Saturday, May 27, 2023

Weekly Spoilers: May 29-June 2, 2023


The Young & the Restless

Sharon and Cameron cross paths, Nick finds himself having to juggle the women in his life, Adam has an unlikely ally, and the Phyllis situation takes a major toll on Summer and Kyle’s marriage!

Week of May 29:

Monday, May 29:

When you date Victoria, you get a whole lot of questions from a whole lot of Newmans. This time around, Nate is grilled by Victor… which is a prospect we’d honestly find terrifying!

Summer has been helping keep her mom’s location a secret. But how much longer can she play with fire before getting burned? Meanwhile, Christine — never one of Phyllis’ biggest fans — gets a major break when she figures out her longtime rival’s latest scheme!

Why, exactly, is Cameron — you know, the guy Sharon once bonked over the head with a champagne bottle — back in town? That’s just one of many questions we want answered!

Tuesday, May 30:

Nikki finds herself in the fairly familiar position of having to do damage control. Something tells us it’s because Victoria’s not thrilled with the way her father has been butting into her life of late!

Cameron starts making himself right at home, which is probably not going to be great news to Nick and Sharon… who would just as soon he leave Genoa City on the next available flight!

Daniel has a change of heart, which could be bad news for his mom if he’s decided to spill the beans about her resurrection!

Wednesday, May 31:

Just when Sharon thought things couldn’t get worse, Chance shows up with a bit of disturbing news about — whom else? — Cameron.

Adam finds a way to score some major points with Sally.

You know that old saying about the mess we weave when first we practice to succeed? Well, Summer’s been doing a whole lot of deceiving of late… and poor Kyle’s about to be caught up in the resulting web!

Thursday, June 1:

On the one hand, Sharon is dealing with the return of a man who turned her world upside down. On the other, Sally is having a baby and starting (yet another) new career. And guess who’s caught between these two women? That’s right, Nick, who is understandably torn!

After everything they’ve been through with — and done to — one another, it’s kind of surprising that Chelsea finds herself able to empathize with ex-hubby Adam.

Having already told everyone they plan to get married, Tucker and Ashley realize they should probably sit down and have a long discussion about their future.

Friday, June 2:

The already-troubled waters between Kyle and Summer will no doubt become even rockier after he catches on to what she’s up to.

Daniel loves his mom and knows that she can often be her own worst enemy. But will those factors be enough to convince him he should forgive her recent actions?

Ever since Cameron was first seen checking into the Genoa City Athletic Club, we’ve been waiting for one moment… and it’s finally here as he and Sharon come face to face!

The Bold & the Beautiful

It looks as if the friendship between Taylor and Brooke is definitely on the rocks. Maybe even whatever is worse than on the rocks. (Off the rocks?) What’s the problem? For starters, one of the gal pals goes back on her word! Elsewhere, we’ll finally get a clue as to why R.J. is back — it can’t just be to take selfies, can it? — and there’s a very exciting event on the horizon.

Week of May 29:

Monday, May 29:

Hope confronts Steffy about interfering in her marriage.

Does Taylor have ulterior motives with her advice to Deacon?

Tuesday, May 30:

Steffy’s protective instincts come to light.

Brooke demands that Taylor back off.

Wednesday, May 31:

Excitement surrounds an upcoming fashion preview.

Brooke is shocked when Taylor shows her true colors.

Thursday, June 1:

Deacon tests a theory.

Ridge admits something shocking.

Taylor breaks her word.

Friday, June 2:

Brooke wonders what caused Deacon’s sudden change of heart.

R.J. tells Hope why he really returned to Los Angeles.

Brooke is shocked by what she witnesses.

General Hospital

At long last, we’re going to get more scenes featuring Ava and Austin. Unfortunately, they’ll be cut short, and she’ll soon after find herself dealing with something that leaves her downright gobsmacked. Elsewhere, Laura is ready to test out her latest theory, Carly and Sonny do something that probably would not please Nina, and Dante goes to his dad with a word of warning!

Week of May 29:

Monday, May 29:

Due to the Memorial Day holiday, an encore episode will air from October 20, 2022 when Holly made a surprise Port Charles return.

Tuesday May 30:

When Laura hosts a big event, will she be doing so in her official capacity as mayor of Port Charles?

It seems there are discreet meetings taking place all over town. Nina makes sure that a bit of information falls into Olivia’s hands. Meanwhile, something tells us that Sonny’s would-be bride, Nina, will be less than thrilled to find out that he’s taking a hush-hush meeting with Carly!

