Sunday, March 24, 2024

Weekly Recaps & Spoilers: March 25-29, 2024

 The Young & the Restless


Ashley develops a new alter, Connor balks at receiving treatment, and Nikki battles Victor. Too bad he hid all the liquor in the house, ’cause Victor may need a drink himself after he receives a shocking request from Nikki. Billy has a troubling encounter with Ashley. Perhaps he will be the first to figure out what’s really going on with his sister. Well, the first after us, anyway. Summer challenges Claire… maybe to step in and play Mary Poppins to lil’ Harrison? It has been mentioned once or 20 times that Victoria’s “late” daughter has a way with kids.

The Gates are open: The new soap’s boss tells about the exciting plan, its promise, and even its premiere.

Jordan pulls an ace out of her sleeve, Chelsea fears for Connor’s life, and Summer learns the truth about Claire. Looks like Adam’s off the hot seat for once. Victor tests Nick and Summer’s loyalty instead. Unable to cut herself some slack, Chelsea blames herself for Connor’s issues. Fulfillment, love, and… Claire’s future looks to be chock-full of drama with [Spoiler]! Get the details in the link. As anyone but Nikki could have predicted her plan for revenge against Jordan backfires. What will the madwoman set aflame next?

Claire dreams of the life she might have had, featuring Adam as a waiter, the return of Cassie, and Jordan as a nightmare! The Newmans support Claire as she struggles to connect with her new family. Might we recommend that they point out that they’re at least easier to get along with than Crazy Aunt Jordan?

Preview! Claire’s struggle presents a huge red flag — will [spoiler] see it?

Thursday, March 21: (Blast from the past) What a tangled web they weave! Ashley’s alternate personalities are explained.

Get the scoop! Fired RHOBH star reveals real reason she was axed!

Restless Rant! Jordan’s big bluff, Claire’s dream dissected a hot new hook-up and much more!

Next Week

Lily makes big moves in both her personal and business life, while Phyllis proves that she’s not the type of woman who easily puts the past behind her. Meanwhile, Victor is very concerned about Nikki’s state of mind, but what he does next might make things worse rather than better!

Monday, March 25:

Ever since coming home to find Daniel spending time with his ex, Lily’s been debating how to move forward. Today, she marks at least one item off her agenda by addressing some unfinished business with Heather!

Phyllis may have told Danny that she was movin’ on, but we all knew that wasn’t the case. What we didn’t know was what she’d do next… but whatever it is, it’s definitely going to put Danny and Christine on edge!

Something tells us Nikki may not love the fact that hubby Victor is suddenly questioning the decisions she’s making!

$30,000… Way to go! Conner Floyd makes tracks, inspiring one very “proud sister.”

Tuesday, March 26:

Slowly but surely, people in Genoa City are starting to notice that something’s not quite right with Ashley. The latest to pick up on the not-so-subtle signs? Jack and Traci. Maybe the Abbotts should take a look at our handy-dandy guide to Ashley’s alternate personalities.

Phyllis who? Danny focuses all his romantic energies on Cricket. (Which is not likely to go over terribly well with the redhead?)

Audra makes a decision that’s going to prove shocking to some. Will Tucker be among those caught off guard by her next move?

Wednesday, March 27:

Are Daniel and Heather going to have a future together? That could be a big topic of discussion as they find themselves worrying about what’s next.

Ever since Connor was diagnosed with OCD, the boy’s parents have been doing their best to get him help. But they’re about to hit a major roadblock when they disagree on how to move forward.

Look out, folks, ’cause Lily is about to prove that when it comes to business, she’s large and in charge!

A familiar face around the Abbott mansion is about to get a whole new look. Check it out here.

Thursday, March 28:

Should Victor and Diane be worried about the fact that yet again, Nikki is taking Jack into her confidence?

Adam needs someone to provide him with support, and Sally does what she can to provide it to him.

It’s been clear for a while now that Kyle resents his mom’s position at Jabot. You know the one he gave his blessing to? The real trick may be how Diane and her son navigate the tricky waters ahead.

Another blast from the past could become the latest threat to the future of several Genoa City residents.

Friday, March 29:

Wanting to refocus his wife — or at least keep her distracted — Victor comes up with a new plan. But who will he rope into his idea?

Claire’s brand-new life takes another exciting turn when she happens to catch the eye of someone new.

To say that Nick and Adam have never been close would be a massive understatement. So when the former offers the latter some unsolicited advice, will it go in one ear and out the other?

