Saturday, March 16, 2024

Weekly Recaps & Spoilers: March 18-22, 2024


The Young & the Restless


Nikki tells Claire a story, Phyllis hits on Nick, and Jordan pulls a gun on Victor. Nobody puts Baby in a corner. But Jordan? That’s exactly where he backs the madwoman who’s been tormenting his family over the sister she dearly loved (who never mentioned her). When Phyllis commiserated with Nick over the sad state of their love lives, will history repeat itself and lead the exes to bed? Just please don’t have him hum “Rock On” to her on the way to the boudoir. Too soon. Too soon. We may be in for some flashbacks when Nikki gives Claire a history lesson. That, or Nikki might just show her our photo gallery that follows the family tree down to its roots.

Jordan takes Victor hostage, Billy warns Chance to get in line, and Summer and Chance have shower sex. Victor reveals his plan to retaliate against Jordan. Step No. 1: Find an alley that has a gas can in it. Step No. 2… As Jordan goes on the attack, Melody Thomas Scott has news to share. Victoria’s maternal instinct toward Claire grows stronger every day. Watch for her to come to her daughter’s defense. Nick makes a bold move — presumably in Phyllis’ direction. Too bad, ’cause we were kinda jazzed about this idea.

Lily discovers that Daniel cheated, Victor and Nick deal with Jordan, and Sally and Adam express their love. Devon stands his ground with Billy. While Jack risks irritating Diane to protect Nikki from the bottle, Victor goes to great lengths to protect her from Jordan. Which we suppose they’ll both enjoy more than just admitting they’re rich enough to buy their own sandboxes to play in. Daniel received a surprise visitor. Wanna bet her name rhymes with “willy nilly” and she won’t be too happy about his canoodling with Heather?

Young & Restless’ Michael Damian talks about Danny’s exit from Genoa City.

, Lily confronts Devon, Ashley’s alter makes inroads with Tucker, and Sally befriends Audra. Ashley’s alters really need to get their [bleep] together. Today, they send Tucker mixed signals. Daniel is forced to make a tough decision. However, if you ask us, he already made it when he made the wrong decision and slept with Heather! As Abby struggles to keep the peace, we can only hope she unleashes her funny, snarky side.

Christian Jules LeBlanc shares the scene you didn’t see: “Michael reacts to his fourth friend faking their own death.”

Harrison brings Summer and Kyle together, Ashley’s behavior raises eyebrows, and Audra dumps Tucker. Few things can get Chelsea and Adam on the same page, but their son is one. So it’ll no doubt be touching to see them working together on Connor’s behalf. Speaking of strained co-parents… Summer and Kyle are faced with a new Harrison-related challenge and it’s not good news for Chance! Perhaps seeing that the writing on the wall reads “Tucker Hearts Ashley,” Audra stands her ground with her conflicted loverboy.

The Gates are open: The new soap’s boss tells all about the exciting plan, its promise, and even its premiere.

New romance alert! Lily’s next man could be a dream come true for fans!

Next Week

Nikki’s plan to get even with Jordan runs off the rails, Ashley waves red flags right in front of Billy’s face, and Claire does her damnedest to figure out where to hang her branch from the Newman family tree.

Monday, March 18:

Too bad he hid all the liquor in the house, ’cause Victor may need a drink himself after he receives a shocking request from Nikki.

Billy has a troubling encounter with Ashley. Perhaps he will be the first to figure out what’s really going on with his sister. Well, the first after us, anyway.

Summer challenges Claire… maybe to step in and play Mary Poppins to lil’ Harrison? It has been mentioned once or 20 times that Victoria’s “late” daughter has a way with kids.

The Gates are open: The new soap’s boss tells all about the exciting plan, its promise, and even its premiere.

Tuesday, March 19:

Looks like Adam’s off the hot seat for once. Victor tests Nick and Summer’s loyalty instead.

Unable to cut herself some slack, Chelsea blames herself for Connor’s issues.

As anyone but Nikki could have predicted her plan for revenge against Jordan backfires. What will the madwoman set aflame next?

Wednesday, March 20:

The Newmans support Claire as she struggles to connect with her new family. Might we recommend that they point out that they’re at least easier to get along with than Crazy Aunt Jordan?

Thursday, March 21:

Young & Restless is pre-empted for CBS Sports coverage of March Madness.

Friday, March 22:

Young & Restless is pre-empted for CBS Sports coverage of March Madness.

