Saturday, March 2, 2024

Weekly Recaps & Spoilers: March 4-8, 2024

 The Young & the Restless


Audra confronts Ashley, Chance reels, and Traci gives Jack a heads-up. Jack and Traci have their work cut out for them as they discuss how to help Ashley. Given what’s really going on with their sister, they might want to consult Viki Buchanan. Tucker makes a promise to Audra — perhaps just in time for all hell to break loose when Genoa City is paid a visit by… well, you’ll see. Esther tries to keep the peace between Billy and Devon. And, for all our sakes, let’s hope she pulls it off. The last thing we want is a repeat of this.

Audra warns Ashley, Jack confronts Tucker, and Mamie wants to take over Chancellor-Winters! The spoiler technically reads “Audra settles unfinished business with Ashley.” But we have a feeling that what it really means is “Audra thinks she settles unfinished business with Ashley.” ’Cause it ain’t gonna be finished till Ashley says that it is! Phyllis reconnects with Amanda.  Not sure how this is going to help Ashley’s state of mind, but regardless, Jack gives Tucker an ultimatum. Whoa! Inside Ashley’s diabolical plot to destroy Tucker — and take Audra down too!

Ashley enrages Audra by kissing Tucker, and Victor’s plan leaves Victoria fuming! Victor finally has some use for Victoria’s newfound daughter: He enlists Claire to set a trap for Jordan. If the erstwhile Eve wants to prove herself to the Newmans, here’s a golden opportunity. Fresh from her last troubling experience, Ashley has another. We have a hunch her and her alters’ future is gonna be full of those. Victoria faces a tough decision, presumably about whether or not to allow her back-from-the-dead daughter to take part in her father’s scheme to one-up and bring down Jordan.

Jordan learns Claire’s been released, Michael warns Victor, and Billy and Adam argue. Victor and Victoria reach an understanding about Claire. Perhaps the Black Knight is about to checkmate the evil queen for good? Devon stands his ground. Translation: The vending machines at C-W will stock Diet Coke instead of Dr. Pepper until he says otherwise. Chelsea and Adam had been working so hard to come together as co-parents. Alas, today Connor’s mom loses patience with his dad.

Nikki has a fruitful secret meeting with Seth, and Phyllis propositions Danny. Victor makes a promise to Victoria, which even she has to see as an improvement over him giving her an order, right? If Nikki isn’t the last to know, she’s darn close to it when she learns shocking news. Once a groupie, always a groupie. Phyllis has a proposition for Danny. Will he risk whatever slim chance he has left with Christine to accept it?

Next Week

Amanda lays to rest old issues, Danny has heart-to-hearts with both Christine and Phyllis, Ashley surprises Tucker and concerns Jack, and Jordan closes in on a new victim.

Restless Rant! A twist to give the Newmans whiplash — plus, Danny and Tucker take the bait and an abysmal state of affairs.

Monday, March 4:

Phyllis will want a ringside seat for the conversation as Danny and Christine make a decision about their future. Will they find a way to “rock on”?

Doing their best to help their son through his mental health issues, Chelsea and Adam receive information that may be of assistance to Connor.

Perhaps in hopes of making someone else’s journey a little bit easier, Billy opens up about his past struggles. There have certainly been enough of ’em.

Tuesday, March 5:

So much has been out of Nikki’s control recently, that it might actually feel great to her to choose to keep a secret from Victor.

We have a hunch Amanda will be heading for the high road when she addresses unfinished business, no doubt with Devon and Abby.

Time for a trip to the wig store as Jordan assumes a new identity.

Wednesday, March 6:

It is a day of the week that ends in “day,” Victor and Nikki receive disturbing news.

Off his conversation with Christine, Danny sets the record straight with Phyllis. Something tells us she isn’t gonna like what she hears!

It could’ve been you, Sharon! But now sparks fly between Summer and Chance.

Thursday, March 7:

As anyone who has observed his sister’s behavior lately would, Jack worries about Ashley’s state of mind.

Devon makes a promise to Abby, something, we bet, along the lines of, “I swear you will never come home to find me having sex with someone else on our couch.”

Having succeeded in making Nikki’s life hell, Jordan sets her sights on a new target: Victoria.

