Saturday, July 20, 2024

Weekly Recaps & Spoilers: July 22-26, 2024

The Young & the Restless


Sharon’s haunted by visions of Cassie, Summer, and Kyle fight over Harrison, Victor interrogates Billy. Never having been introduced to the concept of “either/or,” Victor gives Billy an ultimatum. Please let it end with a “Ya got that?” Pretty please? Sharon has been, to put it mildly, a little “off” lately. As Mariah and Nick discuss their concerns about her, we’re concerned about the potential for this devastating twist to come to pass. Claire finds herself in a power struggle with Summer. We’re sure that will go well, considering how calm and reasonable Kyle’s ex has been lately. (Meanwhile, someone finally calls Kyle out!)

Adam agrees to run Newman Media, and Chelsea turns to Sharon for help. Since it’s been a day or two since Victor last called for an overhaul, he’s ready to reveal a new game plan to the Newmans. Jack and Diane make a tough decision about Kyle. They can’t be… No. No, they can’t be cutting off his allowance… can they? Hopefully, it’s just for fun that Nate sets ground rules with Audra because even they must know that they’ll never stick to them!

Phyllis targets Audra, and Sally argues with Adam. Daniel saw this one coming from a mile away: Summer takes a page from their mom’s book. Adam and Chelsea fight their attraction. Uh-oh. So that wasn’t a one-time, drunken-heat-of-the-moment hookup! When Heather shares unexpected news with Daniel, will it alter their proposed plan to go visit Paul?

Adam throws Nikki a curveball, and Phyllis and Nick disagree about Summer’s plan. Never mind all the stress that his son is under owing to Connor’s mental-health struggles and those frequent flashbacks to that “Chadam” tryst, Victor’s gotta Victor. So he drives a hard bargain with Adam. Needless to say, Phyllis, for whom no behavior has ever been too extreme, has a very different opinion of Summer’s actions than Nick does. The boss is back in business, and despite her recent struggles, Nikki manages to stand her ground at the office.

Sharon goes ballistic on Phyllis, and Summer gets bad news. Victor’s revenge plot forces Nikki to do the unthinkable… get the details! Nick is sure to get a case of deja vu when he finds himself caught between former wives Sharon and Phyllis. As Chelsea covers her tracks with Billy, she might want to start by working on her poker face. She has “guilty” written from cheek to cheek. When Victoria encourages Claire to venture outside of her comfort zone, maybe Harrison’s nanny will start to think of Kyle as more than a friend and employer. That is if she doesn’t already think of him that way! Phyllis steps up for Summer. If Claire dares to go there with Kyle, it could play right into Victor’s hands.

Next Week

Chelsea and Adam’s guilty consciences eat away at them Connor’s parents finally bite the bullet and confess to Billy and Sally that they hit the sheets? In other developments, Devon has a surprise for Abby, Summer doubles down rather than back down, and Phyllis drops a truth bomb. On whom?

Monday, July 22:

We’ll not drink to that: Jack and Nikki argue about his wife and her archenemy, Diane.

We’re not sure Phyllis has a tight enough grasp on reality for this, but nevertheless, she gives a reality check to Heather.

The weight of Chelsea’s tryst with Adam isn’t just weighing on her, it’s crushing her. Today, she’s overwhelmed with guilt… but so overwhelmed that she confesses what she’s done?

Tuesday, July 23:

Another day, another job change: Victor reveals the new role that Nikki will be playing in his empire.

As guilt eats away at Chelsea, Adam considers ripping off the Band-Aid and just coming clean with Sally before it’s too late. Although let’s be real, this much later is too late!

We’re right there with Nick as he worries about Sharon’s state of mind. We have a baaad feeling we’re headed for a devastating twist.

Wednesday, July 24:

Not content to look after his own legacy, Victor solemnly swears to protect the late, great Katherine‘s as well.

It’s never just a conversation with these two! Instead of talking to Adam, Victoria interrogates her half-brother.

Could there be fireworks in store for Devon and Abby? Whether a fuse is lit, he does at least catch his honey off guard.

Thursday, July 25:

If you want to win the game, there’s no one better to ask for tips than the master. So Devon is in good hands when he seeks Victor’s counsel.

Rather than count to 10 and cool down, Summer plays hardball with Kyle. Man, will she ever be sorry when Tara returns.