The Bold & the Beautiful


Hope gives Thomas an answer, Poppy asks Finn to give Luna what she wants, and Steffy doles out a warning. Hope gives Thomas an answer to his marriage proposal, and whether it’s yes or no, you know that everybody’s gonna have “feelings” about it. Luna tells Bill about her frustration not knowing who her father is. Although if you ask us, she should really be asking Liam and Wyatt about their frustration at knowing who their father is! Poppy makes a big request to Finn. Perhaps she’s going to ask that he never mention that one time that the two of them got drunk together way back when… or do the math about what it means.

Steffy tells Hope her relationship is over, and Thomas turns to Brooke for answers. Hope’s decision causes emotional fallout from the Logans and Forresters. Find out what will happen after the stunning ‘Thope’ twist here. Steffy’s anger at Hope reaches an all-time high. Of course, that really doesn’t tell us anything. Steffy would be ticked if Hope said yes because she just thinks the blonde is toying with Thomas, and she’d be pissed if Hope said no because it would prove that she’d been right all along.

The CBS soap casts a very familiar face in a role that promises to shed new light on Sheila’s “death.”

Thomas wonders if Steffy is right, Hope claps back at Steffy, and Steffy puts her on notice! Why this would be of any interest to Carter we have no idea. Nonetheless, he attempts to convince Liam that Thomas has changed. Hope and Steffy’s feud reignites when the former stands up to the latter. I Guess Steffy does have some free time now that she’s not looking over her shoulder all the time to see if Sheila is lurking. However, she should keep being vigilant.

Thursday, March 21: (blast from the past)  Wow! Check out this preview in which Hope and Steffy’s feud goes nuclear — Stephanie style!

Next Week

If you were thinking that cooler heads might prevail, we would like to have a word with you. Instead of stopping to count to 10, taking a deep breath, or even taking a shallow breath, pretty much everybody on the show flies off the handle. Meanwhile, Zende continues to dream what may be the strangest pipe dream in history.  As push comes to shove in the Team Thomas vs. Team Hope fracas.

Monday, March 25:

Thomas reels to Ridge about how Hope blindsided him.

Both defiant and angry, Steffy and Hope’s argument hits its tipping point.

Tuesday, March 26:

Ridge demands answers from Hope while Brooke defends her.

Steffy gives Thomas advice on how to get over his heartbreak.

Wednesday, March 27:

Brooke and Steffy battle over Hope and Thomas.

Hope is stunned when Thomas announces a life-changing decision.

Thursday, March 28:

Thomas and Hope have a difficult discussion with Douglas,

Steffy is pleased with her glorious victory.

Friday, March 29:

Steffy and Hope’s feud escalates as the two sling accusations at each other.

Zende asks Luna if there is a possibility of a future for them.

General Hospital


Ava offers support to Sonny, Diane comes up with a plan to get Alexis’ law license back, and Joss dumps Dex! Dex has something to tell Josslyn, and we kinda suspect she may not be happy to hear it. Tracy has never been Sonny’s biggest fan, but the two of them will share a moment. When Alexis needs a little bit of a push, her gal pal Diane is there to provide it. What was behind Marshall’s misdiagnosis? Kevin thinks he might have the answer. Meanwhile, Stella has a rather unusual and certainly unexpected encounter.

The Gates are open: The new soap’s boss tells about the exciting plan, its promise, and even its premiere.

Dex tells Anna everything, Josslyn struggles with her breakup and John tries to intimidate Liz and Danny. In need of someone to talk to, Joss turns to — who else? — her mama, Carly. Dex, meanwhile, takes Anna into his confidence. Sonny has always accepted daughter Kristina and her sexuality. Can he help Natalia recognize that she’s on the verge of pushing daughter Blaze away? Who’s paying Jason a visit, and will they shed more light on his return? Brook Lynn has some pretty harsh words for John!

It’s game, set, match for Laura Wright and Wes Ramsey, who gave a peek into their ‘amazing weekend’ together.

Molly has a surprising reaction to Alexis’ news, and James tells off Tracy! At long last, Tracy might possibly see the side of Cody which could change her opinion of him. How will Molly feel about her mom Alexis’ latest plans? Fresh off her talk with Sonny, Natalia has something of a revelation. Anna has something to share with John when they get together for a drink.

