Sunday, September 22, 2024

Weekly Recaps & Spoilers: September 23-27, 2024


Days of Our Lives – Peacock


Xander is grossed out, Chad melts our hearts, and “Abigail’s” secret comes to light and more! Chad is in for a surprise when Abigail becomes somewhat defensive with her husband. Brace yourself, Xander, because mommy dearest is about to reveal a secret that’ll knock your kilt off! When therapy doesn’t go as well as they’d hoped, Maggie and Sarah commiserate. (Remember, Maggie knows a thing or two about the younger woman’s situation, having spent years dealing with her own paralysis!) As Stephanie deals with her grief, Alex is there for her.

Connie attacks Melinda and confronts Gabi, and Jada finds something shocking in Connie’s apartment. Is Rafe’s memory starting to return? It looks that way when he shares with Jada some flashes which may or may not be memories… Wonder how Melinda will react when Connie shares her announcement? Gabi has an idea… but will EJ go along with it? Stefan provides Paulina with all the damning evidence she could want.

Connie attacks Gabi and takes her hostage along with Melinda, and Jada discovers what Connie’s been up to. As Connie’s madness escalates, Gabi is caught by surprise, while Jada finds something rather unexpected in Connie’s bed! Roman offers to be there to give Rafe all the help he needs. Will Ava come to regret accepting the proposal Stefan’s put forth?

Connie leaves Gabi and Melinda with a bomb in the wine cellar, and Clyde threatens Mark and “Abigail’s” mother if they don’t do as he says. Gabi and Melinda find themselves targeted as Connie remains determined to see them pay for their perceived sins. What does Stefan do or do to truly insult Ava? Chad might want to pay a bit more attention to Kristen, given that she’s sensing something’s not quite right where Abigail is concerned. Meanwhile, Abigail and Mark find themselves having to deal with a threat to their plan. Steve has questions he thinks only Clyde can answer.

EJ comes to the secret wine cellar as it explodes with Gabi and Melinda inside, and Connie holds Ava at knifepoint. Connie’s madness reaches its explosive climax. Ava and Stefan are in a life-threatening situation. Will that force them to put aside their issues? Something tells us any seeds of suspicion planted in Chad’s head by Kristen will be quashed when Abigail recalls a very special moment…

Next Week

Jada comes to a realization about Connie, as Maggie learns stunning news — plus, Sarah reveals what she remembers from the night of the accident.

Monday, September 23:

How will Gabi show her appreciation to EJ for his recent heroic actions? Could this be the beginning of something neither expected?

Ava, too, is feeling grateful and makes that clear as she takes care of Stefan.

As usual on soaps, the police are the last to know. In this case, it’s Jada who’s finally clueing into the fact that Connie is… well, completely nuts!

Paulina’s prepared to make a major change by suggesting that Melinda step into EJ’s job!

Despite everything going on regarding Body and Soul, Johnny and Chanel carve out time for a little romance. And based on what’s coming up, this is a good thing… ’cause trouble is heading their way!

Tuesday, September 24:

Bring on the glam squad, because it’s time for the Body and Soul cast to do a photoshoot!

Chanel finds out that some of her upcoming scenes on the soap are going to involve her being intimate with Alex. Meanwhile, there’s a backstage clash between co-stars Bonnie and Hattie.

Leo’s going to have his hands full when Johnny comes to him wanting to make some changes to the scripts.

Wednesday, September 25:

Sophia is definitely getting closer to Tate. But not if an interrupting Holly can stop it!

Brady and Eric find time to catch each other up with what’s been going on in their lives.

Fiona, who has a nasty habit of dropping truth bombs on unexpected folks, does exactly that with Maggie!

Sarah tries talking Xander out of going after Brady… again. (Hopefully, she had one of the staff throw away his baseball bat!)

Thursday, September 26:

Nicole may be out of the picture, but that’s not going to keep EJ and Eric from clashing. This time, it’s over Holly.

How will Sarah feel when Xander reluctantly admits his intentions?

Brady is drugged, but by who?

Holly’s doing a little bit of snooping when, whoops; she’s caught in the act by Tate!

Friday, September 27:

Remember earlier, when we warned that Johnny and Chanel might be heading for a rough spot? Well, they’ve arrived, because she makes it clear that she’s not at all happy about her husband having gone behind her back to get the scripts altered!

