Saturday, July 4, 2020

Days of Our Lives Spoilers: Vivian's World Spins When She Hears about Jake

Days of Our Lives spoilers for Thursday, July 2, 2020 reveals a day of shocking twist, jaw-dropping offers, and Cin-ful drama.  The chaos never ends on Salem, and you will not want to miss a minute.

Days of Our Lives Spoilers Highlights

The startling DNA results leave Jake (Brandon Barash) and Gabi (Camila Banus) completely on edge.  What does this mean for his future?  What will she do with hers?  Their worlds are spiraling out of control and there are no clear least not yet.

Just wait until Stefan's mama gets involved.  Vivian (Louise Sorel) was at the wedding seeking revenge and ready to shoot to kill.  Will all be forgiven when she hears there is a possibility her son is alive?  Spoilers show she's shook when she learns about Jake and his haunting resemblance to her child.

Allie:  Here, Have My Baby

Rafe's (Galen Gering) life is also turned upside down, this time by Allie (Lindsay Arnold).  The young lady sits down her ex-stepdad and makes him the offer of a lifetime.  She wants him to take her baby!

All Rafe's ever wanted was to be a dad, but is this the right time and the right circumstance?  Raising a child would be a dream come true but there are other things to think about, like Sami.  She doesn't even know her daughter is pregnant, let alone ready to hand the bundle of joy off to her ex.  Is this a  little too close to home?

Something Old, Something New, Something Ruined

Meanwhile, Ciara (Victoria Konefal) is a bundle of nerves when she finds her wedding dress ruined.  It's an absolute nightmare made worse by her fear it was Claire's (Olivia Rose Keegan) doing.  She and Ben (Robert Scott Wilson) are fit to be tied and go after Claire in an explosive confrontation.

How will Claire deal with the accusations?  Rumor has it she will not take it well.  She worked her way out of Bayview to work her way back into Ciara's life and make things right, not set her world on fire again.

Or, at least that's her story.  The couple may want to keep a closer eye on the baddie because if this causes a meltdown there will be no going back.

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