Saturday, March 9, 2024

Weekly Recaps & Spoilers: March 11-15, 2024


The Young & the Restless


Danny and Christine come to an understanding — and Connor receives an upsetting diagnosis. Phyllis will want a ringside seat for the conversation as Danny and Christine make a decision about their future. Will they find a way to “rock on”? Doing their best to help their son through his mental health issues, Chelsea and Adam receive information that may be of assistance to Connor. Perhaps in hopes of making someone else’s journey a little bit easier, Billy opens up about his past struggles. There have certainly been enough of ’em.

Jordan dons a new disguise after eliminating a threat — and Amanda receives a proposition from [Spoiler]. Egad! A shocking & dark twist puts the Newmans in jeopardy! So much has been out of Nikki’s control recently; it might actually feel great to her to choose to keep a secret from Victor. We have a hunch Amanda will be heading for the high road when she addresses unfinished business, no doubt with Devon and Abby. Time for a trip to the wig store as Jordan assumes a new identity.

We don’t see Joshua Morrow on social media very often but as big news drops, the CBS soap actor sends a heartfelt message to fans.

After Danny tells Phyllis they have no future, she vows revenge — plus, Jordan sets [Spoiler]’s house on fire. It is a day of the week that ends in “day,” Victor and Nikki receive disturbing news. Off from his previous conversation with Christine, Danny sets the record straight with Phyllis. Something tells us she isn’t gonna like what she hears! It could’ve been you, Sharon! But now sparks fly between Summer and Chance.

Our thoughts are with Mark Grossman as he shares a heartbreaking goodbye: “I’ll see you again someday, my brother.”

Victoria’s house burns, [Spoiler] gives Tucker a warning — and Ashley sneaks out to meet him. As anyone who has observed his sister’s behavior lately would, Jack worries about Ashley’s state of mind. Devon makes a promise to Abby, something, we bet, along the lines of, “I swear you will never come home to find me having sex with someone else on our couch.” Having succeeded in making Nikki’s life hell, Jordan sets her sights on a new target: Victoria.

Make room for daddy: Christian Jules LeBlanc reprises an old role — and you can see him back in action too!

Ashley’s actions cause Tucker to realize something is off — and [Spoiler] arranges a secret meeting with Jordan. Victor gives Jordan an ultimatum. Because those always work so well on psychopaths, right? Tucker sees a new side to Ashley. You might even say that it’s like she has a, you know… an alternate personality. Nikki makes a distress call to Jack and not Victor. Hmm… wonder how her better half is gonna feel about that!

Next Week

Victor puts it all on the line in hopes of ending Jordan’s reign of terror, Daniel has some ’splainin’ to do, a new challenge brings Summer and Kyle together, and it’s beginning to seem like old times for Phyllis and Nick. Is history about to repeat itself?

Monday, March 11:

Nobody puts Baby in a corner. But Jordan? That’s exactly where he backs the madwoman who’s been tormenting his family over the sister she dearly loved (who never mentioned her).

When Phyllis commiserated with Nick over the sad state of their love lives, will history repeat itself and lead the exes to bed? Just please don’t have him hum “Rock On” to her on the way to the boudoir. Too soon. Too soon.

We may be in for some flashbacks when Nikki gives Claire a history lesson. That, or Nikki might just show her our photo gallery that follows the family tree down to its roots.

Tuesday, March 12:

Victor reveals his plan to retaliate against Jordan. Step No. 1: Find an alley that has a gas can in it. Step No. 2…

Victoria’s maternal instinct toward Claire grows stronger every day. Watch for her to come to her daughter’s defense.

Nick makes a bold move — presumably in Phyllis’ direction. Too bad, ’cause we were kinda jazzed about this idea.

Wednesday, March 13:

Devon stands his ground with Billy. Which we suppose they’ll both enjoy more than just admitting they’re rich enough to buy their own sandboxes to play in.

Daniel received a surprise visitor. Wanna bet her name rhymes with “willy nilly” and she won’t be too happy about his canoodling with Heather?

While Jack risks irritating Diane to protect Nikki from the bottle, Victor goes to great lengths to protect her from Jordan.

Thursday, March 14:

Ashley’s alters really need to get their [bleep] together. Today, they send Tucker mixed signals.

Daniel is forced to make a tough decision. However, if you ask us, he already made it when he made the wrong decision and slept with Heather!

As Abby struggles to keep the peace, we can only hope she unleashes her funny, snarky side.

Friday, March 15:

Few things can get Chelsea and Adam on the same page, but their son is one. So it’ll no doubt be touching to see them working together on Connor’s behalf.