The Bold & the Beautiful


Hope fears for Steffy and Finn’s marriage, and Finn is uncomfortable in his own home. Finn and Steffy fight their demons over Sheila’s death and try to fix the void between them. Considering that the worst may be yet to come, good luck with that! Do these kids know how to have fun or what? Wracked with guilt over betraying him with Zende, Luna cries at R.J.’s praise and loyalty.

Finn sees Sheila while kissing Steffy, and Thomas and Hope reminisce over a romantic dinner. Sure, Ridge, maybe the 10,0172nd time you ask will be the one that works. Keeping that in mind, he requests that Brooke give more grace to Thomas and Hope’s relationship. Even “deceased,” Sheila’s a killjoy! Finn hallucinates about his biological mother’s death while attempting to connect with Steffy. Thomas and Hope remember their time in Rome with a romantic Italian dinner. Cue Thomas suggests that they next have a moment in India because he has a real craving for palak paneer.

Preview! Hope’s ‘big week’ could destroy [Spoiler]’s marriage!

Steffy tries to help Finn, Thomas, and Hope remember Rome, and Bill and Liam celebrate Sheila’s demise. Hope worries about Deacon’s emotional well-being, while Thomas is focused on Steffy’s. Which, theoretically, they should’ve been doing when Sheila was alive, too. Finn freaks out when he cannot stop seeing his dead mother, Sheila. Maybe that’s because she isn’t the woman in the morgue, this forgotten character is.

Hope asks for Brooke’s blessing, and Luna demands to know who her father is! Bill and Luna share an unexpected and comforting conversation about parents and children. If his boys can forgive his many misdeeds, she and Poppy will surely get past The Special Mints Incident of 2024. What’s the definition of insanity? Ah, yes. Doing the same thing over and over and hoping for a different result. With that in mind, Hope attempts to get through to Brooke about Thomas’ commitment and care.

While Sheila rots in hell, Kimberlin Brown discovers ‘Heaven on Earth.’

Thomas proposes to Hope, Brooke has a change of heart, and Poppy visits Finn. Ridge encourages Thomas to act boldly in his love for Hope. Maybe not so boldly that he leaves Emma for dead after a car crash, but boldly nonetheless. Clothes being his love language, Thomas creates a beautiful new gown for Hope. Perhaps one of the wedding varieties? Bill offers to be a sounding board for Luna when Poppy cannot. Goodness, he sounds almost like a father figure who doesn’t need the “figure” after the word “father,” doesn’t he?

Next Week

We are reminded that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. How? When Hope responds to Thomas’ proposal that they tie the knot, Steffy has as much to say about it as her sometime stepsister. And apparently, what she has to say is at top volume, because by the week’s end, their infamous feud hasn’t just restarted, it’s restarted with the proverbial vengeance. Read on for the details on that storyline and more —

Monday, March 18:

Hope gives Thomas an answer to his marriage proposal.

Luna tells Bill about her frustration not knowing who her father is.

Poppy makes a big request to Finn.

Tuesday, March 19:

Hope’s decision causes emotional fallout from the Logans and Forresters.

Steffy’s anger at Hope reaches an all-time high.

Wednesday, March 20:

Carter attempts to convince Liam that Thomas has changed.

Their feud reignites when Hope stands up to Steffy.

Thursday, March 21:

Bold & Beautiful will be preempted for CBS’ March Madness.

Friday, March 22:

Bold & Beautiful will be preempted for CBS’ March Madness.

General Hospital


Sonny tells Sam that Jason is alive, Carly refuses to believe Jason shot at Sonny or Dante, and Jason evades John and Anna. Sonny’s in for the shock of his life when Carly reveals that Jason is back amongst the living! John and Anna may not much care for one another, but they’re pursuing a common goal. Can Maxie and Spinelli work through their various issues to wind up on the same page? Sasha is ready, willing, and able to support Cody… if he’ll accept her help. Jason’s revealed himself to Carly, but where has Jason been the last few years?

With Sonny under fire, Maurice Benard considers a stunning career change and asks, “Don’t you agree?”

Jason gets help from Danny, and Drew calls Carly out over her feelings for Jason. Drew calls out to Carly. Now, he’d best not be trying to come between her and Jason, because that definitely will not go well for him! Speaking of the resurrected hunk, he hopes someone will do him a big favor. Sam finds herself being washed away in a sea of emotions. Proving that sometimes, parents can catch us off guard, Natalia does exactly that where Blaze is concerned.

