Saturday, April 17, 2021

Soap Spoilers: April 19-23/26-30, 2021


Nikki (Melody Thomas Scott) takes matters into her own hands.

The Young and the Restless

Things are bound to blow up when confrontations go down between Kyle, Jack, Summer, Ashland and Tara. Plus, Elena and Mariah each get reality checks, Lily and Devon square off, and Nikki may just do the one thing that Victor can’t forgive.

Young & Restless spoilers for Friday, April 16:

Victoria clashes with Victor, Moses defends Faith, and Kyle gets a warning call from Tara.

Nick exhibits untold bravery when he makes a confession to his lady love. Though she’s been on her best behavior with her significant other lately, one never knows what kind of reaction to expect from the fiery Phyllis.

When Nikki is once again cast in the role of family peacekeeper, will it be due to Victoria wresting control of Cyaxares from Victor and Adam? Or is Victor is planning to oust his daughter from her CEO seat at Newman Enterprises on the heels of his previous veiled warning?

It’s always a good time when Victor’s most ruthless offspring go head to head. We expect it will be no exception today when Victoria turns the tables on Adam. The question is, which of them will come out on top in their latest dust-up?

Young & Restless spoilers week of April 19:

Y&R Restless Rant hot topics: Young & Restless fans *really* want Sally to go after Nick, Sharon and Rey to split, and Mariah’s pregnancy to end. Plus, NuFaith, Devon and Amanda’s kiss, and dumb plot points to make you lol!

Young & Restless spoilers for Monday, April 19:

While Victor may no longer be a threat as a media competitor, he nonetheless finds a way to keep his daughter’s ex-husband on his toes. What will the mogul taunt “Billy Boy” about this time?

As Mariah adjusts to her new normal, will she begin having regrets about carrying another woman’s child… or just the morning-sickness part of her pregnancy?

When Elena receives a painful reality check, we have to wonder if she’ll run into a loved-up Devon and Amanda. If so, will she become more determined than ever to prove herself to Nate… or to win back her former live-in boyfriend?

Young & Restless spoilers for Tuesday, April 20:

It’s bound to be a clash of the titans when a protective Jack confronts the ruthless Ashland Locke. The question is, who will emerge from their face-off feeling as though he’s won?

When Kyle decides to confess, will the explosive truth about Tara and Ashland’s son, Harrison, finally come out in the open? Or will someone intervene and stop the headstrong Abbott heir before he blows his world apart? That would then leave hanging overhead a threat that’s arguably just as great as Ashland!

Sharon fights for her marriage, but we have to wonder why. Between Rey’s mistrust and her attachment to Adam, it’s obvious that “Shey” are just one of the many Young & Restless couples who need to split up, if not for good… at least for right now.

Young & Restless spoilers for Wednesday, April 21:

When Victor shares a secret with Nikki, will he confide in her about where he has Adam stashed away? If so, will she keep the info confidential or use it to help Victoria get the upper hand on her antagonistic half brother?

While we’d love to see her get a new man (or at least a new storyline) of her own, Lola decides to play matchmaker for someone else. Could that person be her roommate, Elena?

Finding himself thrust back into a position he’s been in many times in the past — usually thanks to Victor — Jack is forced to protect Jabot’s reputation. Will it be Ashland Locke bringing the heat this time?

Young & Restless spoilers for Thursday, April 22

We have a bad feeling about this! Given that Victor just confided a secret to his wife, he may see it as a betrayal when Nikki takes matters into her own well-manicured hands.

These siblings haven’t interacted much lately, so it’s anyone’s guess who has a bee in their bonnet, and over what, when Devon and Lily share a difference of opinion. Will it be a minor tiff or the start of a major rift?

We’re looking forward to Summer channeling some old-school Phyllis when she makes a move to set the record straight with Tara Locke.

Young & Restless spoilers for Friday, April 23:

When Billy gets the upper hand, will it mean that he’s managed to convince Victoria to sell him Cyaxares? How would Lily, Victor and Ashland Locke react if the deal goes down?

We wish him luck! When Rey sets a trap for Chelsea, will the slippery con manage to keep her scheme going, or will she finally be caught in her web of lies? (And will what happens next be what facilitates portrayer Melissa Claire Egan’s maternity leave?)

It’s bound to be a poignant conversation when Nikki opens up to Faith about her road to recovery just as the teenager embarks on her own.

Quinn (Rena Sofer) rekindles passion


The Bold and the Beautiful

Even as Quinn tries to do Zoe a solid, her own marriage gets shaky; the drama surrounding Vinny’s death ratchets up as Lt. Baker builds a theory; and Hope makes a request of Liam that he’s unlikely to refuse.