Speaking of strained co-parents… Summer and Kyle are faced with a new Harrison-related challenge.

What do you think of the new CBS soap The Gates?

Perhaps seeing that the writing on the wall reads “Tucker Hearts Ashley,” Audra stands her ground with her conflicted loverboy.

The Bold and the Beautiful


Oh, how the tables have turned. Deacon confronts Steffy, making serious allegations. Of course, she should be able to shut him all the way down by simply asking, “And just what was your psycho girlfriend doing in… my… home?!?” Finn tells Steffy he needs time to process the enormity of their situation. Buddy, there aren’t gonna be enough bouquets of flowers in the world to make up for this [bleep]. Consider your fate… sealed.

As Deacon mourns Sheila, Sean Kanan reunites with a long-ago co-star — and we can bet it’s a show many of you used to watch.

Steffy leans on Liam as Deacon says goodbye to Sheila. A heartbroken Deacon breaks down over Sheila’s body. Perhaps we’ll even get flashbacks to the couple’s strange, strange love story. Li and Finn passionately argue about Sheila’s death. We’re gonna guess that Finn’s adoptive mom comes down hard on the side of sanity. “Kid, how many times does she have to shoot you before ya get it through your thick skull — she was bad news!” Steffy confides in Liam that she is concerned that her marriage may not withstand this latest tragedy. Cue Liam doing the happy dance in three, two…

We all know she’s faked her death before and the soap is introducing the character who seems destined to reveal that Sheila’s not dead.

Liam warns Finn he may lose Steffy, and Hope supports Deacon. Liam threatens Finn that he will step up for Steffy if he won’t. Which would be a more compelling argument if Liam hadn’t already let her down so many times? Hope consoles Deacon and helps him grieve. For someone who hated Sheila with a fiery passion, she’s surely doling out the hugs now, eh? Not only Deacon but Finn.

Steffy and Finn finally talk, and Luna remains uncertain about keeping the truth from RJ. #awkward Finn and Steffy come together for the first time since Sheila’s death.

Poppy and Zende interfere in Luna’s decision to come clean to R.J. Memories of Sheila haunt Finn. They might stop if he’d quit reviewing our photo gallery of her life and crimes.

CBS just announced that Bold & Beautiful and Young & Restless are getting a new neighbor. The upcoming soap The Gates.

Next Week

Three couples are put to the test … on one end of the canvas, we have Thomas and Hope’s romance, which continues to rub Brooke the wrong way. On the other, we have R.J. and Luna’s love story, which only one of them knows includes a chapter full of special mints and sex with Zende. On yet another end of the canvas — how many ends does it have, anyway?! — We have Steffy and Finn’s relationship, which seems to be as haunted by Sheila as her son is. Will any of these duos manage to stick together?

Monday, March 11:

Finn and Steffy fight their demons over Sheila’s death and try to fix the void between them.

Wracked with guilt over betraying him with Zende, Luna cries at R.J.’s praise and loyalty.

Tuesday, March 12:

Ridge asks Brooke to give more grace to Thomas and Hope’s relationship.

Finn hallucinates about Sheila’s death while attempting to connect with Steffy.

Thomas and Hope remember their time in Rome with a romantic Italian dinner.

Wednesday, March 13:

Hope worries about Deacon’s emotional well-being, while Thomas is focused on Steffy’s.

Finn freaks out when he cannot stop seeing his dead mother, Sheila.

Thursday, March 14:

Bill and Luna share an unexpected and comforting conversation about parents and children.

Hope attempts to get through to Brooke about Thomas’ commitment and care.

Friday, March 15:

Ridge encourages Thomas to act boldly in his love for Hope.

Thomas creates a beautiful new gown for Hope.

Bill offers to be a sounding board for Luna when Poppy cannot.

General Hospital


Jason’s back with an accomplice, who tries to shoot Sonny but misses, but doesn’t miss when he takes down Dante! Those of you who’ve been living under a rock the past few weeks may not be aware of this, but… Jason Morgan is back in Port Charles Sonny and Selina are right in the middle of a rather tense negotiation when it’s interrupted. Laura makes it clear she’s none too thrilled with her brother, Cyrus. Brook Lynn and Tracy may butt heads sometimes, but when the young woman needs someone to confide in, it’s Tracy to whom she turns. We know two things about Heather: She’s crazy as heck, and there hasn’t been a jail or sanitarium yet that she hasn’t managed to escape. So when she tries to do exactly that today, the odds are definitely in her favor!

