Sunday, March 31, 2024

Weekly Recaps & Spoilers: April 1-5, 2024


The Young & the Restless


Phyllis sabotages Christine and Danny’s lovemaking, and Jordan’s fate is revealed. Ever since coming home to find Daniel spending time with his ex, Lily’s been debating how to move forward. Today, she marks at least one item off her agenda by addressing some unfinished business with Heather! Phyllis may have told Danny that she was movin’ on, but we all knew that wasn’t the case. What we didn’t know was what she’d do next… but whatever it is, it’s definitely going to put Danny and Christine on edge! Something tells us Nikki may not love the fact that hubby Victor is suddenly questioning the decisions she’s making!

A blast from the past… “Good lord, girl!”: Michelle Stafford drops photos that stun her Genoa City family.

Preview! Audra’s shocking next move will leave Tucker’s head spinning… and yours too!

Audra dumps Tucker and his company, Christine and Danny confront Phyllis, and Sally gives Adam advice. Slowly but surely, people in Genoa City are starting to notice that something’s not quite right with Ashley. The latest to pick up on the not-so-subtle signs? Jack and Traci. Maybe the Abbotts should take a look at our handy-dandy guide to Ashley’s alternate personalities. Phyllis who? Danny focuses all his romantic energies on Cricket. (Which is not likely to go over terribly well with the redhead?) Audra makes a decision that’s going to prove shocking to some. Will Tucker be among those caught off guard by her next move?

Billy issues a warning, Lily lowers the boom, and Adam and Chelsea hash it out. Are Daniel and Heather going to have a future together? That could be a big topic of discussion as they find themselves worrying about what’s next. Ever since Connor was diagnosed with OCD, the boy’s parents have been doing their best to get him help. But they’re about to hit a major roadblock when they disagree on how to move forward. Look out, folks, ’cause Lily is about to prove that when it comes to business, she’s large and in charge!

WTH?! Young & Restless has a Sharon crisis we never saw coming!

Nikki receives a harrowing phone call, Connor agrees to treatment, and Kyle and Diane fight. Should Victor and Diane be worried about the fact that yet again, Nikki is taking Jack into her confidence? Adam needs someone to provide him with support, and Sally does what she can to provide it to him. It’s been clear for a while now that Kyle resents his mom’s position at Jabot. You know, the one he gave his blessing to? The real trick may be how Diane and her son navigate the tricky waters ahead.

Preview! Claire catches someone news’s eye… and [Spoiler] flips!

Another blast from the past could become the latest threat to the future of several Genoa City residents!

Nikki and Victor hatch a plan, Jack fields a run-in with Tucker, and Nick comes to Adam’s aid. Claire’s brand-new life takes another exciting turn when she happens to catch the eye of someone new. To say that Nick and Adam have never been close would be a massive understatement. So when the former offers the latter some unsolicited advice, will it go in one ear and out the other?

Next Week

Victor closes in on the woman determined to destroy his family. Elsewhere, Billy’s making promises again, Ashley decides to offer up a confession, and someone appears to have their eye on Nikki.

Restless Rant! Previewing Jordan’s last stand — Plus, Ashley’s alters out of control, Audra’s shocking move, the trouble with Lily’s payback, and more!

Monday, April 1:

Forget Waldo. The person everyone’s searching for these days is Jordan. When Victor manages to get a clue as to where she’s hiding out, will the madwoman finally be caught…again?

Ashley is about to have the kind of awakening that will definitely shock her system.

Perhaps the most contentious duo in the Newman family — Adam and Victoria — may wind up at loggerheads again when he challenges her anew.

Diane knows that Kyle’s not been thrilled with the way things played out in the executive offices. Will her conversation with Jack about her future at Jabot lead to yet another change?

Tuesday, April 2:

Hey, Daniel, you screwed things up big time when you cheated on Lily — at least that’s how we see it! So we’re not at all surprised that you and Heather are struggling to figure out your new normal.

Claire will learn a bit more about the life she missed out on when Victoria and Cole share more about their history.

