Sunday, September 1, 2024

Weekly Recaps & Spoilers: September 2-6, 2024


Days of Our Lives-Peacock


Mark and Abigail’s encounter reveals he changed the DNA test, Jada gets differing stories, and Brady runs into Tate at the hospital. Sure, there’s a DNA test and all, but Kristen has a few suspicions where Abigail is concerned. Will Chad buy into her theory? Brady avoids telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth when questioned by Jada. Just how honest should Tate be when Holly asks him about Sophia’s recent advances?

Irony alert: Fiona takes it upon herself to comfort Xander as he worries about Sarah.

Actress has a new on-screen daughter — Stacy Haiduk’s real-life daughter!

Kristen scrambles to protect Brady, who turns himself in. Tate opens up to his dad, but will he reveal everything about his recent activities? Speaking of Brady, are Marlena and John right to be worried about the guy? (That’s a rhetorical question… of course they are!) Xander makes it clear to Jada that he wants answers. And when does he want them? Now! Having watched his sister’s antics over the years, EJ knows her pretty well… which is how he comes to realize that she’s definitely keeping a secret! Is he about to uncover the truth?

Can Days come back from the crucial blunder they made with Fiona?

Xander attacks Brady, Fiona lets Brady take the rap, and John seeks answers. How will Sarah react to the ideas Xander presents her with? It’s a huge moment as Brady goes to Jada and makes a confession. At the same time, Justin happens to overhear Fiona in what we’re willing to be is a very incriminating moment! Holly and Tate realize exactly what they set in motion and the consequences thereof.

Connie suggests Gabi sleep with someone else to get back at Stefan, and Ava unknowingly puts herself in potential danger. Ava has it out with Kristen. Connie might just be playing a dangerous game when she decides to toy with Melinda. Clearly feeling a bit of uncertainty where Abigail’s return is concerned, Chad decides to keep their son, Thomas, in the dark… at least for now. Proving that Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, Gabi sets out to take everything from Stefan.

Wowza! Starting a “new chapter,” the son of Alison Sweeney towers over mom now. #Days

Gabi and EJ enter into a mutually beneficial act of revenge, and Ava shares her concerns about Connie with Stefan. It looks as if Ava is quickly moving up Connie’s you-know-what list, with the psycho warning that she’d be well advised to stop talking about her! Meanwhile, Melinda finally wakes up to the truth about Connie! It’ll be an emotional moment when Jada shows up on Stephanie’s doorstep with something rather unusual relating to Everett!

 Next Week

Chad receives his walking papers from Leo, Eric faces off with EJ upon his return to Salem, and Sarah recalls details from her accident — plus, a long-kept secret devastates Holly.

Monday, September 2:

Johnny is about to come to a rather uncomfortable realization about his wife.

What causes Paulina to have an absolutely freak-out where Abe is concerned?

Alex is nervous about his audition, so Stephanie steps up to help him prepare.

Hattie draws a line in the sane and makes it clear Bonnie has been put on notice!

OMG, talk about “gabby!” Camila Banus shares post-Days career update.

Tuesday, September 3:

Given their complicated history, it’s not surprising that Stefan finds himself feeling awkward when he and Abigail cross paths. Meanwhile, Chad turns to Stephanie for a bit of help where Abigail is concerned.

What undeniable truth is Gabi about to uncover where EJ is concerned?

Abe has a pretty big problem on his hand. Will Kate be able to help him out?

Chanel and Johnny are in for a shock when they find out exactly who has auditioned to play the part of her love interest on Body and Soul.

Wednesday, September 4:

They say the truth will set you free. But is that what will happen when Gabi is forced to ‘fess up to Stefan?

Stephanie takes Abigail on a stroll down memory lane.

Leo is making changes in his life, and that means he has to tell Chad that he’s leaving the newspaper.

Thursday, September 5:

With things looking dire for Brady, Eric returns to offer his support. While he’s in town, he makes time to visit with Marlena.

Brady is poised to make a huge mistake. Can John prevent him from doing something he’ll regret forever?

Tate makes a big mistake where Holly is concerned.

Maggie wants nothing more than to help her daughter, but Sarah isn’t about to let her mom do that.