Friday, March 8:

Victor gives Jordan an ultimatum. Because those always work so well on psychopaths, right?

Tucker sees a new side to Ashley. You might even say that it’s like she has a, you know… an alternate personality.

Nikki makes a distress call to Jack and not Victor. Hmm… wonder how her better half is gonna feel about that!

The Bold & the Beautiful


Finn opens up to Hope, Liam panics, and Steffy stabs Sheila in the heart. Finn confesses his true feelings about Steffy and Sheila’s altercation to Hope. Could the show be setting up a Steffy/Finn/Hope love triangle? Steffy can’t shake her overwhelming, ominous feeling about Sheila. Perhaps that’s because she remembers all the horrific things Sheila has done in the past.

Sheila’s declared dead, Finn arrives at home, and Liam warns Deacon. Not a lotta room for debate there, but nonetheless, Deacon and Liam argue about Sheila’s unpredictable behavior. What, is one of ’em theorizing that it’s very unpredictable and the other suggesting that it’s super unpredictable? Steffy and Finn encounter an unexpected challenge. We suggest that they bury it along with Sheila!

Hope feels bad for Finn, Thomas and Ridge support Steffy and Finn comes to Sheila’s defense. Carter may want to bring champagne if the unanticipated information he delivers to Ridge and Thomas is that they are finally rid of Sheila. Lucky Finn’s a doctor and can prescribe himself a sedative, because today, he reels at Steffy’s news.

Finn tells Steffy that his mother’s blood is on her hands, and Hope worries about Finn. The rumor mill is in full swing as Hope informs Brooke of Steffy and Sheila’s fight. Wait till they find out about the stabbing! Ridge and Thomas stand in support of Steffy while Finn, never exactly a candidate for Brightest Lightbulb in the Lamp, supports Sheila.

Deacon learns Sheila is dead, and Hope consoles Finn. Rather than grow his hair out and work with the FBI again, Ridge makes a request of Deputy Chief Baker. Hope is always there for a friend in need. But is that all that’s going on when she comforts a distraught Finn at Sheila’s apartment?

Next Week

The fallout from Sheila’s death continues. Caught in the middle? Steffy and Finn find themselves wondering the same thing we are: Can their marriage survive her having stabbed his mother — sorry, his biological mother, as they like to remind us — in the heart? Plus, can anyone prevent Luna from telling R.J. what really happened the night of Eric and Donna’s wedding?

Monday, March 4:

Deacon confronts Steffy, making serious allegations.

Finn tells Steffy he needs time to process the enormity of their situation.

Tuesday, March 5:

A heartbroken Deacon breaks down over Sheila’s body.

Li and Finn argue voraciously about Sheila’s death.

Steffy confides in Liam that she is concerned that her marriage may not withstand this latest tragedy.

Wednesday, March 6:

Liam threatens Finn that he will step up for Steffy if he won’t.

Hope consoles Deacon and helps him grieve.

Thursday, March 7:

Finn and Steffy come together for the first time since Sheila’s death.

Friday, March 8:

Poppy and Zende interfere in Luna’s decision to come clean to R.J.

Memories of Sheila haunt Finn.

General Hospital


Blaze’s mother’s surprise arrival forces her to make an admission, Spinelli and Maxie finally address their kiss, and Sonny gives Nina a chance to say what she needs to say to him. At long last, Eva LaRue is back on daytime as Blaze’s mom, who makes an entrance nobody is likely to forget anytime soon! Speaking of help, Nina, too, needs a little… which she hopes Ava will be able to provide. When Sonny needs assistance, he knows who to call. No, not Ghostbusters… Spinelli. Does Carly have good reason to be suspicious of John/Jagger? Curtis is there when Drew needs encouragement.

Blaze’s mother refuses to believe her daughter is gay, Sonny can forgive Nina, just not forget, and Maxie kicks Spinelli out. Perhaps hoping that maybe, just maybe, it’s not too late to save their marriage, Nina tries explaining her actions to Sonny. Drew’s behavior has been off lately. When he opens up to Carly, might we get a bit more insight into what’s going on? Or could this be the end of Drew and Carly’s relationship? It’s a big moment for Blaze and her mom, Natalia! Spixie fans, rejoice! Sure, they haven’t reunited yet, but they are definitely getting closer!

