Sunday, April 24, 2022

Soap Hub Performer of the Week for Y&R: Sharon Case


The Young and the Restless viewers know that Sharon Rosales loves her family, and she loved her husband Rey Rosales. This week, Rey passed away suddenly in an accident, and Sharon waited in desperation for word of her missing husband until Nick Newman gave her the tragic news. For her performance, Soap Hub Performer of the Week honors for Y&R is presented to Sharon’s portrayer, Sharon Case.

Sharon Case — Y&R Performer of the Week

Rey (Jordi Vilasuso) didn’t return to Crimson Lights to take Connor Newman (Judah Mackey) and Chelsea Lawson (Melissa Claire Egan) to that hockey game. As time passed, Sharon became increasingly worried about not hearing from her husband. Case played the part of a nervous and worried wife, hoping for the best but fearing the worst perfectly.

Also, when Sharon confronted Chelsea about her feelings about Rey, Case hit just the right notes showcasing Sharon’s newer demeanor as a therapist. The actress really helped Sharon hit the right balance of saying what she wanted to say while keeping it from being overly accusatory.

However, Case’s real shining moment of the week came when Nick Newman (Joshua Morrow) showed up at Crimson Lights. Sharon knew. She knew, but she asked Nick for a moment while she remembered some of her favorite things about Rey before learning the terrible, tragic news of Rey’s untimely death. Case perfectly portrayed Sharon’s pain as she sobbed and broke down in Nick’s arms.

Plus, when Sharon was in shock the next day as she called Rey’s family, the actress did an excellent job revealing how disconnected her on-screen alter ego felt as she merely went through the motions in order to try to keep things together so she didn’t fall apart forever. Bravo Sharon Case on an excellent performance and on making us feel the real pain Sharon, who’s already lost so much to car wrecks, felt once again through such a horrible loss.

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