Friday, September 6:

When Sarah has memories regarding the night of the accident, might she recall what actually happened… and what didn’t?

Brady is in desperate need of help, and Maggie hopes Justin will be the one to provide it.

When Eric and EJ cross paths, things quickly get very nasty.

When a secret finally comes to light, it will absolutely devastate Holly.

General Hospital


Lucky tries to rescue a captive friend in Africa, and Laure gets devastating news about Lulu’s health. Tracy is not the kind of woman who is easily rattled, yet something manages to do exactly that. Does the new mission Laura’s about to embark on have something to do with Lucky?  It feels like old times as Anna turns to Robert for a helping hand. There’s no love lost between Brennan and Jason, but Sonny’s BFF is at least willing to hear the other man out. Brook Lynn and Chase sit down to have an emotional discussion.

Adorable! Maurice Benard delivers a powerful reminder that time is flying.

Nikolas is not a match to help Lulu, Molly reaches out to her mother, and Heather learns Ric is taking over her case. Elizabeth and Carly are bowled over. Laura has to deliver a little bit of bad news. When Molly needs someone to confide in, she turns to Dex. Should Josslyn and TJ be worried? As recently-returned Ric continues catching up with people from his past, he carves out time to pay a visit to Alexis. Pity the person who winds up on the wrong end of a tongue-lashing from Tracy!

Steve Burton gives behind-the-scenes glimpse into General Hospital‘s latest ‘on location’ shoot.

Ava realizes she’s in danger, and Laura and Kevin head to Africa to locate Lucky. Laura has to make a big decision, but is it of a personal nature or relating to her role as mayor of Port Charles? Anna hopes that by laying out her case she can get Brennan to see things her way. Sonny’s suspicions are confirmed. Kristina reaches out to Jason. Ava can’t help but be alarmed by what’s going down. Was Sonny right that Cates plans to kill her?

Bloody hell! First look at Nicholas Alexander Chavez’s comeback will give you chills!

Sonny agrees to himself in to Cates, and Dante lashes out at Carly. The last thing Kristina needs is more bad news, and yet that’s exactly what’s headed her way. How much more can she handle? Someone is about to get an offer from Sonny. But will they find that it’s one they can’t refuse? When Drew picks up the phone, he might be shocked by the person on the other end! A boy’s best friend is his mama, which is why Dante finds it so easy to open up where Olivia is concerned. Portia and Curtis have an important conversation.

When Carly applies a bit of pressure, will Sonny find himself acquiescing to his favorite ex? John has no idea what he’s in for when Alexis comes at him with all she’s got. Anna manages to make a pretty good darn case. So much so that she may have persuaded someone to see things from her point of view! Is Michael right to worry about his wife? What in the world does it take to frighten a woman like Ava? We’re about to find out!

Next Week

Jason makes a discovery, someone comes to Ava’s aid, and Sonny assigns a critical task — plus, Holly returns and Anna issues a warning.

Monday, September 2:

Due to the Labor Day holiday, the ABC soap will air an encore of its August 1, 2024 episode in which Kristina fell through a window and into the Metro Court pool.

Yikes! Watch Maurice Benard go almost ‘full-blown Sonny’ in real life.

Tuesday, September 3:

There are a whole lot of fans out there who’ve been hoping to see Ric and Elizabeth spend time together, and today they’ll get their wish!

Sam opens up during a heart-to-heart talk with Kristina.

Does what Jason discovers have something to do with the shocking events which unfolded in Friday’s episode? It sure seems likely that’s the crime that Chase has been called in to investigate!

Willow does her best to make excuses that sound believable.

Wednesday, September 4:

We’ve been counting down to Emma Samms’ return as Holly, and she’s finally back on our screens!

Drew turns to his old pal Curtis when he needs someone to confide in. (Might Willow be the topic of this conversation?)

Ava is more than a little surprised when she receives an unexpected helping hand.

Sonny and Carly put their heads together in order to come up with a plan, while Kristina finds herself turning to Michael.

Thursday, September 5:

Given the fact he just shot John, it’s not surprising that Sonny finds himself knee deep in worry.

Alexis takes a meeting with Diane. Could Alexis be a suspect in John Cates’ murder?

