Carly needs help, who will she turn to?

It’s not a role that necessarily comes naturally to her, but Ava decides it’s time for her to step up and help make peace.

Before a bad situation can become infinitely worse, Maxie takes it upon herself to try and calm the situation. But how much success will she have?

Willow’s got a very important decision to make, and today, she’s finally ready to do it!

General Hospital spoilers for Tuesday, January 26:

Jackie admits Finn could be Chase’s father, Nikolas busts Carly, and Curtis still can’t trust Jordan.

Now that Willow’s made a decision, it’s time for Michael to consider his own next move.

As an investigative reporter, Jackie’s usually the one firing off the questions. But today, she’s in the hot seat as Finn comes to her hoping for answers.

It’s been a hot minute since Anna and Jordan have had time to connect, but they’ll make time to do so today. Meanwhile, Curtis might do a little bonding of his own when Portia turns to him for an assist.

Bobbie’s on a mission to distract Ava, but to what end?

General Hospital spoilers for Wednesday, January 27:

News of Franco’s tumor is published, Nikolas has a proposal for Ava, and Nina is shocked to see the necklace.

After everything they’ve been through, it would be understandable if Willow had a bit of a hate-on for Sasha. Yet when Sasha needs someone to lean on, Michael’s wife is there for her.

Peter uses the power of the press to publish an article that’s sure to raise a few eyebrows. But will he regret having done so?

When Elizabeth is in need of a friend, she finds someone is willing to be exactly that.

Nice try, Valentin, but Jax and Nina manage to avoid the bait you’ve laid out for them. Guess you’ll have to try again!

When Nikolas finds that he has a lot on his mind, how much of it will involve wife Ava?


Celebrate the anniversary of Jack Wagner’s General Hospital debut by flashing all the way back to our introduction to the one and only Frisco Jones. It’s a tribute that’s truly — everybody sing — aaall III neeeed!

General Hospital spoilers for Thursday, January 28:

Alexis stabs Dante, Peter wants to team up with Jason, and Nina gets a lead.

Lucy is either far braver or a tad less intelligent than most of us, because she’s about to do something we’d never even consider: She gets downright defiant with Carly!

As Nina’s search for answers continues, Valentin is there to help. Gee, wonder if he might have an ulterior motive?

Curtis — who’ll be the first to acknowledge he does not know everything about relationships — sees things from a different perspective.

What will it mean when Alexis goes with daughter Sam to the hospital? Might the disbarred attorney finally have hit bottom and realized how badly she needs help?

Jason and Britt put their heads together and come up with another plan of attack.

But is General Hospital actually going to pair Jason with BFF Carly? Here’s what the headwriters had to say about that.

General Hospital spoilers for Friday, January 29:

Olivia leans on Robert and vows to make Alexis pay, Monica sends Tracy away, and Jax prepares to tell Nina the truth.

Having apparently never heard what it does to the proverbial cat, Nina allows her curiosity to be piqued.

Olivia’s been trying to solve a mystery for a while now, but today she winds up more confused than ever.

Something has ruffled mild-mannered Elizabeth’s feathers, and she’s ready to take Jason to task!

Alexis is finally beginning to comprehend just how far off the rails she went. Will this be the first step in getting her life back on track?

Monica’s had about enough of a certain guest. Will she make sure they know it’s her house because — everybody say it with us — Alan gave it to her?

General Hospital spoilers week of February 1:

GH Soapbox: Hoping Nelle stays dead and the major storyline that had potential, but has fallen flat.

General Hospital spoilers for Monday, February 1:

Nina can’t help but reflect on what was clearly a missed opportunity.

What causes Valentin to actually snap at Carly?

Finn’s looking for information and he hopes Britt might be the person who can provide it. But will she be willing to do so?

Obrecht makes a downright desperate plea.

Proving that no matter how old he gets, a boy’s best friend is still his mother, Nikolas turns to Laura when he’s in need of a little advice.

General Hospital spoilers for Tuesday, February 2:

Franco has been seeking help from just about anyone willing to lend a hand. Will Kevin, who has been there for him in the past, be able to come through again this time?

Anna puts her puzzle-solving skills to the test as she attempts to cobble together the pieces of a mystery rattling around in her head. Will she manage to connect the dots?

Sam and Dante have been spending a bit of time together, each needing someone to talk to about their respective situations. But when the beauty feels that she owes Dante, how will she settle her debt?

Jordan tries to offer Alexis a bit of guidance.

Maxie can sometimes be a tad self-absorbed, but she’s definitely feeling sympathetic toward Elizabeth’s situation.

General Hospital spoilers for Wednesday, February 3:

When Maxie pays Dante a visit, will they wind up bonding over how much each of them misses the still-hospitalized Lulu?

Ruh-roh, Carly. It looks as if Laura isn’t exactly thrilled with you. It should be fun to see how Carly reacts to being called out by Madame Mayor!

Brando’s been working undercover for a while now, but Cyrus is about to turn up the heat on his hired hand. Could the bad guy be getting suspicious?

When Curtis finds himself in need of strength, he gets it from those around him. Meanwhile, Portia breaks out the parenting manual in order to be there for and offer encouragement to daughter Trina.

General Hospital spoilers for Thursday, February 4:

As she gets ever-closer to marrying Peter, Maxie finds herself drawn back to the past. Will visiting Nathan’s grave provide her with comfort… or might she feel the spirit of her beloved late husband reaching out from the great beyond to try and knock some sense into her?