At long last… love? Sounds like it is today; Traci takes a big step, and perhaps at the same time a leap of faith, with Alan.

Friday, July 26:

When Kyle puts Claire in a precarious position, perhaps she’ll realize that her family members weren’t all wrong in their warnings about her boss.

When Lily decided to team up with Billy, she had to know that this was coming. Already, she has to stand her ground with her ex.

With vast wealth comes a vast array of options. So Victoria can afford to second-guess returning to Newman Enterprises.

The Bold & the Beautiful


Li declares that she knows who killed Hollis, Steffy shares her suspicions, and Luna mourns her friend. Hollis had questions about Tom’s death and we all saw how that turned out. Now, Li and Finn are about to get the results of the autopsy on Hollis's body. Is anybody else more than a little suspicious about Li’s involvement in all this? If Steffy finds out about the conversation Finn and Hope have, her head might just explode!

Li gives Finn and Steffy shocking news, and Deacon does damage control. Deacon isn’t always the sharpest tool in the shed, but even he has to wonder if two of his employees dropping dead at the restaurant might be something more than a coincidence. (The real question is whether he’ll sleep with one eye open, given that he’s now sharing a bed with Sheila!) When Li and Finn share their discovery with Steffy, she very quickly jumps to a conclusion and makes an accusation.

Finn tells Baker to take Sheila in, and Carter updates Ridge, Brooke, and Hope. Steffy placed a call to Deputy Chief Baker to suggest he ask her mother-in-law a few questions. Now that two folks are dead at Il Giardino, the hot dog-loving officer decides it’s time to take Sheila in for questioning.

Brooke warns Hope to be careful around Finn, and Steffy and Finn reconnect in the bedroom. Brooke continues to worry that Hope’s newly developed interest in Finn will lead to nothing but trouble. Meanwhile, Steffy and her handsome hubby present a united front where their devotion to one another is concerned.

Finn warns Liam, Brooke, and Ridge get caught mid-romp, and Hope confesses her feelings to Finn. With people dropping like flies in the general vicinity of Sheila, Liam once again is voicing his concern. For his part, Finn is having none of it, telling Steffy’s ex to stay far away from the brunette beauty. Steffy once again makes it clear to Hope that she’ll tolerate no nonsense, whether on the work front or where Finn is concerned! As Sheila is put on the hot seat, a very different prime suspect emerges.

Next Week

Katie becomes Poppy’s worst nightmare as she questions Luna’s paternity test results and decides to play detective to learn her rival’s secrets. Meanwhile, the Logan/Forrester feud is in full swing as the relaunch of Brooke’s Bedroom line leaves Steffy seeing more shades of red than you’d find in even the biggest box of crayons.

Monday, July 22:

Hope is with Finn when he receives news about Sheila.

Liam and Steffy stand firm in their belief that Sheila is a murderess.

Tuesday, July 23:

Finn stuns Steffy with his thoughts on Sheila’s innocence.

Poppy eavesdrops as Katie questions Bill about his relationship with her.

Wednesday, July 24:

Steffy’s ire rises when she learns Brooke will be the face of the Brooke’s Bedroom relaunch.

Bill asks Li for a personal favor.

Katie questions the accuracy of Luna’s paternity test.

Thursday, July 25:

Brooke and Hope worry about Steffy furthering the Logan/Forrester feud.

Katie makes it her mission to find out about Poppy’s past.

Steffy allows past hurts to surface when speaking with Ridge.

Friday, July 26:

Poppy gets agitated when Katie turns up the heat.

The Brooke’s Bedroom photo shoot begins.

Deputy Chief Baker plays whodunit in the case of “Who killed Tom and Hollis?”

General Hospital


Willow confides in Nina about kissing Drew, and Anna steals Valentin’s satellite phone. When Willow confides in Nina, will the mother and daughter realize that they share more than they ever imagined? And does this have something to do with why Drew winds up in the hot seat? Will Jake accept the offer about to be made by Jason? Brennan is about to receive an unexpected visitor who could shine a new light on things. Anna’s been trying to get the goods on Pikeman. When she finds what she’s been looking for, will it implicate Valentin?

Anna gives Jason the satellite phone and warns Valentin to flee the country. Plus, Ava receives a visit from Natalia. Fans who’ve been missing Sonny and Nina won’t want to miss today’s episode, in which they spend a little time together. Of course, there’s no telling whether that time will be spent reconnecting or drifting further apart! Ava hopes that she can convince John to see things a different way. Gio is about to be presented with an opportunity that could give him another reason to stick around Port Charles. Now that Anna’s closing in, she’ll have to make a terribly difficult decision! What’s got Willow acting surprised?