Tracy’s lawyers accidentally send Chase a prenup, Joss finds Dex, and Michael catches Dante and Michael discussing him. As the big day gets ever closer, Brook Lynn’s search is on for the perfect wedding dress. And she’ll get an assist from Tracy, Lois, and Maxie. Meanwhile, groom-to-be Chase tries to clear something up. How will Sonny react to Carly’s update? Joss is on the lookout for her beau, Dex. Scott reconnects with someone from the past.

Tracy gifts Brook Lynn with Lila’s dress, and Michael tells Joss to bring Dex home as Sonny needs his help. Dante may have his work cut out for him when he tries to play peacemaker. Worlds collide as Sonny finds himself in a confrontation with John. Will old resentments be resurfaced? The tables are turned as Brook Lynn is the one trying to reassure Chase, for a change. Lois and Tracy, butting heads? We’re totally here for it. What will Finn and Elizabeth decide about their future?

Selina, Ava, and Sonny set a trap, and John and Anna seek to stop them. Felicia has something to confess. But what and to whom? Dante takes a closer look and manages to connect the dots. Anna and John try to hash out their differences. Sonny and Spinelli have come up with a plan. Will Ava go along with it when they loop her in? Blaze and Kristina reveal something important.

Next Week

It’s the moment fans have been waiting for — Jason’s alive and returns to Port Charles! Plus, Anna learns devastating news, Maxie is stunned beyond belief, and Michael tries to reason with Dex.

Monday, March 4:

Those of you who’ve been living under a rock the past few weeks may not be aware of this, but… Jason Morgan is back in Port Charles

Sonny and Selina are right in the middle of a rather tense negotiation when it’s interrupted.

Laura makes it clear she’s none too thrilled with her brother, Cyrus.

Brook Lynn and Tracy may butt heads sometimes, but when the young woman needs someone to confide in, it’s Tracy to whom she turns.

We know two things about Heather: She’s crazy as heck, and there hasn’t been a jail or sanitarium yet that she hasn’t managed to escape. So when she tries to do exactly that today, the odds are definitely in her favor!

How will Jason’s return shake up several stories!

Tuesday, March 5:

Last week, Michael begged Josslyn to bring Dex home. So why are they in a frantic situation today?

Sonny’s been poking at John, hoping to make the erstwhile Jagger slip up. Today, he definitely manages to push a few of the fed’s buttons!

Anna is on the receiving end of some very, very bad news.

Marshall tells Curtis that things weren’t what they seemed when it came to his diagnosis.

Laura does exactly what you’d want a mayor to do: When a crisis breaks out, she acts quickly!

Rebecca Budig sends (‘ugh’) birthday greetings to the Young & Restless star who’s “the most annoying person I have ever known.”

Wednesday, March 6:

Anna has a few pointed questions for Josslyn and Dex.

They may share a son, but Olivia and Sonny don’t really spend much time together. What has them reconnecting today?

Alexis can be a bit of a nervous person, but something has her downright apprehensive today!

When Cody and Sasha decide to trade confessions, will they wind up speaking the same language?

Spinelli and Ava are in for a shock. (Does anybody else assume said shock comes wrapped in a leather jacket?)

Thursday, March 7:

Sonny and Ava share a child, the occasional common enemy,y, and, today, a potentially loaded moment!

How will Drew and Carly handle the situation that finds them operating with their hands full?

Maxie is rarely speechless, but she just might be left in that condition today!

When someone needs comfort, Laura is there to provide it.

Brook Lynn has an honest conversation with Jordan.

Friday, March 8:

Carly is about to be taken by surprise.

Nina wants answers from Ava… or at least thinks she does.

Sonny finds out exactly how much progress Jagger has made.

Michael tries impressing upon Dex just how badly his presence is needed.

Alexis is ready to blow a gasket. Good thing she has Diane to vent to!

Days of Our Lives-Peacock


Rafe questions Harris, Kayla wonders if Everett is faking, and Wendy has a panic attack. The good news? Harris is finally coming out of his coma? The bad — at least for him? He’ll immediately find himself being questioned by Rafe. Meanwhile, the patient finally waking leaves some happy… and others worrying about exactly what he might remember and say! Stephanie keeps her ears open as Marlena has a talk with Everett about his past. Wendy has a panic attack, but Tripp is right there by her side.

