Saturday, July 13, 2024

Weekly Recaps & Spoilers: July 15-19, 2024


The Young & the Restless


Kyle sends [spoiler] a serious warning then stuns Jack with major news — plus, Traci receives a surprise in Paris. Victor gives Claire a history lesson. When Danny and Cricket surprise Traci in Paris, she may have a surprise in store for them, too: her new flirtation with Alan. Ah, it’s gonna seem like old times when Phyllis and Nick disagree about how to help Summer.

Jack warns Victor his family is off-limits; Diane makes it clear that she is appalled by her son’s betrayal — plus, Victoria has a serious question for Claire… Never knowing when enough has been more than enough, Victor pushes Jack’s buttons.  Chelsea sends Adam on a guilt trip. Why are we so afraid that the final stop on that journey is going to be this? Power suits Audra like a well-tailored dress. So needless to say, she relishes her new role.

Lucy gets a history lesson, Summer and Kyle butt heads, and Nate worries about Audra’s future. Perhaps aware that no one in Genoa City has ever been able to separate business and pleasure, Nate questions Audra’s decision to work with Kyle. As Sharon is haunted by her past, we may be moving one step closer to this disturbing possibility. Given how questionable some of his choices have been, we recommend Daniel seek a second opinion when he makes a decision about his future.

Chelsea and Adam are overwhelmed by Connor’s news, and Lily gives Billy her answer. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Lily must have that foremost in her mind when she makes a risky decision. As Claire struggles to fit in with her family, maybe she should have a little talk with Adam. He’d certainly know a thing or two about being the odd Newman out. Devon and Nate plot to outsmart Billy. If we were them, we’d just dangle a boneheaded option in front of him and let nature take its course.

Nate and Audra get intimate as Victor tells Adam his plan — and Chelsea nearly confesses to [Spoiler]. Victor tasks Adam with a new assignment. Which, for these two, probably counts as father/son bonding, no? Chelsea sets boundaries. But with whom? And will even she be able to respect them? Welp, they managed to get along for a whole five minutes. But already, Sally has to work to make amends with Summer.

As Claire tries to find her niche as Victoria’s daughter...

Next Week

Victor is large and in charge - one day, he’s informing a frequent adversary of where the buck stops, and the next, he’s reminding a loved one that he can be the most immovable object this side of a mountain. In other developments, Nick lands in a familiar predicament, and Summer pulls a Phyllis.

Does one couple have their foot out the door of Genoa City?

Monday, July 15:

Never having been introduced to the concept of “either/or,” Victor gives Billy an ultimatum. Please let it end with a “Ya got that?” Pretty please?

Sharon has been, to put it mildly, a little “off” lately. As Mariah and Nick discuss their concerns about her, we’re concerned about the potential for this devastating twist to come to pass.

Claire finds herself in a power struggle with Summer. We’re sure that will go well, considering how calm and reasonable Kyle’s ex has been lately. (Meanwhile, someone finally calls Kyle out!)

Tuesday, July 16:

Since it’s been a day or two since Victor last called for an overhaul, he’s ready to reveal a new game plan to the Newmans.

Jack and Diane make a tough decision about Kyle. They can’t be… No. No, they can’t be cutting off his allowance… can they?

Hopefully, it’s just for fun that Nate sets ground rules with Audra because even they must know that they’ll never stick to them!

Wednesday, July 17:

Daniel saw this one coming from a mile away: Summer took a page from their mom’s book.

Adam and Chelsea fight their attraction. Uh-oh. So that wasn’t a one-time, drunken-heat-of-the-moment hookup!

When Heather shares unexpected news with Daniel, will it alter their proposed plan to go visit Paul?

Thursday, July 18:

Never mind all the stress that his son is under owing to Connor’s mental-health struggles and those frequent flashbacks to that “Chadam” tryst, Victor’s gotta Victor. So he drives a hard bargain with Adam.

Needless to say, Phyllis, for whom no behavior has ever been too extreme, has a very different opinion of Summer’s actions than Nick does.

The boss is back in business, and despite her recent struggles, Nikki manages to stand her ground at the office.

Friday, July 19:

Nick is sure to get a case of deja vu when he finds himself caught between former wives Sharon and Phyllis.

As Chelsea covers her tracks with Billy, she might want to start by working on her poker face. She has “guilty” written from cheek to cheek.