Anna takes a meeting with Valentin in order to update him on the progress she’s made. Meanwhile, Finn tries to connect with his dad and brother.

Jax seems to think that the women in his life really can be there to support one another. But will Carly buy what he’s selling when the Aussie tries convincing her that Nina is an ally and not a threat?

Get ready for another reunion of classic characters when Scott and Jackie find time to reconnect with one another.

General Hospital spoilers for Friday, February 5:

Get ready to swoon, #Chillow fans, because today Chase is going to admit to Willow just how much he misses her.

When Sonny begins to question who he truly is, will the answers come flooding back? Or will he continue to struggle with the amnesia that has kept him away from his friends and loved ones?

Carly is in need of defending, and Jax is there to do exactly that.

As Britt is reading Peter the riot act, Anna is getting closer to putting all the pieces together where Maxie’s husband-to-be is concerned.


Days of Our Lives

A shocking secret is revealed, a trap is set, Susan Banks resurfaces — and so does Ciara!

Days of Our Lives spoilers week of February 1:

Days Soapbox: Nicole and Rafe were a bright spot in a week full of abuse and trauma.

Days of Our Lives spoilers for Monday, February 1:

From the moment Gwen revealed that she was Jack’s daughter, we’ve said that there had to be more to the story than what she revealed… or at least what she knew. And that might prove to be the case when Laura shares a stunning secret with daughter Jennifer. Meanwhile, we’ll find out just how much truth there is to Gwen’s claim when at long last, she and Jack receive the DNA results.

Nicole has been struggling with the fact that hubby Eric is so far away. Sure, she was the one who encouraged him to go to Africa, but that hasn’t made things any easier… nor will the news she receives today.

Jake’s new to the business world, so he needs a little guidance from someone a bit more seasoned. Tony is happy to be that sounding board, especially when it comes to Gabi’s proposal.

Days of Our Lives spoilers for Tuesday, February 2:

When Eli and Lani set a trap for Dr. Raynor, will the woman who whisked their children away from Salem University Hospital be lured in?

Jennifer and Abigail get the truth about Gwen’s story from, of all people, Laura. At the same time, Gwen is busy lashing out at Jack.

As Nicole deals with the news she received yesterday, Rafe is there to offer her comfort.

Days of Our Lives spoilers for Wednesday, February 3:

Jack continues to feel like the last to know — despite the fact that he’s a crucial player in the unfolding drama — as he reels from Laura’s latest revelation.

Ivan has long proven he’ll do whatever it takes to keep Vivian — aka Madame — happy. Today, that involves handing over Eli and Lani’s precious babies! But the freaked-out parents could be getting closer to the truth as they receive a key piece of information from Dr. Raynor.

Maybe Chad will score some points with his estranged wife when he covers for her.

Days of Our Lives spoilers for Thursday, February 4:

Ben and Claire’s search for answers leads them to the last person you might expect: Susan Banks! What does Kristen’s doppelganger and EJ’s mom have to tell them? And when Ciara fights to get back to her beloved husband, will her efforts prove successful?

The pieces of the puzzle finally fall into place for Lani and Eli. Will this lead to them reclaiming their children?

When Brady finally awakens, he finds a remorseful Chloe sitting at his bedside.

Days of Our Lives spoilers for Friday, February 5:

It won’t surprise anyone to discover that Chloe has become a sore spot where Kristen is concerned. How far will she push the topic with Brady? As for the opera singer, she’s been spending an awful lot of time with Brady, but it’s Philip who plants a kiss on her today!

Ciara’s been kept away from her loved ones long enough! But when she tries to make a run for it, how far will she manage to get? Also, who the heck has her?

Lani and Eli confront Ivan with their questions. But will he tell them the one thing they want to know… where their children are!

Days of Our Lives spoilers week of February 8:

Days of Our Lives spoilers for Monday, February 8:

Gabi came to town determined to reclaim Jake… who made it clear that he is otherwise occupied. Not about to take his rejection to heart — or at least show that she has — Gabi turns to Xander for a little attention. Which leaves us with a whole lot of questions.

Days of Our Lives spoilers for Tuesday, February 9:

When Xander is smiling, being charming or just wandering around shirtless, it’s easy to forget that he’s a complicated man with some darker demons lurking beneath the surface. But we may well be reminded of that when anger pushes him to make a rather shocking announcement.

Days of Our Lives spoilers for Wednesday, February 10:

Someone sound the irony alert, because after turning Jack’s life upside down and tormenting his family, guess to whom Gwen turns when she finds herself in need of help. Will her dad come through in her hour of desperation or turn a deaf ear to the schemer’s pleas?

Days of Our Lives spoilers for Thursday, February 11:

Patch and Kayla fans will not want to miss today’s episode. Why? Because Steve’s ready to make things official with his Sweetness… and who doesn’t love a wedding?

Days of Our Lives spoilers for Friday, February 12:

A Ciara/Ben reunion is so close we can practically taste it. But when she attempts to reach out to her grieving husband, will they finally reconnect?

It seems like old times as Kate sets out to thwart one of longtime rival Vivian’s schemes. This time, however, Kate has a secret weapon in Jake!

And now that we know Ciara is alive, if not well, we beseech the show not to commit a grievous “Cin” against her and Ben.

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