Saturday, October 16, 2021



The Young and the Restless

Nick, fresh from his dispute with sister, is launched into a clash with his dad — perhaps over Victor’s unique wedding gift to Ashland and Victoria? And the father/son duo aren’t the only ones to get into it this week as Lauren corners Chloe, and Sally pushes her luck with Adam. Meanwhile, Sharon receives a big surprise courtesy of Noah, and Abby gets shocking news! Find out who will face an ethical dilemma, who will tempt fate and more.

Friday, October 15:

Billy and Lily face a massive dilemma after a near-miss involving Gaines and Nick. Plus, Sally’s dress makes waves and Ashland and Victoria tie the knot!

We can’t even imagine what else could happen to keep these two apart, but nonetheless, trouble looms as family and friends gather to celebrate the nuptials of Victoria and Ashland. Will the power couple merge both personally and professionally, or will the big Italian wedding go down in history as a big Italian fiasco instead?! No matter what happens, at least we’ll always have their romance to remember!

Week of October 18:

Y&R Restless Rant! Hot topics: Ashland and Victoria’s wedding week and questions if a murder mystery is about to happen. Plus, NuNoah, Sally’s triumph, Mariah on self-destruct, gnarly Nick and much more!

Monday, October 18:

When Victor gives Victoria and Ashland a unique wedding gift, we’ve got to wonder: Will it be Gaines’ dead body in the river? ‘Cause that would be really great for the couple. They’d never again have to worry about him putting Newman-Locke in jeopardy, that’s for sure!

It’s not the first time, and it probably won’t be the last! When Billy and Lily face an ethical dilemma, could it perhaps have to do with deciding whether or not to publish a story on Ashland’s fraud involving Camilla Rhodes’ will? Knowing that it could damage Victoria’s company, one would think Billy wouldn’t go there (especially since he’s infuriated her quite enough lately). On the other hand, it’s… just business right?

Nick rebounds from a heated confrontation, which leaves us dying to know with whom he got into it at Victoria’s wedding. The bride, the groom, Jack… or even Phyllis? Regardless, Victor was determined that no one would cause a scene on his daughter’s special day, so it’s not going to go over well at all.

Tuesday, October 19:

Here we go again: Jack confides in Phyllis. We can’t help but feel that it’s a bad idea for him to continue to whisper in her ear, given that he confessed to her boyfriend that he’s still in love with her. Nick may have been accepting initially, but if this keeps up, things are bound to come to a head!

Sure, Adam stepped up to save Sally’s bacon when Summer spotted her at the wedding. But considering that he warned her that they weren’t going to be an item, or even friends, it’ll be fascinating to see how he reacts when she presses her luck with him.

See! We knew Victor wouldn’t be happy with Nick. Fireworks are bound to fly in Italy when The Mustache and his son settle some unfinished business.

Wednesday, October 20:

Same ol’ song and dance… Nikki’s an old hand at playing the role of family peacekeeper, but will she be successful this time around when she tries to repair the rift between Victor and Nick?

At long last, Lily and Billy leave enemy territory. Meaning Tuscany, where they never should have been in the first place, given that Nikki told her former son-in-law that he wasn’t welcome at the wedding. Which made it particularly strange when she spotted him on the palazzo’s terrace and called out, “Hello! Welcome!” But… bygones, we guess. Strange, inexplicable bygones.

When Lauren backs Chloe into a corner, the fur is sure to fly! We can only assume that Ms. Fenmore will be fuming over the wedding-dress switcheroo in Italy that left her gown on the proverbial dressing-room floor.

Thursday, October 21:

Former neighbors cross paths when Devon points Adam in the right direction. Of course, whether Adam can possibly continue going in the right direction is an altogether different matter.

When Mariah welcomes Tessa home, she may get a cool reception herself, considering that she hung up the phone on her girlfriend when she reached out from overseas. Maybe they need reminding of all that they’ve been through already? Maybe this photographic review of their romance will do the trick?

Abby keeps up appearances, which sure sounds like she’s attempting to cover up the truth about something. Is the new mama struggling to cope without the help of her never-present hubs? Why isn’t there already a new Chance, anyway? We only recently suggested several actors who’d be perfect for the role.