Is the past about to repeat itself? It sounds like that might be the case when Phyllis shares what we’re told is a “surprising” encounter with Billy.

Wednesday, April 3:

If one were about to make a confession, the typically non-judgmental Traci would probably be the person you’d want hearing it. Listen in as Ashley opens up to her sister!

Tucker and Audra have a complex relationship, to say the least, but he’s about to prove himself to her in a big way.

Nikki finds out that she has a secret admirer. Here’s hoping it’s not one of the stalker varieties!

We’ve never felt more connected to Courtney Hope than we did this week!

Thursday, April 4:

Turns out Billy doesn’t even have to be in the room to cause trouble. How else to explain Lily and Devon butting heads over what the future will hold for Jill’s son at Chancellor-Winters?

Oh dear. Nikki’s about to give in to temptation. Maybe that doesn’t mean what we think it does. Perhaps she’s sneaking a few chocolates and not downing the nearest bottle of booze.

Audra knows better than to take Tucker’s words or actions at face value, which is why she winds up questioning his motives.

Friday, April 5:

A while back, Joshua Morrow told us he’d love to work more with Christel Khalil. Well, sounds like he’ll get the chance when Lily and Nick find themselves reconnecting!

Billy’s been there to help Chelsea deal with Connor, so hopefully she can trust the latest promise he’s about to make.

Adam appears to need a little guidance. Fortunately, Sally’s there to point him in the right direction!

The Bold & the Beautiful


Hope wants Steffy to back off, and Steffy suggests Thomas take Douglas to Paris and dump Hope. Thomas reels to Ridge about how Hope blindsided him. Because every woman straight out of a marriage should immediately want to tie the knot with the guy with whom she’s been hooking up for a few months, right? Wait, that sounds ridiculous! Both defiant and angry, Steffy and Hope’s argument hits its tipping point. Get a sneak peek here.

Hope fights for Thomas, even as Steffy urges him to leave. Unaware that not everyone wants to get married and remarried annually, Ridge demands answers from Hope. Brooke, on the other hand, defends her. Despite her own marriage being strained at best, new relationship expert Steffy gives Thomas advice on how to get over his heartbreak.

B&B alum Kim Matula (ex-Hope) Hallmark fave throw sparks in a new Christmas romance — and wait until you hear where they are filming on location.

Thomas tells Hope he’s leaving, and Brooke and Steffy clash. Rather than let the couple work out their issues themselves, Brooke and Steffy battle over Hope and Thomas. Hope is stunned when Thomas announces a life-changing decision. Uh-oh. Sounds like he’s taking Steffy’s advice to heart.

Thomas says goodbye, and Hope breaks down after a heartbreaking conversation with Douglas. Thomas and Hope have a difficult discussion with Douglas. And if it’s difficult, it probably doesn’t go along the lines of “Mommy and Daddy are having some problems, but we’re working them out like rational adults.” Steffy is pleased with her glorious victory, but we’re pretty sure it’s going to be short-lived. What will happen when Steffy realizes she’s unwittingly written the end of her own love story?!

Tres bien! Bold & Beautiful has set the scene for a romantic reunion between two former lovers!

Hope tries to slap Steffy, and Zende asks Luna a pointed question. Steffy and Hope’s feud escalates as the two sling accusations at each other. As if to make everyone else seem levelheaded by comparison, Zende asks Luna if there is a possibility of a future for them. Because what woman doesn’t want to make life plans with a guy who had sex with her when she was zonked to the nth on “special mints.”

Au Revoir! Bold & Beautiful bids adieu to Thomas — and he’s not the only one!

Next Week

Friends and loved ones gather to say a final farewell to Sheila… who of course had no real friends or loved ones. Meanwhile, Finn makes a big accusation, Eric greets an old friend, and Deacon pays his last respects.

Monday, April 1:

Finn accuses Steffy of using Thomas and Hope’s breakup to create a Forrester vs. Logan feud.

Zende and Luna find themselves in a surreal situation.

Hope is surprised by Liam’s authentic concern and comfort.

