Sunday, September 15, 2024

Weekly Recaps & Spoilers: September 16-20, 2024


Days of Our Lives-Peacock


Fiona attempts to smother Sarah, Holly confronts Eric, and Brady asks Ava to keep a secret. Will Brady really take the fall for a crime he didn’t commit (but thinks he did)? It’s looking that way when he tells Justin that he’s ready to pay the price for the accident. Meanwhile, rather than even thinking about paying for her sins, Fiona’s doing everything she can to keep Sarah quiet! Holly is shocked when she finally learns the truth about what Eric did all those years ago. Has Tate really screwed things up for good with Holly? He thinks so and tells John as much.

Susan Seaforth Hayes reflects on a ‘precious memory’ of her late husband — and the trip that put a “new sparkle on my spirit.”

Stephanie and Ava point Jada in Connie’s direction, as Connie ups her revenge scheme. Jada becomes the latest person to think that things definitely aren’t right with Connie! But just how much will she figure out? Paulina is ready to insist that Rafe wake up and get back to work. But can she help him to get instantly better? Hey, in Salem, stranger things have happened…  Should Gabi give Stefan a second chance? Perhaps, but we’re not sure that Ava telling her as much is going to do the trick! Meanwhile, things are getting intense at the DiMera mansion as Stefan and EJ battle over Gabi!

Rafe wakes up and “Abigail” worries Steve will be a problem. Although Chad continues to hope Abigail will get her memories back, it seems likely he’s headed for disillusionment and heartache! Is someone going to rescue Melinda? She’s certainly hoping so, but… Gabi is flying high… which only manages to annoy the heck out of Connie!

Hold up! The Gates cast may include very familiar faces.

Holly offers to help EJ find evidence against Brady, who contritely faces Sarah just before she goes to hypnosis. EJ makes it clear to Kristen that he’s not going to tolerate any nonsense from her. But when he issues a threat, will she take her brother seriously? As Eric tries to deal with Holly and her overflowing emotions, Marlena is there, offering him all the empathy she can. Meanwhile, Tate finds himself trying desperately to calm Holly, who is beyond furious! Fiona may soon have to decide just how far she’s willing to go in order to keep Sarah quiet!

Although Brady seems willing to throw up his hands in defeat, Kristen urges him to fight for his future! When there’s a mystery to be solved, there’s only one thing to do! No, not call Shaggy and Scooby… get hypnotized by Marlena! Will everyone’s favorite shrink be able to help Sarah remember the truth? Xander and his mom share a lovely moment. But she might want to enjoy it while it lasts because if he finds out the truth about Sarah’s accident, something tells us Xander won’t be giving his mom big hugs anytime soon!

Next Week

It’s a week full of secrets, lies, suspicion, and danger as Kristen raises questions about Chad’s wife, Abigail seems to recall something pretty major, Xander’s mum gives him a shock, and Connie’s plan puts lives in jeopardy!

Monday, September 16:

Chad is in for a surprise when Abigail becomes somewhat defensive with her husband.

Brace yourself, Xander, because mommy dearest is about to reveal a secret that’ll knock your kilt off!

When therapy doesn’t go as well as they’d hoped, Maggie and Sarah commiserate. (Remember, Maggie knows a thing or two about the younger woman’s situation, having spent years dealing with her own paralysis!)

As Stephanie deals with her grief, Alex is there for her.

Tuesday, September 17:

Is Rafe’s memory starting to return? It looks that way when he shares with Jada some flashes which may or may not be memories…

Wonder how Melinda will react when Connie shares her announcement?

Gabi has an idea… but will EJ go along with it?

Stefan provides Paulina with all the damning evidence she could want.

Wednesday, September 18:

As Connie’s madness escalates, Gabi is caught by surprise, while Jada finds something rather unexpected in Connie’s bed!

Roman offers to be there to give Rafe all the help he needs.

Will Ava come to regret accepting the proposal Stefan’s put forth?

Thursday, September 19:

Gabi and Melinda find themselves targeted as Connie remains determined to see them pay for their perceived sins.

What does Stefan do or do to truly insult Ava?

Chad might want to pay a bit more attention to Kristen, given that she’s sensing something’s not quite right where Abigail is concerned. Meanwhile, Abigail and Mark find themselves having to deal with a threat to their plan.

Steve has questions he thinks only Clyde can answer.

Friday, September 20:

You won’t want to miss what happens today, as Connie’s madness reaches its explosive climax.