Nina knows what she needs to do, and she sets her mind to doing it!

Trina offers gal pal Josslyn some solid advice.

TJ has a meaningful conversation with Molly’s newly-returned dad, Ric.

Friday, September 6:

When Sonny needs something vital taken care of, he knows that the one person he can count on is Jason!

What the heck is Lois up to this time?

Josslyn may be her mother’s daughter, but that won’t prevent her from putting Carly on blast!

Someone receives a stern warning from Anna.

Lois is full of surprises.

Josslyn blasts Carly.

Anna issues a warning.

Elizabeth probably has good reason to be skeptical. But will she try and look past that?

The Bold & the Beautiful


Luna locks up Steffy before making a shocking confession, and Bill end up in Katie’s arms. His girlfriend is in jail. His “daughter” has turned into a kissing bandit. And his ex-wife has made pointing fingers her main goal in life. So as Bill tries to make sense of the chaos around him, “Good luck, babe!” Who had Steffy being kidnapped by her husband’s niece on their 2024 bingo card? We sure didn’t. Yet today, Finn’s better half awakens to realize her life is in danger.

Luna details her deplorable crimes, and Liam confronts Finn. Cornered, a killer makes a chilling revelation. Could this be anyone but Luna at this point? She does seem to have a screw loose, but there do remain a bunch of other suspects in the murders. The nightmare continues! [Spoiler] saves Steffy and may leave her even worse off!

Luna drops a bomb on Poppy before throwing her under the bus, and Katie updates Deacon and Sheila. Frantic and worried, Finn turns to Li for advice. Which may be the first smart thing he’s done in ages? We’d have half-expected him to turn to Sheila! Steffy makes a play to free herself. Luna may have bitten off more than she can chew kidnapping this one!

Luna ramps up her wicked plan, Finn is sent on a mission, and Brooke tries to calm Ridge’s frazzled nerves. Bill visits Poppy in jail and drops the bomb that he’s not Luna’s father. Which begs the question: Has that poor woman received no visitors? Wouldn’t someone have told her this already? Deputy Detective Baker gets an unexpected offer of evidence. Will it lead to Steffy before it’s too late? As Steffy’s life hangs in the balance, fans’ support for ‘Sinn’ soars higher than ever.

Starved and weak, Steffy begs for Finn to find her. We sense a psychic connection coming on! Finn gets a clue that sets his Spidey senses tingling when he visits the Spencer Estate.

Next Week

Finn is closing in on his MIA wife’s location. But what will that mean for Luna, who has still more secrets to reveal even as those closest to the disturbed young woman deal with the consequences of her actions!

Monday, September 2:

With time running out to save Steffy, Bill gives Finn the clue that he needs to realize Steffy is in danger.

Steffy is trapped in Luna’s cage and begs her captor to free her. Yeah, that’ll work about as well as asking for a copy of the new issue of Eye on Fashion to pass the time.

What else can Luna possibly be hiding? We have no idea. But as she secures her spot on our countdown of the show’s most unhinged characters of all time, Luna reveals more secrets to Steffy and spirals out of control. Er, make that “spirals further out of control.”

Tuesday, September 3:

Finn lays out his theory about Steffy to Li, then questions R.J. about the night of Tom’s murder. Enough with the theorizing, man. Go get your wife!

Wednesday, September 4:

Panicked after her run-in with Finn, Luna taunts Steffy, attempting to drug her again.

Thursday, September 5:

Bill and Katie discuss how best to break the news to Will about Luna’s paternity. Pretty sure the teenager’s reaction is gonna be, “OK, whatevs.”

Cue the dramatic music as Finn finds Steffy. As hungry and thirsty as she is, he’d better have brought her a Happy Meal.

At the same time as Finn and Steffy are reuniting, Li has a dramatic showdown with Luna. Will it be one that they both survive?

Friday, September 6:

Steffy and Finn find their way back to each other. That’s probably code for “Finn locates the key to the cage” before they start trying to forget all about this horrifying chapter of their epic love story.

This… oof. This is gonna be heartbreaking. How will Poppy ever go on after she learns the devastating truth about her daughter?

