Saturday, May 20, 2023

Weekly Spoilers: May 22-26, 2023

The Young & the Restless

Someone is put on notice, a marriage is in jeopardy, and a mystery becomes even more mysterious!

Week of May 22:

Monday, May 22:

When it comes to Victor’s parenting techniques, you never know what you’re gonna get… a hug or a smackdown. Looks like Adam is about to get something from the “tough-love” column, as dear old dad issues him a stern warning.

Good thing they’ve already mastered the art of the pivot, because now Billy and Chelsea switch gears.

It ain’t easy being a cop in Genoa City. So Chance is reminded when he discovers that his investigation was sabotaged.

Tuesday, May 23:

Ashley’s been butting heads with Jack ever since he reunited with Diane. But the family feud gets even more intense when Jack and Billy plot together against their chemistry-loving sibling!

Audra and Tucker reach an understanding. Although, given that she’s sneaky and he’s even sneakier, can we be sure that they mean a word they say?

Sharon and Nick share quite the history, so it makes sense that when she has something disturbing to share, it’s him she opts to tell.

Wednesday, May 24:

Pulling a favorite from her Gucci bag of tricks, Nikki gives Victoria unsolicited advice. Cut to Victoria ignoring said advice in three, two…

Yup. This could be the beginning of the end for “Skyle.” Summer apologizes to Kyle. But has too much damage been done by Phyllis’ machinations — and her daughter’s secret-keeping?

Ashley is ready to drop a bomb on her loved ones… and we’re willing to bet it involves Tucker!

Thursday, May 25:

Phyllis makes a bold move. As long as she doesn’t decide to make the disguise she wore to her memorial service her permanent new look, we’re here for it!

Lily and Daniel have known one another for years, but she’s about to prove that she can still catch him off guard!

Devon has the kind of money that would make it real easy to smite his enemies. But he promises that — at least for now — he’s going to take the high road.

Friday, May 26:

It’s a move that’s pregnant with possibility as Sally and Chloe pursue a new business venture.

Summer makes a pact with Phyllis… which we can only assume pounds another nail into the coffin of her marriage to Kyle.

The mystery unfolding around Sharon continues to unfold as she receives the kind of message that can only be called “cryptic.”

The Bold & the Beautiful

Speeding toward several hairpin curves— and it doesn’t look like the brakes work, either! While Hope and Liam’s relationship is put to the test, so is Brooke and Taylor’s hard-won friendship. Could it all fall apart just because Brooke’s married daughter has the hots for Taylor’s single son?

Week of May 22:

Monday, May 22:

Wyatt convinces Liam to make the next romantic move with Hope.

Hope must decide whether to seize the opportunity presented to her and admit to Thomas how she feels.

Tuesday, May 23:

Bill urges Liam not to take his relationship with Hope for granted.

Thomas discloses the truth about Hope and Brooke to Taylor.

Wednesday, May 24:

Steffy drops a reality bomb on Liam.

Taylor confronts Brooke for holding back on her true feelings about Thomas.

Thursday, May 25:

Brooke struggles to keep her newfound relationship with Taylor intact.

Thomas reflects on the possibility that Hope might be into him.

Friday, May 26:

Hope is blindsided by the accusation that Steffy has leveled against her.

General Hospital

Sonny has some pretty important news to share, Spencer decides to pick a fight with someone, Nina manages to clash with yet another Port Charles resident, and Willow’s loved ones gather to offer their support.

The exit of Emma Samms is going to delight one group of fans —

Week of May 22:

Monday, May 22:

Everyone has a breaking point, and based on the way Nina vents her frustrations today, we think hers is quickly approaching!

Gladys takes a meeting with her partner in framing, Selina.

Wonder how Brook Lynn will feel about Tracy taking Chase out to dinner… and grilling him, we bet!

Josslyn is not pleased with Michael, and is about to confront him about his actions. Can she change his mind?

Gregory is ready to match wits… but with whom? (Our money is on Alexis!)

Chad Duell’s “dinner with the godfather” leaves one castmate calling for “help.”

Tuesday May 23:

Although someone is clearly trying to make Sonny do things their way, he remains insistent upon doing them his.

What is Ned feeling grateful for?