Friday, October 22:

Victoria and Ashland make plans for the future, which is intriguing, considering that he’s suffering from a terminal illness. Will there be a miracle cure for the powerful mogul? Or are the newlyweds plotting out how they’ll make the most of the time that he has left?

It’s going to be a joyous day for Sharon when Noah surprises her. Will he bring with him the news that he’s decided to return permanently from overseas? We can only hope!

Uh-oh. We feel like it’s never good when Christine delivers shocking news. Buckle up, Abby, this must have to do with Chance!


The Bold and the Beautiful

$Bill pulls out all the stops to win back his Katie girl, and Brooke urges Donna to reclaim the honey bear that she thinks is the bee’s knees. Meanwhile, Carter lands on the hot seat with Eric, and when Sheila spots an opportunity to use Deacon to manipulate Hope and Finn, of course she takes full advantage of it! Who will kiss and tell, and much more.

Friday, October 15:

Quinn goes to end it with Carter, who implores her to run away with him! Plus, Zende reacts to Paris’ news and a desperate Bill pleads for another chance with Katie!

Bill goes to great lengths to set things straight with Katie, but will it even matter at this point since Brooke seems to have her sister earmarked to take Quinn’s place with Eric? We all know that what Brooke wants, Brooke gets! Which also begs the question: How will Donna react to being stabbed in the back by her siblings?!

It sounds like the beginning of the end when Eric takes a stand and makes a heartbreaking demand of Quinn. Will he insist that she move on with her life without him since he has no clue how to satisfy her in the bedroom given his erectile dysfunction? And if so, will the hot-to-trot jewelry designer resolve to stay by his side and give up Carter, or will she cave to his wishes and move out as Ridge so fervently hoped?!

Annika Noelle (Hope) sends an emotional message to her followers after sharing her heartrending story: “I see you… I hear you… I grieve with you.”

Week of October 18:

Monday, October 18:

It was only last week that Katie teared up as she remembered Bill referring to her sister Brooke as the love of his life. Given how deep that hurt goes, will he stand a chance when he gives it his all in an attempt to win back Katie’s trust?

Now that their Eric-sanctioned sexual arrangement has come under the scrutiny of the Forresters, Carter and Quinn’s relationship reaches a tipping point. Will they finally decide to be together or resolve to deny their connection and part ways forever?

Tuesday, October 19:

Paris and Zende take their relationship to the next level, but something tells us the designer had better enjoy this closeness while it lasts. With Thomas taking an interest in the beautiful and talented Ms. Buckingham, it’s only a matter of time before they’re all added to our photo gallery of the show’s most memorable love triangles.

When Bill interrupts a moment between Ridge and Brooke to ask for a favor, it can only have to do with Katie. Ridge certainly can’t be counted on to help his nemesis, but will Brooke agree to put in a good word for the desperate man she once enthusiastically called “Stallion”?

Wednesday, October 20:

Seemingly not content to let Quinn make her own decisions about her life, Eric puts Carter on the spot regarding his intentions with his wife. Will the ab-fabulous exec confess that he wants to make the jewelry designer his own?

Zende confides in Hope about the fantastic night that he shared with Paris, which leaves us concerned that she might find herself caught in the middle of her Hope For the Future designers if Thomas also confesses that he’s interested in the beauty.

And if you think that potential battle is something, wait till you get a load of the “epic fight” that precipitated a Bold & Beautiful alum’s on-screen death — and why he doesn’t necessarily think that’s the end for his character.

Thursday, October 21:

It appeared that Brooke was stabbing Donna in the back by telling Katie to “be there” for Eric, but in the end, the blonde comes through for her middle sister when she urges her to accept her feelings and fight for the man she loves.

The ever-conniving Sheila seizes an opportunity with Deacon when she spots Finn and Hope nearby, but will the manipulation get her the result she’s hoping for? Knowing Sheila as we do, it’s a good bet it will.

Friday, October 22:

She shoots, she scores! When Hope and Finn witness Sheila and Deacon, the connivers’ kids are stunned. But what comes after that? Will the she-devil be able to manipulate them into giving her the reaction that she wants? Perhaps you can guess what Hope will do next...

Aw, we’re in honey-bear heaven reading this! Eric is moved when he learns of Donna’s true feelings. Will the sexy blonde be able to allay her former hubby’s worries about ending up alone if he parts ways with Quinn… and might she be able to help solve his issue in the bedroom as well?


