Friday, December 9, 2022

Weekly Spoilers: December 12-16, 2022


The Young and the Restless

Is the Grim Reaper about to make a special guest appearance? It sure starts to feel that way . Not only does Phyllis go head to head with Jeremy Stark, but Jack and Kyle take a turn facing off with the Big Bad, too. In other developments, Lily’s former and current (for now?) beaus clash, Noah makes a startling admission, and Nikki issues a warning.

Friday, December 9:

A desperate plan is put into motion, Nate runs into Lily, Chance moves out, and Diane slaps Tucker!

Will Jack come to regret calling Jeremy Stark’s bluff? After all, a guy like that doesn’t play by the same rules that fancy-pants cosmetics tycoons do.

When Chance makes a bold move, will it be in the direction of a woman who might mend his broken heart? If so, we have a few ideas about who his next love just might be. Check them out here.

Nate has a change of heart. Perhaps he’s realizing all that he’s lost by betraying his family to team up with Victoria. Or perhaps he’s coming to the conclusion that Elena is not the woman who should be by his side as he chases his goals.

Week of December 12:

Y&R Restless Rant! Hot topics: Tucker and Audra, Sally and Nick, Phyllis’ argument with Jack, and first look photos of Danny and Christine!

Monday, December 12:

Jack sends Ashley and Nikki on a guilt trip. And guess what — ain’t no first class on a guilt trip. You’re going coach, ladies!

Not for the first time, Lily questions Billy’s role in Chelsea’s life. Could the shaky ground on which the couple’s relationship is built be starting to crack?

Despite having been burned more often than a tray of tater tots, Phyllis plays with fire. Which is nuts, yeah. But also very on brand for her, no?

Tuesday, December 13:

Just because they’re not working together anymore doesn’t mean that Nate won’t seize the opportunity to push Devon’s buttons. Hey, don’t judge — at least Nate finally has a hobby!

Abby worries about her future — presumably in that special, special way that only filthy-rich, beautiful bigwigs do.

Victoria expresses concern about Johnny. But will her words be heeded?

Wednesday, December 14:

Billy and Daniel have a tense exchange

Tucker pulls out all the stops to impress Ashley except perhaps the one that he really needs to: being a decent human being.

Phyllis could be making the biggest mistake of her life when she stands her ground with Jeremy Stark. We have a feeling she’s gonna pay dearly for crossing him. The question is, how?

Thursday, December 15:

Nikki warns Nick about Sally. If that doesn’t give him deja vu to his relationship with Sharon, we don’t know what will.

Will it be the beginning of the end of their romance when Noah makes a confession to Allie?

Despite their past animosity and their mutual interest in Nick and Adam, Sharon helps Chelsea take an important step. What are frenemies with psychology degrees for, we guess.

Friday, December 16:

First Phyllis, and now Jack and Kyle confront Jeremy Stark. Could we be heading for a “Who killed Jeremy?” murder mystery?

Daniel takes on a new venture that is only two letters short of being an adventure.

Phyllis is shocked by Summer’s betrayal. But should she be, really? Summer has warned her mom over and over and over to just let it go with Diane, and instead, Phyllis has held onto that grudge as tightly as we do the last box of wine at the liquor store.


The Bold and the Beautiful

Steffy and Finn do their darnedest to follow Sheila’s nine-toed tracks, Deacon is cast in the role of reluctant henchman, Bill plays a broken record, and Brooke, Ridge and Taylor deal with the Brooke, Ridge and Taylor-ness of their all-too-familiar predicament. How does it all shake out?

Friday, December 9:

Deacon forces Sheila to leave, Steffy and Finn share their suspicions, and Sheila comes face-to-face with Steffy!

Finn and Steffy recount their theory about Sheila to Eric, Carter, Brooke, Liam and Hope.

Week of December 12

Monday, December 12:

They can’t possibly do worse than the police, can they? Steffy and Finn work together to track down prison escapee Sheila. But what, exactly, do they plan to do if they find her? Citizen’s arrest?

Tuesday, December 13:

It ain’t over till the crazy lady says it’s over. So Deacon races against time to do one more dirty deed for Sheila.