We may not get to see Obrecht in Port Charles as often as we like, but Kathleen Gati recently dropped a tantalizing tease: “Can’t say more at the moment.”

Danny brings Michael in to help Jason, and Drew ends things with Carly. Sonny wants to be glad to have his BFF back, but he can’t help wondering if Jason has changed. (Having someone try and kill you will do that to a guy…) Michael is the latest person to get a bit of shocking news. What will Curtis do with the information that Selina provides him? And why, exactly is she doing so, given that she’s not a lady who does things without a good reason. Drew has worked off a head of steam. How will he blow it off? Jordan wonders if perhaps it’s time for her to take a serious look at her career choices.

John J. York has been missed and now he’s back in action at last!

We learn that Jason has been working as a military contractor under the direction of… John Cates! At long last, Jason will tell us exactly where he’s been since that tunnel collapse. We’re all ears! Aware that her pal from the old neighborhood is having a rough time of it, Lois checks in with Sonny. John’s no friend of Sonny’s, so how will Carly react when the fed asks her for help?  Sam might want to work on her poker face because she’s having a tough time hiding her suspicions. Molly talks to Anna about potential charges.

Heather is about to get a bit of medical information that could change everything for her. Meanwhile, Kevin has something to tell Marshall about his condition. When Diane approaches Alexis about a proposal, might it involve us finally getting our wish to see them work together? How far will Josslyn go to keep Dex from leaving? What in the world is Nina about to do that will utterly humiliate Gregory?

The Gates are open: The new soap’s boss tells all about the exciting plan, its promise, and even its premiere.

As Jason gets reacquainted with his loved ones...

Next Week

While Dex makes a confession to Josslyn, Anna makes an admission to John — plus, someone visits Jason, Sasha settles on a huge decision, and Chase and Brook Lynn are stunned!

Monday, March 18:

Dex has something to tell Josslyn, and we kinda suspect she may not be happy to hear it.

Tracy has never been Sonny’s biggest fan, but the two of them will share a moment.

When Alexis needs a little bit of a push, her gal pal Diane is there to provide it.

What was behind Marshall’s misdiagnosis? Kevin thinks he might have the answer. Meanwhile, Stella has a rather unusual and certainly unexpected encounter.

The Gates are open: The new soap’s boss tells all about the exciting plan, its promise, and even its premiere.

Tuesday, March 19:

In need of someone to talk to, Joss turns to — who else? — her mama, Carly. Dex, meanwhile, takes Anna into his confidence.

Sonny has always accepted daughter Kristina and her sexuality. Can he help Natalia recognize that she’s on the verge of pushing daughter Blaze away?

Who’s paying Jason a visit, and will they shed more light on his return?

Brook Lynn has some pretty harsh words for John!

It’s a game, set, match for Laura Wright and Wes Ramsey, who gave a peek into their ‘amazing weekend’ together.

Wednesday, March 20:

At long last, Tracy might possibly see the side of Cody which could change her opinion of him.

How will Molly feel about her mom Alexis’ latest plans?

Fresh off her talk with Sonny, Natalia has something of a revelation.

Anna has something to share with John when they get together for a drink.

Thursday, March 21:

Drew is about to make Nina an offer. Might he suggest she return to Crimson, now that Carly has given up the top slot?

How bad can a photo shoot go? When the Deception crew tries to mount one, you’ll find out exactly how bad!

Laura and Heather find some common ground: could it have something to do with Esme and Nikolas’ child, Ace!)

Ah, the show seems to be remembering those visions Willow was having a while back. That would explain why she’s concerned about her actions!

Friday, March 22:

Jason knows that sometimes, a guy’s best friend is his lawyer… which is why he reaches out to Diane.

Our theory on why Jason is really working for John Cates!

Maxie is about to call Lucy out in a big way!

Cody and Olivia find themselves leaning on each other. Meanwhile, Sasha makes the kind of decision that might well be called “life-changing.”

Something is about to absolutely stun Brook Lynn and Chase!

Days of Our Lives-Peacock


Abe gets his memory back, Holly refuses Tate’s request, and Ava, John, and Steve find Tripp and Wendy in a bad way. Holly gets a bit of a shock when Tate shows up in the last place she expected! Wait… when you say that Abe and Paulina are visited by an angel, does that mean — gulp — that one or both of them have gone to the other side? The truth about one of their own hits Rafe, Jada, and Harris pretty hard.