Tuesday, April 2:

Steffy flips when she learns of the memorial service Deacon is planning for Sheila.

The Logan sisters attempt to dissuade Deacon from involving Finn and Hope in his plans.

Liam and Hope share an endearing moment with Beth.

Wednesday, April 3:

With Hope and Finn in attendance, Deacon gives an emotional farewell to Sheila Carter.

Thursday, April 4:

Steffy and Liam are conflicted by Finn and Hope’s choice.

Lauren Fenmore visits Eric, who reminiscences about his time with Sheila.

Finn gives an impassioned sendoff to his mother.

Friday, April 5:

Eric and Lauren rejoice over Sheila’s passing.

Hope and Finn bond over their shared connection.

Unable to leave her, Deacon accompanies Sheila’s body to the crematorium.

General Hospital


John demands Jason tell him what went wrong with the operation, Trina tries to let Spencer go, and Jake believes his dad shot Dante. Ever since returning to Port Charles, there have been a whole lot of questions surrounding Jason’s time away. Now, the only person who can tell us the whole story — the man himself — is finally ready to do so. Could Cates be Jason’s ticket to freedom? Elizabeth finds herself awash with complicated emotions. Meanwhile, Jake, too, has a lot to deal with, and finds his anger boiling over! Seeing just how much pain Trina is in, Stella is there to provide whatever comfort she can. Having been burned before, Michael knows he must proceed with caution.

Kate Mansi reveals her ‘show crush’ on a co-star who’s a “bonafide old-school babe.”

Carly has one and only one goal in mind: Getting to Jason! But will she actually manage to do so? Watch out, Nina, because gal pal Ava is once again there when Sonny needs someone to lean on. Just how close will they get? Curtis has a few suspicions… Gregory appears to be deteriorating quickly. Is he entering the final stage of his illness… or might something ultimately come of Finn’s efforts to help his dad?

Sam confronts Jason over Dante’s shooting, Brook Lynn delivers a message to Jason, and Anna suggests Dex join the PCPD. It’s the moment JaSam fans have been waiting for — and those who love her with Dante might be dreading: Jason and Sam finally reunite. Meanwhile, their son, Danny, finds himself butting heads with Elizabeth and Jason’s offspring, Danny. Dex has been trying to figure out the best way possible out of his current mess. Will the offer Anna makes prove to be exactly what he’s been looking for? When Trina makes a heartbreaking confession, to whom is she making it? Brook Lynn shares a message.

Josh Kelly pays a co-star the ultimate compliment and in turn, he’s given thanks: “With all the choices out there, it means a lot!”

Jason is set free on bail, Sam is hopeful when Dante stirs, and Carly lashes out at Sonny for abandoning Jason. Perhaps not surprisingly, Jason’s arraignment turns into a fiasco as tempers flare and accusations fly. Translation: You couldn’t pay us to miss it! What manages to catch both Carly and Alexis off guard? Sonny finds himself filled with doubt. Could he be second-guessing what he’s believed until now to be true? Nina makes it clear she is not the type of woman who gives up once she’s set herself on something! Sam finally finds herself feeling hopeful.

At long last, one of daytime’s most dynamic supercouples reunites. That’s right, Sonny and Jason, together again. But has their friendship been able to survive everything that’s gone down in recent weeks? For the second time this week, Ava and Sonny wind up sharing a close moment. And for the second time this week, we’re wondering just how close they’ll get! Might the Friday cliffhanger leave us asking the ultimate soap question: “Will they or won’t they?” Anna is provided with some very important information. What is Valentin making arrangements for? When Olivia, Danny, and Rocco are summoned to the hospital to be by Dante’s bedside, is it because he’s better or worse?

Next Week

Dante is on the road to recovery, which means there are questions to be answered (and favors to be asked). Meanwhile, Sam is concerned about a loved one, Jason visits people from his past, Anna wants information from Brennan, and at least one couple makes significant progress in their romance!

Monday, April 1: Happy 61st Anniversary General Hospital

We’re not saying Liason fans should get excited, but Jason will pay Elizabeth and Jake a visit so… yeah, do what you will!