General Hospital

Jason joins Britt on an unexpected trip, Robert tries getting the truth from someone not inclined to be honest, and Spencer has his day in court.

Week of October 11:

GH Soapbox: Dishing the infuriating Cassadine rewrite, and Sonny and Carly not coming clean with each other.

Monday, October 11:

Ava has Spencer arrested, Alexis lectures Nikolas, and Carly clears the air with Britt.

Spencer attempts to apologize, but will the person on the receiving end accept the offered olive branch? Elsewhere in the teen scene, Josslyn and Cameron find themselves disagreeing. (Anyone else want to bet their dispute has something to do with Esme?)

Alexis takes Nikolas to task.

When Shawn talks to Jax about the investigation into Hayden’s disappearance, will new information come to light?

Nina has known for some time that her actions in Nixon Falls would have consequences. Today, she’ll begin to find out exactly what they are!

Tuesday, October 12:

Carly listens to Jason where Nina is concerned, Ava encourages Nikolas to let Spencer hit rock bottom, and Shawn shares his suspicions with Alexis.

Jax and Sonny are probably the last two people anyone would expect to work together, yet circumstances cause them to forge an alliance. Meanwhile, Jason is exactly where he needs to be in order to prevent Carly from doing something she would very likely regret!

Brando and Sasha get a visitor.

Nikolas, still reeling from the recent revelations regarding Spencer, gets advice from Ava. But will he be in a place where he can hear what she has to say?

Shawn tells Alexis the power is in her hands… if she wants to use it.

As Cameron Mathison shares a cancer update, he throws his wholehearted support behind his beloved mom as she fights the disease.

Wednesday, October 13:

Nina’s words prompt Sonny to confront Jason, Ava wants to revisit Avery’s custody arrangement, and Olivia accuses Brook Lynn of using Leo.

Will things between Sonny and Nina get easier or more complex when he lays down a few ground rules regarding how they’ll move forward?

When Carly has to make a choice, things take an unexpected turn.

Austin is a man who could use a friend or two, particularly if they’re connected to the Quartermaine clan. But will Jason be open to the newbie’s overtures

Brook Lynn takes things to the next level.

Britt is pretty much at her wit’s end, unsure what her next move should be.

Thursday, October 14:

Jason tells Sonny the truth about his feelings for Carly, Ava encourages Nina to fight for Sonny, and Austin confronts Brook Lynn after getting suspended from the hospital.

Meanwhile, when Carly and Josslyn have a much needed heart-to-heart chat, who is more in need of comforting and support?

Trina’s caught off guard by her own feelings.

Maxie’s always been an act first, think later kinda gal, so how will she take it when Austin suggests she proceed with caution?

Britt may have to choose the lesser of two or more evils as she weighs her options.

Friday, October 15:

Drew realizes Peter is controlling him, Spencer refuses Ava’s offer, and Britt turns to Jason for help.

After everything they’ve been through in the past year, Sonny and Carly realize they need to sit down and have a long talk about what comes next.

Esme cranks up the emotions as she tries appealing to Nikolas’ softer side.

Robert is about to make a downright shocking discovery. Fingers crossed it has to do with the “late” Holly, whose portrayer just set the Internet ablaze with a photo that seems to confirm that she tied the knot. Take a peek, and you be the judge.

Week of October 18:

GH Soapbox: The Nixon Falls fallout dominates, while other storylines suffer — like Crete where things are getting good.

Monday, October 18:

As Curtis and Portia continue to bond, he opens up to share more about his past.

Jason’s had his suspicions for a while, and Spinelli is about to confirm them, for better or worse.

Off yesterday’s discovery, Robert and Anna make a decision that will likely catch some off guard.

Sam and Dante face a roadblock. Will they give up, or do the whole “try, try again” thing?

Being a Cassadine, it probably shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone when Victor starts issuing some pretty horrendous orders!

Tuesday, October 19:

Let’s face it: If you were in trouble, Anna is exactly who you would want in your corner. Fortunately for Valentin, she’ll be there when he needs a helping hand.

Will the discovery made by Sam and Dante put them any closer to solving a mystery?

