Friday, February 1, 2019

Why The January 31, 2019 Hour Of General Hospital Was Perfect Soap

There was no action, no suspense, and the storylines didn’t move along at a fevered pitch, but on January 31, General Hospital decided to visit its characters and there was rarely a moment that didn’t have us riveted.
First, we got the Dawn of Day house and a private “seminar” between Kristina (Lexi Ainsworth) and Alexis (Nancy Lee Grahn) that felt more like a therapy session.
As Shiloh (Coby Ryan McLaughlin) mediated, he didn’t look sinister or manipulating; he just looked like a man genuinely interested in what these two women had to say. That was… unexpected.
When the session was over and Alexis explained to Kristina that she’s always had her respect, but maybe didn’t always have her acceptance. She said what so many mothers feel as their children become young adults.
Alexis has had to learn to accept Kristina for who she is now and not the person she envisioned she’d be as she was growing up.
We all have dreams and visions for our children, but we also eventually realize these are human beings separate from us. It was a very real moment between mother and child and one so many can relate to.
Our next real moment that could have been preachy — yet was anything but — came when Elizabeth (Rebecca Herbst) had a frank heart-to-heart talk with Lucas (Ryan Carnes) and Brad (Parry Shen) about Aiden’s (Jason David) current life as a third grader.
They saw her reading books on parenting a gay child and knew something was up. And, Liz finally had two friends and co-workers to talk to who might know exactly what her sweet little boy is going through.
They were quick to point out that liking things society typically thinks of as “girly” doesn’t necessarily mean you’re gay — and that the number one thing that makes someone gay is feeling attracted to the same sex.
Liz turned red at the thought of asking Aiden that at just eight years old, but Brad quickly pointed out he knew at that age. Lucas countered that he didn’t know. He just felt different, dated girls, tried to fit in, and eventually had to come to terms with who he is.
These were very real moments that didn’t come across as a PSA at all, which can often happen when soaps tackle topics such as this.
And then finally, we got some real soapy goodness from former mobster Julian Jerome (William deVry) who got chewed out by his sister for giving up the best thing that’s ever happened to him — Kim, the one woman who keeps him grounded.
Alexis had already chewed Julian out for the same thing, but Ava (Maura West) just has that special way about her and it finally sunk in. (Plus, maybe he thought — “Wait, did I just yet Carly Corinthos’ 15-year-old clone dictate my love life?”)
So, in typical soap opera style, he arrived at her door, told her the truth of what happened New Year’s Eve, declared his love to a shocked and mostly-silent Kim, and left.
We half expected the soap cliche of Drew (Billy Miller) emerging from the bedroom, but that never happened and that’s what made this scene all the better.
Do this more often GH. You kept us riveted at every moment and that’s what we want soaps to always do.
General Hospital (GH) airs weekdays on ABC. Check your local listings for airtimes.

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