When Victoria encourages Claire to venture outside of her comfort zone, maybe Harrison’s nanny will start to think of Kyle as more than a friend and employer. That is if she doesn’t already think of him that way!

In fact, if Claire dares to go there with Kyle, it could play right into Victor’s hands.

The Bold & the Beautiful


Thomas answers his own question, Brooke has doubts, and Paris continues living in a fool’s paradise. Thomas goes to extremes to prove a point to Hope. So we suppose that means he only re-proposed to make her see that she’d still turn him down even after all that they had been through.  It makes sense that Paris gets busy planning her wedding. Although really, she could just crib from sister Zoe’s notes from when she almost married the same guy in the same room!

Steffy suggests Thomas get out while the getting’s good, and Finn spends more time with Hope. When Steffy, Thomas, Paris, and Douglas share a family moment, wonder how long Finn’s missus will be able to go without gloating about the fact that Hope isn’t included. Finn helps Hope navigate her feelings towards Thomas — perhaps by inadvertently giving her someone else on whom she can fixate?

Hollis makes a discovery, Bill hangs with his new family, Finn makes a promise, and Brooke worries about Hope’s future. Brooke gives sage advice to Hope. We can imagine it now. “Honey, if Thomas were truly your destiny, you’d have said yes.” All that helping Hope must have gotten Dr. Magic Hands in the mood: Steffy and Finn share a steamy kiss.

Hollis opens Tom’s bag to discover letters, and Hope learns Thomas, Paris, and Douglas are going back to France. Break out the champagne and caviar! Poppy and Luna enjoy the finer side of being part of the Spencer family. Tom’s backpack is found in a storage closet at Il Giardino. Will the killer have been smart enough to plant drugs in it?

Jack and Li keep info about the night of Tom’s concert from Finn. One more reason we now think [Spoiler] is the killer. Bill bestows upon Luna an extraordinary gift. Will he offer to change her last name to Spencer? The shocking contents of Tom’s backpack are revealed. Could he have been writing a letter to his daughter or something?

Sean Kanan is recovering from surgery: “My biggest issue right now is… ”

As it looks like “Thope” is really, truly about to be done...

Next Week

The (murder) plot thickens! Finn and Li make a discovery that gets a repeat offender offered the hot seat. Plus, Steffy attempts to put Hope in her place. Now, whether she remains where she is put is an altogether different story!

Monday, July 15:

Li and Finn are stunned by the results of Hollis’ autopsy.

Tuesday, July 16:

Deacon worries if the sudden death of two employees is more than a coincidence.

Li and Finn’s revelation to Steffy leads to a shocking accusation.

Wednesday, July 17:

A crucial clue goes missing, causing Deputy Chief Baker to take Sheila in for questioning.

Thursday, July 18:

Brooke worries that Hope’s infatuation with Finn will interfere with his and Steffy’s marriage.

Steffy and Finn are unified in their love and their devotion to each other.

Friday, July 19:

Finn warns Liam to stay in his lane concerning Steffy.

Steffy sets boundaries for Hope regarding her fashion line and Finn.

General Hospital


Drew makes his run for Congress official and then winds up in a passionate kiss with Willow! Plus, Cody blurts the truth out to Mac! Laura had to know that advocating for Esme’s murderous mother was going to ruffle some feathers. So she can’t be too shocked when she’s confronted by Portia. Is today the day at long last?!? Cody makes a confession. The way Josh Kelly was talking, we thought it would be ages more before his character revealed to Mac that they are family. Sam is frustrated with Drew. But probably not the kind of frustration that has been leading Nina to have hate sex with him, so no need to fret, Dante. Willow is known to be one of Port Charles’ leveler heads. Today, though, it’s Katie, who bar the door as she makes an impulsive move.

 Call it sorta mother/daughter bonding (since hey, they are as close as mother and daughter). Nina and Sasha have a heart-to-heart.

Wally Kurth celebrates his real-life leading lady.

Mac reacts badly to Cody’s news that he’s his son, and later Maxie gives Cody some advice. Plus, Michael and Nina come to an agreement. Trina is suspicious. Which, let’s be real, is by and large a smart way to be every second of every day in this bonkers town! Trouble in paradise? Sounds like it since Curtis has to defend himself from Portia. Sasha witnesses something scandalous, and all we can say is dang! Can’t wait to see it for ourselves! Lois shares a secret with one of the few people she knows is going to be able to keep it: Olivia. Lois is right about that, isn’t she, Olivia? Olivia? Nothing makes us happier than seeing Maxie all fired up, and today, she finds a new mission.