Drew offers to hire Nina back at Crimson, and Cody quits Deception causing Sasha to consider leaving too. Drew is about to make Nina an offer. Might he suggest she return to Crimson, now that Carly has given up the top slot? How bad can a photo shoot go? When the Deception crew tries to mount one, you’ll find out exactly how bad! Laura and Heather find some common ground. (Could it have something to do with Esme and Nikolas’ child, Ace?) Ah, the show seems to be remembering those visions Willow was having a while back. That would explain why she’s concerned about her actions!

Jason knows that sometimes, a guy’s best friend is his lawyer… which is why he reaches out to Diane. One theory on why Jason is really working for John Cates! Maxie is about to call Lucy out in a big way! Cody and Olivia find themselves leaning on each other. Meanwhile, Sasha makes the kind of decision that might well be called “life-changing.” Something is about to absolutely stun Brook Lynn and Chase!

Next Week

A whole lot is unfolding as Jason spills the beans, his sons butt heads, Dante’s loved ones are summoned to the hospital, and Gregory’s condition spirals. Plus, Sonny seems dangerously close to doing something that could change several relationships!

Monday, March 25:

Ever since returning to Port Charles, there have been a whole lot of questions surrounding Jason’s time away. Now, the only person who can tell us the whole story — the man himself — is finally ready to do so.

Could Cates be Jason’s ticket to freedom?

Elizabeth finds herself awash with complicated emotions. Meanwhile, Jake, too, has a lot to deal with, and finds his anger boiling over!

Seeing just how much pain Trina is in, Stella is there to provide whatever comfort she can.

Having been burned before, Michael knows he must proceed with caution.

Tuesday, March 26:

Carly has one and only one goal in mind: Getting to Jason! But will she actually manage to do so?

Something is about to leave Anna gobsmacked.

Watch out, Nina, because gal pal Ava is once again there when Sonny needs someone to lean on. Just how close will they get?

Curtis has a few suspicions…

Gregory appears to be deteriorating quickly. Is he entering the final stage of his illness… or might something ultimately come of Finn’s efforts to help his dad?

Wednesday, March 27:

It’s the moment JaSam fans have been waiting for — and those who love her with Dante might be dreading: Jason and Sam finally reunite. Meanwhile, their son, Danny, finds himself butting heads with Elizabeth and Jason’s offspring, Danny.

Dex has been trying to figure out the best way possible out of his current mess. Will the offer Anna makes prove to be exactly what he’s been looking for?

When Trina makes a heartbreaking confession, to whom is she making it?

Brook Lynn shares a message.

Thursday, March 28:

Perhaps not surprisingly, Jason’s arraignment turns into something of a fiasco as tempers flare and accusations fly. Translation: You couldn’t pay us to miss it!

What manages to catch both Carly and Alexis off guard?

Sonny finds himself filled with doubt. Could he be second-guessing what he’s believed until now to be true?

Nina makes it clear she is not the type of woman who gives up once she’s set herself on something!

Sam finally finds herself feeling hopeful.

Friday, March 29:

At long last, one of daytime’s most dynamic supercouples reunites. That’s right, Sonny and Jason, together again. But has their friendship been able to survive everything that’s gone down in recent weeks?

For the second time this week, Ava and Sonny wind up sharing a close moment. And for the second time this week, we’re wondering just how close they’ll get! Might the Friday cliffhanger leave us asking the ultimate soap question: “Will they or won’t they?”

Anna is provided with some very important information.

What is Valentin making arrangements for?

When Olivia, Danny, and Rocco are summoned to the hospital to be by Dante’s bedside, is it because he’s better or worse?

Days of Our Lives-Peacock


Stefan is faced with grim choices, John wants to turn himself in, and Eric offers to help Brady. Call us crazy, but when a DiMera talks about “pulling the trigger” — which is what EJ tells Stefan he’s about to do — we get incredibly nervous! Ava and Harris have been getting closer, and now they’re about to take things to the next level. (Hey, Ava? Don’t get too attached, as his portrayer, Steve Burton is already appearing over on General Hospital!) As Jude’s christening day approaches, Sloan and Eric find themselves having a pretty big difference of opinion.

The Gates are open: The new soap’s boss tells about the exciting plan, its promise, and even its premiere.

