Thursday, September 2, 2021

DAYS Star Judi Evans Delivers Heartfelt Message About Wearing Masks


Like Bonnie Lockhart, the feisty character she plays on Days of our Lives, Judi Evans is not afraid to speak her mind. And after what she went through healthwise last year, she’s earned that right.

Judi Evans Heartfelt Message

The actress has been posting some Twitter messages this past week saying a lot of what many people are thinking these days when it comes to mask-wearing and keeping people safe. Her little “tirade” occurred at the start of a trip.

“I can’t even. I’m sitting on an airplane and there are two people beside and in front of me who have been taking off their masks and leaving them off the whole flight!” she moaned. “Folks, if Dr.’s and nurses can do it for 12 [hour] shifts, we can do it for a 6-hour flight”

Evans knows first-hand what it’s like to have COVID, contracting the disease when she was in the hospital last year after a horseback riding accident. It only makes sense that she is so vocal about this issue. “It’s a MASK for God’s sake!!!!” she continued. “Not a suit of armor…..wear it and knock off the crap!!!!!”

While most fans supported her view, there were of course some who argued about their “rights” and not wanting to wear masks. Judi Evans apologized the next day for what she described as being “a little harsh” but explained how she was “hopping mad” seeing potentially innocent people being exposed without knowing it.

“We do need to keep talking, not yelling and jabbing each other….people are scared,” Evans wrote. “I get that we have to live and try to got back to whatever ‘normal’ is. We are all testing the waters with going out, seeing friends, being in groups. If wearing a mask and/or distancing as best we can, helps get us to that normal, how can it be a bad thing?”

To support her views, Evans talked about how she’s seen people, even friends, who have been put on ventilators after resisting taking the vaccine or wearing a mask. “Why do [we] fight we about it? The virus is the enemy, that’s who we need to fight,” she wrote. “Lots of us are angry and fearful, all very real feelings….no matter what…but we are turning on each other in ways that are destroying people and relationships. And lives. We have got to turn this around somehow…”

Judi Evans is more than willing to talk to people about their differences and trying to find a way to come together in a way that keeps everyone safe. “but if you’re gonna be childish and silly, I might have to boomerang you…but hopefully just in a funny way,” she wrote. “maybe we can come together with humor?”

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