Someone is keeping a very close eye on Curtis and Portia.

Finally having something to celebrate, Nikolas and Ava hit The Savoy.

What’s the disturbing news that Jason and Britt find out today?

Wednesday, October 20:

Nina doesn’t have many people in her corner these days. Will Curtis stand by her side?

Terry receives an unexpected call… but who is on the other end of the line?

Things are about to get a bit awkward between Elizabeth and Finn.

Britt’s in need of help, so Jason announces he’s leaving town to assist her.

Olivia and Ned haven’t been seeing eye to eye of late. Does the fact that she agrees to meet him for dinner indicate things are about to take a turn toward the better?

Thursday, October 21:

Sonny continues to reconnect with his loved ones. Today, it’s nephew Spencer. Will their talk help the troubled young man?

When Nina has an idea, we can’t help wondering if it’s a good or bad one!

What’s got Willow concerned about Michael?

Monica offers Austin a bit of advice, but will he agree to simply make peace and move on?

Brook Lynn can’t help feeling like she’s scored a victory.

Friday, October 22:

It’s the day of Spencer’s arraignment. Are Joss and Cam there to offer their support?

When Michael strikes a bargain, is it in his business or personal life?

Robert hopes to get the truth out of Victor, to which we can only say… yeah, good luck with that. Meanwhile, Anna is presented with a proposition.

The next leg of Jason and Britt’s adventure begins as they arrive in Greece.


Days of Our Lives

One man becomes very suspicious of his wife’s actions, as wedding details worry a bride-to-be. Plus, a theory is shared, plans to silence a Salemite are made and someone’s rushed to the hospital!

Week of October 18:

Days Soapbox: Johnny needs to show some respect, Chloe needs to dump Philip, and Eli needs more to do.

Monday, October 18:

Marlena makes a decision that’s going to absolutely floor both John and Johnny. (But we fans, aware of what’s really going on with her, probably won’t be quite as surprised!)

Over the years, Steve has had some pretty wild adventures with the ISA. But even he’ll be surprised by his latest assignment!

Bonnie and Gwen wind up sharing a cell. Anybody else see a buddy flick in the making?

Victor tries to throw around his metaphorical weight by taking a meeting with Melinda in order to have her do his bidding. But will it work?

Tuesday, October 19:

It seems that Marlena’s unusual behavior of late has finally gotten John’s attention. But when he ponders the possibility of her being possessed yet again, will he allow himself to accept that the devil has once again taken control of his beloved Doc?

On the heels of Marlena’s big move yesterday, Johnny’s ready to start production of his movie!

Kate and Lucas offer up Philip a little advice about his love life. But honestly, given their track records, maybe he should seek help elsewhere! Meanwhile, the object of Philip’s affection (and borderline obsession), Chloe, finds herself being made an offer by Brady!

Wednesday, October 20:

Abigail has been suspicious of Jack’s other daughter for quite some time. But when at last she fills Chad in on her theory about Gwen having lied to their dad, will her husband believe her?

You might recall that EJ and Nicole’s first attempt at a dinner date didn’t go particularly well. Thinking it worth another go, EJ suggests they have a do-over date. But he’ll have to squeeze it in between questioning sessions as Kayla and Steve team up to try and get information from him.

Justin urges Bonnie to stay strong and hold out hope.

Thursday, October 21:

Abe thinks it would be awesome to have his longtime friend Marlena officiate when he and Paulina tie the knot. Paulina, however, isn’t so sure…

When Jake takes things into his own hands, will he have the desired result or only make a bad situation worse?

Julie’s had just about enough of being kept at arm’s length from her beloved Doug. But when she demands Marlena let her see the patient, things may not go as Julie hopes! Meanwhile, John searches Marlena’s office for answers as to his wife’s recent behavior.

Friday, October 22:

Remember how in yesterday’s teasers we asked if Jake was about to make things worse? Well, today he winds up in police custody, so that answers that question!

How does Abe go from happily planning his future with Paulina to being rushed to the hospital?

Ruh-roh… it looks like Marlena (or rather, the demon sharing her body) has decided that Julie must be kept quiet at all costs! Is this really the end for Doug’s beloved wife? Meanwhile, John is downright befuddled by what he discovers. Will he finally clue in to what’s going on with his wife?

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