Bold & Beautiful spoilers for Friday, April 16:

Carter gets more than he bargained for when Quinn overshares, Ridge senses Eric is troubled, and Liam gets an earful from Thomas.

When Eric opens up to Ridge about his relationship with Quinn, will it to be express how happy he remains with his wife… or to share his reservations about remaining hitched to a natural born conniver?

A person keeping a deadly secret fears they’ve been busted. Is it a case of Liam’s guilt eating him alive and playing tricks on his mind, or will there actually be a break in The Case of the Ill-Fated Lab Tech?

Bold & Beautiful spoilers for week of April 12:

B&B Opinion: Wondering why Steffy and Finn aren’t prime suspects in Vinny’s murder and worried about Liam’s luscious locks.

Bold & Beautiful spoilers for Monday, April 19:

Anything for a fellow schemer! Quinn shows a rare glimpse of her softer side — and yes, she does have one — when she makes an impassioned plea to Carter on Zoe’s behalf. But will it have the desired result, considering its untrustworthy source?

Let’s face it, Hope has loads of experience recognizing when her husband is keeping something from her — and not just because he’s terrible at it. Will Liam finally come clean when his wife asks about his strange behavior of late?

Bold & Beautiful spoilers for Tuesday, April 20:

When Eric admits to Ridge the specific issue that he’s having in his marriage to Quinn, will his son wish that he’d never asked? Or will Quinn’s onetime flirtmate somehow be able to help?

As you’d expect that he would, Dollar Bill swoops in to keep Liam from making a huge mistake — presumably confessing to his role in Vinny’s death. Hmm… why do we have a feeling this will be happening a lot in the coming days and weeks?

Bold & Beautiful spoilers for Wednesday, April 21:

When Hope confides in Thomas about Liam’s strange behavior, will the closer-than-ever twosome realize that the commencement of her ex’s troubles coincided with Vinny’s death and put the pieces together?

There’s nothing scarier than a Quinn scorned! Will the schemer find herself facing rejection when she attempts to rekindle her passion with Eric? Given that he recently confided in Ridge about some “issues” in their marriage, it’s definitely a possibility.

Bold & Beautiful spoilers for Thursday, April 22:

Once again, Bill talks Liam down off the proverbial ledge. See, we told you it would keep happening. We’ll be surprised if we make it through this storyline without adding to Liam’s laundry list of boneheaded decisions.

Who will become the main suspect when Lt. Baker and Detective Sanchez develop a theory about Vinny’s death? Anyone else wanna bet that it rhymes with the last part of “uranium”?

Bold & Beautiful spoilers for Friday, April 23:

When Hope makes a welcome request of Liam, we have to wonder if she’ll invite him to move back into the cabin… and out from under Bill’s watchful eye and rather rage-y countenance. If so, that’s the very definition of an offer he can’t refuse, right?

In keeping with his over-the-top mood of late, Bill gets mad when Lt. Baker interrupts a moment between him and Katie. On the plus side, at least Bill will be getting a moment with Katie.

Willow (Kate MacMullen) feels helpless.


General Hospital

A veiled threat is issued, relationships are tested, buttons are pushed and someone is left horrified!

General Hospital spoilers week of April 12:

GH Soapbox: Misty-eyed over Alexis, reveling in everything falling apart for Peter, and wanting Cyrus to get acquainted with Wyndemere’s turret.

General Hospital spoilers for Monday, April 12:

Curtis asks Jordan for a divorce, Chase feels ill, and Willow tells Michael he’s who she wants to be with.

Finn and Anna haven’t been on the same page since their almost-wedding a few weeks back. Might that change when he pays her a visit today?

Peter’s got a whole lot of people hating on him lately, so you’d think he might try and play nice. Instead, he takes it upon himself to make a veiled threat to someone. Will this guy never learn? Meanwhile, Britt and Maxie have been plotting against Peter, and their plan takes form today.

As Portia finds herself face to face with Taggert, Curtis and Jordan finally take the time to figure out where they stand and what they want moving forward in their relationship.

General Hospital spoilers for Tuesday, April 13:

Chase collapses, Jordan confides in Portia, and Willow and Michael decide to move in together.

Despite everything going on around him, Michael finds himself counting his blessings and feeling fortunate. Brook Lynn, on the other hand, finds herself struggling to deal with an overbearing Olivia.

Peter proves that he knows exactly how to push Anna’s buttons.

As Curtis is taking Finn into his confidence, Jordan crosses paths with Portia. Something tells us Taggert will be a definitely conversational topic!