Johnny might like to know that Alex isn’t thinking about Stephanie at all. In fact, he’s spending some quality time with Stephanie!

Following a rather unusual encounter, Brady fills Eric in on what went down.

Sarah remembers something about the night of the crash and tells the one person she probably shouldn’t: Fiona!

General Hospital


Sonny and Ric finally cross paths and things go about as you’d expect! Plus, Tracy is made to face a harsh truth. In the wake of Alexis’ arrest, heads are spinning all around Port Charles. She and Sam try and figure out what really might have happened the night Jagger was murdered, while Kristina is hot under the collar when she calls out sis Molly. How will Elizabeth react to what Danny shares with her? There might be more going on than meets the eye when Tracy butts heads with Cody’s newly-minted girlfriend, Sasha.

Trina gets some good advice, and Willow shares her secret (or one of them anyway) with a friend. Sam’s years of solving mysteries as a private investigator might be paying off big time when she comes up with a theory that might help clear her mother’s name. At the same time, Alexis makes what could only be called a huge sacrifice. Sonny goes to Molly and issues a challenge. Will she rise to meet it? Nina has some feelings she needs to share, and she chooses to do so with Sasha. What prompts Drew to leap into action?

Elizabeth confirms discrepancies in Heather’s blood tests, and Sonny hires Martin to represent Alexis, who learns Heather is her cellmate. Alexis thought she knew what to expect, but based on how shocked she is by what goes down, we suspect she was definitely not prepared! Trina and Portia haven’t had much mom/daughter time lately, but they’ll fix that today. Ric has bad news… but to whom will he have to deliver it? Does Jason being out of town have something to do with Sonny hiring someone new? Or could this be about not letting Alexis go down for the murder he committed?

Her life in pictures: As the daughter of Maurice Benard turns 30, revisit memorable moments, from being her dad’s mini-me to becoming a proud mom.

Liz draws a line in the sand with Ric and sets boundaries, and Anna and Jason discover Holly running a con involving Sidwell. With Lulu’s future hanging in the balance, Anna and Jason join forces in an effort to track down Lucky. But will their trip prove successful? (They might want to move as quickly as possible because Lucky is getting increasingly desperate!) When Ric and Elizabeth have a heartfelt conversation, will it help them decide whether they might want to pursue a renewed romance? Gio goes to see someone, hat in hand. Dante and Isaiah have a chance to size one another up.

Kelly Monaco’s heartfelt promise to the late Billy Miller.

Sidwell invites Anna and Jason back to his compound, but he’s onto their games. Plus, Lucky gets a visit from Liz.  Where Anna and Jason go, trouble follows. So it’s not particularly surprising that they’re walking directly into grave danger! Robert wants answers, but we suspect Brennan might be reluctant to provide them. Ned vents to his wife… wait, no, that’s not right. Rather than turning to Olivia, he’s venting to her predecessor, Lois! Is Sonny finally going to pay for one of his crimes? Just look at how many he’s gotten away with over the years. What’s got Willow feeling on edge? Curtis has to make a very big, very important decision!

Maurice Benard and his son Joshua deliver a big announcement.

#IStandWithKelly Monaco: Fans fight back to save Sam — and we have the photos taken live today from NYC’s Times Square to prove it.

Next Week

Things heat up between Carly and Brennan, a high-stakes offer is made, and shocking intel is discovered — plus, Holly makes a bold move!

Monday, September 23:

Things are about to get very interesting between Carly and Brennan. (Wonder how Sonny will feel about their growing closeness?)

Portia has good reason to be nervous.

Terry finds herself in the not-exactly-pleasant position of having to defend a decision she recently made. (Something tells us it’s about Brad…)

Where others may see certainty, Elizabeth admits that she’s got her doubts.

When TJ needs someone to lean on, Curtis offers him some wise counsel.

Tuesday, September 24:

Carly and Sonny are thick as thieves as they try and figure out their next move.

Alexis has new legal counsel, and she’s ready to take them into her confidence.

Chase and Dante have worked well together in the past, but this week, they’re butting heads in a major way.

Josh Swickard sends a heartfelt message to his wife: “Come home… we miss you.”

Fresh off his talk with Curtis, TJ opens up to Stella.

Diane is a formidable opponent, so we feel sorry for the person she’s blocking while running interference!

Wednesday, September 25:

What will Sam have to say when she pays Carly a visit?