What EJ discovers is going to leave even the unflappable DiMera gobsmacked.

Ava and Stefan are in a life-threatening situation. Will that force them to put aside their issues?

Something tells us any seeds of suspicion planted in Chad’s head by Kristen will be quashed when Abigail recalls a very special moment…

General Hospital


As the son of Luke and Laura, Lucky’s no stranger to surprises… but boy, is he in for one today! Oh, and if you were wondering why Sidwell looks so familiar… In this corner, Anna Devane. In the opposing corner, Diane Miller. Who’ll come out on top when they face off? And is this related to the fact that Alexis is being put on the hot seat? They say confession is good for the soul, but will that prove true when Kristina makes one? Jordan’s going to be breaking out all her detective skills!

Our condolences go out to Jon Lindstrom, who suffered a heartbreaking loss.

Molly believes Kristina killed Cates and Lucky winds up in even more danger. Molly accuses Kristina Elizabeth and Jason has reason to come together. Will their exchange of info prove helpful? Carly hopes that Brennan might be in a position to lend her a hand. Molly isn’t one to keep her suspicions to herself. What — or who — is about to disappoint Anna? Will Michael be able to convince Kristina to see things his way?

Brennan agrees to further search for Lucky, Ric decides to represent Ava, and Molly makes a statement against Kristina. Ava isn’t always the luckiest of ladies, but she does manage to catch a bit of a break today! Willow may have a secret regarding Drew, but it’s Liz who confides in Michael’s wife. Molly can’t help but wonder what’s motivating her dad’s actions. Both Anna and Jordan are looking for answers, but will either actually find them? Brennan gives Carly the rundown. How will Cody react to the surprise Sasha’s about to spring on him? Josslyn and Michael catch up with one another.

Jason is given a new assignment. Tracy sounds the alarm and gathers the troops for an important meeting. Lois and Brook Lynn open up to one another.

Meet James Patrick Stuart’s wife and hear about their amazing 24-year adventure.

Much-missed alum Michael Easton celebrates his son: “I am so proud of you.”

Anna tells Brennan exactly what she expects of him. Sonny has always claimed to be a man of his word, so here’s hoping he keeps the promise he’s about to make. If he needs a good defense, he could always note that nearly everyone in Port Charles is a killer. Given that they are two strong women living under the same roof; it’s probably not surprising that Lois and Tracy wind up clashing! Who will receive a pair of handcuffs when Mac makes an arrest? And on what charges? Could Kristina be charged with Cates’ murder, perhaps? Chase arranges for a suspect to come into the station.

What?! Rick Hearst recalls almost getting ‘married’ to Cynthia Watros.

Next Week

Alexis has been arrested, but that only leaves everyone around her more determined than ever to prove her innocence. Meanwhile, Ned vents to the wrong woman, Lucky’s situation gets desperate, and the team of Jason and Anna winds up in danger while trying to bring Lulu’s only chance at survival back home!

Monday, September 16:

In the wake of Alexis’ arrest, heads are spinning all around Port Charles. She and Sam try and figure out what really might have happened the night Jagger was murdered, while Kristina is hot under the collar when she calls out sis Molly.

How will Elizabeth react to what Danny shares with her?

There might be more going on than meets the eye when Tracy butts heads with Cody’s newly-minted girlfriend, Sasha.

Tuesday, September 17:

Sam’s years of solving mysteries as a private investigator might be paying off big time when she comes up with a theory that might help clear her mother’s name. At the same time, Alexis makes what could only be called a huge sacrifice.

Sonny goes to Molly and issues a challenge. Will she rise to meet it?

Nina has some feelings she needs to share, and she chooses to do so with Sasha.

What prompts Drew to leap into action?

Read Wes Ramsey’s super-romantic message to Laura Wright.

Wednesday, September 18:

Alexis thought she knew what to expect, but based on how shocked she is by what goes down, we suspect she was definitely not prepared!

Trina and Portia haven’t had much mom/daughter time lately, but they’ll fix that today.

Ric has bad news… but to whom will he have to deliver it?

Does Jason being out of town have something to do with Sonny hiring someone new? Or could this be about not letting Alexis go down for the murder he committed?

Molly crosses paths with Dex.

Thursday, September 19:

With Lulu’s future hanging in the balance, Anna and Jason join forces in an effort to track down Lucky. But will their trip prove successful? (They might want to move as quickly as possible because Lucky is getting increasingly desperate!)

When Ric and Elizabeth have a heartfelt conversation, will it help them decide whether they might want to pursue a renewed romance?