Spencer may be a good guy, but he’s got Cassadine blood running through his veins. We’ll definitely see that side of the young prince when he picks a fight! Meanwhile, Josslyn and Trina find time to catch up with one another and share updates on their very, very busy young lives!

Will Brook Lynn be amenable to Chase’s romantic gesture?

Things could be tense when Carly and Olivia cross paths.

Wednesday, May 24:

Ava offers congratulations…. but is she being sincere?

Portia and Jordan will probably never be besties, but hopefully things between them will be a little less tense once they make time to clear the air.

TJ only wants the best for Molly, but will she give in to his pressure?

Diane may be an incredible attorney, but even she can’t work miracles. So she sits down to warn Carly about what’s to come.

Thursday, May 25:

Kristina — who is now being played by Kate Mansi — has a chat with her sister, Sam.

When Nina puts her mind to something, she usually makes it happened… and right now, she’s incredibly determined!

Finding himself in need of wise counsel, TJ opens up to Stella.

Curtis has a little bit of a surprise for Portia.

Gather ’round, kids, because Sonny has some very important news to share!

Friday, May 26:

Apparently not satisfied to have Carly as a combatant, Nina winds up clashing with another of the strong women in Sonny’s circle: Diane!

What sends Anna looking for Robert?

Drew has a knack for solving mysteries… and right now, he’s getting increasingly suspicious!

Will Olivia see things Ned’s way after he lays his cards on the table?

Willow’s loved ones are there to show their support at a crucial moment.

Days of Our Lives on Peacock

Nicole has a surprising reaction to EJ’s proposal, as Gabi and Stefan celebrate their impending nuptials — plus, Anna lies to Tony, and Kristen’s prison release makes waves in Salem!

Week of May 22:

Monday, May 22:

When a guy proposes, he hopes for one answer and one answer only. It sounds as if what EJ hears after popping the question to Nicole is anything but a resounding “yes!”

Jada puts Sloan in the spotlight with questions regarding just how involved with Colin and his schemes she’s been. As if that’s not enough to have Sloan need a drink, Eric then turns around and presents her with an ultimatum!

When Rafe finds Abe, the guy is in pretty bad shape. Which plays right into Colin’s plan, given that he’s bound and determined to make Paulina suffer as much as possible!

Tuesday, May 23:

Things come to a head between Talia and Chanel thanks to Colin’s actions.

As news of Abe’s condition spreads, Paulina rushes to be by his side.

Wendy’s in the kind of tough position we find more than a little bit enviable, what with both Johnny and Tripp contending for her attention. Will the conversation she has with Johnny give the young beauty clarity on which guy is right for her… or only make things more confusing?

Sorry, Li, but the papers Gabi is about to present you with will mean the end of your marriage.

Jada is not going to want to hear the news that Rafe finds himself having to deliver.

Wednesday, May 24:

Steve and Harris learn why Dimitri is requesting immunity for Megan. Meanwhile, John arrives in San Francisco to tell Paul the shocking news that Andrew’s been abducted.

Kristen wants to know exactly when Megan will make good on her promise to have her set free.

Roman is there with Kate as she finally reunites with the one person who probably understands at least some of what she’s been through: Marlena!

Thursday, May 25:

Well that was fast! Yesterday, Kristen was begging Megan to have her released, and today word spreads that Rachel’s mom has been set free! Something tells us not everyone will be pleased to hear this…

Here’s hoping that Megan doesn’t expect people to be thrilled by her presence in Salem. Because based on Kate and Roman’s reaction, she’ll be majorly disappointed! Meanwhile, news of her arrival spreads as Harris tells Shawn that Megan is free.

Will Chloe accept the offer that Xander puts before her?

Friday, May 26:

Gabi and Stefan are heading for a wedding. But should they be careful not to celebrate their happiness too soon? This is Salem, after all!

Nicole’s secret puts Anna in the position of having to tell Tony a bit of a lie.

EJ returns to the DiMera mansion to find a most unwelcome guest… Megan! Does the trouble maker think she can just move right on in? Probably!

Nicole goes to Kayla for a bit of help. What kind? That kind that helps one figure out the true paternity of their unborn child!


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