General Hospital spoilers for Wednesday, April 14:

Willow rushes Chase to the hospital, as Valentin and Anna free Peter. Meanwhile, Brook Lynn finds Olivia in a close moment with Robert.

When Jax calls Nina, will she reveal to him where she is… and who she found there? Meanwhile, when Sonny goes fishing for details, might he wind up coming closer to remembering who he truly is… and what he left behind? (Although if it was up to us, he’d never regain his memory.)

Things could get interesting when Brook Lynn and Dante reconnect. (In case you’ve forgotten, Carly once hired Ned’s daughter to seduce Dante away from Lulu. While Brook Lynn did manage to land the hunk in her bed, nothing actually happened between them, as she’d drugged him!)

It takes a lot to shake a woman like Anna, so what happens today that leaves her horrified?

General Hospital spoilers for Thursday, April 15:

Sasha and Brando have sex, Chase’s condition worsens, and “Mike” learns Elijah embezzled money.

As Nina is getting a personal tour of Nixon Falls from Elijah, Carly is back in Port Charles feeling pretty overwhelmed.

Sasha and Brando continue to get closer. Does this mean that Michael’s out of the running where the beauty’s heart is concerned? (Perhaps we’ll get more insight into this when he and Dante carve out time to catch up.) Meanwhile, what should we make of the fact that Willow finds herself feeling helpless?

General Hospital spoilers for Friday, April 16:

Nikolas finds Florence, Sonny warns Nina about Elijah, and Alexis makes an enemy in prison.

Sidelined! General Hospital’s Kelly Thiebaud is not allowed to work after a false-positive COVID test. What does this mean for Britt?

Anna and Valentin take a moment to regroup.

Something tells us when Laura visits Carly it won’t simply be to chat about the weather.

Alexis has someone new to confide in when Sydney Walsh joins General Hospital.

Perhaps some of Sonny’s old instincts are kicking back in, because he can’t help but be suspicious today!

Nikolas takes action — and you should, too.

What’s ahead for the AMC soap vet as he heads over to GH? Cameron Mathison opens up about joining General Hospital: “I feel like a kid on Christmas.”

General Hospital spoilers week of April 19:

GH Opinion: We’re ready for a good old fashion murder mystery and Cyrus’ missy mommy story is finally getting good!

General Hospital spoilers for Monday, April 19:

Laura knows that son Nikolas is part Cassadine, but she can’t help being disappointed when his latest actions indicate that he let himself be dictated by that darker nature.

Cameron and Joss haven’t been seeing eye to eye of late, largely based on his determination to see Jason remain behind bars. Will the teens manage to reconnect today? Meanwhile, Anna heads to the jail to see Jason.

Jordan takes Taggert into her confidence. Meanwhile, her husband Curtis has his buttons pushed by Cyrus.

General Hospital spoilers for Tuesday, April 20:

Elijah has been acting awfully shady since first we met him, and he’s definitely suspicious of “Mike.” So it’s not all that surprising that tensions between the two men are rapidly escalating. Meanwhile, Phyllis is caught off guard.

Carly and Jason may be the best of friends, but that doesn’t mean they see eye to eye. In fact, he’s definitely not on board with his gal pal’s latest scheme!

Scott hopes to try and keep Cameron on the right path.

Chase knows that he’s still very much in love with Willow, but he’s beginning to wonder if they’ll ever really have a future together.

General Hospital spoilers for Wednesday, April 21:

Nina’s not particularly known for her poker face, but she does her best to play it cool. Finn, on the other hand, loses his temper today.

How will Jordan react to the pressure Carly applies?

Nathan may be gone, but he’s never far from Maxie’s mind, as evidenced when she visits her late love’s grave.

How uncomfortable will things get when Brook Lynn and Olivia cross paths?

Look back in anger at the day — and the reasons — All My Children and One Life to Live were canceled.

General Hospital spoilers for Thursday, April 22:

What does it mean that Jax finds himself in exactly the wrong place at exactly the wrong time… and what will be the fallout? Could it have any connection to the fact that Carly winds up being distracted by Cyrus?

Since discovering they share a biological connection, Martin and Laura haven’t had much time to get to know one another. But today, the half siblings sit down to rectify that situation.

Valentin is searching for answers about Nina, but will Curtis be able to provide him with the answers?

Molly’s trying to decide on a future career path. Will TJ be able to help her figure out what she wants to do with the rest of her life?

General Hospital spoilers for Friday, April 23:

Anna has a confession to make to Maxie, while at the same time Olivia takes Dante into her confidence and Brook Lynn turns to someone for help.