Hope encourages Brooke to set herself up for more pain and humiliation. Wait, we spelled that wrong. Hope encourages her mother to leave her heart open to love. That’s how Hope puts it.

Fugitive Sheila is officially on the run, which honestly is what she should have been doing since she managed to get out of jail after attempting to murder her daughter-in-law in cold blood.

Wednesday, December 14:

Doctor, analyze thyself. Taylor gets into her feelings about her part in keeping Thomas’ secret. Maybe next she can offer Brooke her take on the way she recently stood up for herself. ’Cause it sure left us going, “Huh?”

Eric practices tough love with Ridge. Sounds to us like waffles are coming off the menu at the Forrester mansion.

Thursday, December 15:

Liam mediates Hope and Steffy’s hot-topic drama: Ridge, Taylor and Brooke. Because with Sheila on the loose, who doesn’t have time to holler at their stepsister!

Ridge learns that Brooke and Taylor have found common ground. Dare we hope that it will be marked “No Boys Allowed”?

Friday, December 16:

Never having uttered the words, “Stop me if you’ve heard this one before,” Bill formulates a plan to win Katie back. Why does that leave us more afraid than excited?

Hope and Steffy interrupt an unforeseen celebration. Could their relatives be throwing a “Yay! Sheila’s Back Behind Bars!” bash?


General Hospital

Carly’s furious by what Nina’s been up to concerning her daughter, a gift is delivered to Spencer, as Victor unveils a surprise — plus, Felicia receives troubling news, Dex is put on notice, and Ava declares war!

Week of December 5:

Monday, December 5:

With everything going on in their lives, it’s not surprising that Michael and Willow find themselves wrapped up in a serious discussion.

Britt now knows that she’s living on borrowed time, so she shares her plan for the future with Austin. (Is it too late for the show to finally put them together, which we’ve been advocating for ages?)

Longtime friends Robert and Laura hope that by putting their heads together, they can solve a problem.

Will Felicia provide Valentin the information he’s pushing her to give?

Sonny applies pressure to Dex. Will the younger man be able to stand strong?

His life in pictures: As Maurice Benard’s son turns 18, look back at his evolution from cute kid to rising star: “Thank you for teaching me how to be a better father.”

Tuesday December 6:

Heather gets a surprise visitor, as does Nikolas, Curtis and Alexis team up to catch the hook, and Victor has news for Spencer.

Elizabeth has been a somewhat reluctant partner to Nikolas, but that doesn’t mean she won’t call Esme’s bluff when push comes to shove!

As always, Ava is in Trina’s corner. But will the younger woman listen to the advice she’s offered?

Who’s behind the gift Spencer receives?

Alexis takes a meeting with Curtis, while Jordan finds herself receiving an invitation.

Wednesday, December 7:

Victor has surprising news for Spencer, Felicia finds a code in the diamonds from the necklace, and Jeff tells Elizabeth how wrong he was and apologizes to her.

Dante and Cody have been friends for years, so it makes sense that the relative newcomer confides in Sam’s beau… but about what?

Terry and Britt have slowly gotten closer. Will Liesl’s daughter open up when Terry senses that something is wrong with her co-worker?

Victor delivers a surprise.

Finn wants answers from Nikolas. Might he be wanting to know more about why the Cassadine heir and Liz are spending so much time together of late?

Felicia is about to have a whole new reason to worry.

Thursday, December 8:

Ryan gives Jordan an important clue about the hook’s letter, Heather later visits Ryan to talk. Over in Ireland, Martin helps Anna and Valentin escape from federal agents.

Yellowstone horror! Devastating preview hints at [Spoiler]’s death.

Someone is about to find themselves on the receiving end of a threat from Sonny.

When Martin is called upon to create a diversion, what’s he trying to draw attention from?

When Finn pleads his case to Elizabeth, will it be heard with an open heart, or might it fall on deaf ears? Meanwhile, her partner-in-literal-crime, Nikolas, finds himself being put on the spot.

Christmas is going to come early for Ryan when the object of his obsession, Ava, swings by for a visit!