Ava switches Sonny’s meds for placebos, and Mac turns his back on Cody. Sonny questions Jason — perhaps as a first step toward rebuilding their horribly broken friendship? Or are we just wishful thinking? Yup, it sure sounds like Cody spills the beans to Mac, ’cause the former and Willow find common ground. What else could it be but meeting a bio parent later in life? We were already hella worried about Ava. And our concern is only going to grow as our favorite femme fatale makes a dangerous move. Plus, why are they writing Ava to make such stupid mistakes? Loose lips sink ships, so for Michael’s sake, we hope he’s on dry land when he lets something slip to Drew. John does some eavesdropping. Which sounds personal, right? If it was for his job as a federal agent, it would be called something like “stealthy intel-gathering” or “discreet monitoring,” wouldn’t it?

Exiting star Michael Easton sings the praises of his leading ladies by sharing three memorable scenes close to his heart.

Felicia schemes to bring Cody and Mac together, and Heather asks Laura not to help her. Sonny and Ava have been building to this moment for a while now, and here it comes, a blow-up for the ages! Working toward the title of Girlfriend of the Year, Kristina is eager to help Blaze. Maybe she could start by buying Natalia a ticket outta town? Maybe Cody’s confession to Mac goes as badly as he expected. Since Felicia visits her new stepson, here’s hoping that she’ll be able to bring the guys together? Portia reveals her plan to Jordan. So at least we know one thing about said plan: Top-secret, it ain’t! Heather’s request surprises Laura. Could it be that Brando, Rory, and Britt’s killer don’t want her case reopened?

‘Anna and Duke’ are back together again — and fans were over the moon to see them!

Whatever Heather’s ask is, it leaves Laura seeking Trina’s perspective. Sasha confides in Cody. Time No. 1,089 the show has gotten it right with this couple. Portia’s not the only one doing some plotting. Anna, too, is up to something and talks her plan through with Jason. Elizabeth shares happy news about Jake. And frankly, we’re just relieved to see the words “Elizabeth” and “happy” in the same sentence again. Reinforcing the impression that these two are lifers, Curtis and Portia hash things out.

As Cody finally tells Mac the truth…

Next Week

Someone pays Brennan a mysterious visit, Gio is presented with an opportunity, and Trina struggles with grief — plus, Dante and Laura have an emotional encounter.

Monday, July 15:

When Willow confides in Nina, will the mother and daughter realize that they share more than they ever imagined? And does this have something to do with why Drew winds up in the hot seat?

More: Will Willow and Drew have an affair?

Will Jake accept the offer about to be made by Jason?

Brennan is about to receive an unexpected visitor who could shine a new light on things.

Anna’s been trying to get the goods on Pikeman. When she finds what she’s been looking for, will it implicate Valentin?

Tuesday, July 16:

Fans who’ve been missing Sonny and Nina won’t want to miss today’s episode, in which they spend a little time together. Of course, there’s no telling whether that time will be spent reconnecting or drifting further apart!

Ava hopes that she can convince John to see things a different way.

Gio is about to be presented with an opportunity that could give him another reason to stick around Port Charles.

Now that Anna’s closing in, she’ll have to make a terribly difficult decision!

What’s got Willow acting surprised?

Wednesday, July 17:

Natalia’s ready to say she’s sorry, but it could prove to be too little, too late.

Nina shares what she’s learned with Maxie.

Gio has a heart-to-heart chat with Josslyn.

There’s no love lost between Jagger and Jason, so it won’t come as a surprise when they once again butt heads.

Anna finds herself having to face down a mighty temptation.

Thursday, July 18:

Carly and Jason revisit a place that holds an awful lot of history for each of them.

Who’d have imagined Tracy and Cody becoming close enough that he’d be opening up to her? Yet that’s exactly what happens today.

Now that Chase and Dex are on the same side, they start to forge a bond.

Nina decides it’s time to apologize.

Brook Lynn is about to receive a visit from Sonny and Natalia, who have an idea they want to pitch.

Friday, July 19:

We haven’t seen an awful lot of Trina’s grief, but she’ll find herself being hit with another wave today.

