Friday, July 3, 2020

Days of Our Lives News Update: Peter Reckell on Bo and Doug Memories

Fans of Days of Our Lives can never get too much of Peter Reckell, and one Twitter user who regularly posts videos of Bo Brady and historic Days moments, got the actor to comment on a recent post about a memorable heart-to-heart between Bo and his father-in-law, Doug Williams.

Peter Reckell Reflects on Bo and Doug

The video harkens back to this day in 2008, when Days aired an episode of a Brady Fourth of July BBQ and the two shared a nice moment.  "I love that man!" Reckell responded tot he post of his scene with Bill Hayes.

In the video, Doug is decked out in Fourth of July colors, and tells Bo, "You will recall, I thought you were the worst person in the world for my daughter to be dating--etched in my brain forever, motorcycle, beard, no real job, and that ridiculous hair.  You were pretty much the poster boy for bad boys back then."

Long-time fans know that Doug and Bo didn't always see eye to eye, as Mr. Williams didn't think the biker was good enough for his "little girl."

Back in 1984, Hope was celebrating her 18th birthday, when Bo whisked her away to his apartment below Shenanigans and the two professed their love for one another and took their relationship to the next level--making love for the first time.

But Doug found out the two were together and came to stop his daughter from being with the man he disapproved of.  Bo and Hope quickly got dressed but Doug wasn't fooled and started shouting at the youngest Brady.  He demanded Hope leave Bo but when she refused, Doug became so angry that he suffered a massive heart attack.

Eventually, Doug would accept Bo and the two shared several warm moments, such as in this video where Doug gives his son-in-law some advice on not following in his footsteps with forbidding his daughter from dating someone he doesn't like.

"Think long and hard before you act.  Hurt and angry daughters are never really big on forgiving and forgetting," he tells Bo.

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