Friday, December 9:

While Heather and Ryan reminisce about their past, he confronts her about what she left him with, Finn asks Elizabeth if she’s pregnant, and Spencer crashes Trina and Rory’s date.

It looks like Dex is on pretty thin ice with Sonny, who puts his associate on notice.

Nina’s been getting under Carly’s skin by butting into her business time and again. So something tells us Carly will be majorly ticked if she finds out that Sonny’s current girlfriend is attempting to bond with Josslyn!

Finn’s in for a shock, and he might just wish he could unsee what he’s about to see!

Spencer jumps to a conclusion and, as often is the case when that happens, it will definitely be the wrong one.

Could this finally be the moment we’ve been waiting for? The ABC soap may have just cast the character who’ll reveal Nina and Willow’s family tie.

Week of December 12:

Monday, December 12:

When Heather forms an alliance, it is obviously of the unholy variety. After all, would the she-devil be able to forge any other type?

Try as she might, Esme fails to bend Nikolas to her will. Meanwhile, his wife is on hand to offer Trina comfort during her time of need.

What sends Finn reeling?

Someone won’t be thrilled with the news that Drew’s been tasked with delivering!

Tuesday December 13:

It was only a few days ago that Sonny and Nina were basking in one another’s company and declaring their devotion… so why is she now questioning her place in his life?

Drew finds himself getting closer to Willow, while Carly’s latest scheme hits a bit of a snag. (Anyone else suspect that her attempts to keep Willow in the dark are going to bite her in the butt with several characters?)

Austin does something that definitely doesn’t sit well with Maxie.

Alexis and Gregory try to figure out their next move.

Wednesday, December 14:

One thing we’ll say about Port Charles: Even after all these years, the residents can still surprise us. Take, for example, Sonny showing up to support… Obrecht?!?

Britt is a complex character, but her love for best bud Brad can’t be questioned. Today, he’s touched by what she does.

When Maxie needs a friend, Cody tries to fill that void.

Rory gets a thumbs-up from Jordan. Meanwhile, something pushes Spencer to the point of losing his temper!

Thursday, December 15:

Alexis and Curtis compare notes.

Dante is hot on the trail as he pursues a lead. But will it result in him solving a mystery?

Nikolas has been trying to juggle a lot of balls of late. When he’s put on the spot, will he accidentally drop one? And what is it that leaves Ava downright shocked? Could it have anything to do with the latest tragedy which is about to become the talk of Port Charles?

Friday, December 16:

Well, some of the locals might want to prepare themselves, because Ava is declaring war!

Elizabeth can’t help but fear the worst. But is she worrying for nothing or being terribly prescient?

Spencer may not always make the right decisions, but Laura makes it clear that she has faith in her grandson.

Having already had a tough go of it this year, things don’t appear to be getting better for Trina, who is absolutely devastated.

As Anna worries about the events swirling out of control around her, Valentin offers his support and assurances that everything will work out.


Days of Our Lives on Peacock

Ava is spiraling out of control, and her determination to see EJ pay may come at a higher cost than she could imagine. Meanwhile, Chloe finds herself being fought over, Bonnie uncovers a secret, Sarah hopes she’s wrong about Xander, and Kristen is targeted by John and Marlena, who’ve had about enough of her!

Week of December 5:

Monday, December 5:

Kristen and Brady try to outplay each other, Sonny needs a shoulder to cry on and Eric keeps doubling down on his bad choices!

Leo does what he does best… which can only mean trouble for Sonny and Will, whom he is creating all kinds of new trouble for.

Eric is not dealing with recent events well. In fact, he’s heading into a downward spiral. Who knows what kind of trouble he might wind up in?

Physically, Kristen has Brady where she wants him. Emotionally? Not so much. Can she find a way to recapture his heart?

After seeing Stephanie and Chad together, Alex completely misreads the situation.

Tuesday, December 6:

Nicole struggles to remember as Johnny fights to keep his mouth shut. And you’ll never believe who’s taking Eric’s side!

It might be Tuesday, but it’ll feel a whole lot like a Monday for Chanel when she arrives at Sweet Bits to find the kind of thing that starts your week off about as badly as it possibly can.