Paulina may need a heart transplant, Chad explodes at Everett, and Holly’s hand twitches. Shhh! Let Paulina sleep. Because while she’s slumbering, Kayla is giving her patient’s loved ones some pretty awful news. What will Johnny find when he’s finally able to visit with Holly? Meanwhile, Nicole and EJ bond as they keep a close eye on her daughter.

Upon waking from her coma, Holly asks about the party, Chad comforts Stephanie, and Tate lashes out. Alex and Kristen get together for a status update on their relationships with Theresa and Brady, respectively. At the same time, the objects of their affection are doing their best to heal the fractured relationship they have with their son. Nicole and EJ finally have a reason to celebrate. When EJ starts hurling accusations, Sarah is quick to defend Xander. Stephanie is obviously troubled about the Everett situation, which gives Chad a chance to weigh in with her while offering his advice.

Eli and Lani learn of Paulina’s condition, and Sloan finally has Eric all to herself… until she doesn’t. The past and the present blur when Ava and Steve receive word about their son, Tripp, and his girlfriend, Wendy. Given that Valentine’s Day was kind of a bust for Eric and Sloan, he decides to try and give them a do-over. Clyde issues new orders… but will Stefan follow through, especially given that they could leave someone dead?

Harris prevents Stefan from killing him, Theresa reveals some truths to Tate, and Steve recounts Catharina’s death. When Tate relocates to a halfway house in Salem, his parents can check it (and his condition) out for themselves. Holly is desperate for answers about how she wound up in a coma, but Nicole and EJ aren’t sure they want to share that info. Stefan’s marching orders from Clyde have him showing up at the hospital to make sure that Harris never checks out!

Next Week

Steve and John get information from Ava, Lucas receives a couple of visitors, and Sloan has a new client — Tate! Plus, Paulina’s condition takes a heartbreaking turn as loved ones gather around. Are we really going to have to say farewell?

Monday, March 4:

Things are looking pretty grim for Paulina, whose condition is rapidly deteriorating. Loved ones gather around in the hope of bolstering her spirits, while the patient herself discusses her fear of dying with Marlena.

Clyde makes it very clear to Ava that she has no choice but to do his bidding.

Harris may be weak, but he musters up enough strength to give Rafe crucial information about Goldman.

Julie might be in for a bit of a shock after her truth-revealing conversation with Everett!

Tuesday, March 5:

Having been given her marching orders by Clyde, Ava tells John and Steve what’s being asked of her.

Despite being in pretty serious danger, Wendy and Tripp try keeping their heads above water… metaphorically, not literally!

Lucas has been moved to a new safe house, and he’s about to get some visitors. (Don’t worry; they’re the friendly variety… as in Kate and Roman!)

Stefan must be desperate because he’s turning to EJ for help!

Wednesday, March 6:

Xander is definitely feeling deflated, but Sarah is there to offer him all the support he needs.

A desperate Brady begs Nicole to let him talk to Holly, who may be the only hope of ever setting Tate free.

When Everett gets together with Marlena for a session, things quickly get intense!

When Julie needs a helping hand, she gets four of them in the form of Chad and Roman. Later, Chad and Stephanie have a conversation regarding the latest Everett updates.

Thursday, March 7:

Eric has a chat with Nicole and then can spend a little bit of time with her troubled daughter, Holly.

Tate and his mom take a meeting with Sloan. And given that she’s his new lawyer, you can bet she’ll have a few… er… let’s go with “creative” ways to help him! But at what cost?

Leo… as a babysitter? We’ll see how that goes when he helps Sloan out by caring for Jude!

Ava, Steve, and John join forces as they put into action a plan to save Tripp and Wendy!

Friday, March 8:

If things go as planned, Clyde will soon join the long list of Salemites who’ve successfully broken out of prison. (That place really needs a better security system, no?)

Time is quickly running out for Wendy and Tripp. Will the next kiss they share be their last?

As Abe tells Paulina he loves her, Lani and Chanel fear the worst as their mom’s condition takes a nosedive.

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