Thursday, September 2, 2021

DAYS Spoilers Wild Speculation: Is Ava Vitali Holding Sami Hostage?


Sami Brady DiMera went missing without a trace a very short time ago. She was grabbed from behind and dragged away without a word. DAYS spoilers hint this mystery won’t stay that way forever. Someone kidnapped our favorite scheme queen and we think we know who!

Days Spoilers Wild Speculation

Let’s take a look at this story, shall we? Sami (Alison Sweeney) went after Nicole Walker Brady (Arianne Zucker). It was a bitter move that ruined poor Nicole’s marriage to Sami’s twin brother, Eric Brady (Greg Vaughan). Paying Xander Cook (Paul Telfer) to expose the affair was very dirty, indeed. And, while Sami got her comeuppance, we don’t think Ava (Tamara Braun) would let Sami off the hook so easily.

DOOL: A Few Loose Screws

But, why would Ava get involved, you ask. Well, soap friends, it was out of sheer rage for that whole sordid scene. Ava is not above hurting someone for the sake of friendship and she’s not going to let anyone come after her bestie. Sure, she and Nicole have some drama over Rafe Hernandez (Galen Gering) but that’s neither here nor there. Ava still isn’t going to sit back and let someone else hurt Nicole.

There Ava is all angry and protective and ready to take Sami down and low and behold the baddie shows up right on her doorstep. Talk about great timing! Ava grabbed Sami, hauled her away, and is going to teach her a lesson like no other. We can only imagine the hell Sami is in right now. Ava is well known for coming undone and Sami clearly can’t fight her off or she would be home by now.

Days Spoilers: Is Ava Off Her Rocker?

Unfortunately, for Ava, this kidnapping plot isn’t doing her any favors. First, while she’s off torturing Sami, Rafe is getting closer and closer to Nicole. He’s missing precious bonding time and some super special dinners. Second, he’s the Commissioner.

If it comes out she took his ex-wife, not only will Rafe leave her but he’ll make darn sure she stays locked away for years to come. If Ava is the one, she’s playing a very dangerous little game. Think this wild speculation could really happen?

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