The Young & the Restless


Faith runs to Lucy’s rescue with devastating results, and Kyle rebuffs Jack’s olive branch. Jack offers Kyle an olive branch. But will the entitled brat be smart enough to accept it? Nick gives Phyllis unsolicited advice… which we imagine she will start ignoring in three, two… Oops. We overestimated the time it would take. She’s already ignoring it, isn’t she? When Daniel receives disturbing news, it can only be about daughter Lucy. What will it take for him and Heather to get through to the teen?

Twist alert! [Spoiler] helps Billy fight Victor… and they just might win!

Sally goes ballistic on Adam, Traci and Alan make future plans, and Sharon’s shook by Faith’s accident. Lucy’s actions may hit a little too close to home for Sharon and Nick, who experience déjà vu. It isn’t just time for Adam to come clean with Sally, it’s past time as she demands the truth from her boyfriend. Traci opens up to Alan… and potentially opens herself up to a world of hurt. Here’s why we’re so worried.

Kyle is the talk of the town, and Chelsea sets out on a darn near impossible mission. Jack and Diane worry about Victor’s influence over Kyle — with good reason. Victor is a cunning spider convincing gullible fly Kyle to step into his web. [Bleep] happens. If we were Chelsea, which would be the argument that we’d use as she seeks forgiveness from Billy. Is he still seeing too much red to glimpse a way forward for the two of them? At long last, Adam is forced to fess up to Sally.

Cameron pushes Sharon to the dark side, Billy confides in Jack, and Victor looks to take advantage of Lily’s situation. Never one to let an opportunity pass him by, Victor uses Jack and Kyle’s rift to his advantage. A virtual bad-idea factory, Cameron encourages Sharon to visit her dark side. How can he be making more trouble dead than he even did alive?!? Cue the flashbacks! Nikki gives Lily a history lesson.

Sharon struggles to hide her growing rage, Nick confides in Phyllis, and Summer and Claire clear the air. Exes or no, Nick has managed to remain close with Phyllis. So although Sharon might not love the idea of him telling her former rival her business, that’s exactly what he does. Daniel and Heather give Lucy some tough love at their wit's end. Get that popcorn popping! In a showdown that’s been a long time coming, Claire confronts Summer.

Oh, wow! Mark Grossman teases disastrous twist for ‘Chadam’.

Next Week

Victor takes on a new ally in his quest to destroy Billy, Chelsea clings to hope that her relationship may still be salvageable, Lily drops a bombshell on Jack, and Kyle has something important to tell Claire. Does it involve those three little words that we all want to hear?

for Monday, September 2:

Victor calls Nate’s bluff, which is especially surprising considering no poker cards have been dealt.

Lily puts Billy on notice as only someone he’s just pink-slipped possibly can.

Forgetting that it takes two to tango, Adam blames Chelsea for their relationship woes.

Tuesday, September 3:

Lily may come to regret teaming up with Victor. Nonetheless, he agrees to help her take down Billy Boy.

Chelsea seeks forgiveness. But is she pleading with Billy… or Sally, whom she also wronged?

Suddenly, the GCPD is probably looking pretty good to Chance, who second-guesses his decision to work at Chancellor.

Wednesday, September 4:

When Sharon makes a promise to Nick, we have to wonder if she means what she’s saying or just taking her cues from Cameron.

Phyllis clears the air with Faith. Hopefully, with witnesses around. It’s hard to trust Phyllis to hold her temper!

Once again, Daniel and Heather are challenged as parents. Maybe it’s time to send Lucy to one of those schmancy boarding schools?

Thursday, September 5:

Nikki provides Victor with valuable Intel about Billy. Is it really necessary, though, considering he’s so often his own worst enemy?

Kyle makes a confession to Claire. He wouldn’t… would he? It’s much too soon to drop the L word!

After making a deal with the devil — er, Victor — Lily shares disturbing news with Jack.

Friday, September 6:

As Sharon’s behavior becomes more and more concerning, Nick seeks counsel from Victor and Nikki.

You’d think if he could forgive her for playing dead, they could get past anything. Nevertheless, Diane struggles to connect with Kyle.

Clearly having been cast in the role of “bad cop,” Daniel stands his ground with Lucy.


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