Dante hangs on after being shot and Jason is wounded. Michael begged Josslyn to bring Dex home. So why are they in a frantic situation today? Sonny’s been poking at John, hoping to make the erstwhile Jagger slip up. Today, he definitely manages to push a few of the fed’s buttons! Anna is on the receiving end of some very, very bad news. Marshall tells Curtis that things weren’t what they seemed when it came to his diagnosis. Laura does exactly what you’d want a mayor to do: When a crisis breaks out, she acts quickly!

Ava and Spinelli discover Jason is alive, and Ava informs Sonny he is one of the gunmen. Anna has a few pointed questions for Josslyn and Dex. They may share a son, but Olivia and Sonny don’t really spend much time together. What has them reconnecting today? Alexis can be a bit of a nervous person, but something has her downright apprehensive today! When Cody and Sasha decide to trade confessions, will they wind up speaking the same language? Spinelli and Ava are in for a shock. (Does anybody else assume said shock comes wrapped in a leather jacket?)

Sonny doesn’t believe Jason is after him, Cates arrests Maxie and Spinelli, and Portia has good news about Dante. Sonny and Ava share a child, the occasional common enemy, and, today, a potentially loaded moment! How will Drew and Carly handle the situation that finds them operating with their hands full? Maxie is rarely speechless, but she just might be left in that condition today! When someone needs comfort, Laura is there to provide it. Brook Lynn has an honest conversation with Jordan.

It’s been a while since we’ve seen Terry in Port Charles, and, “choosing gratitude,” Cassandra James shares a General Hospital update.

Carly is about to be taken by surprise. Nina wants answers from Ava… or at least thinks she does. Sonny finds out exactly how much progress Jagger has made. Michael tries impressing upon Dex just how badly his presence is needed. Alexis is ready to blow a gasket. Good thing she has Diane to vent to!

Next Week

The mystery that has surrounded Jason will finally be solved (or at least part of it). Meanwhile, Jordan has a lot on her mind, Sasha wants to help out, Maxie has an honest conversation with Spinelli, Michael gets a shock and Sam’s having a rough go of it.

Monday, March 11:

Sonny’s in for the shock of his life when Carly reveals that Jason is back amongst the living!

John and Anna may not much care for one another, but they’re pursuing a common goal.

Can Maxie and Spinelli work through their various issues to wind up on the same page?

Sasha is ready, willing, and able to support Cody… if he’ll accept her help.

Jason’s revealed himself to Carly, but where has Jason been the last few years?

Tuesday, March 12:

Drew calls out to Carly. Now, he’d best not be trying to come between her and Jason, because that definitely will not go well for him! Speaking of the resurrected hunk, he hopes someone will do him a pretty big favor.

Sam finds herself being washed away in a sea of emotions.

Finn gets a closer look at Heather.

Proving that sometimes, parents can catch us off guard, Natalia does exactly that where Blaze is concerned.

We may not get to see Obrecht in Port Charles as often as we like, but Kathleen Gati recently dropped a tantalizing tease: “Can’t say more at the moment.”

Wednesday, March 13:

Sonny wants to be glad to have his BFF back, but he can’t help wondering if Jason has changed. (Having someone try and kill you will do that to a guy…)

Michael is the latest person to get a bit of shocking news.

What will Curtis do with the information that Selina provides him? And why, exactly is she doing so, given that she’s not a lady who does things without a good reason.

Drew has worked off a head of steam. How will he blow it off?

Jordan wonders if perhaps it’s time for her to take a serious look at her career choices.

Thursday, March 14:

At long last, Jason is going to tell us exactly where he’s been since that tunnel collapse. We want to know the answer!

Aware that her pal from the old neighborhood is having a rough time of it, Lois checks in with Sonny.

John’s no friend of Sonny’s, so how will Carly react when the fed asks her for help?

Sam might want to work on her poker face because she’s having a tough time hiding her suspicions.

Molly talks to Anna about potential charges.

Friday, March 15:

Heather is about to get a bit of medical information that could change everything for her. Meanwhile, Kevin has something to tell Marshall about his condition.

When Diane approaches Alexis about a proposal, might it involve us finally getting our wish to see them work together?

How far will Josslyn go to keep Dex from leaving?

What in the world is Nina about to do that will utterly humiliate Gregory?

Days of Our Lives-Peacock


Clyde demands a prison break, Paulina dictates her will, and Everett confides in Julie. Things are looking pretty grim for Paulina, whose condition is rapidly deteriorating. Loved ones gather around in the hope of bolstering her spirits, while the patient herself discusses her fear of dying with Marlena. Clyde makes it very clear to Ava that she has no choice but to do his bidding. Harris may be weak, but he musters up enough strength to give Rafe crucial information about Goldman. Julie might be in for a bit of a shock after her truth-revealing conversation with Everett!