Drew finds time to hang out with his ex, Sam, and their daughter, Scout.

What is topping the agenda that Diane’s working?

Wednesday, May 31:

Josslyn learned a thing or two about not taking no from her mother. So while Carly may not want to answer her daughter’s questions, chances are, she’ll wind up having to!

Gregory finds himself dealing with feelings of guilt.

Marshall tries to find the words which will reassure Stella.

In the past, Anna has made the mistake of ignoring her gut. So here’s hoping that when she gets a bad feeling, she gives it due diligence.

Laura’s got a theory, but it might need a little bit of workshopping.

Thursday, June 1:

Laura is about to be caught off guard by, of all people, Valentin. Meanwhile, his true love Anna finds herself in the one place nobody really wants to be: the hot seat!

Austin and Ava share a moment that is immediately interrupted.

Jordan does her best to hide her disappointment.

When Trina and Joss conspire, heaven help whomever they are plotting against!

Friday, June 2:

It takes quite a bit to shock our girl Ava, who has been through more over the past few years than most of us will survive in a lifetime. So what is it that has her gobsmacked? (Could it be she’s finally about to reunite with her not-quite-as-dead-as-she’d-once-believed husband, Nikolas?)

When Ned butts heads with someone in a rather public setting, is everything what it seems?

Dante is quite accustomed to being on the opposite side of things where dad Sonny is concerned. Might that be what leads him to issue a word of caution to Sonny?

Curtis is ready to lay his cards on the table.

Despite not having always loved the decisions made by his mom, Michael does, in fact, love her with all his heart. With that in mind, will she accept the offer he’s about to make?

Days of Our Lives on Peacock

It sounds as if things are about to take an unexpected turn for Paulina and Abe, while Marlena winds up sharing news that isn’t hers to share. Elsewhere, Chloe is much-discussed, and someone discovers that Sarah is extremely pregnant. Plus, Harris reveals the real reason he’s in Salem!

Week of May 29:

Monday, May 29:

Yes, Days will be airing despite the holiday. And it appears that Gabi and Stefan will have their work cut out for them as they attempt to convince Megan that she should side with them. (Good luck with that, kids!)

Anna’s been very good about keeping Nicole’s secret, but she’s not sure that Tony’s lips will stay as sealed! Might he spill the beans about the baby? Meanwhile, Eric will no doubt be suspicious when he finds Nicole and Sloan conspiring together… and not, it seems, against one another for a change!

Always looking for column fodder, Leo asks Johnny to fill him in on what’s been unfolding under the DiMera roof.

Tuesday, May 30:

Bonnie’s visit with Rex takes an unexpected turn when she encounters Sarah. Who, by the way, is very, very pregnant! Meanwhile, back in Salem, Xander and Gwen are busy butting heads over his current roomie, Chloe… whose ears must be burning, because she’s also the hot topic at Basic Black!

Chad isn’t thrilled to find Alex and Stephanie spending time together. (Er, don’t shoot the messenger, but you might wanna get used to that, buddy… )

Justin takes Maggie to task for having fired Alex.

Wednesday, May 31:

As the fallout from Colin’s actions continues to reverberate, Jada wonders if perhaps her sister was being emotionally abused.

Remember when Sloan promised she would not tell Eric any more lies? Well, today he’s going to confront her about having done exactly that!

Anna has a tough question for Nicole: Which man — EJ or Eric — does she really, truly love?

Abe makes a mistake that isn’t likely to go over well with his wife!

Thursday, June 1:

Leo offers Colin an opportunity to tell his side of the story. Who thinks the baddie will be honest and forthcoming when given the opportunity to twist the facts to his liking?

Sloan takes Rafe to task for having “allowed” her brother to escape. Meanwhile, Abe goes missing!

Eric wants answers from Nicole about her pregnancy.

Nicole’s keeping a secret, but that’s getting hard to do… take, for example, the fact that Marlena “confides” to Kayla about the much-discussed secret!

Friday, June 2:

Nicole thinks it’s time to tell EJ the truth… but is she really going to go through with it? Meanwhile, what will Marlena say to Eric when he comes to her about Nicole’s bundle of joy?

Well, this should be interesting: Gabi and Stefan set out to schmooze Megan and Kristen. Meanwhile, Harris reveals to Steve that he’s come to Salem in order to keep an eye on Megan.


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