Sasha is there to offer Cody encouragement.

What drives the heavy emotions at play when Laura and Dante run into one another?

Tracy can’t help but be charmed by one of the town’s newest residents.

Carly and Jason have to decide what the best path forward is. But will they be able to agree?

Days of Our Lives-Peacock


Gabi outs Stefan as her source, Nicole walks out on EJ — and straight to Eric — and Connie recalls stabbing Li, who pays her a “visit”!  As we get closer and closer to her portrayer’s exit, Nicole finds out a bit of news about her son that is going to blow her away. Meanwhile, EJ makes it clear that he intends to do as much harm as possible to Stefan and Gabi, whom he wants to see punished!

Wally Kurth celebrates his real-life leading lady.

Eric reunites with Jude, Stefan has a heated argument with Gabi, and EJ confesses to Holly. Stefan is thrilled to have Gabi back in his life, but that doesn’t mean he’s going to just let everything go. In fact, he wants answers from his lady love! Get ready, because today’s the day everyone’s been waiting for as Eric finally learns the truth from Nicole.

Jack agrees to exhume Abigail’s body, Theresa signs the prenup and agrees to a double wedding, and Leo gets his first groupie. Justin opens up to Xander about the difficult time he’s had and the pain he’s felt since losing Alex as a son. Maggie thinks she knows how to heal the ever-expanding rift within the family. But will Alex and Theresa go along with the plan she proposes?

Jack and Chad discover Abigail’s coffin empty, Leo seeks therapy after rejecting Kerry, and Connie makes Bobby an offer. They say therapy is good for the soul. And while Leo’s past activity has left some wondering if he even has a soul, his session with Marlena may uncover some very revealing information. As Chad’s plan is put into motion, he and Jack make a discovery that will leave both of them shaken. Get out your tissues, because Doug and Julie will share a loving moment today. And yes, this is the final episode taped by Bill Hayes before he passed away.  Usually, information coming to light about Everett/Bobby is shocking to one of the locals. But today, an unexpected visitor’s arrival will leave the conflicted young man on the receiving end of the shock!

Connie recounts stabbing Li and then attacks Rafe, while Marlena releases Everett — or is it Bobby — from Bayview. Perhaps because he lives in Salem, where all secrets eventually come to light, Stefan frets that what he’s been keeping under his hat will soon be exposed. Rafe suggests that Gabi forget what’s come before instead of focusing on moving forward. But something tells us she’s not likely to listen… Jada draws a line in the sand with Bobby/Everett. But will he/they take her ultimatum to heart?

Next Week

Stephanie tends to a broken heart, Leo is at the receiving end of Nicole’s fury, and Justin and Alex have words — plus, a double wedding begins.

Monday, July 15:

As if poor Stephanie hasn’t already been through enough, she’s about to get her heart shattered yet again!

Kate’s hoping that Chad might see things the same way she does when she approaches him with what she’s pitching as an awesome investment opportunity. Meanwhile, Paulina makes it clear she’s 100 percent behind her husband’s new venture!

Tuesday, July 16:

We think of Marlena as the kind, loving voice of reason in Salem. But she’s going to rip EJ up one side and down the other for having kept Eric away from his child!

Speaking of people being verbally shredded, Nicole rips into Leo for having looked her in the eye day after day and kept the truth from her.

Wednesday, July 17:

Now that the truth is out, it’s time for Eric and Nicole to have a very important conversation about their future. Might they finally get a shot at happily ever after?

As EJ continues to mourn the loss of his marriage, Johnny finds his dad stewing in misery.

Looks like Brady is the last to know yet again. How will he react to finding out that Alex and Theresa are not only running down the aisle, but they’re doing it today?

Tate and Holly might be making big plans for a romantic summer, but they probably should be paying some attention to Sophia, who has every intention of coming between them!

Thursday, July 18:

Justin does something that sincerely touches Alex.

Xander and Sarah are looking forward to becoming man and wife, apparently completely clueless to just how badly Salem weddings can go!

Friday, July 19:

What has Justin and Alex exchanging harsh words on the day he’s supposed to marry Theresa?

Xander presents Jack with an extraordinary gift just before the double wedding is set to begin.


 [Doug and Julie reflect on their romance story in Bill Hayes final (posthumous) performance as Doug Williams! Rest in peace Billy Hayes! We miss you already!]

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