Sunday, May 23, 2021

Kiss and Tell: How Days of our Lives Fans Feel About Ben and Claire


On Days of our Lives, Ben wept with grief when he thought the love of his life had been killed on their wedding day. He wept with relief when Ciara (Victoria Konefal) was returned to him. Then he wept with grief again when she didn’t remember their love, thought Ben was still a psycho, and took off for South Africa with Theo (Cameron Johnson).

Days of our Lives Polling

And that was all before Ciara sent him divorce papers. Ben (Robert Scott Wilson) nearly cried again. Instead, he kissed Claire (Isabel Durant). What over 3,000 fans had to say about that:

Betrayed Grade

Almost half of you, 46%, are incensed and see it as Ben betraying Ciara. Ben knows his wife isn’t mentally well. She’s lost three years of her life! How can he take anything she says seriously? And how can he move onto another woman without doing everything he can to make Ciara remember what they shared?

Unfair to Claire

A slightly smaller number 42%, see the betrayal as being Claire’s. She’s not exactly mentally stable either. She’s had quite a bit of guy trouble in the past, and if she falls for Ben – only to lose him to Claire down the line, who knows what might happen. Even if she doesn’t set another cabin on fire, that still doesn’t make it fair to a vulnerable young woman.

I Will Survive

Only 12% are on Team Ben Should Do Whatever He Needs To In Order To Get Through This Brutal Time. Basically, his life has been nothing but hell from the moment his mom died and his abusive dad got even more abusive. Sure he terrorized Abigail (Marci Miller). Sure he strangled a bunch of people. But he paid his debt to society and he got therapy and, basically, he deserves some good things.

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