Saturday, July 27, 2024

Weekly Recaps & Spoilers: July 29-August 2, 2024


The Young & the Restless


Billy confronts Adam, Nikki and Jack fight, and Phyllis meddles. Jack and Nikki argue about his wife and her archenemy, Diane. Not sure Phyllis has a tight enough grasp on reality for this, but nevertheless she gives a reality check to Heather. The weight of Chelsea’s tryst with Adam isn’t just weighing on her, it’s crushing her. Today, she’s overwhelmed with guilt… but so overwhelmed that she confesses what she’s done?

Victor shocks Nikki speechless, and Sharon hallucinates a hot kiss. Another day, another job change: Victor reveals the new role that Nikki will be playing in his empire. As guilt eats away at Chelsea, Adam considers ripping off the Band-Aid and just coming clean with Sally before it’s too late. Although let’s be real, this much later is too late! Nick worries about Sharon’s state of mind.

Victor lays out plans for a hostile takeover, and Abby accepts Devon’s marriage proposal. Not content to look after his own legacy, Victor solemnly swears to protect the late, great Katherine‘s as well. It’s never just a conversation with these two! Instead of talking to Adam, Victoria interrogates her half-brother. Could there be fireworks in store for Devon and Abby? Whether a fuse is lit, he does at least catch his honey off guard.

Summer plays hardball with Kyle. Man, will she ever be sorry when Tara returns. Traci takes a big step, and perhaps at the same time a leap of faith, with Alan. Victor gains an ally but sets up an epic sibling battle in the process. Who will be collateral damage?!

Victoria and Nikki make a pact, Devon tells Lily he’s engaged, and Kyle puts Claire in a difficult position. When Kyle puts Claire in a precarious position, perhaps she’ll start to realize that her family members weren’t all wrong in their warnings about her boss. When Lily decided to team up with Billy, she had to know that this was coming. Already, she has to stand her ground with her ex. With vast wealth comes a vast array of options. So Victoria can afford to second-guess returning to Newman Enterprises.

Next Week

Adam and Chelsea cover their tracks, Victor and Nikki hatch a plan, Devon puts Lily to the test, and when Summer has a big choice to make, Chance is right there to help her make it.

Monday, July 29:

Billy and Sally compare notes. C’mon, guys, how hard can it be to figure out that Chelsea and Adam slept together? They have the kind of poker faces that suggest that they shouldn’t even play Go Fish!

Sharon and Daniel receive a painful reminder of their past — and perhaps of the future that Cassie didn’t live to see.

As their relationships teeter ever closer to disaster, Adam and Chelsea receive promising news. At least things seem to be looking up for poor Connor.

Tuesday, July 30:

Better late than never, Adam and Chelsea work on their cover stories.

Audra may be walking around like she’s the queen of Genoa City lately, but Diane is quick to put her son’s co-CEO in check. Kyle’s mom isn’t the only one who’s had it with this Glissade business, either!

Jack loses patience with Kyle. Frankly, we’re shocked that at this point Jack had any patience left to lose!

Wednesday, July 31:

When Victor puts his mind to something, there’s no stopping him. Brace yourselves for a bumpy ride as he sets his plan in motion to acquire Chancellor.

Sharon makes a confession to Nick. Will it be a first step on her path back to wellness… or just another one in the wrong direction?

Devon tests Lily’s loyalty. Maybe y’all should just stick to harmless topics like how cute Dom is and what color scheme would be the prettiest for his and Abby’s wedding.

Thursday, August 1:

Billy crosses the line with Lily. She knew what she was getting into when she jumped ship to work with her ex.

Perhaps a trick he learned from dad Neil or future father-in-law Victor? Devon plays his cards close to the vest.

When Chance helps Summer with an important decision, we can only hope that he will convince her to turn the volume down on her vitriol toward Kyle. (Maybe next Chance can do the same with Kyle toward Summer?)

Friday, August 2:

As Victor and Nikki conspire against Billy Boy, we wonder what Katherine would really think about them plotting to take her company away from her dear friend John’s son.

Her day-to-day spinning ever more out of control, Sharon has a rude awakening.