Now that Dante is finally awake, he can tell the truth about what happened the night of his shooting.

Anna makes it clear to Sonny that a line has been drawn in the sand.

Diane is ready to help Alexis in any way she can.

Oh, mama… it looks as if Natalia is ready to take control of things where daughter Blaze is concerned!

Now that we know Valentin has a plan for Sonny, is Ava working with him?

Tuesday, April 2:

Drew wants to see exactly how Nina’s doing in her new position.

Jagger — sorry, John — wants to take Pikeman down, and he thinks his latest plan will prove successful.

What will Anna do with the information Jason provides her?

Carly has something to get off her chest, and so does Michael. Will they be confessing to one another or other people?

Anna has approached Dex about joining the local police force. But there are still hurdles to be jumped, including an interview!

Wednesday, April 3:

As Dante continues down the road to recovery, he’s asked a pretty big favor by Chase and Brook Lynn.

Finn continues to worry about Dad Gregory’s downward spiral, which prompts him to share his feelings with Elizabeth.

Sasha and Cody have danced around one another long enough. Today, they’re finally going to admit they have feelings for one another!

How will Kristina react to the news Blaze shares with her?

Tracy and Stella sort of reached an understanding the last time they saw one another. How will it go when they cross paths again?

Thursday, April 4:

Will Tracy listen to the words of advice she’s offered by Terry?

As Curtis proves himself to be a rock for Trina, Joss finds herself getting a big shock.

Kevin is right there by Laura’s side when she goes to check up on Heather. Is the longtime loon really making a return to even semi-normalcy?

Sounds like Cody might be in for a treat as Sasha proves she’s got mad skills in the kitchen!

Friday, April 5:

Drew has no patience where John is concerned, and that’s about to become very clear.

Brook Lynn has Grandma Lila’s dress, but all is not right with her wedding wear. So it’s Lois to the rescue!

Kristina’s dad and Blaze’s mom are about to get to know each other even better. (Wonder just how well?)

Unaware of just how close to home the truth would hit, Anna goes to Brennan with questions about Pikeman.

With everything going on in their lives, Sam can’t help but be concerned about Danny.

Days of Our Lives-Peacock


Kristen and Alex get under Brady’s and Theresa’s skin, John can’t accept forgiveness, and Xander vows to expose Konstantin. What does Konstantin do that has Maggie seeing him differently? And might she finally be getting a glimpse into the type of man he really is? Meanwhile, Sarah tries convincing Xander that Konstantin has changed his ways. And certainly, Xander, of all people, should understand just how possible that is… right? Rocked by recent revelations, John struggles to deal with his past even as those closest to him offer their support. But can Steve and Marlena get through to him? Kristen and Alex cook up a wicked scheme that they hope will get them everything they want. But will Brady and Theresa walk into the trap being set for them?

Alex rebuffs Theresa’s advances, Brady rejects Kristen, and Tripp gives Wendy an answer. Alex's and Theresa's foreheads touch and their parted lips nearly touch. They’ve faced death and proclaimed their love… but are Wendy and Tripp ready for what comes next? Abe and Paulina take a moment to reflect on the true miracles they’ve been blessed enough to experience. It looks as if Alex and Kristen’s plan has at least partially worked. How do we know? Because Brady is about to get up in his rival’s face! Meanwhile, Kristen has to figure out exactly how to play Theresa. One wrong step and all could be lost!

Alison Sweeney and Victor Webster reunite on Hallmark —!

Tate suggests Holly never tell the truth, and Jada accuses Stephanie. A solemn Tate holds a wall phone receiver to his ear at the halfway house Holly is ready to tell Nicole the truth about Tate and the drugs. But is her mom actually ready to hear what she has to say? Being the sensitive soul he is, Tate puts pen to paper and journals about his very complicated feelings for Holly. Marlena and Eric have a long conversation about the difficult-at-best dynamic that exists between Sloan and Nicole as they all prepare for the baby’s christening. Xander visits Harris to drop a little bit of news on him. Basically, the Scot wants it known that he was not the one who shot Harris! Things have gotten complicated for Stephanie and Everett, which means they need to sit down and try to sort things out!