Gio goes to see someone, hat in hand.

Dante and Isaiah have a chance to size one another up.

Friday, September 20:

Where Anna and Jason go, trouble follows. So it’s not particularly surprising that they’re walking directly into grave danger!

Robert wants answers, but we suspect Brennan might be reluctant to provide them.

Ned vents to his wife… wait, no, that’s not right. Rather than turning to Olivia, he’s venting to her predecessor, Lois!

What’s got Willow feeling on edge?

Curtis has to make a very big, very important decision!

The Bold and the Beautiful


Poppy's emotional visits to Steffy, and Will questions Katie about Bill. Liam helps Bill process his emotions and guilt about Luna and Poppy. And you know you are dealing with a kinder, gentler Bill when he even has emotions to process. Finn and Steffy express their love and commitment to one another. So maybe next time Hope plants an uninvited kiss on him, Steffy won’t cut and run. Hope assures Brooke that she has a handle on her feelings for Finn. She might as well also assure Brooke that the moon is made of blue cheese.

Funny how things turn out… Annika Noelle swore she’d ‘never date an actor,’ but…

Zende learns the truth about his night with Luna, and Deacon joins the party for Steffy. Time for a party in Eric’s living room: The Forresters celebrate Steffy’s safe return. Bill and Poppy try to make sense of the events that transpired and what is next for them as a couple. Considering how hard Bill didn’t work to get his girlfriend out of jail, we’re gonna go out on a limb and guess Splitsville

Steffy warns Hope to stay away from Finn, and Will pushes for a “Batie” reunion. That was fast. Off Bill’s convo with Poppy, Will attempts to play matchmaker for Dad and Katie. Taylor warns Steffy about Hope. Or, put another way, Taylor stirs the pot.

See Young & Restless‘ Courtney Hope back among Bold & Beautiful.

New! The shocking reason behind Taylor’s return… and the twists and turns ahead!

Hope’s about to learn that the road to hell is paved with good intentions when her apology to Steffy goes awry. Finn encourages Li to reconcile with Poppy. And why not, now that it looks like the show won’t be playing this twist after all. Brooke fights for Hope’s honor with Taylor. Could the shrink be about to give Hope a soon-to-be-iconic nickname like Stephanie once did Brooke?

Hope gets terrible news, Liam checks in with Will, and Bill makes his move with Katie. Liam and Will realize they have shared emotions about Luna, Poppy, Bill, and Katie. Carter, Eric, and Steffy prepare to have a difficult discussion with Hope about the future of her fashion line.

Next Week

Buckle up, folks, because Katie casts herself in the thankless role of peacemaker, Steffy lowers the boom on sometime stepsister Hope, Forrester patriarch Eric comes face to face with a long-ago love, Brooke cues up her favorite Aretha Franklin song (“Respect,” of course), and heaven help us, Ridge and Taylor take a stroll down Memory Lane. Will a warm conversation between the old flames and frequent marrieds lead to a new spark being struck?

Monday, September 16:

Given the animosity between them, we can’t imagine why. But Hope is nevertheless stunned by Steffy’s shocking news. Here’s a tease of what happens next.

Katie creates a scenario for Bill and Will to work out their differences. Do you want to tell her, or should we break the news that it may take more than one scenario?

Tuesday, September 17:

When Steffy issues Hope a challenging ultimatum, it may be time for the blonde to call in reinforcements. Bring on the fashion wars!

Brooke demands respect from Taylor. Next, Brooke demands that the grass turn pink, because she’s about as likely to get either one to happen!

Wednesday, September 18:

Taylor greets Eric for the first time since returning to Los Angeles. Remember when those two were a couple? Donna may want to sit in on this particular get-together.

She has two sisters, two daughters, a son, and a frequent husband on the canvas, but instead, Brooke makes a confession to Finn.

Thursday, September 19:

Ridge and Taylor reminisce about their past, no doubt with one of them keeping an eye on the future. He wouldn’t really consider yet another wife swap… would he?

Friday, September 20:

Cue the hilarity when Captain Deuce Stevens has a run-in with April during an office visit with Finn.

The Young and the Restless


Sharon squares off with Phyllis, Connor blames himself, and Nick and Mariah hatch a plan. Lily gives Victor info to bring down Billy, and Kyle gets the goods on Audra after celebrating with Summer. Though by now Victor should have enough to blow away his nemesis a hundred times over, he acquires even more ammunition against Billy. A forecast in hell must call for snow because Kyle and Summer call a truce. Can it even last until Friday? Tongues will wag when noted schemers Nate and Audra go public with their relationship. Our first thought? They’re both such sneaks, they’re made for one another.