The Bold & the Beautiful


Brooke makes a decision, and Finn gets word that Sheila’s been freed. Hope is with Finn — and no doubt ready to pull him into a passionate reassuring embrace — when he receives news about Sheila. Nothing bonds a pair of exes like their certainty about whodunit, and today, Liam and Steffy stand firm in their belief that Sheila is a murderess.

Katie puts Poppy on notice, Steffy learns Sheila was released, and Hope stuns Brooke. Finn stuns Steffy with his thoughts on Sheila’s innocence. Does he have no friends to tell him that not every thought needs to be shared aloud? Poppy eavesdrops as Katie questions Bill about his relationship with her. Instead, maybe Poppy oughta walk right the hell in and question Katie about why, if she’s so interested in whom her former husband is with, she told him time and again that it wouldn’t be her.

Bill and Li hold a cryptic conversation about the paternity test, Poppy vows to keep her new life, and Ridge makes Steffy cry. Steffy’s ire rises when she learns Brooke will be the face of the Brooke’s Bedroom relaunch. Umm, wasn’t there kinda a hint in the fact that it’s called Brooke’s Bedroom and not literally Anybody Else’s Bedroom? Bill asks Li for a personal favor. Why does it sound like it’ll be difficult for her to do for him? Katie questions the accuracy of Luna’s paternity test, thus beginning the chain of events that we are 99.9 percent sure is leading to this shocking revelation.

Katie digs into Poppy’s past, and Steffy’s upset by Ridge’s news. Brooke and Hope worry about Steffy furthering the Logan/Forrester feud. When Katie makes it her mission to discover Poppy’s past, she could also be moving herself to the top of the killer’s hit list. Steffy allows past hurts to surface when speaking with Ridge.

Katie accuses Poppy of murder, Deacon makes a declaration, and Brooke prepares for her photo shoot. Poppy gets agitated when Katie turns up the heat. Who can blame Poppy, either? You had your chance, Katie — lots of ’em. Step aside. As Brooke’s Bedroom photo shoot begins, we have a hunch that more will develop than pictures.

Next Week

Several of our favorite L.A. denizens are packing their bags and heading to Monte Carlo… or at least, that’s the plan. But as you’ll soon read, there’s a major problem that could throw everything out of whack! Meanwhile, Katie continues to call Poppy out, Bill discovers a secret, and Luna uncovers something that could change everything!

Monday, July 29:

Katie pushes the limits in pursuit of the truth about Poppy.

Brooke presses Hope to stop her infatuation with Finn.

Zende is celebrated for his success with the Brooke’s Bedroom line.

Tuesday, July 30:

Bill learns a secret that Poppy’s been keeping.

Hope gloats when she realizes Steffy’s misstep.

Wednesday, July 31:

Hilarity ensues between Steffy and Captain Deuce Stevens when she holds up the flight to Monte Carlo because she cannot find her passport.

Thursday, August 1:

Luna lashes out at Katie for the accusations she’s making against Poppy.

Steffy quickly shuts down Hope’s giddiness over her misfortune.

Father and son have a less-than-happy reunion when Will Spencer returns to Los Angeles unannounced.

Friday, August 2:

Luna makes a shocking discovery in Poppy’s apartment.

Finn finds himself in an awkward situation with Hope and Steffy.

Ridge and Brooke share in the glow of their undying love and the beautiful sites of Monte Carlo.

General Hospital


Cates orders Jason to give him dirt on Sonny, and Ava tells Scott about Sonny’s medication switch. Jason is about to find out that the best-laid plans of mice and black t-shirt-wearing men don’t always go as planned!   Ava and Scott are about to put their heads together to come up with a strategy to get what they want. What has the mayor seeking out Anna, who is dealing with more than a few of her own issues! Someone winds up on the wrong end of a warning from Diane. Is it regarding a real crime… or a crime against fashion?

Cates and Ava kiss, and Sonny and Tracy remember Luke on his birthday. Jason and Anna, are the oddest team to hit Port Charles in a while. Perhaps not entirely aware of whom he is dealing with, John decides to try and pressure Ava into seeing things his way. Ned and Tracy may not always be on the best of terms, but when push comes to shove, he’s there to support his mom. For exes, Carly and Sonny find an awful lot of reasons to spend time together, as happens today. Meanwhile, Kristina and Michal find themselves with an awful lot of family issues to hash through!