If you’re a fan of Laura Wright, the ABC soap star has created a “sacred space” just for you — one where she’ll be spending some time too!

Sonny and Kristina have always had a special bond, which will likely only get stronger after today’s heart-to-heart conversation.

Jordan takes Isaiah into her confidence.

What will come of Molly’s meeting with fellow attorney Martin?

Someone is about to make an incredibly high-stakes offer… but will it be accepted?

Thursday, September 26:

Jason and Anna have so far stayed one step ahead of the forces that would thwart them, but the walls are definitely closing in!

A friendship we want to see more of will once again bloom as Tracy and Stella reconnect.

Things could get awkward when Drew interrupts Willow and Michael.

Ned is a man who likes to be in the know, but he may regret it when he’s given a bit of shocking info!

How will Lucky react to the devastating news he receives?

Friday, September 27:

Holly’s done biding her time as she makes a big, risky move!

Tracy finds time to partake in her favorite activity: gloating!

Natalia needs a bit of schooling, and Lucy is just the person to fill her in on the facts!

Carly takes yet another meeting with Brennan.

Robert and Diane go out on the town.

The Bold & the Beautiful


Hope receives an ultimatum, Brooke demands an answer from Ridge, Katie, Bill, and Will to spend time as a family. Given the animosity between them, we can’t imagine why. But Hope is nevertheless stunned by Steffy’s shocking news. Here’s a tease of what happens next. Katie creates a scenario for Bill and Will to work out their differences. Do you want to tell her, or should we break the news that it may take more than one scenario?

Brooke reacts to Steffy threatening Hope, and Hope runs into Finn. When Steffy issues Hope a challenging ultimatum, it may be time for the blonde to call in reinforcements. Bring on the fashion wars! Brooke demands respect from Taylor. Next, Brooke demands that the grass turn pink, because she’s about as likely to get either one to happen!

Brooke pushes Finn to talk to Steffy, and Taylor makes a confession to Ridge. Taylor greets Eric for the first time since returning to Los Angeles. Remember when those two were a couple? Donna may want to sit in on this particular get-together. She has two sisters, two daughters, a son, and a frequent husband on the canvas, but instead, Brooke makes a confession to Finn. Let the cheating commence! Steffy’s latest move pushes Hope to Finn… it’s inevitable!

Steffy and Finn reconnect in the bedroom, and Taylor tells Ridge he’s the love of her life. As it turns out, Steffy needs to worry about [Spoiler], not Hope! Ridge and Taylor reminisce about their past, no doubt with one of them keeping an eye on the future. He wouldn’t really consider yet another wife swap,… would he?

Bombshell! The big Hope reveals ahead that would turn the canvas upside-down!

Taylor gives Li shocking news, and Brooke wants to rekindle a friendship. Cue the hilarity when Captain Deuce Stevens has a run-in with April during an office visit with Finn.

Next Week

Taylor’s keeping a very big secret from everyone, including those whom she loves the most. Meanwhile, Will tries to solve a mystery and a member of the family returns for a very special occasion.

Monday, September 23:

Taylor visits a connection to reveal a secret. Er, could it be the life-or-death one that’s poised to turn the show upside down?

Tuesday, September 24:

Steffy’s Spidey senses tingling, she guesses that her mom has a secret, but Taylor shuts her down. Wonder what a good therapist would have to say about that!

Ridge confesses to Brooke that he made a promise to Steffy about Taylor. Mm-hmm. Suddenly, this twist is making more and more sense.

Wednesday, September 25:

Bill reaches out to Katie to talk about their future. We have a hunch it’s going to look a lot like their past. Review Bill’s history for a sneak-peek-slash-preview.

Thursday, September 26:

Rather than just avoid one another at all costs, Steffy and Hope try to get the better of each other regarding Ridge, Brooke, and Taylor.

Will attempts to make sense of the divide between his parents. We’d say that a good therapist might help, but the only one on the show likes to keep secrets.

Friday, September 27:

Jökull Júliusson (J.J.) collaborates with Brooke’s Bedroom Line photo shoot and performs his hit song, “Way Down We Go.”

At the photo shoot, Steffy gets irritated when Finn and Hope share their love for J.J. and his band, Kaleo, and Bridget returns to town for the performance. No word on whether that also annoys Steffy.