John plots a prison break, Wendy and Tripp’s air supply is cut off, and EJ forces Stefan to give up everything. Having been given her marching orders by Clyde, Ava tells John and Steve what’s being asked of her. Despite being in pretty serious danger, Wendy and Tripp try keeping their heads above water… metaphorically, not literally! Lucas has been moved to a new safe house, and he’s about to get some visitors. (Don’t worry; they’re the friendly variety… as in Kate and Roman!) Stefan must be desperate because he’s turning to EJ for help!

Holly defends Tate; Everett learns how he got his name and Chad and Stephanie bond. From the living room entryway, Everett watches Chad and Stephanie embracing in the Horton House. A tall ladder is propped open behind him. Xander is definitely feeling deflated, but Sarah is there to offer him all the support he needs. A desperate Brady begs Nicole to let him talk to Holly, who may be the only hope of ever setting Tate free. When Everett gets together with Marlena for a session, things very quickly get intense! When Julie needs a helping hand, she gets four of them in the form of Chad and Roman. Later, Chad and Stephanie have a conversation regarding the latest Everett updates.

Tate reaches out to Holly after rejecting his new lawyer’s plan of attack. Plus, John, Steve, and Ava plan Clyde’s prison break. Eric has a chat with Nicole and then can spend a little bit of time with her troubled daughter, Holly. Tate and his mom take a meeting with Sloan. And given that she’s his new lawyer, you can bet she’ll have a few… er… let’s go with “creative” ways to help him! But at what cost? Leo… as a babysitter? We’ll see how that goes when he helps Sloan out by caring for Jude! Ava, Steve, and John join forces as they put into action a plan to save Tripp and Wendy!

Tripp and Wendy say their vows, Ava’s plan backfires during Clyde’s prison break, and, Paulina and Abe receive a surprising visitor. Holding her hand, a surprised Abe turns. A person in a white shirt, with the sleeve rolled up their bicep, stands before them. Time is quickly running out for Wendy and Tripp. Will the next kiss they share be their last? As Abe tells Paulina he loves her, Lani and Chanel fear the worst as their mom’s condition takes a nosedive.

Next Week

Wendy fears she and Tripp are going to die, Holly pleads with EJ in hopes of helping Tate, and Stefan is confronted by Harris — plus, Marlena listens to Steve’s story.

Monday, March 11:

Holly gets a bit of a shock when Tate shows up in the last place she expected!

Wait… when you say that Abe and Paulina are visited by an angel, does that mean — gulp — that one or both of them have gone to the other side?

The truth about one of their own hits Rafe, Jada, and Harris pretty hard.

Ava joins Steve and John as the trio sets out to find Tripp and Wendy. But might it already be too late?

Tuesday, March 12:

Two more locals join the effort to rescue Tripp and Wendy because you know what they say: “It takes a village!” Meanwhile, Ava offers to be there for Harris.

Wanting a little more information about comas, Brady turns to Sarah… who certainly knows a thing or two about the topic!

Will EJ and Nicole lose their cool when they find Tate and Holly together?

Wednesday, March 13:

At long last, Paulina and her loved ones get a little good news!

Eli and Lani discuss a huge decision that would have a major impact on their future.

Sarah suggests that Johnny and Chanel head to the Horton cabin for their honeymoon. (Given the long list of bad things that have happened there, it might be wiser to opt for, say, Hawaii or Niagara Falls!)

When Tripp and Wendy thought they were going to die, they said some pretty big things to one another. Now, she wants to know if he meant them!

Steve can’t help but mull over his involvement in Clyde’s (latest) escape.

Thursday, March 14:

Something tells us Harris is going to be very pleased by what he wakes up to.

When Jude’s christening rapidly approaches, Eric calls together John, Marlena, and Roman for a chat about their roles on the big day.

Maggie — apparently having lost her ability to think clearly when Victor died — continues growing closer to Konstantin.

There’s a lot of talk about Clyde’s escape… not to mention chatter about who is and isn’t to blame!

Friday, March 15:

What really went down in Aria? Steve begins to tell Marlena about his and John’s time there. Will his version match the story that Konstantin is, at that very moment, telling John in the hope of causing him some serious pain?

Nicole stands by her daughter’s side as they plead Tate’s case to EJ. Meanwhile, Brady and Theresa make it clear to Tate just how furious they are about the whole “getting arrested” thing.

Harris knows exactly who to ask when discussing Stefan’s whereabouts.

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