Jason is about to leave town for Quantico, and Blaze and Kristina defend themselves on the Perez Hilton show. Willow and Nina put their heads together for a brainstorming session. (Wonder if the topic of Drew, whom both of them have, er, put their heads together with, will come up?) Kristina and Blaze prepare to make their debut in the press. Anna has some harsh words for John, who probably isn’t her biggest fan at the moment, either! Carly takes a look at the various paths available to her and must try to decide which way to go. Sam has made it clear how she feels about Jason staying away from Danny, and yet the teen’s dad reaches out to him.

John arrests Carly after she confesses to save Jason! Proving he’s not afraid to play in the big leagues, John makes a pretty bold move. For a while there, Anna was questioning her instincts. But she’s got a hunch and is ready to pursue it! Willow continues to struggle with the guilt of keeping her bus with Drew a secret. How will the major decision TJ and Molly make impact their relationship moving forward?

Sonny targets Cates, and Molly and Kristina clash over the baby. Someone is about to make Jason an offer. Wonder if that has anything to do with why Sonny is so mad; we’re worried about any and all barware in his vicinity. (Let the flinging begin!) Nina is determined to get exactly what she wants. Diane pays a visit to Anna, which we’re pretty sure won’t just be a casual chat! Kristina is definitely taken by surprise. Does this have something to do with the decision Molly and TJ made yesterday?

Next Week

There’s terrible news for one family, not to mention the person who winds up being arrested. Meanwhile, Carly has her day in court, Jason is filled in on Anna’s theory, and Sonny spirals out of control!

Monday, July 29:

Dante hopes against hope that he can talk some sense into his dad, but is Sonny even in a place where he’s able to listen?

Carly gets the kind of offer that might not come around again. Could it be a way to keep Carly from going to prison?

Jason was on his way out of town when Joss stopped him to reveal her mom had been arrested. Now, he’s heading instead to the Port Charles Police Department. Is he going to ride to her rescue yet again?

As TJ finds himself flummoxed, Alexis has a consultation with Kristina about an extremely important subject.

Tuesday, July 30:

It all comes down to this as Carly has her day in court. Can she disprove the charges leveled against her by Cates? Meanwhile, the long-building confrontation between Sonny and Cates boils over!

Anna makes a shocking discovery.

Nina and Willow grow even closer when the mom expresses how grateful she is to her daughter.

Fresh off her conversation with Kristina, Alexis is there to counsel Molly. Are things about to get ugly between the siblings?

Wednesday, July 31:

In the least surprising twist ever, Sonny refuses to listen to reason.

Having looked at things from all angles, Anna comes up with a new theory and shares it with Jason.

Brace yourself, Ava, ’cause some not-so-great news is heading your way!

Kristina and Molly try to hash things out. Will either walk away satisfied?

Thursday, August 1:

As Alexis tries to deal with the difficult position she’s now in, Molly takes Sam into her confidence regarding the way things are playing out.

Brook Lynn goes to Blaze with a new idea.

Lock up your barware, because Sonny is about to go on a rampage! (And proving the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, Kristina, too, is on the warpath today!)

Trina is about to get an eyeful!

Friday, August 2:

Proving to be her mother’s daughter, Joss leaps into action!

Someone’s going to wind up in silver bracelets as Dante makes an arrest.

TJ gets news that will leave him shaken.

Sonny’s downward spiral continues as he manages to alienate one of his closest friends.

Which local family is about to be rocked by a devastating medical crisis?

Days of Our Lives – Peacock


Xander’s mother, Fiona, confesses he is Victor’s son, forcing Theresa to confess her own sins. Plus, Brady finds a drinking partner in Ava, and then… Fiona! Alex thought his life was going pretty darn well… but by the time this day is over, he’ll realize that absolutely everything has changed. (And not, for the better!) Theresa might just wish she’d become a runaway bride as her dream wedding turns into a nightmare scenario from which she can’t wake up.