Valentin and Charlotte leave town, and Natalia asks Sonny to back Blaze by creating a new record label. Natalia’s ready to say she’s sorry, but it could prove to be too little, too late. Nina shares what she’s learned with Maxie. Gio has a heart-to-heart chat with Josslyn. There’s no love lost between Jagger and Jason, so it won’t come as a surprise when they once again butt heads. Anna finds herself having to face down a mighty temptation.

Carly and Jason revisit a place that holds an awful lot of history for each of them. Who’d have imagined Tracy and Cody becoming close enough that he’d be opening up to her? Yet that’s exactly what happens today. Now that Chase and Dex are on the same side, they start to forge a bond. Nina decides it’s time to apologize. Brook Lynn is about to receive a visit from Sonny and Natalia, who have an idea they want to pitch.

We haven’t seen an awful lot of Trina’s grief, but she’ll find herself being hit with another wave today. Sasha is there to offer Cody encouragement. What drives the heavy emotions at play when Laura and Dante run into one another? Tracy can’t help but be charmed by one of the town’s newest residents. Carly and Jason have to decide what the best path forward is. But will they be able to agree?

Next Week

Brace yourselves, because a storm is brewing in Port Charles, which indicates several lives will be shaken up! Ava and Scott come up with a plan, while Anna trusts her gut and pursues answers. Meanwhile, Jason does something we expect might not sit well with Sam, and someone pushes all of Sonny’s buttons!

Monday, July 22:

Jason is about to find out that the best-laid plans of mice and black t-shirt-wearing men don’t always go as planned!

Talk about double trouble! Ava and Scott are about to put their heads together to come up with a strategy to get what they want.

What has the mayor seeking out Anna, who is dealing with more than a few of her own issues!

Someone winds up on the wrong end of a warning from Diane. Is it regarding a real crime… or a crime against fashion?

Tuesday, July 23:

Jason and Anna, the oddest team to hit Port Charles in a while, get together for a quick catch-up.

Perhaps not entirely aware of whom he is dealing with, John decides to try and pressure Ava into seeing things his way.

Ned and Tracy may not always be on the best of terms, but when push comes to shove, he’s there to support his mom.

For exes, Carly and Sonny find an awful lot of reasons to spend time together, as happens today. Meanwhile, Kristina and Michal find themselves with an awful lot of family issues to hash through!

Wednesday, July 24:

Willow and Nina put their heads together for a brainstorming session. (I wonder if the topic of Drew, whom both of them have, er, put their heads together with, will come up?)

Kristina and Blaze prepare to make their debut in the press.

Anna has some harsh words for John, who probably isn’t her biggest fan at the moment, either!

Carly takes a look at the various paths available to her and must try to decide which way to go.

Sam has made it clear how she feels about Jason staying away from Danny, and yet the teen’s dad reaches out to him.

Thursday, July 25:

Proving he’s not afraid to play in the big leagues, John makes a pretty bold move.

For a while there, Anna was questioning her instincts. But she’s got a hunch and is ready to pursue it!

Willow continues to struggle with the guilt of keeping Herbuss with Drew a secret.

How will the major decision TJ and Molly make impact their relationship moving forward?

Friday, July 26:

Someone is about to make Jason an offer. Wonder if that has anything to do with why Sonny is so mad; we’re worried about any and all barware in his vicinity. (Let the flinging begin!)

Nina is determined to get exactly what she wants.

Diane pays a visit to Anna, which we’re pretty sure won’t just be a casual chat!

Kristina is definitely taken by surprise. Does this have something to do with the decision Molly and TJ made yesterday?

Days of Our Lives-Peacock


Jada rushes Rafe to the hospital, where things take a turn for the worse. Plus, Connie seeks a job with Gabi, and Chad gets into the soap opera business. As if poor Stephanie hasn’t already been through enough, she’s about to get her heart shattered yet again! Kate’s hoping that Chad might see things the same way she does when she approaches him with what she’s pitching as an awesome investment opportunity. Meanwhile, Paulina makes it clear she’s 100 percent behind her husband’s new venture!