Tripp and Wendy are revived, Tate’s arrested, and Rafe’s suspicions worry John. Wendy lies in a hospital bed. Harris John and Rafe stand at her bedside. Two more locals join the effort to rescue Tripp and Wendy because you know what they say: “It takes a village!” Meanwhile, Ava offers to be there for Harris. Wanting a little more information about comas, Brady turns to Sarah… who certainly knows a thing or two about the topic! Will EJ and Nicole lose their cool when they find Tate and Holly together?

Eli gets a job offer, requiring him and Lani to return to D.C., while Wendy questions Tripp about his proposal. At long last, Paulina and her loved ones get a little good news! Sarah suggests that Johnny and Chanel head to the Horton cabin for their honeymoon. (Given the long list of bad things that have happened there, it might be wiser to opt for, say, Hawaii or Niagara Falls!) Steve can’t help but mull over his involvement in Clyde’s (latest) escape.

John confronts Konstantin, Steve seeks out Marlena, and Eli says goodbye to Julie. Something tells us Harris is going to be very pleased by what he wakes up to. When Jude’s christening rapidly approaches, Eric calls together John, Marlena, and Roman for a chat about their roles in the big day. Maggie — apparently having lost her ability to think clearly when Victor died — continues growing closer to Konstantin. There’s a whole lot of talk about Clyde’s escape… not to mention chatter about who is and isn’t to blame!

John learns the devastating truth about Konstantin’s daughter, Harris confronts EJ, and Tate is released from jail with conditions. What really went down in Aria? Steve begins to tell Marlena about his and John’s time there. Will his version match the story that Konstantin is, at that very moment, telling John in the hope of causing him some serious pain? Nicole stands by her daughter’s side as they plead Tate’s case to EJ. Meanwhile, Brady and Theresa make it clear to Tate just how furious they are about the whole “getting arrested” thing. Harris knows exactly who to ask when trying to suss out Stefan’s whereabouts.

The Gates are open: The new soap’s boss tells all about the exciting plan, its promise, and even its premiere.

Next Week

EJ wants to make a run for it but Stefan stuns him with his own plans — plus, Xander is released, John shares the news with Marlena, and Eric overhears Nicole’s conversation with Sloan. Read on for more Salem drama…

Monday, March 18:

Call us crazy, but when a DiMera talks about “pulling the trigger” — which is what EJ tells Stefan he’s about to do — we get incredibly nervous!

Ava and Harris have been getting closer, and now they’re about to take things to the next level. (Hey, Ava? Don’t get too attached, as his portrayer, Steve Burton is already appearing over on General Hospital!)

John thought he’d heard the worst news possible, but wait until he found out that Steve and Marlena already knew!

As Jude’s christening day approaches, Sloan and Eric find themselves having a pretty big difference of opinion.

Tuesday, March 19:

Ava finds out exactly who was behind the attempt on Harris’ life, and it’s going to rock her!

Having at long last re-tied the knot, Johnny and Chanel make love.

Paulina has an honest conversation with Paulina, while Roman listens to Abe’s description of a miracle.

Things could get interesting for Xander and Sarah now that she is officially responsible for him!

Wednesday, March 20:

Where should Chanel and Johnny go on their honeymoon? The new husband has an idea, which he puts forth to his wife.

EJ is determined to hunt down Stefan.

Eric wonders if Holly is being completely forthcoming where Tate is concerned.

While Sarah and Xander are happy to enjoy some time with one another, there’s one big problem: They’re really missing Victoria.

Konstantin isn’t about to let Theresa forget about their plan. Is she still on board?

Thursday, March 21:

Jada advises Harris not to throw everything away for a woman. And certainly not for Ava!

Everyone should be on their best behavior because Lady Whistleblower is seeking inspiration for his next column!

Chad is shocked by the condition in which Stefan shows up on his doorstep.

Paulina and Abe not only have something to celebrate but, with a little help from loved ones, a bit of a party at which to do it!

Friday, March 22:

EJ thought he couldn’t be surprised by anything Stefan might do, but it turned out he was wrong!

Ava thinks things are looking up for Stefan, but Harris is about to tell her otherwise!

John’s plan for the day? Apologize to Konstantin… and then turn himself in!

How will Eric feel upon seeing Sloan and Nicole discussing christening plans?

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