Xander’s released on bail, while Harris offers Stefan a deal. From behind, Sarah wraps her arms around a shirtless Xander. She wears a bra and a blanket around her shoulders. Ava finds out exactly who was behind the attempt on Harris’ life, and it’s going to rock her! Having at long last re-tied the knot, Johnny and Chanel make love. Paulina has an honest conversation with Paulina, while Roman listens to Abe’s description of a miracle. Things could get interesting for Xander and Sarah now that she is officially responsible for him!

EJ panics over Stefan, Xander fears Maggie’s being conned, and Konstantin wants Theresa to refocus.  Where should Chanel and Johnny go on their honeymoon? The new husband has an idea, which he puts forth to his wife. EJ is determined to hunt down Stefan. Eric wonders if Holly is being completely forthcoming where Tate is concerned. While Sarah and Xander are happy to enjoy some time with one another, there’s one big problem: They’re really missing Victoria. Konstantin isn’t about to let Theresa forget about their plan. Is she still on board?

Stefan turns himself in, Chad vehemently rejects Leo’s story idea, and Kayla notices Steve’s trouble. Jada advises Harris not to throw everything away for a woman. And certainly not for Ava! Everyone should be on their best behavior because Lady Whistleblower is seeking inspiration for his next column! Chad is shocked by the condition in which Stefan shows up on his doorstep. Paulina and Abe not only have something to celebrate but, with a little help from loved ones, a bit of a party at which to do it!

Konstantin’s declaration could change everything, Stefan and EJ make a deal, and Sloan gets honest (ish) with Nicole. EJ thought he couldn’t be surprised by anything Stefan might do, but it turned out he was wrong! Ava thinks things are looking up for Stefan, but Harris is about to tell her otherwise! John’s plan for the day? Apologize to Konstantin… and then turn himself in! How will Eric feel upon seeing Sloan and Nicole discussing christening plans?

Next Week

Secrets are being kept all over town, and the stage is set for the biggest one of all to explode. Can the christening go off without a hitch? Meanwhile, there’s much discussion of Konstantin and his motives, Marlena tries soothing John’s troubled soul, and Holly is …

Monday, March 25:

What does Konstantin do that has Maggie seeing him differently? And might she finally be getting a glimpse into the type of man he really is? Meanwhile, Sarah tries convincing Xander that Konstantin has changed his ways. And certainly, Xander, of all people, should understand just how possible that is… right?

Rocked by recent revelations, John struggles to deal with his past even as those closest to him offer their support. But can Steve and Marlena get through to him?

Kristen and Alex cook up a wicked scheme that they hope will get them everything they want. But will Brady and Theresa walk into the trap being set for them?

Tuesday, March 26:

They’ve faced death and proclaimed their love… but are Wendy and Tripp ready for what comes next?

Abe and Paulina take a moment to reflect on the true miracles they’ve been blessed enough to experience.

It looks as if Alex and Kristen’s plan has at least partially worked. How do we know? Because Brady is about to get up in his rival’s face! Meanwhile, Kristen has to figure out exactly how to play Theresa. One wrong step and all could be lost!

Wednesday, March 27:

Holly is ready to tell Nicole the truth about Tate and the drugs. But is her mom actually ready to hear what she has to say?

Being the sensitive soul he is, Tate puts pen to paper and journals about his very complicated feelings for Holly.

Marlena and Eric have a long conversation about the difficult-at-best dynamic between Sloan and Nicole as they prepare for the baby’s christening.

Xander visits Harris to drop a little bit of news on him. Basically, the Aussie wants it known that he was not the one who shot Harris!

Things have gotten complicated for Stephanie and Everett, which means they need to sit down and try to sort things out!

Thursday, March 28:

Something tells us these next few episodes will be important. Why? Because folks are gathering for Jude’s christening. And let’s just say that in this town, events like this tend to go a tad off the rails…

Things get off to a rough start as Nicole and EJ find themselves struggling to deal with Holly.

Marlena has her hands full in trying to convince John that right now, the most important thing he can do is forgive himself. But it seems unlikely he’ll be able to do so as easily as his wife might like!

Melinda has instructions for Leo, which boil down to two simple words: Keep. Quiet!

Brady and Roman are there to offer their support when it’s needed.

Friday, March 29:

As the christening ceremony gets underway, one question hangs in the air: Will the truth about the baby finally come to light?

As a former priest, Eric is used to hearing confessions. But how will he react to the one Holly is about to make!

Nothing good can come of it when Leo, Melinda, and Sloan get together to make a pact.

Theresa makes it clear to Tate that she wants answers from him, and she wants them now!

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