 “Everett’s” behavior makes Jada and Stephanie wonder if he’s not really Everett, and Gabi finds Connie in Rafe’s room. Jada has what can only be described as a strange encounter with Everett. (Although honestly, is there any other kind these days?) Ava finds herself in a rather uncomfortable position thanks to Kristen. Given that both women have a connection to Brady, we’d be willing to bet it involves him! Stefan and Gabi hit a major roadblock right after her release, but it looks like these two crazy kids are going to find their way back together today. Apparently, talking to (and living with) a dead guy isn’t the best idea Connie ever came up with, so she’s going to have to make a few adjustments to her current plan.

Connie makes inroads with Gabi, and Marlena and Kayla grow suspicious of “Everett.” When Gabi finds Connie where she shouldn’t be, will the pieces fall into place? Everett’s latest behavior puts both Jada and Stephanie on high alert. Is the future of Body & Soul in jeopardy? Kate has news for Abe regarding his favorite soap.

Brady wakes up to Fiona and learns all about the havoc Theresa has wreaked. Plus, EJ threatens to tell Holly that Eric killed her father. Nicole is caught between Eric and EJ, both of whom are fighting for a future with her. But everything could change when Nicole goes to Holly and delivers a bit of life-changing news. How will this impact Tate and Holly’s summer lovin’? Theresa had to know that sooner or later, Xander would show up looking for answers. Well, the time has come! When Alex finds himself drowning in bitterness, Sarah does what she can to offer him comfort.

Theresa prepares to turn herself in, and Fiona explains to Sarah why she abandoned Xander. Xander is reeling thanks to recent events and finds himself opening up to Maggie regarding his past with Victor. Theresa has a lot of regrets, and she may just wind up surprising both Brady and Alex! Having been given life-changing news, Holly begs mom Nicole not to turn her entire life upside down. Alex and Justin find a way to get past their recent issues.

Next Week

Break out the tissues and prepare to say farewell to a longtime fan-favorite, because Nicole is about to leave town. And from the sound of it, she won’t be going alone. Meanwhile, Marlena has someone to lean on when she needs it, a familiar face returns for an unusual reason, and the search for Abigail heats up! What, exactly, have Jack and Chad discovered?

Monday, July 29:

Having had her secrets exposed on her wedding day — ouch! — Theresa is still trying to figure out her next step. But the offer Andrew makes might help push her in one direction or another!

Could Eric and Nicole finally be getting their happily ever after? Sounds that way, given that they each say farewell to their loved ones before skipping town. And honestly, maybe the only chance they have of being truly happy is to establish themselves somewhere far from the place in which their relationship was so often tested!

Of course, with Nicole exiting, that leaves Holly and Tate trying to figure out exactly what that means for their young romance!

Is a career change in the works for Marlena and Kayla? It could be, if they decide to take Abe up on his offer!

Tuesday, July 30:

Jada is about to take on a new challenge after being appointed to a new role by Paulina. Soon after, she finds herself putting Bobby/Everett (or maybe both of them!) in the hot seat as she tries to get answers about Li Shin’s murder and the attack on Rafe.

A familiar face is about to show up. And what brings them forward? Open castings call for Body & Soul, being held by Abe and Kate.

Wednesday, July 31:

It looks as if Crazy Connie is about to strike again. But against whom will she be lashing out this time… and how fatal will her attack be?

Ava’s getting increasingly paranoid and Kristen, of all people, tries to calm her down.

Leo has decided his best option is to phone a friend…

It’s been a rough couple of months, but Stefan and Gabi decided they had something to celebrate.

Thursday, August 1:

It turns out; that Connie very much enjoys playing games. How else to explain her decision to toy with Ava?

Speaking of Ava, Gabi has a few questions for Stefan about the time he spent with Harris’ ex.

History could wind up repeating itself as Stephanie finds herself sharing a tender moment with the guy who broke her heart, Everett!

The search for Abigail continues as Chad and Jack get at least a little bit closer to uncovering the truth…

Friday, August 2:

This could be the big moment we’ve all been waiting for as Chad and Jack make a shocking discovery. Abigail, is that you?

Sarah thinks that Xander should find a way to reconcile with his mother. But that may not be as easy as it sounds…

Having fallen off the wagon yet again, Brady tries to get himself together.

With John off atoning for his past sins and Eric skipping town with Nicole, Marlena will no doubt be glad to have Paul on hand to offer his support.


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