Forgetting all the times that he’s proven he’s just not that into her, Taylor hurts as she watches Brooke and Ridge’s interaction on the livestream of the shoot.

The Young & the Restless


Cameron urges Sharon to go after Daniel, and Victoria and Cole’s secret comes out. If it’s true what they say and the only way out is through Nick and Mariah will have to muddle forward after they learn troubling news, no doubt about Sharon. As Victoria makes a decision about her future with Cole, we’ll have to add another entry in our photo gallery of her many loves. Though Daniel vows to protect Lucy, he may have his work cut out for him — especially with this twist looking ever likelier.

Sharon apologizes to Daniel, and Billy hires Phyllis. Though Sharon clears the air with Daniel, steering clear of one another might be the safer option. Never having been one to let grass grow beneath her feet, Phyllis plots her next move. Billy stands his ground with Chelsea. So if she thinks he’s gonna forgive her, she can forget it!

Oh, snap! Victor’s handed a loss… by [Spoiler]!

Billy’s stung by betrayal, and Cole confronts Victor. Buckle up! Sharon’s story goes darker and twistier than ever! Transparency could be Victor’s best bet for keeping his marriage solid. Yet he instead keeps a secret from Nikki. As Claire’s feelings for Kyle continue to evolve, she confides in Cole. Victoria faces a moral dilemma. Should be fine so long as she doesn’t ask herself, “What would Daddy do?”

Billy and Phyllis confront Lily, and Sharon holes up in a motel room with Cameron. Will old feelings resurface when Phyllis strategizes with ex-lover Billy? He is on the rebound, and she has been having a dry spell. Devon and Nate ignore Lily’s sign reading “If I want to know what you think, I’ll ask!” and give her unsolicited advice. Even in her dilapidated state of mind, Sharon is shrewd enough to cover her tracks.

Michelle Stafford sends a heartfelt message: “Thank you for the support.”

Chelsea goes bonkers over Adam’s confession, and Mariah panics after a talk with Sharon. Victor loses patience with Victoria’s need to help Billy. Nick seeks counsel to help Sharon. Will his efforts be in time, though? A bit late for this! Nonetheless, Adam and Chelsea fear their mistakes will add Connor to the people they’ve hurt. Maybe when Mariah catches Sharon in a lie, it will lead to the blonde finally getting the help she so desperately needs.

Her life in pictures: As the daughter of Jason Thompson turns 7, look back on treasured moments from being a “girl boss” to smelling like “cotton candy and roses.”

Next Week

Daniel and Heather’s plans for the future could be derailed by Sharon’s increasingly dangerous thirst for revenge! Elsewhere, gals are stepping up left and right as Victoria helps out an ex, and Phyllis takes the reins. Want more? A woman scorned is encouraged to play dirty… by a friend, no less!

Restless Rant! Young & Restless is set to explode as Sharon targets Daniel for death, Phyllis rides to the rescue, and Victoria takes a risk that could put a target on her back!

Monday, September 23:

Given that when last we saw Victor’s youngest son, Billy Boy Abbott was bearing down on him in a confrontational manner, it should come as no surprise that Adam loses his cool.

It’s never, ever a good idea to try and thwart The Great Victor Newman; nonetheless, his daughter Victoria takes it upon herself to protect Billy.

What are friends for, after all? As Adam eyes a rekindled relationship with Chelsea, Audra encourages Sally to play dirty.

Tuesday, September 24:

Considering her last reverie involved a dead Daniel Romalotti, it doesn’t bode well when Sharon is haunted by her dreams.

Heather and Daniel plan a fresh start. Why does this sound like something that would happen right before something goes terribly, horribly awry?

As the situation with Sharon turns ever more serious, Nick takes matters into his own hands. But will he be able to intervene before it’s too late?!

Wednesday, September 25:

Ever the helpy helperton, Mariah joins Nick in devising a plan to help Sharon. However…

Her loved ones will be working against the clock, as Sharon is triggered to explore her dark side.

Well, we don’t know who or what has become ungovernable, but it’s always interesting when Phyllis decides to take control.

Thursday, September 26:

It’s time for the big show! The moment this storyline has been building toward for weeks! You guessed it: Sharon’s quest for revenge takes a dangerous turn. Will everyone make it out of this situation alive?!

Friday, September 27:

Young & Restless celebrates Sharon Case’s 30th anniversary, as her character looks back at her memorable moments.


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