Despite Melinda’s warning, Leo interrupts the christening. In the Square, Melinda yells at Leo while poking his chest. He glowers at her. She wears a flowy green dress. He wears a pink suit with a swirling pattern Something tells us these next few episodes will be important. Why? Because folks are gathering for Jude’s christening. And let’s just say that in this town, events like this tend to go a tad off the rails… Things get off to a rough start as Nicole and EJ find they are struggling to deal with Holly. Marlena has her hands full in trying to convince John that right now, the most important thing he can do is forgive himself. But it seems unlikely he’ll be able to do so as easily as his wife might like! Melinda has instructions for Leo, and they boil down to two simple words: Keep. Quiet! Brady and Roman are there to offer their support when it’s needed.

Holly finally admits the drugs were hers, while Leo keeps mum about Jude… unless the payments stop. At the DiMera mansion, Nicole holds a swaddled Jude. Melinda's brow deeply creases and Sloan stiffly smiles. Eric politely looks on. As the christening ceremony gets underway, one question hangs in the air: Will the truth about the baby finally come to light? As a former priest, Eric is used to hearing confessions. But how will he react to the one Holly is about to make! Nothing good can come of it when Leo, Melinda, and Sloan get together to make a pact. Theresa makes it clear to Tate that she wants answers from him, and she wants them now!

Next Week

Abe and Paulina finally get the news they’ve been waiting for — is she cancer-free? Plus, Marlena puts Everett under hypnosis, Kate makes a promise to Lucas, and Chad and Leo learn about Stefan’s arrest.

Monday, April 1:

Holly has been trying to tell the truth about her drug overdose for ages. When she at last stuns everyone with the details, will they finally not only listen but believe her?

EJ is less than thrilled by how supportive Eric is when Nicole processes what she’s learned.

Love ain’t easy, which is basically the gist when Theresa has a long conversation with Tate about the pitfalls of relationships.

Did Abe’s angel-assisted love really cure Paulina? The couple will find out today if she’s cancer-free or not.

Xander takes a closer look at the evidence that’s been compiled against him. Will he find something that helps clear his name?

Tuesday, April 2:

Break out the tissues, because Chad is going to pay a visit to the grave of his late, much-missed wife Abigail.

What’s going on between Stephanie and Everett? We’ll all get an update along with Julie. Meanwhile, the troubled young man becomes the latest to undergo hypnosis with Marlena.

The bakery is busier than ever, so Johnny offers to lend Chanel a helping hand.

Ava and Harris must be really, really exhausted because they decide to spend the whole day in bed. Oh, wait a minute…

Wednesday, April 3:

Rafe may have to rethink things when Sarah and Xander show up, determined to make their case.

Jade is more than a tad skeptical about what Everett supposedly learned during his hypnosis session. Will Stephanie feel the same way?

Tripp realizes that Wendy isn’t necessarily over the trauma they recently underwent.

It looks as if Ava and Harris finally arise from their bed if only to share a special, private date.

Thursday, April 4:

Nicole — who knows quite a lot about the topic — lectures Holly about the consequences of her actions. Meanwhile, Tate’s parents are happy to finally bring him back home.

Will Theresa accept Alex’s invitation to move in with him?

Paulina and Marlena discuss the recovering woman’s upcoming treatment.

Kate vows that she will do what it takes to help Lucas go free.

Friday, April 5:

Tate may be spending the morning with his dad, but the young man’s mind is totally on Holly.

Determined to make sure Holly knows how serious the situation is, Nicole refuses to take it easy where the girl’s punishment is concerned.

Although Eric’s words about forgiveness are meant for Stephanie, Sloan can’t help but take them to heart.

In her heart, Jada is no longer married to Everett/Bobby. But can she convince Rafe that it’s also not true in any other sense of the word?

Chad and Leo may want to yell “Stop the presses!” when Everett shows up at the Spectator with breaking news about Stefan!

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