As Diane fights to make up with Kyle, Susan Walters shares an update on her real-life daughter.

Sharon squares off with Phyllis, Connor blames himself, and Nick and Mariah hatch a plan. From the Better Late Than Never files, Nick and Mariah form a plan to help Sharon. Find out the shocking details of his plan here. Having spent most of her life as a con artist, and having cheated on Billy before, Chelsea should be in familiar territory when she is forced to defend herself. Sally makes a decision about her future with Adam. Why are we afraid that afterward, this photo album of their romance will be all we have to remember their relationship by?

So precious! Melissa Claire Egan shares the first photo of her precious new family member.

See Courtney Hope back among Bold & Beautiful.

Phyllis sounds the alarm about Sharon, and Faith sets Lucy straight. She just may be onto something! Nick should probably listen when Phyllis dishes out a reality check about Sharon. After Daniel catches Lucy in a lie, he’s gotta be wondering whether he and Heather could afford a nice, strict boarding school. Mariah makes a surprising discovery. And you just know it won’t be “Oh, wow, there is a piece of pie left in the fridge — hurrah!” Victor confronts Audra, Billy and Chelsea break up, and Cole and Victoria make love.

Anniversary preview: Sharon takes [Spoiler] with her to rock bottom… the disastrous do-over you won’t want to miss!

Kyle makes a confession to Claire, and Chance gives Billy an ultimatum. You can imagine how well it will go for Audra when Victor catches her going rogue. She should know by now that only he is allowed to color outside the lines. Forgetting that promises are like dishes and easily broken, Jack makes one to Diane. We tried to warn Lily that getting mixed up with the Newmans had a downside. Today, she sees it firsthand as she and Victoria share a heated exchange.

Phyllis propositions Billy, Victor pushes Diane’s buttons, and Kyle and Claire kiss. Sharon goes ballistic on Daniel and his family, and Diane fears she’s ruined Kyle’s life. At the risk of returning his ex-wife to her vindictive self, Victor pushes Diane’s buttons. As Audra plots her revenge against Kyle, is she really sealing her own fate at Glissade? Phyllis shares a proposition with ex-lover Billy. Would she be willing to lend a hand in his battle with Victor? Or better yet, two hands?

Next Week

Billy puts his head together with Phyllis, Victoria’s moral compass points to a big clash with Victor, and Sharon’s deteriorating mental state leads to what may be a major turning point.

Restless Rant! Young & Restless horror as Sharon’s med mix-up leads to a killer climax… Plus, [Spoiler’s] new love triangle, and much more!

Monday, September 16:

If it’s true what they say and the only way out is through Nick and Mariah will have to muddle forward after they learn troubling news, no doubt about Sharon.

Victoria makes a decision about her future with Cole.

Though Daniel vows to protect Lucy, he may have his work cut out for him — especially with this twist looking ever likelier.

Tuesday, September 17:

Though Sharon clears the air with Daniel, steering clear of one another might be the safer option.

Never having been one to let grass grow beneath her feet, Phyllis plots her next move.

Lucy seeks to extend brat summer into fall.

Billy stands his ground with Chelsea. So if she thinks he’s gonna forgive her, she can forget it!

Wednesday, September 18:

Transparency could be Victor’s best bet for keeping his marriage solid. Yet he instead keeps a secret from Nikki.

As Claire’s feelings for Kyle continue to evolve, she confides in Cole.

Victoria faces a moral dilemma. Should be fine so long as she doesn’t ask herself, “What would Daddy do?”

Thursday, September 19:

Will old feelings resurface when Phyllis strategizes with ex-lover Billy? He is on the rebound, and she has been going through quite a dry spell.

Devon and Nate ignore Lily’s sign reading “If I want to know what you think, I’ll ask!” and give her unsolicited advice.

Even in her dilapidated state of mind, Sharon is shrewd enough to cover her tracks.

Friday, September 20:

Victor loses patience with Victoria’s need to help Billy.

Nick seeks counsel to help Sharon. Will his efforts be in time, though?

A bit late for this! Nonetheless, Adam and Chelsea fear their mistakes will add Connor to the list of people they’ve hurt.

Maybe when Mariah catches Sharon in a lie, it will lead to the blonde finally getting the help she so desperately needs.



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