Marlena slaps EJ, Rafe slips into a coma, and Leo sees Connie leaving Everett’s hotel room. We think of Marlena as the kind, loving voice of reason in Salem. But she’s going to rip EJ up one side and down the other for having kept Eric away from his child! Speaking of people being verbally shredded, Nicole rips into Leo for having looked her in the eye day after day and kept the truth from her.

EJ refuses to sign divorce papers, Sophia busts Holly and Tate, and Theresa’s wedding plans hit a snag. Now that the truth is out, it’s time for Eric and Nicole to have a very important conversation about their future. Might they finally get a shot at happily ever after? As EJ continues to mourn the loss of his marriage, Johnny finds his dad stewing in misery. Looks like Brady is the last to know yet again. How will he react to finding out that Alex and Theresa are not only running down the aisle, but they’re doing it today? Tate and Holly might be making big plans for a romantic summer, but they probably should be paying a bit of attention to Sophia, who has every intention of coming between them!

Justin lashes out at Alex, Bonnie tips Leo off to gossip, Brady considers drinking, and Holly gives in to Sophia’s demand. Justin does something that sincerely touches Alex. Xander and Sarah are looking forward to becoming man and wife, apparently completely clueless to just how badly Salem weddings can go!

Alex and Theresa get married, but Xander’s mother crashes her son’s nuptials. What has Justin and Alex exchanging harsh words on the day he’s supposed to marry Theresa? Xander presents Jack with a very special gift just before the double wedding is set to begin.

Next Week

The double wedding does exactly what these things always do in Salem… which means it goes south quicker than our winter-hating grandma when the temperature starts to drop in New York. Elsewhere, Gabi and Stefan find their way back together, Holly gets news that isn’t going to go down well, and Xander opens up to Maggie about the person they both loved and lost.

Monday, July 22:

Get ready for a whole lotta drama to unfold as the double wedding continues. (Seriously, why do Salem’s residents continue to think this is a good idea?) This time around, an unexpected guest arrives at just the right moment!

Alex thought his life was going pretty darn well… but by the time this day is over, he’ll realize that absolutely everything has changed. (And not, we might add, for the better!)

Theresa might just wish she’d become a runaway bride as her dream wedding turns into a nightmare scenario from which she can’t wake up.

Brady and Ava are each hurting, so they wind up commiserating with one another. And yes, we’re pretty sure that means exactly what you think it does! This is, after all, Brady, who has a reputation for always making the exact wrong decisions when it comes to his personal life!

Tuesday, July 23:

Jada has what can only be described as a strange encounter with Everett. (Although honestly, is there any other kind these days?)

Ava finds herself in a rather uncomfortable position thanks to Kristen. Given that both women have a connection to Brady, we’d be willing to bet it involves him!

Stefan and Gabi hit a major roadblock right after her release, but it looks like these two crazy kids are going to find their way back together today.

Apparently, talking to (and living with) a dead guy isn’t the best idea Connie ever came up with, so she’s going to have to make a few adjustments to her current plan.

Has the show gone and made Rafe the new Bo?

Wednesday, July 24:

When Gabi finds Connie where she shouldn’t be, will the pieces fall into place?

Everett’s latest behavior puts both Jada and Stephanie on high alert. Meanwhile, the guy doesn’t exactly earn points with Marlena or Kayla.

Is the future of Body & Soul in jeopardy? Kate has news for Abe regarding his favorite soap.

Thursday, July 25:

Nicole is caught between Eric and EJ, both of whom are fighting for a future with her. But everything could change when Nicole goes to Holly and delivers a bit of life-changing news. How will this impact Tate and Holly’s summer lovin’?

Theresa had to know that sooner or later, Xander would show up looking for answers. Well, the time has come!

When Alex is drowning in bitterness Sarah does what she can to offer him comfort.

Well, well, well. Looks like Brady has managed to get himself into yet another fine mess!

Friday, July 26:

Xander is reeling thanks to recent events and finds himself opening up to Maggie regarding his past with Victor.

Theresa has a lot of regrets, and she may just wind up surprising both Brady and Alex!

Having been given life-changing news, Holly begs mom Nicole not to turn her entire life upside down.

Alex and Justin find a way to get past their recent issues.

Days of Our Lives honors John Aniston's debut as Victor Kiriakis (July 19, 1985) with the double wedding of Xander and Sarah and Alex and Theresa! 

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