Sunday, April 17, 2022

Soap Hub Performer of the Week For DAYS: Camila Banus


Soap operas on the whole can be a depressing lot – someone’s always tortured by unrequited love, requited love that cannot be because of outside or otherworldly forces, and sometimes they’re just being plain old tortured – so any and all touches of levity are welcome. DAYS actress Camila Banus is more than adept at bringing the funny, even in dire circumstances, and for that alone she deserves recognition in the form of Soap Hub’s Performer of the Week award.

Camila Banus – Performer of the Week

Banus’s alter ego rarely has time for niceties, so Anna Fredricks DiMera (Leann Hunley) probably wasn’t too put out when Gabi Hernandez DiMera barreled in swooped Rafe Hernandez (Galen Gering) off for a private word. Besides, as Gabi would later put it, “The DiMera’s will have her out by dinner.”

What was the meaning of it all? Gabi’s arch-rival – and Rafe’s ex – Ava Vitali (Tamara Braun) is playing Suzy Homemaker with Gabi’s ex, Jake DiMera (Brandon Barash), and she doesn’t like it. Not one little bit!

In point of fact, Gabi’s got it into her mind that if Rafe will just give her the tiniest assist then she can, “guarantee [him] that bitch will end up behind bars,” and thanks entirely to Banus’s delivery that line is as much a promise as it is a threat.

And boy oh boy does Gabi deliver. After adopting the guise of ADA Lola Montez – a tongue-in-cheek shoutout to the character that Banus played on One Life to Live – she got her hot little hands on a figurative smoking gun: an audio recording of Ava confessing her part in framing Rafe for police corruption.

As is her wont, Gabi got to the be the one to lower the boom on Ava, and it sure seemed that Banus relished the act – if that Cheshire grin plastered on her face was anything to go by.

And even though Banus sizzled opposite Braun’s Ava and Brandon Barash’s Jake, perhaps her best scene was the solo, self-congratulatory one in which she toasted her unparalleled success.

“To me! Nobody, not the cops, not five mob families have been able to do what I did without breaking a sweat – to taking down that Mafia princess once and for all!” Cheers girl! The drinks really should be on us.

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