Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Days of Our Lives Views: Jordan Ridgeway

Victoria Konefal as Ciara Brady; Robert Scott Wilson as Ben Weston; and Chrishell Hartley as Jordan Ridgeway

I’m back and able to take care of my son, David.  I’m so grateful fo Rafe for taking care of David in my absence.  But Ben, on the other 
hand, is another story, and one I can’t afford to have Ben around my son.

I don’t want to keep Ben from my son.  Deep down I know Ben’s changed.  It’s Clyde!  

Clyde’s adamant to make sure Ben is sent back to the institution.  He wants Ben committed.  Which is why I kidnapped Abigail’s daughter, Charlotte and Ciara.  Clyde forced me to do it!
James REad as Clyde WEston; Chrishell Hartley as Jordan Ridgeway

He wants Ciara out of Ben’s life and he’s forced me to do the deed!

Clyde has a hold over me that no one knows about and I don’t want anyone to find out!

It is a secret I will take to my grave!

Clyde Weston is a monster and I need to find a way to get rid of him!  But for now, i need to let people think Ben is coming unhinged!  

 Once the world is rid of Clyde Weston, then things can go back to normal and Ben and Ciara can finally be happy!

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