Eric and Paulina will have a chance to get to know one another better. Why? Because they’re about to wind up in jail together!

We can’t help but think Nicole should reject the offer EJ is about to make… and yet we suspect she’ll completely ignore us!

Wednesday, December 7:

Rafe and Jada go off on each other’s exes, Eric and Sloan start growing uncomfortably close, and EJ gets one heck of a shock on his front door!

Given what’s going on around him, it should come as no surprise that some locals demand Abe step down from his position as mayor.

Might old feelings be rekindled when Johnny helps comfort his ex, Chanel, during her time of need?

Thanks to Nicole and Eric, Jada and Rafe have been bonding… to the point that she’s willing to take him into her confidence. Meanwhile, Eric decides he needs a lawyer. Who does he turn to? Sloan!

Watch Eileen Davidson (ex-Kristen) and her husband’s ex do something together that you’d probably never expect.

Thursday, December 8:

Stefan questions Li, Wendy gets weird around Gabi, ‘Ericole’ says adieu and EJ gets more than one surprise guest at the mansion!

Yellowstone horror! Devastating preview hints at [Spoiler]’s death.

Stefan goes to Li with questions about Wendy and Johnny’s recent out-of-town adventures.

Grab the popcorn, because Eric and Nicole are about to have one doozy of a fight.

EJ will definitely be surprised by his unexpected visitor.

What will Wendy say when Gabi comes to her with a request?

Her life in pictures: On her 13th birthday, watch the daughter of Arianne Zucker (Nicole) and Kyle Lowder (Rex) grow up before your eyes!

Friday, December 9:

Justin insists upon helping Xander… which could just wind up putting the hunk in an even worse position!

Chad’s still mourning the loss of his wife, which is why he needs to talk his feelings for Stephanie out with Sonny. Meanwhile, Alex and Stephanie find things heating up between them.

Bonnie may be safe and sound, but she’s definitely still feeling the traumatic aftershocks of her kidnapping.

Week of December 12

Monday, December 12:

Bonnie finally puts the pieces together. But how will she react upon realizing the truth that she’s uncovered? Meanwhile, Gwen proves herself a good person to have in your corner by coming up with a plan that just might save Xander’s bacon.

Leo and Sonny… wait, this can’t be right, can it? They… grow closer? Well, Will certainly isn’t going to approve of that!

Stephanie’s been getting closer to Alex, but if Chad decides that maybe he can have a life after Abigail, might he be the guy the PR whiz really wants? The widower and Stephanie discuss their future…

Tuesday, December 13:

What fun is a scheme if you don’t have a partner? Having cooked up a doozy, Gwen hopes to get longtime pal Leo to give her an assist.

Sarah doesn’t want to be looking at Xander through suspicious eyes, but she is. Will Justin set her mind at ease or leave her with even more questions?

Eric’s been on a downward spiral of late, and he’s about to wind up throwing sparks with Sloan.

Sister Mary Moira returns, and she’s got a few things to say to Nicole… mostly about her sinful ways!

Wednesday, December 14:

Nicole has surprised Rafe more than once in recent weeks. But wait until he finds out that she’s living under EJ’s roof! Meanwhile, Eric and Sloan get to know each other much better. Fortunately, Rafe and Jada will have something to keep them distracted from their personal problems when Steve comes asking for their help.

Ava’s got revenge on her mind, and EJ in her sights!

Thursday, December 15:

Eric and Sloan are sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g, when who should come along but Nicole. And she is not going to be pleased!

Brady locks lips with someone rather unexpected. Meanwhile, John and Marlena decide it’s time to figure out a way to get Kristen out of their lives. But at what cost?

It’s the day of Susan’s memorial service, and Ava intends to see that it’s an explosive event. Literally, as she’s planting a bomb!

Friday, December 16:

Why do we consider Chloe to be one very lucky lady? Because she’s got both Stefan and Brady butting heads over her!

Kristen’s a master manipulator, so John may have his work cut out when he tries pulling a fast one on her.

Will Johnny be able to reach Ava before it’s too late? Or will Susan’s memorial turn out to be someone else’s final day on the planet?


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