While Chase is plotting out what he hopes will be a bright future with Willow, Finn is at the opposite end of the spectrum, finding himself feeling downright helpless.

Sami (Alison Sweeney) orders Lucas (Bryan Dattilo) to seduce Chloe.


Days of Our Lives

A seduction is planned, new tricks are put into motion and an emotional breakdown rocks one woman in Salem…

Hot Topic: Did Xander’s marriage to Chanel actually set the stage for Sarah’s return?

Days of Our Lives spoilers week of April 19:

Days of Our Lives spoilers for Monday, April 19:

For weeks, we’ve been eyeing everyone in Salem suspiciously… but at long last, today the truth will be revealed as Days lets us in on who really murdered Charlie Dale!

Belle has to answer some tough questions when she lands in the hot seat, while Claire sees Allie in a new light when she comes to a realization about her gal pal.

Tripp and Kayla haven’t always had the best relationship, but he has a sweet surprise for his stepmom and her husband.

Days of Our Lives spoilers for Tuesday, April 20:

Chanel is the kinda person who thinks she knows how to work everyone around her. But Xander makes it clear that where he’s concerned, she made a major miscalculation. Meanwhile, Paulina isn’t thrilled with her daughter’s marriage. Something tells us when Abe fills her in on Xander’s history, the miffed mom’s not exactly going to be seeing her new son-in-law in a better light.

Gwen comes a decision regarding the baby she’s carrying. (Could Days be contemplating going where we recently said they’d never dare to?) Meanwhile, Chad and Abigail find themselves at odds about… well, Gwen, of course!

Days of Our Lives spoilers for Wednesday, April 21:

Abigail’s been under a whole lotta pressure lately, thanks largely to newfound (and definitely unwanted) sister Gwen. When things finally get to be too much, Kayla is there for Abigail’s emotional breakdown.

Theo doesn’t want to look a gift kiss in the mouth, but he does have some questions for Ciara about the liplock they shared.

As Paulina hopes that Lani might provide her with some assistance, Chanel finds out exactly what kind of man she married when Xander turns the tables on her.

Days of Our Lives spoilers for Thursday, April 22:

Ben gets some majorly bad news when he finds out that Ciara is preparing not only to leave Salem, but to do so with Theo! It looks as if time is running out if Ben hopes to win back his true love.

When Brady confesses his feelings to Chloe, will she finally hear the words she’s been hoping for? And what will it mean when Vivian plays hardball with Kristen?

Sami and Lucas have always had a complicated relationship, so it probably shouldn’t come as a surprise when she orders him to seduce Chloe. But… yeah, we’re still sorta taken aback! Reflect on bygone days with Alison Sweeney as she looks back at 28 years of “Lumi.”

Days of Our Lives spoilers for Friday, April 23:

How far will Kristen go in order to try and come between Jake and Kate? And will the fact she’s trying to do so while in her full Susan regalia make it even more of a challenge? Meanwhile, Gabi finds out exactly what Jake’s got planned and… well, it’s safe to say she isn’t thrilled.

Lucas is desperate to step up his plan where Chloe’s concerned… so wait until you hear the whopper of a lie he tells today!

Xander and Chanel may prove to be one heck of a scheme team as they set out to scam Paulina. Meanwhile, did this pair’s unexpected marriage actually set the stage for Sarah’s return?

Days of Our Lives spoilers week of April 26:

Days of Our Lives spoilers for Monday, April 26:

It looks as if Philip and Gabi are ready to take things to the next level. But when he takes her home with every intention of making love to her, will things go as planned?

Days of Our Lives spoilers for Tuesday, April 27:

Ben has tried every trick in the book to jog Ciara’s memory, but with no luck. Now, as she prepares to leave town, is there anything her husband can do or say to prevent her from going?

Days of Our Lives spoilers for Wednesday, April 28:

Not so long ago, Belle was defending Sami, who stood accused of murdering Charlie. Now, the tables are turned as Belle accuses her sister of trying to frame her for the crime!

Nicole is a happily married woman, even if her spouse is currently far from home. So why does it seem to bother her so much that Rafe and Ava have shared a kiss?

Days of Our Lives spoilers for Thursday, April 29:

Kristen has cooked up another scheme, this time involving Kate. How will Lucas’ mom react when she finds out what Kristen has planned?

Days of Our Lives spoilers for Friday, April 30:

Jake is absolutely blown away when “Kate” breaks up with him. But as you can probably guess from the way that was worded, things aren’t necessarily what they seem!

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